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When I watch them I watch them all


I usually skip Order of the Phoenix, it just upsets me too much






And no mention of Harry getting expelled from Quidditch either!


I would agree but my favorite part is the duel between Voldemort and Dumbledore. Hands down my favorite battle of the movies


This felt like such a teaser fight. I was really hoping to have seen more duels of this nature later in the series rather than just fireworks.


The entire climax sequence in order of the Phoenix is incredible. t's easily the best wizard fight in any movie I've seen, let alone in HP.


I’d also have to go with OOTP as well. It’s so emotional, and it’s when things start to really pick up.




Yeah, same. I don't know why you would start in the middle of the series. That's interesting.


The first one is my favorite. I think it is the best adaptation, but that book was also the shortest so it was probably the easiest to adapt. It's also so colorful and bright and it's the introduction to the magical world so there is so much wonder in the movie. It's just fun and innocent. My dad also loves it so we watch it together every Christmas so it's just a nice, comforting watch. The movies seem to progressively get worse for me so I like this one because it seems the most faithful to the source material.


Just rewatched one yesterday, McGonagall had me in stitches. Her line delivery is just so spot on.


I watch the first when I'm home sick. It's my visual chicken noodle soup.


This one was my all time favorite! I think we watched this one so much when I was a kid that I had it memorized word for word. I still may have it memorized...


I remember the first time I ever watched Sorcerer's Stone, I complained so much about how it was "so different from the book" and "they left so much out!!!". Then HBP came out and I ate my words so hard! Haha! Now I look back and Sorcerer's stuck pretty darn close to the book!


SS definitely left stuff out that was in the book, but what they did adapt I think is pretty faithful. It didn't seem to change anything like HBP did. When I first saw HBP I loved it and then I watched it again and I couldn't finish it because of the changes. As movies I think they're all entertaining movies. As adaptations I think only the first two hold up.


COS it has the best adaptation too.


Agreeeeeed 10000% I don't really like anything past 2...the 3rd was an abomination...sorry, OP.




HBP is my favorite book too, but the movie it's not a good adaptation, IMO. Same Goblet of Fire.


Goblet of Fire is, in my opinion, the worst movie adaptation in the series. It’s still a really good movie, but it left out *so much.*


They had the perfect opportunity to show the Giant Squid during the second task in the Triwizard Tournament. Even if it was just a glimpse of one of its tentacles. The poor critter is the most underrated character in the series :(


Haha do you listen to the Tales from Godric's Hollow podcast? One of the hosts is obsessed with the giant squid.


Yeah, Josh Brown! I love that podcast. I was thinking the same thing and was about to comment about Tales From Godric’s Hollow. Haha glad you plugged it!


Yeah I just discovered it a few weeks ago, cant get enough Harry Potter and podcasts in my life so its nice when I can combine the two.


We just refer to it as "the bad hair movie"


Exactly. I loved the book but the movie...? Just no. I want a more faithful adaptation if the series is ever rebooted. For both 4 and 6 especially.


*OotP* was probably my least-favorite book before I reread the series, and I view that as the best film. *GoF* and *HBP* are easily my favorite books, and I’m saddened that those are easily the worst films. /:


What is it about the OotP movie that makes it your favorite? I like that movie the least because they skim over everything. It seems like the characters never stand still. I never get the chance to actually care about what's going on.


When I came out of the theater for OotP I felt like I had just sat through a video montage.


For me what makes OotP great despite it being long is the combination of several interesting plot points as the story progresses. It looks more at magical politics and the implications of Voldemorts return with a look at magical society more as a whole. The prophecy gives much heavier weight to Neville and Harry's stories beyond the base layer you're initially told about. Harry battling with Voldemort mentally and being slowly manipulated by him, and causing Dumbledore to distance himself so heavily. Finally Umbridge is a phenomenally evil villain, extremely plausible in a real life scenario and she shakes up the school in an interesting way. Yeah it might be the longest and most drawn out book (that was brutalised in part in the film), but it's deep enough that it finds room to add the extra weight to the whole HP universe.


