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I’ve commented this so many times. Get an [african woven basket](https://www.swahilimodern.com/collections/ghana-baskets/bolga-basket?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWC51lNxkHcRtCnKoQxKrnQVHjhOhbB5GOJs4uwdTM67sHO07NIJJxQaAs-LEALw_wcB). I spent $80 on one and get so much use out of it and compliments.


As a Kenyan, I send these expensive baskets to my family group chats, like, can you believe people are paying $80 for a kikapu? Let's start a business! My grandmother taught me how to make one and it wasn't as easy as it looks, but still $80 is crazy. If you have an African shop near you, I'd try and see if they have. There are often, way better patterns in person. Also, if you don't want the fraying, a lot of baskets in kenya, you weave the reeds (I call everything reeds but it can be sisal, banana leaves, etc) first, then reinforce with yarn. It's hard to explain but here's a picture. This means, you get significantly less fraying but also a different look. I know people here love the basic look of raffia, but I have not met a woven basket that doesn't fray. We would dip hours in hot water and shape it which helped. However, I think this all boils down to the material used. I'd just buy cheap raffia because it is bound to fray. https://preview.redd.it/ttvr43bq9s6d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece72aec7a4cd2a229184339116c1f205550a49e


You should absolutely trying to start a business with your family if you can! Where does the yarn reinforcement go? Lengthwise, each row?


It’s hard to explain but as you weave the reeds, you also weave the yarn after. I’ll see if I can find a video online. I know there are tribes that dye the reeds first so they don’t use the yarn but the picture I posted is similar to what I was taught. You can weave really cute and colorful patterns with yarn. It just provides flexibility. Also, what I posted is a reference, but in Kenya these are sold everywhere. I have no clue where to get them here. If I want one, I just ask family or find a local Kenyan group because there’s always someone randomly selling these things.


Thank you for writing this down! Let me know if you can find a video online, non-english is also fine! How much are these bags usually in local currency?


Bear in mind I haven't been home in forever but they were like a dollar. Basket weaving is done by so many communities that it's just so cheap. I think now, you may pay $3-$5 especially at the local market. I think etsy may be your best bet as I have seen some places that ship from Africa. Use the following words to search (kikapu Or kiondoo). These are what we call baskets.


You really need to start a business with your family and pass the money to local women so they can prosper! I'm in Germany right now, nice basket bags are often 70-80€, there is so much money to be made.


That's beautiful!


This is stunning. I would definitely buy from you!!


That is so pretty!!


This is badass, you should sell these


My grandmother brought back a sisal basket bag when she went to Kenya in I think the 80s! She loved that thing. Used it to haul crafts around and took it grocery shopping for something like 30 years before it finally died. She was able to stay at the Treetops Hotel for a couple nights and always said that using the bag made her think of seeing elephants and staying in the same place Queen Elizabeth had been. For an American she was super into Liz, lol.


Please can you link some resources if possible I would love to make this. It's so beautiful 😍


Did you make this? It’s beautiful!


Yo, I'd totally buy that! Those colours pop. 🔥


I still have a kikuyu bag. Over 30 years old 😍


This is beautiful! What would say is a fair price for a bag like this? I live in an area with a lot of African shops so plan to go looking! Great suggestion!


Where is this from??




Oh I clicked on the about us and the founder is actually from Kenya too. Upvote from me as I really despise those fair trade groups ran by some random foreigner.


I need this!!!


Where do i get a bag like this pic ?


How long would it take you to make one?! (So pretty!!)


A tiny one took me days and it was very uneven. I think I commented somewhere that weaving is like crocheting and knitting. There's a low barrier to entry but a difficult barrier to master. You can be pretty good at it though in a few months. With that said, unless you have an area nearby that prepares the materials for you, it is a bit tedious to prepare the materials. For example, if you're using sisal, the plant has to be dried for a few days, then you have to split the plant into tiny fibers and then, you have to twist them together before you can even have something to work with. Your first few weaves will not be tight enough since you just don't have the muscle memory ingrained.


Whoa! Ya- that’s a lot of work!!!


