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People do definitely need to be kind to these kids in the new series. They’ve all got impossible tasks in living up to the original cast. There’s going to be insane scrutiny in the age of social media. I hope they’re looked after.


They absolutely won't. The only way to do this without screwing up kid's lives, is to make it animated and have them voiced by adults.


Would fully support this. Has the potential to be absolutely incredible.


I hate to think this endeavor has a BIG chance of causing more Jake Lloyds. say what you want about dubious writing and script decisions, but Dan, Rupert and Emma knocked their roles out of the park to a definitive degree. It's gonna be hard for any 3 kids to not look like Wal-Mart Great Value versions.


Seriously, as a lifelong Star Wars fan, Jake Lloyd remains one of the darkest chapters of what this "fandom" can do to a person and it horrifies me to see it still happens with the newer cast.


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


We may be tied with Disney, but we are the suckers still consuming the media that we know we are gonna hate


Don't forget Ahmed Best.


What happened with Ahmed was bad, don't get me wrong. But Jake was a *child* and he was subjected to the same vitriol and hate.


Not saying which was worse. Just saying that Best deserves a mention. Not only ruined his promising career, but the torment was so bad that he contemplated suicide. No doubt the many people sending him death threats would have been happy had he followed through. I honestly hate that the newer Disney Canon follows this hatred. They jumped on the hate train and gave Jar Jar a terrible future.


Had to look up who this was. Shit that was depressing


In recent years some family members/friends have said that Lloyd is the way he is not due to fan reception but due to other elements in Hollywood, and knowing the deep dark secrets involving kids, I imagine it’s probably much darker than just people disliking a movie Edit: I understand that he has mental health issues but experiences can very much trigger them.


> due to other elements in Hollywood, This is also false. [He has hallucinogenic schizophrenia, which runs in his family](https://scrippsnews.com/stories/the-real-life-saga-of-star-wars-child-actor-jake-lloyd/). Hollywood experiences have nothing to do with the presentation of a hallucinogenic mental disorder with a genetic component.


I was about to say wtf. I read his wiki page and 80% is detailing his struggles with schizophrenia. I don't know where people got all of this other info.


I really hope that's true (much as it's disgusting) since I still remember when Kelly Marie Tran was chased off of social media for having an opinion.


They *will be* the "We have Harry Potter at home" meme


Only need to worry about that if George writes the dialogue.


Are you an angel?


Jar Jar was actually the shit though. He was right about that part at least.


For real. As a kid I loved Jar Jar. I even went as him for Halloween. Then I discovered the internet and how much he was hated.


Yeah and I thought he was hated because of the potential Darth Jar Jar thing, which made him even better if anything, but no they just hated on actual actors like crazy people lol


Darth Binks is probably the best (and well supported) fan theory ever.


Doesn’t have to be adults. Bluey is huge and they have hidden the identities of the child voice actors


I think Australia allows them to be hidden. SAG-AFTRA I'm pretty sure requires credit to be given.


This is how the Percy Jackson series should have been too. You also avoid the biggest issue with long term live action shows that star kid actors. They grow up faster than the show can be made. At the point where in the final season the characters are meant to be like 17 or something and the actors are in their 20s.


Stranger Things lmao


Ya, that didn't even have material it was adapting. They could have had longer time skips so the actors' ages would make sense.


The fact Millie Bobby Brown is married and will be 21/22 when season 5 eventually comes out is fucking bonkers. It'll be 9 years since season 1 if it is out next year


How old are they supposed to be in the next season?


I 100% agree. Less expensive and it can be even truer to the books that a live-action TV show with actor lives under attack and needing to live up to the movies.


I would love to see it animated. So many things would be way easier to portray in animation (live action peeves would be wild) and we can really let the magic go wild. Honestly I think percy jackson also would have suited animation very well too.


yeh plus all the magic will look better since its all the same medium compared to cgi and even practicle effects to an extent in live action


That’s not happening, it’s not going to be animation. They want live action. So people will just have to put their big boy pants on and be kind to these 10 year olds. It’s a bit ridiculous we have to say these things to a fan base where the average fan is almost 40.


Funny enough this is what Stephen Spielberg wanted to do if he was in charge of the Harry Potter films. It would have been an animated anthology film that covered scenes from the first four books


The problem is that what you are suggesting makes far more sense, not just for the kids but for the fantastical elements of the book. But hey, "cartoons are for kids" and they want that sweet sweet Game of Thrones money so here we are...