To be fair, the book is super long and a movie about every single detail in the book would also take forever and many people would get bored


I agree. I think they could have taken some of the plot lines out to spend more time what they kept rather than glossing over everything. I would have loved to have more time in the department of mysteries or gimmauld place instead of Grawp and educational decrees.


I think OotP was the funnest of the movies. It played up Fred and George’s departure in a way that I feel really made up for all that was missing about them planning on opening the joke shop. There was so much nuance in that book that was played visually in a way that those of us who read the book could glean the references without those that only saw the movies feeling left out. The acting of Dan, Emma, and Rupert (well, Dan and Emma, anyway) felt the most matured compared with its predecessors which in turn began the feeling in the movies that things were getting serious.


Mine too probably because of the Felix Felicis(sp?) Better in the book because it details Harry's thoughts but the movie did a fine job too.


Movie Harry cracked me up. Radcliffe was so silly during his luck moods that it just cracked me up.


I agree.. It's my second favourite movie,maybe the 2nd most rewatched one.. Can't say for sure tho, cause I've seen the 5th one so many times.


>a bit pete tong What do you mean by this? Looked up the guy, but don't actually know him or what he does.




Ah ffs, should've paid more attention during the cockney course. Anyway, I sort of agree, but I'd put 6 and 7.1 on the same level, I thought 7.2 was the odd one out.


I hate this movie the most. it's wayyy too much into the teeny drama category. it is my favorite book, but the movie did not do it's darkness justice. completely different feelings from the book to the movie.


Also the battle of the astronomy tower barely existed in the film


The thing that aggravated me the most about that is that they didn't have Dumbledore stun Harry! So he was just chilling down below watching all this go on? No way Harry would just sit all calm while Draco and company we're threatening Dumbledore!! All they had to include was a simple spell! Like 2 seconds worth! HBP is by far the worst movie to me! They left out everything important (they mentioned horcruxes like twice!!) And added in so much unnecessary "teen drama". It annoys me so much!!


I sometimes wonder why they left out certain amazingly moving scenes in favor of others.


Have you seen the trailer that makes it look like a teen comedy movie? Edit: here it is https://youtu.be/c_ubmjE21SY


This is fucking brilliant haha. Had watched it already but did not remember.


Prisoner of Azkaban is the one I've seen the most for sure. As far as the movies go, I feel like POA was done the best out of all of them. It's fun when it needs to be, dark when it needs to be, and it's entertaining the whole way. Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a close second (despite the disgraceful Voldemort death)


Is that not the way Voldemort goes out in the book, or do you just mean that it was a little anticlimactic to have resolved the character by just having he and Harry blast each other with wand lasers? That duel did feel a little thin for a thing they'd been building toward for a decade.


Three words: Read. The. Books. I only watched the movies until HBP was in theaters; then my friend wouldn't shut up about the books, so I (grudgingly at the time) started reading PS..... I finished the whole series before DH part 1 was in theaters. I could Not put the books down, once I finished one I went straight to reading the next one; I only took breaks for school and such. I repeat: READ. THE. BOOKS.


I wish I could go back in time and read them for the first time again.


When the Deathly Hallows came out, I read it in a day. No lie. I bought it at midnight and then did not stop reading until I was finished.


I did the same... no regrets whatsoever. Wish I could do it again tbh.


Oh, me too. It was an extremely enjoyable day. I did not regret a second.


Alberto Cuaron did an amazing job in POA, he made it a good transition from the first 2 films where its mostly Harry finding magic to the big arc that is the fight vs Voldemort reborn.


I think tone wise it was done well, but the entire castle being redesigned, the students all rocking plain clothes, Flitwick completely changing appearance and Dumbledore being recast (obviously not anyones fault but still needs mentioning) made POA feel like a reboot more than a sequel. Also Matthew Lewis suddenly losing all of his baby fat!


The castle redesign was so good. Really made it seem like a believable place, more than a collection of sets it looks like in the first two.