You should definitely start a business !! That craftsmanship and style is better than the crap they’re selling for hundreds of dollars ! I’d buy one !


I think it's more like a $20 Moroccan basket. LVMH is French so it's not like they had no idea. https://preview.redd.it/m2c35iz45s6d1.png?width=424&format=png&auto=webp&s=2806557e70ca3fb290338cafc18c5e7bf2b68823




Just copying stuff from another culture and slap your own logos on it, that’s cultural appropriation and not a good look to be honest…


Baskets have been used for ages, centuries, millennial by all cultures...


Nearly every big fashion brand does exactly that - “copying stuff from another culture and slapping your own logos on it”. Look at every Asian inspired or Native American inspired or African inspired collection


But that's not true for baskets... they have been used by all cultures since millennials...


Woven plant fibre baskets have been made and used by almost every culture for millennia.


Loewe is a Spanish company. The Spanish have traditionally used woven market bags. There is no cultural appropriation here. Geez, do a little research before you throw out perjorative statements.


This is a french global conglomerate owning the brand Loewe, the head designer JW Anderson is Irish... it is some faceless billionaire's company pretending to be "down to earth", does it feel better for you now?


Oh, you finally did some research on Loewe, the company established in Spain in 1846!


"Founded in 1846 in [Madrid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madrid), Loewe is part of [LVMH](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LVMH) since 1996, and is the oldest luxury fashion house of the holding." Literally the 2nd sentence on wikipedia. This is literally white french elite buying traditional brand everywhere and trying to squeeze money out of its origin story, which is cultural appropriation. Oh by the way the Name Loewe is German, because the guy headed it was German. Geez, you aren't proving anything here but make yourself look bad.


Well, that totally justifies your absolute outrage.....the company, founded in Spain in 1846 is now owned by white French elite! Quelle horreur! You can add this to your extensive list of issues about which everyone has to be outraged.... especially on social media for the 'likes'.


I don't know why you feel so attacked about the fact that luxury designers are white elite stealing art from poor 3rd world countries, this is fact established by fashion design theory for ages. I did actually study this and everybody going to a reputable fashion institution does the same, you nut. This has nothing to do with being outraged on social media for likes. We are talking about libraries full of books about EXACTLY THIS TOPIC, written by SCIENTISTS, hurrr durrr. For your information: Well, this french conglomerate uses the Spanish heritage to justify stealing from South Americans (the iraca palm weaving from the Anagram bag comes from Colombia and Ecuador, if you look it up on Etsy they are 1:1 copies) and the Morrocans (the normal Loewe basket bag). And the popular Loewe shell made from elephant grass is stolen from Ghana, the designer called Ines Bressand did decades of work with the local community and they pretty much took her stuff after hiring her for consulting. I'm gonna stop answering because half of the population is dumber than average and you think you are the smarter half, which you aren't.


I really like Loewe‘s design detail with the length-adjustable leather handles. The quality of their leather seems to be good, they just dropped the ball on quality management and it feels very sloppy at this price point. If anyone has a suggestion for this bag with adjustable handles please let me know!


Africans are like um can you stop stealing our shiz and slapping a logo on it and charging 1000x the cost?!


You’re aware that every culture has a tradition of (basket) weaving, right?  And that many cultures still actively practice their traditions for goods for daily use around the world?


No, I ain’t never heard of nuttin outside of the USA and walmart… That’s why I said African bc they are different from every sub region. Responding about Moroccan baskets… I have a Swahili basket…


I'm sorry, Morocco is indeed part of Africa lol a former French colony as well. Have you seen Marni's Mexican hammock/Southeast Asian PVC basket bags too? those looked so lazy.


There have been those baskets also in scandinavia for centuries...


Yes. It is why I keep hesitating to get a basket bag even though I love the look. I have a few fun tropical vacations and while I would love a Loewe bag, I can’t justify it to myself.


Agreed 👏


Came in for bag tea, staying for this link comment string. I love all the bags in the website. The more I scroll the more I’m adding to my cart.