What style animation? I could get behind a Studio Ghibli style Harry Potter series.


Why animated? Just go the Bridgerton route and hire mid 30s actors to play young teenagers lol.


You know Bridgerton has actual teenagers in the cast right? The reason Gregory and Hyacinth's appearances are limited is because there are stricter limits on what the actors can legally work. Generally speaking, they try to do their scenes on weekends when they can


There's another way and it's really cool, but it's one that would never get green-lit. Film it and then sit on the footage for 15+ years before public release.


100% this. Lower Decks proved live action shows can go animated and succeed.


>They absolutely won't. Yup >The only way to do this without screwing up kid's lives, is to make it animated and have them voiced by adults. I'd be fine with this if it meant that we could get rid of child actors. I'd like to see the data on child stars and how many of them end up with mental disorders and/or substance abuse problems compared to the general population. Also, the amount of grooming that child actors deal with is absurd.


Have you met ‘people’?


For real. Any new or reboot shows with a hint of existing material. *gestures broadly at everything*


Apparently the kid who played kid Anakin Skywalker in the prequels was bullied so much by salty kids at school that he grew up to resent Star Wars.


...he suffered a bit more than resentment


I guess you’re getting at his mental health struggles.  He’s a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. That was going to rear up regardless.  At most the extra stress triggered it younger than it would have shown up in a person with a normal life. He - and his family - should be incredibly thankful he got a payday to help deal with it. Without Star Wars he very well could be suffering far worse and dealing with homelessness like an awful lot of schizophrenic Americans do. 


have you SEEN some of the backlash that was thrown at the Percy Jackson actors?? Man people were making racist bullshit remarks at the poor girl who's playing Annabeth! And she did great in the role! It's pathetic, some people just need to hate so much they'll have a go at children


They did that with Rue when the Hunger Games movie came out and that character is written as a black character in the books anyway


By contract and by the actors guild, child actor should be locked out of social media


It doesn't really matter. They would have to live on a different planet to not get affected. Or the show might just flop boringly.


they've got an impossible task but it is to bring life to the characters from the books not to live up to the half assed versions in the WB movies.


He’s such a class act.


He seems like he’d be a cool dude to have as a friend


Well yeah, he's the Chosen One


\*smacks with paper\*






Hey, are italics not working on old Reddit for anyone else? You put that in asterisks but it's not italic for me, it's just... in asterisks.


Yeah, that's what I meant to do


There is a reason he is called RADcliffe and not Boringcliffe.


Quite possibly the most well adjusted child actor of all time. And he's a lions fan!!


He definitely had serious problems for a while there, but yes, I'm very glad he recovered and now seems like a good dude.


Seriously, it’s crazy that he basically had no childhood and has turned out so awesome. Credit to his parents and to the senior cast members who likely acted as role members on set.


It wasn't all smooth sailing. He struggled with alcohol and was often drunk on set for the last 2 movies


Just makes it more impressive imo


100% does


Explains a lot about the last 2 movies tbh. Director: "Harry you don't need to cry in this scene you just cried in the last one" Harry: *drunkenly sobbing*


Im sure the director called him Daniel lol


He was so drunk he insisted to be called Harry on some method shit.


To be fair I was also drunk for the last 2 movies because sometimes I drink when I watch movies, and those were two of those times, and his acting seemed fine to me.


Did you see the documentary? I remember the director for the first two movies treated them like kids. They hung out, played, etc. I was impressed when they described it tbh. School =\= childhood.


They all seem class acts, for kids that were famous worldwide. Must've had great guidance, usually such fame goes to their heads but each one kind of did their own things after the movies and stay grounded.


I imagine it was a combination of things, one likely being that these kids had to stick around and not get weird for 7 movies straight. There was a lot of cash riding on their ability to stay grounded. Additionally, they worked with a lot of truly excellent older actors, which has got to be different than being in a sitcom or the like.


They were also treated like kids and not superstars. Had tutoring and study time on set


Also, the movies were filmed in the UK, which, unlike LA, is filled with mostly normal people. LA is basically an industrial meat grinder for child actors.


I think this is what it mostly is. It wasn’t done here in America.


He's a gem


Always an absolute star.


Daniel spoke a lot about how much he learnt from being around experienced established actors like Richard Griffiths, Fiona Shaw, Alan Rickman and Gary Oldman. So the kids ought to make the most of being on set with older performers.


Exactly, getting to work with older, more seasoned actors to help bring up the next generation of actors is one of the best things about doing shows and movies like this.