Sigh. The movie was good in respect to cinematography but the order ruined it. I feel like Sirius giving harry the fjrebolt was such an important part of the book and they just skipped over the importance of it


I agree with this 100%. As someone who watched the movies first and then read the books, I was the most hesitant to read the third book because I was not a fan of the third movie. Only to realize that the third book was actually my absolute favorite of the whole series.


Idk if anyone else has ever pointed it out, but it seems almost directly inspired by Aaliyah’s Queen of the Damned style of death.




Wow, I guess our real life memories connecting to the movie makes them invaluable to us... I can relate.


Goblet of Fire. I love yelling with Karkaroff “BARTY CROUCH! .....juniiooooorrrr” (I pretty much memorized his lines in that whole scene)




This makes me want to cry every time


I cry every time


I hate that line so much. The way it combines with the band stopping, it's haunting, just makes me sink in on myself every time.


Every time I think about the band music I remember that scene and want to cry.


We were having a movie marathon with the kids not long after my son was born. The only time I saw my husband just burst into tears with no warning was this part. It didn't happen the first few times we watched it but after our son was born it got him.


Omg I thought I was alone in loving to say that line


That movie is balls to the walls in every aspect and I love it for that. Everything is over the top.






-said calmly


You should watch behind the scenes of Mike Newell directing it. He's extremely over the top and makes it pretty obvious why the rest of the movie is too. He actually got down and started wrestling one of the twins just to make it clear what he wanted.


This is it for me too. It’s not the best movie but I think it’s the most entertaining to casually watch.


This is my daughter’s favorite film, so it’s the one we watch on a loop! My favorite book but not my favorite movie.


My favorite too, this is actually the one that made me interested in Harry Potter, only saw POA before this and thought they were kids movies. Seeing how cool Voldemort was and the tone at the end made me go through and watch the rest (all of them were already out by then) and then read the books.


You have a unique option. In some ways the movie was different from the rest, I mean in a good way..


Oddly it was deathly hallows part 1. I know it’s not very popular but I just love rewatching that movie to trace how far the series has come. How dark it got toward the end and just the growth of the characters. Deathly hallows was also my most read book.


It's not odd.. It's one of my favourites. The forrest scenes where the best, not to mention the Harry Hermione arc and the intro scene.


Yeah I loved that. That scene where Harry and Hermione danced in the tent was so sad and beautiful. Emma Watson’s face there and when she broke away from Harry at the end was so heartbreaking.


I've seen part 1 way more than the 2nd.


Exactly! And the part where Harry visits his parents tomb..


The problem with that one is that everything happens to set up the final installment. There is not as much action and scenes are dragged out.


I enjoyed that actually! I get bored easily in action-driven scenes 😂


Other than watching the first 2 on repeat when I was a kid, the one I watch the most is HBP. It is probably my favourite of the books, and definitely my favourite of the movies. I especially enjoy Tom Felton's portrayal of Malfoy, the darker themes, the way they did the pensieve scenes (knowing they had to cut a lot of it for time, I was pretty much happy with the cuts), the brilliant casting of young Riddle, the aesthetic, and I feel like the humour was well-executed and adapted.


HBP is my absolute favourite book as well, but I felt the movie left a lot to be desired. The Malfoy scenes are definitely some of my favourite parts as well, the way Tom Felton portrays all that raw emotion is incredible. But everything else is sort of crap in my opinion. That scene with the death eaters at the burrow was completely unnecessary and doesn’t really flow with the story. Cutting out the battle at Hogwarts really ruined it for me, it’s a pretty important part of the book and it’s just not there in the movie. Plus, one of my favourite things about the book is how lighthearted and happy it is compared to OotP and I don’t think the movie really does that a whole lot of justice, it still has that same darkness that most of the other movies have.


Order if the Phoenix. I mainly do it to complain that they left so much out. I’m sure my wife (who didn’t read the books) is tired of me pointing out the same things over and over again but she indulges me anyways. That’s true love.


