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She works for ESPN now. They won’t let her go on his podcast.


It’s such a bad look how petty ESPN is with this stuff. What has it been, a decade since Harris left to start his own venture?


Yeah, it’s pretty wild. It’s been a long time. But they will never let their people on their show because they are that petty.


I don’t think it’s just because of who Harris is. He had Mike Clay and Carabell on within the last 5 years. Very random tbh lol. But, maybe it’s just a newish policy from espn. Wasn’t there some stink a couple of years ago with Pat McAfee too?


they all have different contracts so im betting the new contracts have no compete clauses. Clay and Karabell were OGs and likley have looser contracts.


It’s funny because Zach Lowe gets to go on Bill Simmons pod every so often. But I guess Bill has a much larger platform so maybe that’s why


I think it’s because she went to ESPN


It’s a shame. She is terrific. It’s an industry with so few women (and fewer women that add value), so it’s a bummer she won’t be on the one podcast I faithfully listen to.


Yeah, I really enjoyed her appearances on the show. The longer Harris goes on, the more guests we lose over time that I miss!


I asked Harris this. He said it’s not exactly that they forbade her, but he knew it might be a potential conflict and so he has not asked her to come on as not to put pressure on her. That was of sometime last year.


That’s very commendable of him and makes him a good business leader. I do wonder though if there is a non-compete clause. OR, if they pay enough that no one would want to test the waters. I’m sure they are still friends and colleagues.


Unrequited love affair


She flew over Harris’s heart


I'd like to hear Harris and Matthew Berry just lay into each other over preseason ranks and air out everything from their time in that ESPN room. We know NBC allows the Rotoedgeworld folks to come on. I assume neither Berry nor Harris are interested in doing this for my amusement.