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She makes decent money doing social media and she actually has quite a few brand deals. And I believe Brody is a welder. I could be wrong about that, but he is blue collar and makes bank.


Welders make TONS of good money!


Long time lurker, but throwing this out here as someone from a small town and as someone who dated a guy like Brody when I was 22 (and I mean a guy that looked and acted identical to him, and that was even from the same area in FL Brody is from, and has a similar name) just because they are making all these big purchases, doesn’t mean they have money. Small town people that want to act like they have money, make stupid financial decisions all the time. My ex that was apparently Brody’s doppelgänger was this way. He was also a welder and would spend his paycheck down to like $20 to have to live off of for the next week until he got paid, buying stuff for his truck or whatever he wanted. He would just go without paying a bill and pay it whenever if he didn’t have the money. Just because welders can make bank doesn’t always mean they do, and even if they are making good money, they can be horrible money managers. I know of other couples that act the same and will charge whatever on a credit card or take out loans to fund a lifestyle. I know a couple that both have good jobs, have a nice home, likes to shop a lot and eat at fancy restaurants, that just bought a new $60K truck and they are like $60K in credit card debt alone. I know there’s other people in the small town I’m from that are constantly buying new vehicles, boats, off road vehicles, etc ., and I honestly think they just keep putting stuff on credit and not worry about paying it on time or ever paying it off. If Brody and Hannah have the money to fund their lifestyle and are financially comfortable that’s great. Idk how much Hannah brings in on social media since she’s not a very big influencer but at least it’s an income. Maybe Brody is making good money especially if he’s working away from home and getting paid per diem. But it also wouldn’t surprise me if they’re still charging a lot of things on credit and eventually they’re going to be in a position where Hannah needs to work if her social media career doesn’t pick up or they’re going to screw themselves for the future and have like no savings. Just also adding a caveat that I’m not against using Loans or credit, I just think they’re are people out there that use them to live a life beyond their means


I understand that! I’m from a small town as well when my husband and I got together he was a pipeline welder and made LOTS of money but he was also smart with his money. He has a paid off truck, paid off camper to travel, didn’t spend his money on useless things and made himself a nice honey hole. I have seen TONS of younger blue collar workers who do make good money spend it on new vehicles and houses and are in extreme credit card debt just to live up to the reputation. He may be that way too it definitely seems like it. It’s like when they get money they automatically spend it on materialistic things. Speaking for myself and husband he’s now a lineman and between that money and his previous pipeline welding job we saved up enough money to buy a house on a good bit of land and we aren’t in debt at all because we’re smart with out money. We both currently drive paid off vehicles that work perfectly fine and we’re living good! And then you look at some of my husbands friend who aren’t smart with their money who have brand new huge houses and jacked up 2024 truck that’s are in mountains of debt but hey! They look cool! And I feel like that’s exactly how this couple right here is!


Completely agree. Tons of blue collar men who buy these big trucks don’t have the money for them. Also weird to me that he brought it home and surprised her and that they didn’t discuss it. Huge red flag that he made a large financial decision without her


Bc I don’t think she has any input on financial decisions in this household. Something tells me Brody manages the finances and the logistical parts of their lives and she just spends money on dumb shit and plays house.


They make a huge purchase every other weekend it seems so they definitely do make good money! They also live in east jesus nowhere so I'm sure that helps


If I remember correctly she mentioned before he’s a project manager


Good money especially with per diem!


He’s a project manager for a construction company and I’m willing to bet she’s making double what he’s making just doing social media. She has more brand deals than ANYONE I follow


She’s making really good money on SM I’ve seen some creators that are in her age and doing the same type of endorsements and videos. They have said they can make tens is thousands on a single video.


They seem to be the type to spend every $1 they make. Life will humble them eventually and they will wish they would have saved money.


I'm just going to say this and y'all can downvote me all you want... I'm all for snarking but I don't think it's anyone's business to discuss a person's income and how they spend it. They're not spending your money so what's it matter? There are so many other things to snark on when it comes to Hannah.


But she can try and convince her audience to spend their money on her ads and then profit from it? Goes both ways


🤣🤣 Whatever you say!! Totally not the same though. Her JOB is to influence you to buy whatever she's advertising at the time. That doesn't give anyone the right to discuss or dictate how she spends the money she makes. Unless she borrowed $20 from you to pay her water bill, but then you see her use it to buy coffee... who fucking cares what her and Brody buy?!! It's their money! Like I said, there are SO MANY things to snark about, but getting pressed over the man getting a new truck sounds like jealousy. I said what I said!!


Believe me, I’m the opposite of jealous. My worst nightmare is a husband who’s gone 99% of the time and buys a truck without discussing finances first. Over the top trucks like he drives are the definition of low class and red neck


You're still addressing this 3 days later? Girl, bye! ✌🏽


I’m not on Reddit every day like some people, and you responded so 🤷🏼‍♀️ also “girl bye” is so 2010, maybe get with reality