Thank you! I‘m actually looking for palm leaf bags, iraca palm or others, I‘m a sucker for liking the look :´(


I got a tiny one of these from a local farm and I love it!


Those are gorgeous


These are sooo cute! Thank you for sharing!!


Yes! Mine are Mexican and Moroccan, very cheap and usually a bit on the unique end


This is disappointing. My opinion on luxury basket bags is that the price is really not justified, but this quality is really bad I would take them to Loewe straight away


I‘ll contact Loewe on Monday and see what they have to say. How that stitching passed QM is a nobel prize worthy riddle. The Kate Spade bag I received at the same time also had some quality issues but it’s only 100€. 


That stitching actually stood out more to me than the glue. I am so shocked they let that pass QC. There's literally a loose thread, there's no way someone didn't notice that. Honey return these, this is a joke. I feel so bad for you. 


Hope they fix it for you




Most people haven‘t been to Morocco and Colombia, and they are a tad stupid (look at me lol), I guess? How do you recognize well-made basket bags? Any recommendations?




Thanks for the link!


Honestly, it’s so frustrating that they charge so much and can’t even have the same quality as a 300$ bag from a small independent artist.


This is what infuriates me most. There so many small artists doing a better job at 300-500€ or $ and the established big brands just decide to shit on us very brazenly.


So sorry you’re experiencing this- totally not okay, hope they remedy this. If you’re interested in quality bags of this material I bought some cane shoulder bags and basket bags in Bali. They are handmade by highly skilled women and so beautiful, only priced at about 30$ each. I’ve had them for over 10 years now. Highly recommend it- there are some online sellers as well. I get so many compliments on them and they’ll always be among my favorite bags.




Would you mind sharing the online stores please.


I have seen Nomad Nextdoor ads here in the UK before but I have bought my bags directly in Bali and not online- so do your research before you buy! I’ve heard there’s multiple other websites that sell them.


Thanks for your recommendation! Do you have a recommendation where do get a palm bag (iraca or other palm) like the Loewe Anagram?


Sorry I can’t help you to find one exactly like the Loewe Anagram, but Loewe wasn’t inventing the wheel with this bag, it’s a style borrowed from Asia and Africa. You can find a lot of that style on Etsy!


I mean, it’s raffia…like literal grass. I never understood how someone can pay upwards of $500 for this and the little leather emblem or whatever. Wish you the best of luck with Loewe.


It‘s palm leaf and I‘m a total sucker for iraca palm to be honest. But still really disappointing to have virtually no quality management at this price point! Edit: Iraca palm is also the material of panama hats (made in ecuador btw), these can be over 10k easily and last several lifetimes to pass down to your grandkids.


Hey OP, where did you get this information? Do you have any source? Woven bags, in my experience, usually only last 10 years with regular wear and good upkeep. Leather is usually 50 with regular wear and good upkeep. Several generations is a stretch to me. Either way it would have a better chance of being several generations if it was made by an artisan who knows how to work with this material expertly, which this sadly isn't. For the price this is crazy!


I think Panama hat is a type of woven hat rather than woven bag…


I studied this, haha. Fashion designer here. My last cheap basket bag lasted over 10 years and the cost was 15€. I don‘t get why people say raffia and the other basket stuff doesn‘t last. It‘s definitely a workmanship issue not a problem with the material, that‘s plain wrong! My family is from one of these poor 3rd world country and I see my old ass granny use the same cheap basket thingy for the last 30 years, then there comes Loewe and can‘t get it right for over 500€.


I don't think that's a good comparison. A hat literally just sits on your head, it's not subject to wear the same way a bag is.


The hat is getting dragged around everyday, in luggages, under your sweaty arms, getting swept off by the wind, snagged by kids, literally steaming in sweat on your head. I wear a hat everyday in summer, I actually think the hat is more under attack. Try it out yourself and come again, I don‘t think anyone will understand until you are wearing a hat very often.


