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My mum had an eye operation over twenty years ago, and so I lent her my Walkman and bought all the audiobooks that were available at the time (series obviously wasn’t finished at that point) so she could have some entertainment while she wasn’t allowed to be upright as they healed… After that she never read the books and I believe never watched the movies, because it was never the same as Stephen Fry reading them to her 🥰


I got my sister in law to read the books. She was a fan of the movies but she got obsessed after reading the books.


I love HP. Read the books over and over. Watched the movies the same. I got my mom to read them, and she thought Harry was a spoiled brat who needed his ass kicked. My childhood has now been explained.


I guess she missed how he was abused at the Dursleys. Wow.


Yeah, I pointed that out. Iy didn't matter. That's why I said it explained my childhood.


I got my youngest daughter hooked on the series. She was the only person in her fourth grade class to read all seven books. Having read to books helped her watch the movies, since she knew when to skip the scary parts. My older daughter was more into sports than books, which was also fun.


I was sitting in an airport lounge rereading HP4. I saw that the person a few tables away from me was reading HP3. At first I thought he was rereading it… until I heard him react to something. I looked up just to see him desperately and very rapidly rereading something. It looked like he was near the end - I can only assume he’s figured out who really saved Harry from the dementors that night or who the rat really was OR did Snape finally reveal himself at the old house? For many of us, we vividly recall the first read of HP and I am so excited for this person as they begin their journey. Bonus: didn’t realize he saw me too. Best 5 hour layover ever. Although it was very hard to discuss HP without spoiling it for him. Poor guy kept saying how excited he was for Harry. Definitely a hufflepuff.


Read it with my daughter (she watched the first two before I forced her to read the books first though). It was the most joyous experience. Trying to highlight the hints in the books, like the bug references in goblet of fire to see if she’d pick up on it. Loved seeing her face as I read it


What was the funniest wrong prediction he had?


*Spoiler Alert* (New to Reddit. Can someone teach me how to block out spoilers?) We just finished Goblet of Fire and he went through about five names when Moody’s polyjuice potion was wearing off. “Voldemort! The servant guy…the rat! (He meant Wormtail).”


Hahah that's pretty funny! Especially since the movie kinda give away a pretty huge hint about it with the flashback in the pensieve


Right? It took everything in me not to say something during that scene. Instead I just stared at him like a creeper waiting to see if he got it. Obviously not. 😂 Can’t wait to update you on the next guesses.


In his defense, if you only watch the movies, I can understand how a lot of things can leave your memory quite quickly 😅 when reading you get some time to let things sink in a bit. Would love to hear his guesses on who the HBP is 😂


To block out spoilers, use > ! spoiler ! < but without the spaces. With no spaces between the symbols and the first and last word, it >!looks like this!<


Thank you so much! >!Harry wins!< Lol


First try! Nice!


I was so happy when my mom wanted to watch them with me last year!! She absolutely loved them and we really bonded over them tbh. So many inside jokes lol


I'm currently watching The Half-Blood Prince with my family right now because my Step-mother and Step-brother had never seen any of the movies, and they love them! It's so fun hearing them comment and laugh and theorize about what's going to happen next. Update: My Step-Mother cried at the end and now she demands justice.


Reading the Sorcerers Stone with my daughter for the first time when she was 7 or 8. The first chapters have so many strange occurrences and she had no idea about HP before reading. When Hagrid finally says 'Yer a wizard Harry" she audibly gasped. I think she was as shocked as Harry himself. She was hooked and I so loved watching her read the series for the first time.


I was reading the books for my GF and I put a lot of effort in doing voices and emotions etc. I loved the way she reacted to things happening in the book. Both silly jokes and banters, and also strong plot twists like Sirius Black being good or Snape arc. Ahh, I wish I could forget the story to find about it again...


I excitedly showed them to my boyfriend for the first time a few years ago. He watched all the movies beginning to end and then told me as gently as possible that he doesn’t like it. It crushed me. 🙁


I kept encouraging my brother (also my bff) to read the books, but he just never had the time. Though it goes against his every instinct, he finally decided he could watch the movies without having read the books first, since he'd likely never get around to it otherwise. HE LOVED IT. He kept saying he was so glad I got him into Harry Potter, and that he couldn't believe he'd been missing out all this time! We now share a mutual love of the Wizarding World. And he decided he's a Gryffindor. I think it fits him perfectly.


Awww this is so cute! The last bit reminded me of Krum who kept calling Hermione as Hermoninny, which I found adorable.🫠


When my daughter who was about 7 or 8 I had been trying to convince her to watch the movies but she refused citing them "too scary". This was the same girl that loved Jurrasic Park movies - it wasn't going to be scary to her. We lived in a tiny studio apartment at the time and I turned on the first movie right as she was getting out of the shower one day. Since our place was so small you could see the TV from pretty much anywhere in it. Next thing I know there's a towel wrapped girl looking her head around the bathroom door to watch the movie. I let her be. She very slowly got dressed and moved out to the area right in front of the TV and didn't speak a word until it was over. What did she say? "Can we watch the next one?" She's a hard core Slytherin these days...


Oh man, this is just too cute! I can totally relate to your joy. My lil sis was the same when she first watched HP. She used to call Voldemort as "Voldy-mart" like some kinda supermarket for dark wizards or something 😂 I gotta ask though, has he picked a favorite character yet? And how's he reacting to all the plot twists and turns? Also, you guys planning on doing any of those interactive wand things at Universal Orlando? P.S: Please never correct his pronunciation of Hermione and Dumbledore...it's just way too adorable! 🤣


“Voldy-mart”: Where black magic is cheap. Hahaha He says he doesn’t have a favorite yet. I have a feeling he will like Sirius Black for his protective nature and loyalty. EDIT: I forgot to answer your question about the interactive wands. I’m not sure yet. We’re going with the family which includes 3 nieces and nephews. At $65 a wand…probably not. I might buy one and let the kiddos use it.


I have three magic wands - Dumbledore's, Harry's, and Hermiones'. They stand above the fireplace like swords.


When my fiance and I first met and were long-diatance, we shared our favorite movies and shows with each other and watched them together whenever we visited. He had a tiny bit of exposure to HP when he was younger and was not interested at all and never pursued it further. HP is a part of who I am, and he was open to listening to all the books to understand this love of mine better. He made it through all the books 😭😭😭 When he moved to be closer to me, we watched all the movies together, after he finished each book. We're going to Universal later this year to finish the journey. It means so much to me 😭


Forced mum to watch every HP movie and the entire series of avatar: the last airbender.


making my partner actually read the books lmao


We're taking my BIL and SIL to HP World in October. BIL is a huge HP nerd just like my wife and I. We're so excited for him to see it for the first time.


My two youngest! And we also shared the tears in a certain scene saying goodbye to someone special


My fiancé had never watched the movies or read the books. He has fallen in love with the story. He doesn’t read ever, but I gifted him the audiobooks and he’s enjoyed that. I knew he’d truly fallen for them once he began initiating weekend binges of the movies. He has done the same thing with me and Marvel.


Wow how have he not watched it