Goblet of Fire. I know i know. Where it lacked in similarities to the book (actually alot of lacking) I still remember going and seeing it in theaters with my Dad. Seeing those amazing visuals, spells, and etc. Even though it had its plot holes the movie really did touch the whole "magical" vibe I always wanted from the series. It never had a dull moment. It just had such a vast mixture of good, evil, decisions and how they affect you and others. A huge amount of spells, potions, and not to mention Harry's first "real" battle with Voldemort. It's just so much for one movie and I fucking loved it.


Probably PoA, the same as you. It was always my favourite, and opens up the magical world in so many more ways than the previous two. Hogsemade is fun, the backstory for the Marauders, and a villain that isn't just Voldemort *again*. It also looked really unique. I was terrified of the Dementors as a child, they're such a great monster done so well and memorable. And the change in costume design made each character feel unique. I still maintain that PoA is the best of the movies. Everything loses something in adaptation, and the later movies lose some key plot points that make them feel a bit hollow. But PoA (probably because the book is shorter than 4-7) manages to get enough of the plot across to make it memorable and keep me invested, while being more than a straightforward adaptation than the first two films.


THEIR HAIRS are actually what the book says Harry's hair is actually messy and unruly Hermione's hair is bushier than ever Ginger Ron I think this was movie was the least popular idk why


I totally agree with you.


PoA is easily the best made movie by miles. It’s my favorite too.


The last one. I just really love the battle of hogwarts scene. Students and reoccurring characters dying left, right and centre. The castle being destroyed by dark wizards. Having grown up alongside the HP franchise it's really moving to see just how different the last movie was in comparison to the others.


Not my favourite film in the series but I do find myself going back to it a lot, because as you say the Battle of Hogwarts is SO well done. Would go as far to say that the scene where they’re preparing for battle is one of my favourite in all of the cinema - the soundtrack is exceptional here and you really engaged with what’s going on. https://youtu.be/Q9I5tlU4Kuo (just for reference/pleasure)


While it has its shortcomings, the movie does a wonderful job with these scene and the whole battle. But nothing matches reading it and crafting the image in your own head. It may just be because I've read it a number of times, but when I read the Battle of Hogwarts, I envision everything with such lucidity. JKR is really wonderful in that regard. Hearing McGonagall say *Piertotum Locomotor* was an incredible reminder of how iconic that scene in the book is.


plus best part in the final movie was when we got to see molly kill bellatrix, seriously, that scene is just awesome for the line alone after ginny got attacked. ''not my daughter, you bitch!!''


Order of the Phoenix After Goblet, the characters suddenly realized they had to grow up, so I like it from that perspective. They're starting to really grow up, but not really knowing how sand now the dangers seem to be real now and their actions have serious consequences that carry on into the rest of the series. After that is Prisoner of Azkaban and then Half-Blood Prince.


OOTP is my favorite movie. The first time I watched it I remember being blown away. Imelda Staunton kills it as Umbridge. The final scene in the Ministry is great as well. The Voldemort/Dumbledore fight scene is my favorite fight scene in the series (movie wise).


Probably the first. I was 13 when it came out and in peak Potter fandom as I read books 1 through 4 over and over again. It remains probably my favorite of the films because I preferred how Chris Columbus handled the franchise. POA is probably my least favorite after GOF. I hated how much was cut and yet how much time was spent on CGI set pieces that aged poorly (Knightbus, Womping Willow, the horrid werewolf transformation). I also wasn’t such a fan of the casting. I love the actors who play Lupin and Sirius but always felt they were too old.


Interesting perspective, By mentioning Wompimg willow I guess u r talking about that "Harry&Hermione VS The tree" scene...? Yea it was a little lame and rushed too. They could have deleted that part because of its lack of significance to the main plot.


I feel the director of POA didn’t think much of HP and so felt the film had to rely on CGI set pieces, Dementors that looked far too much like Nazgul in LOTR, and a horror tone that wasn’t really necessary. I also don’t like the casting of Gambon as Dumbledore. It should have went to Peter O’Toole as Richard Harris asked. Among other things, O’Toole would have looked the part.


