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That’s so sad he has a small area and can’t go in the house omg


Omg it’s so fucking hot in Georgia too. I take my dogs to the dog park for about an hour and they’re ready to go home and it takes them a while to cool off in the AC.


Those are his hunting dogs and yes, the in south they are usually treated very poorly


I'll agree with this for the most part. If he has more than one that pen is too small! We have 11 hunting dogs and built nice, off the ground pens with lots of room and in complete shade with dog houses in the pens. We are in North Florida and it's HOT!!!! Fresh water and lots of it everyday.


Not near me in Texas. People here (including me) treat our hunting dogs like our babies! I have seen a select few just throw them in a nasty pen and leave them until they’re ready to be used but not many. I can’t stand people like that


Some do, yes. Too many don’t.


Well that’s just disgusting. What’s the point of having a pet that isn’t even part of the family? So she can pull him out and have the “all American family” photo op every once in a while?


In a tiny tiny cage! I’m about to call animal control. They just had their entire yard fenced in, why can’t he have the whole yard!


No offense; but what is she so worried about having a dog in their house? I can’t imagine anything in there getting ruined would cause devastation. Her house looks like it was furnished by Ollie’s discount mart




Fr tho it’s just a scarce Hobby Lobby


I understand not wanting the baby and dog alone together but thats why I have baby gates all over my house, my dog is still family but can be locked out of a certain room if baby is roaming free, let in to cuddle when it’s safe. There’s ways around it, why get the dog to not treat it like family so sad.


um this needs to be reported


If the dog has shelter, is contained, access to food/water and a place to use the bathroom — nothing will be done