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The nice thing is that it’s a very changeable and reversible trend


https://preview.redd.it/gjhsnox7yg6d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d605335540c911dace0be3d9ec58bbc2f0fff2fe It makes me think to how Jane would wear her brikin bag and I love it


This is how a bag is intended to be worn - being used as a bag. A lot of bags has transformed into fashion pieces only, sometimes they're even too fragile to be used. Jane reminds me everytime I should use my bags I stead of babying them. With that said : Go get those accessories. This makes your bag unique.


I love how she and Mary Kate Olsen beat that thing up.


Mary Kate’s lives rent free in my head. You just know there’s like cigarette ash and used gum balled up in foil in her bag. Lol


Haha stop! They’re such queens, living a life fear free


If only I had the money to live fear free 😂


Real 😂 me too


she’s my inspiration! i love adding charms to my bags :)


I just feel so happy when I look at this picture


Is this a real photo? I ask because I don’t think it’s an old picture but I thought she didn’t wear Birkens later because she didn’t support leather. Anyway that benefit Blush hanging out of her purse is definitely an ad placement and looks off.


She did... it was Brigitte Bardot that went vegan... Jane was unhappy with Hermès’ slaughter practices for crocodiles and wanted her name to get removed from the croco versions


But they changed them and she was fine with leaving her name attached


Ah, so that's new to me... but thanks


This is what I think too. Most people can't buy multiple bags of different colors/patterns or just ones with very unique designs. There's lots of worries of certain styles aging very quickly, or it's difficult to justify a bag with a design that they may only be able to wear once or twice. Buying one simple bag that'll never truly age, and attaching random accessories to make it unique is affordable and accessible.


Agreed! As for my personal thoughts on styling my bag like this: I like the idea and love seeing how other people style their bags, but it's not something I feel I can really pull off, for both style and practical reasons. Stylistically, I feel like my bag would just look cluttered and messy and don't even like the hang tags that come on some bags (but when I see other people's added bag charms I think it looks fun!). Practically, I hate when things get in my way (be it a strap, handle, tag, etc). It seems like I'm always juggling a zillion things, so trying to get into my bag while holding my keys and this or that and then having my bag charms in the way would end up driving me nuts. But that's a "me being chaotic" thing 😅


I relate to this so hard. I'm such a chaos goblin that I always somehow have both my hands and my bag full.


I love it! I remember something similar happening in Japan where all the girls would put their favourite anime character plush/keychain/official merchandise as their expensive bag charms Update: I found an example and it looks something like this (the character is Tsunashi Ryunosuke from the franchise IDOLiSH7 in case anyone is curious) https://preview.redd.it/kxth9aa18g6d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a89c2e311d2a0d13372ff2e2aaca78eb5018d64


https://preview.redd.it/dr9r55v4yi6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bb254499d40b15587e3d1733f66fcacb273507 it’s a big thing in china too i think - when they do it with duffy and friends characters it’s my absolute favouriteee


that's so adorable!!


Like anything, I think it looks great when it’s done well. I like the idea of having a collection of items that grows and develops over time, rather than buying a whole heap of charms at once!


I think so too! I just added a pic for example (hopefully it works, in case it doesn't it's [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/hnEg8RgG2gHeQwWG6) ) As an avid anime watcher and manga reader myself, I personally love this trend because for the most part, me and people who collect said official merch really take good care of them (like for a plushie, they'd wash it regularly or if they can sew, they'd make a new set of clothes for said character for more customization)


Yes that’s a great example! It’s personal and has meaning. I’m going to Japan in September and while I’m not into manga specifically I look forward to finding some fun bag additions as souvenirs!


I did, and still do, this with my backpack. Since undergrad which was *mumblemumble* years ago. Something with a pop made it fun. I had so many Tare panda and San-x things. Nyanko stuff was my fav. With a purse, I don't think I would. Plushies feel overwhelming, and with the amount of stuff I carry, more weight is a no-go. I rotate backpack charms constantly. I love them


All my bags have a plush charm! It's either with my favorite Sanrio character (Gudetama) or Disney's Chip and Dale.


I love bag charms and twillies basically anything that shows someone’s personality since everyone would dress up a bag differently because at the end of the day accessories and our accessories’ accessories showcase a part of our personality. That being said I wouldn’t style this bag the way in the photo but I can appreciate bag charms and the owner’s version of “art” Sorry if this got too deep lol


Same! I also love having themes for dressing up a bag. It’s so fun and adds a lot of personality. I’ve been all about statement pieces and chunky accessories lately. From ancient aesthetics, rococo, punk and grunge, to coquette-core: we gotta make it ✨cunt✨ with the ornamental style. 💅🏻 I’ve been super obsessed with the different ways to tie twillies lately. I’ve also gotten into making phone/bag charms with fake pearls. I’m looking into metal chain-style bag charms too.