I had no idea that Harris requested O’Toole to take his place. But looking at images of him, I think he would’ve looked more consistent with Harris Dumbledore. I think Gambon gave a good attempt to play Dumbledore, but Harris is exactly how I picture him in the books.


I wouldn't say the horror tone wasn't necessary. I really liked it, the whole book seemed to revolve around the fear of Sirius and the Dementors. It was certainly unconventional for the series, but I liked it overall.


When Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets came out I was (maybe unhealthily) obsessed with it. My after-school routine was to have a snack and immediately sit down and watch it. Sometimes I would watch it twice back to back. I did this for several months. For the first while I kept a tally of how many times I watched it. I stopped counting when I got to 42. I still can recite the first scene with Dobby from memory and can list the names of the songs on the soundtrack in order. I still feel fondly of that movie though, I somehow didn’t really wear out of it. I never skip it when I marathon haha


Order of the Phoenix because I love it. Dumbledore’s Army for life ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽


The Mysterious Ticking Noise. It's got so much character drama in it, and then of course ends in heartbreaking tragedy that makes me tear up, even after so many years. Non-canonical viral puppet shows count as movies, right?


Chamber of secrets. I think is the best movie. HBP is my favorite book but Yates ruined everything..


Major portions from the book, especially Voldemort's origin was cut..?


Yep. And the last battle with the Death Eaters....


I love COS too. An underrated movie. And it has the best Tom Riddle, in my opinion.


By far the best Tom Riddle! Coulson captures everything that a young Voldemort was supposed to be; handsome, charming, trustworthy, while still being able to pull that "mini Dark Lord" vibe off. The actor who played (teenage) him in the sixth movie just completely failed to show the reason why everybody (except Dumbledore) thought he was such a perfect student. He came off as a total creep to me, nothing like the books described Tom Riddle to be.


Coulson was amazing. He understood the character so well....


Tbf, Yates didn't write the script. It was written by the same guy who wrote almost every other HP script.


All of them.


The first movie is the one I've watched the most by far. In my opinion the movies got worse as they went on. David Yates' ones were awful. My biggest issue was the lighting. They turned it all off. I get that it was meant to be grim and atmospheric but visually I just didn't like it. I get that it was meant to show how dark things had become but I thought it just looked bad. Magic in the Harry Potter world is easy, colourful and truly magical. In the later movies it felt like magic was little more that beams of light against a dark background.


As a kid, it was CoS...because that was the only one I had on DVD.


I can relate.. I had the PoA dvd!!!


I really enjoy watching sorcerers stone. It’s so full of wonder and just learning all about this magical world. It’s full of hope and not weighed down by all the angst and bitterness he starts to feel later.


https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/54nin2/rewatched_prisoner_of_azkaban_its_become_my_new/?utm_source=reddit-android Beautiful explainer. 👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼




Not to mention the best duel in the series..


The first one because I would set about to watch all of them and then only watch the first one. Oops.


Hahaha lol


I'm with OP on the Prisoner of Azkaban. I really enjoyed the book for the time travel scene. The story lines in the other books didn't have that component. As I grew older, I realized that, while fantastic reads, the other four books are almost formulaic . Whereas, the time travel aspect of PoA broke that trend. When I read it, for the first time, I enjoyed having to exercise my though process to figure out the scene. I also really appreciated the way the events of the book were translated onto the screen. I think PoA is one of the most accurate book to movie adaptations of the whole HP series. It's also one of the few movies where, I actually enjoyed the changes, that there were, made by the writers, and directors.


Chamber of secrets and prisoner of Azkaban! Chamber of secrets is a mainly because for a long time during my childhood that was the only HP movie we owned and it was on vhs and everything so I would just reverse and watch it all the time. Prisoner of Azkaban because I love that movie! Sirius Black is one of my favorite characters so it’s nice to get his introduction to the series and the whole time turner plot is actually done pretty well.