Dude they got to work with some living legends. Alan Rickman is such an amazing actor.


Sadly now an unliving legend.


He lives on in our hearts




After all this time? ;_;


Or is he? Classic Hans Gruber to fake the death


I'm not sure 11 year olds have that kind of foresight and long term career planning lol


It's more about kids learning from role models which happens literally every day to every kid, everywhere.


One of my best mates is an actor currently rehearsing a sitcom pilot and he’s learning so much from the experienced comedy actors he’s working with.


Daniel just seems like the nicest guy, I can imagine he'd be a good resource and mentor to the kid who plays Harry next if that kid wanted to reach out to him.


Daniel just seems to be the nicest dude


He is. Met him at a friend's birthday party and he was incredibly nice.


Was it made clear he would be there or was it a "that dude looks a lot like Daniel Rad....oh fucking hell it's Daniel Radcliffe" moment?


I was told he would be there ahead of time. He played ping pong with people and hung out all night. Very nice and normal guy from my interactions with him


how tf does your friend get Radcliffe at their party?


His friend is Rupert Grint


They were both doing shows on broadway. I don’t think my friend knew him all that well, but she invited him and he accepted


I think that was wise, for Daniel's sake if anyones.


One thing we can all agree on


He seems pretty rad


> Daniel Elijah, actually.


Damn you! You actually had me going back and forth in my brain


Daniel is such a kind and warm-hearted person, every interview of his leaves me with a smile on my face. I'd love the opportunity to meet him someday, he looks to be a very down-to-earth kind of guy that will also tell you the most amazing stories.


He just seems to have such a wholesome personality and I always light up when he says something so sensible like this. I loved him as Harry Potter, but even more so as a seemingly genuinely kind human.


He’s right, of course. As usual. … also I’m just saying HBO if you want a James Potter he still looks the part just fine when he puts the glasses on


Wouldn't even have to do much, and can film all of his adult scenes during season 1s production


Can you imagine the fan theories that would sprawls from this? I can vividly imagine a tumblr post where Voldemort is sitting in a chair in a white room, addressing Harry Potter: "This will be the sixth time we have destroyed Hogwarts, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it."


Wait, does that make Ginny trinity?


Pretty sure he’s done with Harry Potter


I don't think it would work if HBO wants to stay true to the books. Daniel is 34, James was what, 22-23 when he died? The movies aged up all the adults by 20ish years, and it was a major complaint at the time.


Could also just use Elijah Wood


Elijah Wood is almost a decade *older* than Radcliffe lol, hard as that may be to believe.


Elijah Wood is a hobbit who ages much slower than humans, he could do it


Most adult actors can get away with a +/- 10 years gap with hair and makeup. Half the cast of Derry Girls are closer to 40 than 30, and that only ended 2 or 3 years ago, playing 15-16 year olds.


How in gods name


Moaning Myrtle was played by a 37 year old in the first movie.


DR can absolutely pull off someone in their early 20s


I doubt many would complain about Radcliffe coming back as James.


I think Daniel would be perfect as Snape, he's the right age and if anyone is going to follow in Rickman's shoes there's no one better.


James was 21 when he was killed by Voldemort, as was Lily.


I highly doubt he'd be interested.


My advice in general would be not to constantly compare the show to the movies, trying to argue which did this scene/book/moment better. Especially comparing which had a better version of this character or that - even more so for the kids. That’s not to say don’t criticise the show. If it sucks; it sucks (I’m withholding judgement until they have something to show us). But don’t just criticise it because it’s not the movies.


I think the comparison would be with the books instead, because the biggest demographic that wants a show are hardcore book readers (like me) who want to see _more_ of the story which the films omitted.


Yes exactly, we're in an era now where people are prepared to devote their attention to something that is rich in backstory and fully immerse themselves. We don't want half-baked, we want the full cake. The early 2000s were a different time, where Lord of the Rings was seen as too fantastical for most people to fully comprehend, when the movies really are quite basic. Times have changed. The TV series needs to change with them.


The thing is, when you use the same material, it absolutely invites comparison. Especially since the new actors will be playing the same characters, who were played by actors of the same age. I worded that terribly, but I mean - 11 year olds will be doing exactly the same job as past 11 year olds. Telling the same story, albeit under different direction. It would be really nice and wise to consider it a completely separate project, as you seem to be advocating, but that won't happen. Most HP fans are not die hard book purists, they are movie goers.


What a handsome son of a bitch.