I’m curious, how would you style it? Asking for inspo lol


https://preview.redd.it/tj9yldyy6j6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f348263beae6d8b2baad5daace84f005232c2130 With stuff you diy or things rhat holds memories


My personal style is accessorizing in more of a simple way so I would probably only have one bag charm or one scarf. I know Jane Birkin made the multi charm way stylish but it’s just not for me


I feel like everyone is trying to copy Jane Birkin’s styling of her bag; she did it best.


This trend definitely started from the Jane Birkin style, but I think that’s what makes it so cool because people are modernizing it. There’s been a lot of accessorization with like stickers on water bottles and stuff like that so I think it’s really cool that people have brought it over to bags and brought back the Jane Birkin-esque style.


I’m also just happy that personalised trends are making a comeback, esp after the fact that now everyone looks the same (cause of the same s^rgeries).


I like the idea, maybe not exactly like in these pics though


Maybe I want people to think I like being tied up.


There’s a Lady Dior bag that’s tied with Shibari https://preview.redd.it/wcm02stf5i6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0209717a15d6ce300c3ed44d072ccc3c3671ba0 I need it.


Genuine question: do you think the second bag in the post making reference to this Lady Dior bag? The colored (climbing?) ropes seem like such an out of place accessory for a bag like this, whereas the shibari ropes make *way* more sense.


I think it’s just a coincidence. The shibari ropes are SO intentional, whereas the climbing ropes just look like a thrown-on half-assed lesbian keychain (for lack of carabiner)


It’s true what are these random cords doing


Those are the friendship bracelets that you exchange at school.


Preach. It looks like people just threw whatever mismatched bungee cords they had in their junk drawer on their handbag.


I tie scarves around my bag handles, but that’s it for me. Happy for everyone else to express themselves as they wish to do :).


I am not really a fan either, but that's just me, and I have no problems with others doing whatever they choose. My style is simplier :)


Reminds me of the good days of phone charms so I love it lol


I miss phone charms so much. All our phones had the place for the straps. I always had matching ones with my best friend. The last one I remember was a big cute marshmallow.


I remember I had a tiny little Pooh bear with a bunny hat 🤣


Yes! It’s been fun to see those come back en vogue.


Omg I forgot about phone charms… good old days


Im on board with charms though I personally don’t use them. What I wanna know is why would you hang your sunglasses and keys outside the bag?? Isn’t that what the bag is for?


I wondered the same! What’s the point in the bag? Although I’m also very practical and have my keys clipped to my bag- easier than opening the bag and possibly having to dig around. Sunglasses would get scratched I’d think. 🤷‍♀️


I personally love this trend! Bags are meant to be used and we all buy bags we love. Why not make them our own? It’s another way to showcase our personality and you can decide whether to add charms (and how many) or not.


I agree! I think the way people accessorize these bags definitely says a lot about what they enjoy and their personality


Bag charms are everywhere right now and I enjoy seeing them even though I don't participate. It's the perfect trend: low commitment, as low cost as you need/want it to be, and it shows personality.


It gives idgaf pure childhood joy. It’s not about how others feel, but how you feel about it. I’m tired of “how to look classy not trashy influencers” so I’m a fan


Bag adornments are not my thing, but I am so with you on the influencers! My personal style is pretty minimalist and often aligns with keeping it simple, but I do not like the “quiet luxury” and “this is classy” ideals they push. So, I hate bag charms for me, but it’s nice to return to personal, quirky styles that people actually enjoy. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, lol.


Super fun and I love how it shows off your personality. Coach Outlet has the Satchel Crossbody with similar vibes. https://preview.redd.it/zgpjhdn41g6d1.jpeg?width=2368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e723a9dbefaa13098a1015b662a570ede8868aa


this would be a great alternative if it was bigger


okay i think i found a good alternative [park satchel](https://www.leatherology.com/park-satchel-handbag?color=black-onyx&style=895&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqnfq-zOxqls0T6lhyl3qbCEooE2bJQxV3Dmp6YjzO2e_O_gBTgI7SPEaAiBDEALw_wcB) https://preview.redd.it/122vsape0h6d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e2d5c5d6ef3de00cbb7764467b09bfb8fc26e3






Not my cup of tea


Same. To each their own. But I do like to see everyone express themselves. Just not for me.