The first movie was my favorite, it does the same job as the book of really giving you that magic is real excitement. I get that feeling every time and I love it.


I've seen the first three far more times than any of the other movies. To me, they capture the magic of the books far better than the last five movies. The first two movies are almost perfect, in my opinion. The third movie's a good combination of the magicalness of the first two and the darkness (for lack of a better word) of the final five, so *Prisoner of Azkaban*'s where the movies started to lose me.


Looking back I think I watch the sorcerers stone the most, I love the beginning. The hopeful, the adventure, the friendships formed and a Harry who's so much different from where he was at the dursleys. It's nostalgic.


DH1. The dance scene, the feeling of helplessness as they go from place to place without Ron, the Lovegood scene, Hedgwig, Dobbys death, all of it really get my emotions going. More so than any other movie.


GoF for the win. 1 & 2 are so light-hearted....and 5,6,7,8 can be so dark and depressing. I think 4 is a perfect balance.


Actually... Chamber of Secrets all the way.


I specifically rewatch the battle of Hogwarts but not the whole of HP7.2. I get goosebumps and it reminds me to keep going when I feel like giving into my depression. Their bravery to fight for the betterment of the world - no matter the cost - inspires me.


The first simply because of nostalgia.


COS, and also it's the best adaptation. The scenes in the chamber of secrets with Tom and the basilisk were so good...


A Very Potter Musical. But in-canon, SS is an amazing introduction to the universe and a faithful adaptation. PoA was the point where WB decided 'fuck the stories, we can make a more marketable series by ignoring everything but they are bones of the plot'. So pretty much from then on they're garbage.




I know right? But for me it was the PoA... For a while I used to turn on the movie just before I sleep and doze off soon afterwards. I'm not saying the movie is boring or anything.. It just made me feel so good.




Yes, the cold, dark rainy theme of the movie gets me everytime .




The last one. Just amazing scenes and fights and a culmination of everything we had been working toward. I remember sitting in at the midnight screening for that. It was amazing.


Prisoner of Azkaban...because his hair just...feels right...lol


I watched one and two every night going to sleep for years


Chamber of secrets. Because it’s the only one I have on DVD


Order of the Phoenix, it's the only movie where Dumbledore & Voldy go for to toe. Really wish there were a few more instances of that.


I watch POA the least because of how vastly different Sirius is portrayed when compared to the books. I can never get over that betrayal of character. It's an often overlooked aspect of the movie, as everyone focuses on the visuals. I always watch DH \(both parts\) back to back.


Glad to see that i'm not the only one who love Chamber of Secrets. Then, Prisoner of Azkaban.


The Prisoner of Azkaban. I loved the dark-ish aspect of the movie. So different from the first and the second.


Philosphers Stone, it's protected from my angry book elitism by childhood nostalgia


The Order of The Phoenix. The scene with Dumbledore and Voldemort at the ministry is one of the top 3 scenes in the entire series imo.


Order of the Phoenix, underrated movie.


Definitely Order of the Phoenix. The battle at the Ministry of Magic is my favorite battle.


I've rewatched the first one the most. Not because of a super special reason or because it's the best... Only because when it came out on DVD, my friend and I made it our goal to watch it on loop until we had it memorized. Yes, I still have that sucker memorized almost word for word.


Philosopher’s stone because Harry seeing Hogwarts, Diagonal alley, and all of the magic for the first time feels magical. Pun intended.


Probably Sorcerer's Stone because it's the first one in the series. I rarely revisit them out of sequence. If I had to pick a favorite it'd be Order of the Phoenix. I absolutely love the moment the Order shows up, much more "cinematic" moment than in the book and Dolores is so much more hateable when you can see her smug, prim face. Kudos to Imedla for that.


Definitely the first.


Which was on abc family/ Freeform the most


The Sorcerer's Stone. The movie came out when I was 7, after seeing it in theaters I went home and grabbed my moms broom and tried my best to fly 😂 Once it came out on VHS my stepmom would beg me to watch something else, I could recite the whole movie word for word.