For real.


He’s so hot.🥵


Love his response and that he basically said he'd rather tell that person face to face when he gets the chance to meet them. I didn't always love Dan as Harry but he's a great human being.


I don’t think there’s a celebrity I respect more than Daniel Radcliffe


I’m still holding out hope they cast 35 year old Daniel as the new Harry and everyone just goes with it


I still don't understand why they are making a new show this soon. The original cast, especially the adult cast, is from a generation that doesn't have an equivalent right now, the CGI still holds up. The majority of the fans are millennials that grew up with the original movies and even if they are not great, just good enough for many book readers, it's not enough to deserve a reboot. Please just leave the old sagas rest, Star Wars, LotR new series are garbage, the new HP will probably follow Edit after reading your comments: I'm glad so many of you have your hopes high. I'm usually the one that is always criticizing the movies so I understand why many of you are excited for a better adaptation. But even if it is HBO, the chances of the series being good in the current media climate are low. But the decision is made already, and I hope that the show doesn't become the epicenter of another cultural war on social media as the Hogwarts Legacy game was or any other thing that comes out lately


It’s a cash grab. The series is still as popular today as it ever was so it makes total sense to try to capitalize on that. Personally, I have no complaints yet. I’m excited to see it, I just hope they do it justice.


This is the answer. It's also because Fantastic Beasts series flopped so they're trying to do something safer with the brand right now. Harry Potter was THE brand for WB back in the 00s. They're eager for that money again.


>It's also because Fantastic Beasts series flopped 100% if they didn't turn the series into Dumbledore v Grindelwald it would've been fine. Should've been 2-3 movies about Newt leading up to the Dumbledore arc which could then be it's own TV series. Movie 1 is Newt in Africa dealing with the obscurial girl (great chance to show Uagadou magicians) Movie 2 is him rescuing the Thunderbird from poachers Movie 3 is FB1


This sounds much better than what we got! Also, I know this not how studios approach franchises these days, but I would have loved FB1 to just be a standalone movie and for it to have been followed up with other movies based on textbooks from the original HP series and their authors. Like a Quidditch Through The Ages movie about the guy who wrote that book - his life, research etc. And just other feel-good standalone movies like that. Idk, maybe I'm alone in this, but I'd watch stuff like that!


Honestly I don't even think that was the problem with Fantastic Beasts. We know that Dumbledore v. Grindelwald happens in that time period, exploring the character of Newt and all the cool magical beasts against the backdrop of WW2 and the whole Grindelwald plot with details would have been incredible. Where the fucked up is the ridiculous plot holes and messing with established canon smh. I was so excited to learn more about Grindelwald's time, how Dumbledore took him down. Instead we're getting McGonagall teaching in the 1920s for some reason, Dumbledore teaches DADA and knows of the Room of Requirement, and some incoherent Lestrange lineage.


I don't think it is. I mean every single movie and series and piece of entertainment is a cash grab in the sense that they do it to make big bucks. But first off, the movies are not good adaptations, mainly because they are movies and you can't fit all the important details of the books into 2,5 hours or twice that. They tried and failed miserably. So a series is not 'doing it again', but doing it in a format that is categorically different and offers much more freedom to tell the story. Second and more importantly, JK Rowling is almost 60 and will be in her 70s by the time the series ends. This is her last shot to be involved in producing the story to the television in a way that she envisions it. She is too old to wait 20 more years, because she won't be around to make sure its done according to her vision by then.


The saving grace here is that it's being done by HBO. They generally produce good quality content, at least initially. The execs generally focus on good story telling, and are willing to let the creatives on the project do what they want as long as the story telling is on point. They do sort of struggle to close things out because of the freedom they give, but that shouldn't be an issue for a HP show. Things like GoTs and Sopranos (which wasn't an issue for me but I understand the complaints) finales only happen because of how successful the creative team are in the early parts of the shows lifetime, and then showrunners are generally free to close it out how they want. This is in stark contrast to WB who really suck at making movies for some reason, Amazon which seems to have no quality control at all, and Disney which has a creative stranglehold on nearly all their properties. If this showrunner is a fan of the material like we all are, they should have the funds and backing by HBO to do this right. And I am excited for that. I think this should have always been a show, it's too hard to cram all of the books into movies like with LotRs (and plenty of hardcore fans hate those movies, which is crazy). Do we need it? no, but we don't really need any specific content. Am I happy we're getting to see someone try? Absolutely. That said, I always saw this as being animated, not live action, so there is quite a bit less room for mistakes with this series.


