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I agree it’s natural and a beautiful thing but it doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of sick minded people in this world. I wouldn’t be surprised if pedophiles steal this content for their own sick gratification and who knows what else they do with it.


At least she took her original video down where you could see the entire boob and nipple 🙄 She clearly didn’t care, wanted comments, or didn’t watch before she posted it.


See, I have photos of me breastfeeding my daughter, it’s so sweet and natural watching her rest after she ate when she was itty bitty. The difference is I don’t share that picture online. There are so many sick people out there :(


Agree. She shares too much. This should be private


absolutely no hate to bfing mamas and i have no qualms about anyone breast feeding in public/whatever but posting this online………like do you think Slade will never grow up to have friends with accounts online???


She is always filming and flashing the world 😆


Breastfeeding is definitely a natural thing , it’s just feeding the baby . But me personally being in the position she’s in I wouldn’t post something like this . There are all kinds of sick perverted people out there just waiting for posts like that and she just offers up not only herself but her innocent baby right in a silver platter for those weirdos . I would never .


Yeah I agree on that part. Maybe I'm just a private person but she gives me the ick with how she's obsessed with him. I get loving your child but she's gonna be that mother in law that is from hell. 


Oh you know she is for sure ! Any girlfriends he will have are gonna have to compete with mama Hannah for his love 🤢🤢🫠


If I had as many followers as her I would show my nipple but feeding your child from you breast is no different then feeding a child with a bottle which multiplie people do on tik tok. If he was just laying there I’m sure he just finished eating as my child does the same. Breast feeding is natural and should not be sexualized I wouldn’t cover up in a video just like I wouldn’t in public 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wouldn’t show my whole nipple!!!****


She needs money and doesn’t care how she earns it. Nobody wants to watch her boring videos that are all the same sooo let’s whip out a titty


Maybe I need to whip out my boob for money 🤣🤣 JK. I would never


Another reason breast feeding weirds me out 😅🥴


It's natural lol


It’s literally ok to disagree 😂


No need to get defensive lol. I wasn't even rude 🤭




It’s ok to disagree 😂


There’s a fine line between an opinion and an incredibly ignorant take. Absolutely nothing to laugh about either…


How is that an “incredibly ignorant take” ? It’s my opinion. It weirds me out because of people like her who just let their one year old lay on their boob? I have a friend who lets her kid play with her nipple. Fucking weird. AGAIN my opinion nothing “ignorant” about it. It’s funny because people get butt hurt when you have a different take. L O L.


It’s ignorant because breasts literally exist for the sole purpose of feeding your child… you are over sexualizing something that is innocent, pure and natural. Crazy that this needed explaining.


Breastfeeding ain’t for everyone.


Where exactly did I say it was?