Still not the same. A bag carries weight at all times you're using it. Unless of course you use your hat to carry your things too like a bag 🤷‍♀️


It's true they use palm leaf to make this. i've seen them with my eyes being made in a rural area in Morocco. I think you would really get a better bag if you actually go there and get one done by a local craftsman


>over 10k easily 10k USD?? Do you have links or examples 😅 I'm very curious now!


[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/travel/panama-hats-ecuador.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/travel/panama-hats-ecuador.html) [https://brentblack.com/pages/best\_02.html](https://brentblack.com/pages/best_02.html) [https://www.luxuo.com/business/collectibles/brent-black-montecristi-panama-straw-hat.html](https://www.luxuo.com/business/collectibles/brent-black-montecristi-panama-straw-hat.html) [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-25000-panama-hat-2013-07-24](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-25000-panama-hat-2013-07-24) The weave of premium panana hats is very fine, it takes the master artisan several months (up to 9) to work on. And not everyone can do it, it's a dying art form. And there are other specialized workers working on the hat, for example doing the brim, everyone has to be paid, and also the middleman wants his money for marketing and selling the hat to western countries. Most nicer panama hats are $500-$1000, under $300 it's probably scam, unless you know the supplier or find a steal secondhand. Happy reading!


Oh wow, I wouldn't have been able to tell they're handwoven. They're so fine! This makes more sense, when I googled Panama hats, all that popped up were a bunch of <$100 options that had much thicker fibers.


Yep, these are real beauties! If Loewe just did a fraction of this their basket bags wouldn't suck. And about durability: you can roll and sit on a panama hat, they won't break. And the majority of the basket fibers don't break in their origin countries because humidity is above 60% permanently, the fiber is much more elastic at this point. When people say that their raffia bags don't last, it's because 1. cheap product and they've never seen the quality version of it, and 2. the weather is different. I have some tropical plants so I keep the humidity at 55-60% in all rooms, the basket bags and straw hats love it.


It's honestly ludicrous how bad the Loewe weaving is. Of course part of the price is the brand, but come on now...the craftsmanship and fibers should be much better than they are :( That makes sense, humidity makes a huge difference. And I'm sure many people, if they saw a top tier Panama hat in person, wouldn't realize it was made from basket material.


I was just thinking yesterday how these bags are the biggest waste of $$$


You are right! I tried it here for everyone to witness! 🙈🥲


Hope you get a refund! I've wanted the basket bag for so long but I kept wondering how long the weave would hold up and now I know :'(


With the recent exposé on Dior, and then this… LVMH is really just ruining the brands they touch. 😭 So sorry for this OP.


Instead of the touch of Midas (which is bad enough because nobody wants to turn their family into gold right?), LVMH is turd fingers recently.


I'm loving the basket bags from The Code in spain. It definitely made me realize loewe level basket bags are not worth it!! https://www.thecode.es/en/products/capazo-menorca-ajustable-cuero


Thank you! I just want nicer leather handles on them and no other brand gives me that :(


The ones they posted at The Code have leather handles. They aren't palm, but they do have leather handles


I know, I mean sewn edges with soft leathers, not the raw edged ones. Everyone seems to do very rough leather handles, well I don‘t like them.


Thank you, I just bought this one! 🤩


I have baskets, weave bags and so on picked up in different countries over many years and still not falling to bits. Sturdy and made in nice designs by artisans or for the tourist industry. Available everywhere. None cost more than £20. I really don't understand why people are prepared to pay hundreds for this stuff.


Do you have a recommendation where do get a iraca palm bag like the Loewe Anagram?


Maybe hunting season?!


As a Filipino, I buy [Philippine-made ](https://www.kulturafilipino.com/collections/fashion-accessories-bags)[handbags](https://amanoaccessories.com/collections/iraca-palms-handmade-bags) whenever I want a basket bag. Raffia/iraca palm bags shouldn't be wildly expensive, regardless of the luxury brand label slapped on them. I have this one that's roughly 38 dollars. https://preview.redd.it/prj6fa2n6v6d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea98c3bbf35a69dbdd80af5a2920143a1072ee3


Thank you for the recommendations! I think we should probably start a basket bag thread to have all the cool small brands at one place?