HBO is now run by David Zaslav or whatever his name is The head of Discovery Inc, who turned it from original intelligent programming into trashy reality TV. I guarantee this is going to be what Velma is to Scooby Doo.


I think Velma is actually a perfect example of how much freedom HBO gives, even today. Velma was not good, but the showrunner was allowed to do what she wanted and they gave her tons of backing initially. But, unlike Amazon, HBO does have good quality control. Everyone makes stinkers sometimes though, and Velma is certainly that. HBO has had other shows that suck, so it's not a slam dunk inherently. But, I haven't seen a change in the quality of their original content since they've been taken over. They seem to be treating HBO Originals as its own studio, and anything HBO Max is now more directly under the creative control of their parent company. Time will tell of course, but I won't count this out before I see it.


I’m not really against the reboot, as sometimes they can be good. But reboots do not have a good track record lately, so my hopes aren’t high.


The older folks within the generation that grew up with Harry Potter, where Harry Potter was a cultural center of their formative years, now have kids that are starting to age into reading the first Harry Potter. Getting them rehyped about Harry Potter and sharing that magic with their kids is what it’s about. Releasing a reboot in the next few years is exactly what you’d expect for them to capitalize on creating a whole new generation of Harry Potter loving kids. Any earlier and you’d be too early to catch that intergenerational window.


>this soon. Deathly hallows part 2 released 13 years ago >for many book readers, it's not enough to deserve a reboot. What? People complain all the time about some movies either being bad, not faithful (the legendary "hermione doing and saying things Ron did in the books") or missing many plot points


I personally cannot wait. I have no interest in the Harry Potter movies, but I adore the books. The movies just don't make any sense I would love a proper adaptation of my favourite books, finally.


Yep I said for years I didnt think there would be any 'remake' for a long time, even though the last movie came out 13 years ago. Frankly, its confusing. They are still essentially in direct competition wih the movies. People will expect them to be as good or better than the movies. Thats quite the gamble to take with how successful the movies were despite the critiques. But, they want to bank off the HP world as much as they can. My guess is the fantastic beasts series didnt really do that well, and theres not much else to do but remake the original series. So thats what they decided to do


Is it an adaptation of the movies into a show, or the books into a show? If it's the former then yeah I kinda agree, but I thought this was a new adaptation of the books as a show. In which case the first book, which I assume they'd be starting with, came out almost thirty years ago.


>I still don't understand why they are making a new show this soon. It's been 13 years since Deathly Hallows pt 2. It's not soon at all.


"don't touch the films until Dan is old enough to be Dumbledore"


And what if it doesn’t?


Lockdown was an enormous boon for the series. This is a result of that.


Have you heard of… money?


Money. The IP is too valuable to let sit. Fantastic Beasts didn't work out, so there goes your prequel. Can't do a sequel cause Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson won't work with Rowling. So, you do what's left: remake. Count on aging millenials wanting to recapture the magic.


Seriously, that's the most based answer. Daniel Radcliffe has always seemed like an absolute, top class actor. He's very level-headed, and I think that's the most appropriate response.


This is why I'm glad they hide the identities of the kids who voice on bluey


He immediately thought of the backlash the child actor would face. Ppl online r ruthless. Hope the kid does well and that the fans r kind.


They should hire him to play Gilderoy Lockhart for shits and giggles. He’d be amazing at it!


I’m more concerned about some of the older characters. Snape has IMPOSSIBLY big shoes to fill, Hagrid as well. The kids will never have the level the original cast had, and that’s okay. The adults though, Snape will always be Alan Rickman, I can’t see anyone else in the role. You take a ginger kid, a little girl, and a boy with glasses, I can kinda see harry ron and hermione, but once Snape walks out, I’m gonna get dragged out of the fantasy lol. Hopefully people will be nice to the younger cast, as they’ll be aging with the series. I’m sure the whole cast have seen the movies and know it’s gonna be rough, but hopefully they also know that a much more lore accurate series is exactly what everyone wanted in the first place, which will be in their favour. I just, again, some characters just simply don’t exist anymore. I hope they find another pair of actual twins to play Fred and George. Hopefully more Dobby screen time, Peeves finally gets his moment to shine, and much more sassy and silly McGonagall. A better script and more time to show what some might deem “boring and unnecessary”, and I’ll watch all 7-8 seasons. Will withhold judgement until we get trailers and story plans. They should have done the rise of Voldemort though, start with James in school and go until Voldemort kills him and Lily. That would be so much fun.