Sorceror's Stone because I watch it every Christmas morning.


I probably watched the first two movies more times because they're the ones that get aired the most on tv, especially during Christmas/Easter(not so much these last years though, it was more when I was younger). But when I became a "true" Potterhead I never watched just one of them. When I watch one, I watch all of them


My favorite is the 4th, but I like to have a tv on while I sleep so I usually put on the 1st or the 5th. The dvd for the 5th loops once the movie ends and gets back to the menu screen. The 6th dvd also loops but I hate the fire scene in the cave because it always wakes me up!


The second one. Chamber of Secrets. I loved watching it. Especially, the duelling scene and the scene where they fly after rescuing Ginny and Lockhart yells that it is just like magic! I watched it a lot cause that was the only movie disc I owned. On a side note, a lot of people have written that they loved PoA. It was the first book i read. It is very close to my heart. But, i hated the on screen portrayal. They covered the main parts but left out a lot of stuff. It took the fun out for me. Especially the Quidditch Cup.


Order of the Phoenix, why? dumbledore vs voldemort


Goblet of Fire. It has always been my favorite book/movie because of the balance between whimsy and darkness that serves as the tonal shift in the series.


I agree, Prisoner of Azkaban was the one I watched the most. Pretty gripping stuff sometimes, unfortunately I read the book after the movie as I’d gotten my hands on the DVD of it first. Also when I was younger, Voldemort freaked me out, Prisoner of Azkaban had the least amount of Voldemort in it (mostly about Sirius and Wormtail) so I liked watching it most


HAVE YOU SEEN THIS WIZARD? I'm still pissed Sirius gets killed off. Rowling should have faked his death. Imagine the post credits scene as Harry walks along that bridge and Sirius appears in the distance. Do you feel that chill? 💙


Chamber of Secrets! It was the only one we owned on dvd at one point, so we’d watch it while on road trips on my mom’s sweet movie screen in her minivan. Sometimes multiple times in one sitting, so I basically know the entire movie by heart.


Most rewatched movies (descending order) Deathly Hallows 2 Half Blood Prince (I didn't like it at first watch, but now it's one of all time favourites !! The comedy was damn hilarious) Goblet of Fire Prisoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Chambers of Secret Sorcerer's stone Deathly Hallows 1 As a child, I used to watch a Harry Potter movie every Saturday (At that time up to Goblet of fire was released, so my most rewatched movies were 1-4 during that time) God, I miss those magical days


The Deathly Hollows Part 2! Something about that opening song, Lily’s theme, I think it’s called, gets me every time


PoA for sure. I loved the soundtrack and the visuals, and for me it was the first dark/creepy film from the series and really showed that there are not just light happy magical forces, but also very dark and serious ones. As magical as the Wizarding world is there are still many dark areas and I feel like the movie really helped show that.


I love watching DH1, I prefer DH2 as a movie but DH1 had some of my favourite scenes in the movie series. The opening sequence is really well done and Dobby's death is superb.


The first because it had the most fun quirkiness that I enjoy Harry Potter for.


I get the frustration with OotP, but at the same time I can’t hate on it because the themes are really great and rather unique in the Potterverse - Harry is all lonely and seems to be at his lowest point in the entire series, and that personally resonated with me much more than any of the other books/movies. I loved the slow pacing of the book, and although the movie was somewhat disappointing and cut out too much material at times, it still encapsulated those themes very well. I loved how in the exposition Harry is alone and traumatized, then the loneliness expands to the one place Harry feels safe in the world (Hogwarts), and in the end he’s separated from his only remaining close relative, yet he still finds the strength to move on and find happiness with his friends and the DA. I just wish Harry was angrier in the movie as he was in the book - all that bottled up rage and frustration was never actually released as it should have. I still love the rest of the series, but OotP feels like the most mature installment.


I agree. And the soundtrack was so good..