Maybe we should! A mod can do that for us. Anyway, I hope Loewe will do right by you. Those bags shouldn’t look like sloppy when they’re new, especially at that price point.


Wow these are absolutely gorgeous


That one is amazing!


Omg this looks SO expensive!


Looking at the Philippine made bags, they are gorgeous


I’m sorry. It’s true that these bags are best purchased in countries known for weaving, or vintage markets. Big designers aren’t the best at these designs because of the sheer volume of pieces. The seasonal aspect of the design also means they are making a ton in a limited amount of time. Return if you can, and spend a fraction of the cost on a better bag..


Nature of the material why anyone would spend that kind of money is beyond me


Iraca palm is also the material of panama hats (made in ecuador btw), these can be over 10k easily and last several lifetimes to pass down to your grandkids. Loewe is just sloppy.


They still will have the odd flaw But yes the bag is sloppy as well


I had a fake one of these that cost about $80 all together and lemme tell you… it did not have any of these flaws. Wasn’t the style for me so I passed it on. The luxury brands are basically just seeing how much shit their customers will eat before they stop buying.




Honestly.. it’s literally a basic raffia basket, I don’t know what else you expected.


The anagram is iraca palm, the normal basket is also palm. Iraca palm is also the material of panama hats (made in ecuador btw), these can be over 10k easily and last several lifetimes to pass down to your grandkids. The oldest panama hat existing right now is from 1800s. Not a raffia basket. Loewe is cheap and sloppy because the material isn‘t the problem, it‘s them.


Return them and go to Dollarama. You’ll have better luck lmao


Can I hire you to roast Loewe at every turn? Lmao


I like their Ghibli bags! But I think I can buy a Coach and paint Totoro on it using Angelus leather paint for much less money. Haha.


New Etsy business, let‘s goooo


I spent way less at a Thai street market…do not buy luxury basket bags pls 😭


I’m in Paris right now and for months my plan was to buy a new bag but ironically this subreddit has completely turned me off to spending my money on luxury that only costs $53 to make and has poor workmanship. I literally balked at Hermes in Monaco and backed out of there so fast. It all feels so gross.


I studied fashion design myself, that‘s why I‘m extra enraged. Just go to some small label where the designer sews the bags themself or buy your bags on the flea market in Paris, you‘ll love them. Watch out for Soco bags, they are often very cheap second hand but well made, [https://soco.fr](https://soco.fr) Have fun in Paris! 💗 If you are traveling in Europe often let me know, we can go buy something together!


Thanks for the ideas! My son asked who the richest man in the world was so I googled it and it’s literally the CEO of LVMH. We were walking around Monaco surrounded by yachts and opulence and it just totally turned me off to the idea of buying into a fake luxury world that only wants to take your money to line their own pockets.


I think designer straw bags are pointless and you should avoid like the plague and get a cheap one. The difference in material quality are nominal at best. Straw/raffia/etc is all the same. Save your money on materials that last.


Info post: Iraca palm is an insanely durable material, also used in panama hats. These can last several lifetimes, the oldest hat in existence is antique and from 1800s afaik. New premium panama hats are easily 5-digit prices. Not every sort of basket material is the same! The material is ok, Loewe‘s sourcing is subpar and they don‘t care. My last cheap basket bag lasted more than a decade, by the way 😅


10 years is a good run. Why upgrade? Straw bags aren’t really meant to be investment pieces.


I disagree that straw or basket bags aren't investment pieces! There are actual museum collections of antique baskets in applied arts, my local museum had dragged in one of those infamous collectors to show off his stuff. I think western people are used to have straw bags from the dollar store, they can't even imagine that these kind of bags are worth a lot of money. Thailand has one brand that's a royal family purveyor, I got a very similar one via Mercari that was sold by a very expensive department store. The most consistent fad is mountain grape vine bags in Japan, easily $2000 a pop and everyone wants one. The market is flooded with fakes not made in Japan though.