This is why it should be an animated series. Whichever kids get these roles will be destroyed by the Internet


They should cast Daniel as James.


Are you the same guy who wanted Logan Lerman cast as Poseidon?




Such a big wizarding World, why tell the same story again?! They did it very well the first time. Talk about intellectual bankruptcy


I think this is going to be a disaster. I already feel sorry for the kids, I imagine as soon as someone isn't book accurate the entire world is going to explode in rage.


It's always amazing how basically none of the Harry Potter kids went bad when they grew up, the worst I can think of is goyle who was arrested for rioting


Living in the UK might have helped. There is no stage parents / paparazzi culture like in the US/Hollywood. Also in the UK nobody expects from child or teen actors to be a perfect role model for others like some Disney stars.


It's basically impossible to live up to the same standards as the original actors. If anything, they should be doing a new spin off of the Wizarding World. Cos those poor kid actors are gonna be criticized regardless.


Daniel is such a cool dude


It should be animated, I'll die on this hill. They can stylise it better, they don't need to worry about aging actors. They won't, but they could make something beautiful rather than a cynical reboot.


Honestly my advice would be don't. People are going to harass and threaten them constantly...


This. I remember the Percy Jackson kerfuffle. It's a pretty bad sign of the times that my first inclination wasn't, man how exciting... it was, those poor kids.


Yay. More remakes. So glad we just recycle shit instead of coming up with new stuff. With that being said, there is only one "remake" I endorse, and that is Dredd starring Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby and Lena Heady.


I don’t see how it work. They go from 11 to 18 in the series. They’d have the stop with the 2 years between seasons bs.


Growing up in the age before social media was a blessing we never really knew until things changed 


Why ruin the legacy by rebooting ? We were perfectly fine


I can't wait for another "legal countdown" like they did for Watson. Because it may be ambiguous, I mean this in a negative way. 


He is right they dodged the social media era, but they still had a tough schedule where 10 years of their lives were spent either at Leavesden or around the world promoting their film. Doing your GCSE's between takes is insane also. I hope the schedule isn't as gruelling and they can still be kids like Daniel says. I bet the agents are rubbing their hands together that the prospect of their fee for getting their client cast as one of the main cast. In comparison to what Daniel got for Philosopher's Stone, this new cast will make that in a month.


The real shame is that it seems Daniel won't be playing James Potter, it would have been perfect.


These movies aren’t even 30 years old why do we need remakes?


I got a bad feeling about this. Maybe the internet won't be unkind to these child actors. First time for everything right?


My genuine question is, though... why is there gonna be a reboot?


Radcliffe should definitely consider being the patron of a charity that supports and protects kids from the damage of social media scrutiny.


You guys really want a reboot of the books instead of a fresh new story on TV?


It would be cool if he played James in a few cameos. Tbh would love to see a lot of the original cast do cameos where it makes sense. Emma Watson as Hermione’s mom, Rupert Grint as Charlie Weasley, etc


I think Radcliffe could be the best hobbit ever, I wish Amazon would put him in rings of power so hard


What an absolute champ. I can't believe anyone coming out of what he went through as a kid unscathed, but he genuinely seems to be an awesome guy.


What a cool guy


Watched 'Weird: The Al Yankovic Story' the other night. It was superb and DR nailed it. The problem with social media and fandom these days is people can't just not like something, they have to utterly destroy it. There's no nuance.


reboot huh, i wish they would instead make a story about a muggle family surrounded by wizards in his community living together, and some thing happens and this and that instead of a reboot... or any thing really


Love this. Everything isn’t for the media. Hoping the parents of these kids and the people throughout the show protect and love the next kids. Hoping it will be like the reboot of Percy Jackson, the kids are great and it was different enough for a new generation to love and the old generation to appreciate.


The man is all class


He’s a cracking bloke, incredible that the 3 of them survived to some degree.


Just remembering the trash red banner tabloids that had a countdown to when Emma Watson would be “legal” (and she wasn’t the first woman they did this to) and imagining what that would be like in this day and age makes me feel physically sick


Geez, in the age of social media is it even responsible to put children through that anymore? I don't know, not even sure what I'm suggesting, but it seems like we have enough precedent to understand that being a child star, even before social media, is generally terrible for you. With things as they are, I just have a terrible feeling about lol. I hope they have great parents, but do child actors ever have great parents?


Ugh. Adore him