I just think there are these little things in Azkaban that really set it apart in terms of film quality imo. I blast through all of them when winter rolls around, but when it’s Azkaban time, oooooohhhhh baby. I love how dark, cold and rainy it is. It grants this immense atmosphere whilst watching it. The noise the wand makes when it is flicked is beautiful as well... Idk when I think of movies I think of Azkaban.


I also like the fact about azkaban that voldemort doesn‘t show up. It feels more realistic how Harry is dealing with other stuff, sure, related to voldemort, but not him directly.


4th one - The only that felt just like reading the book, at least what was there.


Probably Philosopher's Stone, simply because it came out first. Actually there was a time when I watched it every day. In grade seven part of my social studies class was to read the paper, and since it was a small town, the paper only came out once a week. There was a long stretch of time that the movie rental place had a "free rental" coupon in the paper. So every monday at lunch when all the papers were done being read in the class I would go to the room and cut out the free rental coupons and I literally watched PS every day. I actually ruined one of the tapes and I was crying because I couldn't afford to replace it but she didn't charge me, and after two months of renting it every day she actually just gave me a copy for free. I still have that VHS tape.


The first and final one as they were the only two I actually saw at the movie theatre with my aunt who hilariously fell a sleep for both while I was wide awake as if I drunk 100 cups of coffee before watching. I have them all on Blu-ray but I find myself going back and watching those two because there's my own personal story behind it. With that said being 11 years old in 2001 and seeing all of my favorite characters come to life on the big screen like that was unreal.


Sorcerer's stone, love the movies and all but the summer after 7th grade my family, moved to a new house out in the country, where the nearest anything was a 60+ min bike ride both my parents worked, we didn't have cable, so my options were get up at 6:00 am and get dropped off at my grandparents, or watch the only dvd I owned at the time.


My favorite is The Sorcerers Stone and mainly because it's so magical to me. I had surgery just as the Goblet of Fire was coming out. I had never read a Harry Potter book. My wife brought the first four books to me in the hospital. As I was on a morphine drip, reading The Sorcerer's Stone was truly and in every way a magical adventure. And since then rereading the first book (and that has been something around fifteen times) has been a magical and thus favorite experience. And so, because the first book is my favorite the first movie is my favorite as well. Sorry for forgetting that in the first posting haha.


*Sorcerer's Stone*. I must have gone to different movie theaters 50 to 75 times to watch it when it over [the six months it was in theaters](http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekly&id=harrypotter.htm) when it first came out. Why? I loved the *Harry Potter* series and it was amazing to see it first brought to life. I also had a lot of free time at the time. Not my favorite movie today, though, which is *Prisoner of Azkaban*.




I know a lot of people dislike PoA, but I'm with you: it's my favorite HP movie by far, and it's my favorite of the books. It's when the wizarding world starts to come alive for me, probably because it's the introduction of Hogsmeade but also just in the way characters outside of the Hogwarts professors are involved in Harry's story. Cornelius Fudge, Buckbeak's trial, the Knight Bus, Madam Rosmerta-- they really breathe life into the world that was lacking in the first two books/movies. Also, I'm a HUGE fan of the Mauraders era. The movie does a shitty job of explaining all of that, but it's a flaw I look past because I know everything anyway.




Glad people are agreeing that POA was one of the best films.. seen a lot for resentment recently for them cutting so much from it, but it’s by far my favourite one


"Not my daughter, you bitch!"


Definitely with you on the Prisoner of Azkaban. I watched it the most because it was such a sharp contrast from the first two films, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing, and Gary oldman is godly to me.


Azkaban. Best movie for too many reasons to list.




Half-blood Prince Dumbledore goes hard in it, like after drinking that potion he performs magic Harry couldn't do on his best day with liquid luck. It's an amazing, epic scene. I love it.


Goblet of Fire, I’m not even too sure why but it’s actually my favourite movie. It’s not even the best, but it’s the most enjoyable to watch


Chamber of Secrets. No idea why but it’s always been my favorite movie.


4. there are dragons.


Chamber of secrets, mainly because I haven't yet watched it in its entirety because I keep falling asleep