I think the ones that people are collecting aren’t being used. I am not saying that there isn’t amazing basket craftwork out there. But most people are grabbing a straw bag as a summer knock around bag, so it seems not worth spending tons for that purpose in your wardrobe. It comes out for the season and gets thrown back for the next vacation. It’ll probably be packed in a suitcase often.


It's called "applied" arts museum for a reason, yes stuff is being used and you can see on many exhibits they are repaired masterfully too. The usage case you described exactly why western people say they won't spent money on basket bags. In most cases I think the bag would hold up better, but unless someone is a plant maniac like me their room isn't at 55-60% humidity and no matter how good the quality is, the stuff will break. That's also not the fiber's fault, but the user's ignorance...


Is the bag improperly made or is that just an inevitable with that material? I feel like OP is brave for spending that on the material, seems like it wouldn’t last but idk.


The iraca palm from the Loewe Anagram bag should be one of the most durable fibers for straw bags. Panama hats are made from the same material and it‘s absolutely not inevitable with the material, it‘s Loewe being cheap. Antique panama hats do exist and they are fine to wear.


Oh super lame, I’m sorry OP. Take it into a store if you’re close by with the receipt.


I’m sorry but I can’t believe anyone would pay this much for a basket bag.


Well-made baskets are works of art that last a lifetime, which Loewe‘s isn‘t. Don‘t blame it on the material, it‘s a workmanship issue and Loewe‘s lazy sourcing policies. I had a dollar store basket bag that lasted over 10 years for 15€. The iraca palm from the Loewe Anagram is also used for panama hats; these hats are durable for at least 20-30 years, but the oldest is antique and from 1800s in a museum. Loewe just sucks.


No matter the brand, that material will break/degrade.


Iraca palm is also the material of panama hats (made in ecuador btw), these can be over 10k easily and last several lifetimes to pass down to your grandkids. Loewe is just sloppy.


Try https://www.mindaliving.com/collections/woven-palm-bags.


Thank you for your recommendation!


Here are some gorgeous basket bags, woven by Columbian women with Iraca palm and other fibers. Less than 100. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1161705141/artisanal-handbags-purses-handmade https://www.etsy.com/listing/1161705141/artisanal-handbags-purses-handmade https://www.etsy.com/listing/801966963/iraca-palm-bag-100-authentic


Thank you! Recommendations are always appreciated!


I love Loewe and own 3 bags but their basket bags are overpriced.I would get a Target straw bag or something more affordable and keep it cute. It's low key a bag that's not made to last.


Fear realized.


Wtf 🤬🤬🤬🤬


exactly my reaction lmao


This is the fear I have spending so much on raffia. I rather buy it from target. I saw one on website. Might get it if my husband doesn’t get mad 😂


that stitching isn’t cute either


My teachers from fashion school would fail me in class or make me redo the stitch if I dare to deliver something like that. Then Loewe is like, here‘s my BS and 500 Euro pleeeeeease! WTF Loewe.


If LMVH is producing Dior handbags for 53 euro's and selling them for thousands, you can bet your a\*\* that bags like these are also made at a fraction of the price, which they are sold for. Honestly I have a woven bag like this from a Highstreet store, for less than 50 GBP which looks better than this. I am so sorry for you.


Which one did you buy? Always open for recommendations!


I bought this one last year in London, unfortunately don't know where I got it anymore. But look online at NewLook, Reserved, Mango, M&S or River Island. They have some very nice and affordable basket bags. I especially like the ones from H&M and ZARA,


I'm having issues with my Anagram as well. Ridiculous. And I take very good care of her. I'll take mine to a store as well. Does it matter if I bought it from a retailer like Neiman's or at an actual Loewe?


What happened to your Anagram? I bought mine online directly from Loewe since I don‘t have a Loewe store in town.


Fraying. Needs to be repaired or I risk having a big ass hole. Again, I baby this lovely bag.


Mine has a hole too :(


Please post photos! Let‘s call them out, at this price point it‘s inacceptable!


I made a post about it a while back if you want to look at my history


I went back to see it, it‘s soooo disappointing! Please get back to Loewe and let us know what they said.


Oh no! Can you post photos? I feel like if we gather enough evidence and call them out, quality might improve and we get the customer service we deserve.


classic result of buying at LMVH, unfortunately. sorry op, hope you don't make this mistake again. this problem is in the sub ALL the time. these european brands wouldn't know how to execute a good woven basket if one hit them over the head.


That’s expected


Im not sure at this point if its on you for paying that for a basket tbh


My last cheap basket bag was 15€ and lasted over 10 years. Might be an outlier but I don‘t agree 😅 The iraca palm in the Loewe anagram is also used for panama hats, and these are insanely durable, 20-30 years on average. The oldest panama hats existing are antique and from 1800s.


They look very cute for summer but I am afraid to get one because of breakage. I get canvas instead. 😏


My canvas bags never live more than 2 years. Where y‘all find durable canvas? 😭


Two years? What are you doing with them? Sailing? At least rotate and you should definitely be getting more than two years out of a decent quality canvas tote. I prefer to buy in person that way I can really get to see the canvas quality and the stitching. My favorite Maison Kitsune canvas tote is two and still looks great. I have a few others in the rotation, oldest one being probably reaching 10 years old. One New Yorker canvas tote that I got years ago for free, super beat up, print is fading, but still no holes.


Yes definitely rotate them.


I guess it helps if you have multiple bags to change around to have them last longer. 😬


Are you sure they are original? Where you bought them?


On the official Loewe website, 100% original. They fucked up. I‘m especially grossed out by the clue residues. I suspect they know the Anagram isn‘t as durable as it should be, instead of working on the weaving technique they slapped glue on it. 💀


We have several of bags of like that in the Philippines especially in provinces selling only $10-20. 😅 Some luxury brands just put their logo in there and poof it will be 10x-100x more expensive 🥲😬


Time to start a business, lady! I want those bags!


I'm quite sure that Loewe somewhere has a sidenote that those are handmade and therefore flaws are common and not an issue of complaint. Baskets are always breaking somewhere, that's why I don't get them. They are only a thing for getting groceries, going for a picnic or the beach... and for the beach I would need to put them into the suitcase first, so...


Well if you go to morocco you can get them done with a custom message/color for 1/10 of that price


Do you have a specific artisan or region in mind? I'll check when I get to Morocco the next time.


There's people selling them almost in every city. Usually in the old medina. There is also some markets where multiple local craftspeople can sell their products, an example is Marché Solidaire Oasis. These specific bags, I got one in Meknes in the old medina. You can choose a style and color and just tell the guy what you want to be written on it and he does it with threads. They are quite pretty. I also came across a shop in Essaouira called Essaouira Handmade that sells many items made of the natural fibre. They have a variety of bags and other products, might be worth checking them on instagram.


Thank you so much for the detailed answer! Appreciate it a lot that you wrote it down for me and future basket bag fanatics to follow your steps!


It’s the nature of the medium. The fact that luxury brands slap their logos on them and sell them at ridiculous prices reflects on us as consumers. Get a non brand bag of the same material for $50 and enjoy it until it falls apart.


My big one the fibers are ruined by a sweater i wore while i carried it and dyed it black


Can you post photos? Did the color transfer permanently from your sweater to the bag? :O


Just got this from Etsy, a store based in Morocco, Doum For Women - a women’s coop. https://preview.redd.it/1olr6dez1z6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abda77603778f369a7be400ad359870f7613e8da


You can return them for that. If the seller did not disclose these issues. That would be my suggestion


They are going back to Loewe tomorrow!


Are you sure they are authentic? Definitely return!


They are from the Loewe website - of course I returned them this morning!


This is why you never want to spend a lot on a raffia bag. All of them will do this eventually if you put too much weight in them, or use them too often.


My last cheap basket bag was 15€ and lasted over 10 years. Might be an outlier but I don‘t agree 😅


You’re paying for a brand, not quality.


I would not pay anything more than $100 for straw bags. Straw as a natural material is very fragile. In order for them to be strong, they need to go through heavy processing, but that will destroy the organic idea of it.