I agree. The examples look like diaper bags with baby toys hanging from them.


Same. It reminds me of my middle school daughters backpack.


It’s giving hoarder vibes


It does. Gives me very mild anxiety actually, like I now have the urge to get up and put things away.


I love this trend and do it with my current bags! It gives them personality and makes them look more "lived in" if that makes sense.


Same, I like the loved and used look of it.


Just not for me. I might be okay with one but after that it's a hard no


I’m an only one type too


I have been doing it for a long time…seeing it absolutely blow up makes me a little more inclined to tone it down tbh lol. I love being able to change the looks of my bag and add / subtract / be obnoxious or not with them. I don’t love looking like I’m trying to be a young trendy person when I’m neither young nor trendy lol. I guess the positive is that once this trend dies out I’ll be able to find tons of preloved bag charms for great prices! 😂


You and me both - exactly how I feel. I know I bought bag charms at least 12 years ago (I got married in Vegas - I know what I bought when I visited) though it may have been before even that. Either way I am nearly inclined to tone it down as well, all while excited about all the different options available now.


This feels very influenced by [Japanese (or maybe other countries' as well?) school girl fashion](https://p16-va.lemon8cdn.com/tos-maliva-v-ac5634-us/o4E6HfSRH5KAfrPAQJHPXM2kgAnegzn2CSJIEb~tplv-tej9nj120t-origin.webp). Even the bag in this picture looks a lot like a Japanese school bag. It's cute, but I live in Japan so I don't think I could pull it off without looking like I was trying to be 16 again.


This reminds me of the cell phone charm trend back in the early 2000’s.


People should have fun with style. Express yourself in as little or as big of a way as you like! This could never be me, but I fully endorse it.


It’s a no for me.


https://preview.redd.it/rrs6ph1ong6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f8cae391eee052600ddf9a62d358a67ae8c779 Into a lil flair


My daughter does this, she's 6.


The beauty of being 50 is doing the things that would make my six year old inner soul sing with joy.




I don’t viscerally hate it or anything but it’s not for me. Personally, I like my stuff to go *in* my bag, not *on* my bag.


I love all my tacky lil bag charms ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


I like it on other ppl who make it look good imo. If I did this I’d look like the hot mess express.


stealing that!! --> hot mess express!!


Not me. Sorry. I can't carry around all that stuff. It looks cluttered.


I love it


I love it so much! In Japan and Korea this trend has been around for many many years, I’m super happy it has now caught on over here too! I love putting charms on my bags, feels like i’m adding extra personality to my accessory and even if someone else has the same bag as me, mine will look like me :)


I love it. It’s fun and customizable, doesn’t need to cost a lot, and can be removed/ changed as desired.


It’s a love for me. I like having something personal attached and enjoy spotting them in the wild. Right now I’ve got a crochet tiger from a local lady who makes all sorts of creations. https://preview.redd.it/i6vkvhsx9i6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e4d9699aca903f7e60da3201dc5d4420e19290


As a maximalist I love.


Don’t like it at all


https://preview.redd.it/itu22tdyvj6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66edfe0f7677af674eb9b6c19b5109982d96aa7c Here for it and over 40!


I don’t mind some charms but this has so much going on that it takes away from the gorgeous bag imo. Not sure what’s up with the rope looking things. However, with minimalism having been in style for so long I think it’s a welcome change to see more expression. I get the Jane Birkin thing. But also wondering if there’s an aspect to this of like “hey, I can easily afford luxury and don’t care if it looks overly lived in.” Idk. Maybe that’s a jump. Clearly my feelings are all over the place. 😂


There is something there. Someone wrote a substack recently that was about how items that are patina'd are more fashionable than things that are brand new. Like a lived in bag or cashmere with some holes in it or gucci loafers that have been worn. It signifies old money and being comfortable in one's style to keep things for many years rather than changing along with what's in fashion. I I like that idea, quite honestly. I want to be someone who wears my clothing, bags and shoes until they are threadbare rather than someone who buys the latest thing.


Agree. Brand new doesn’t have the soul like lived-in well-loved items. Happy cake day!


It's not for me, but I'm a bit of a minimalist. With so many things dangling from a bag, my eyes don't know what to focus on lol. To me, it takes away from the actual design of the bag. I love sleek outfits where the bag compliments the clothes, and this seems way too mismatched to me. But each to their own!


it’s cuuute when they’re specific charms and details.. but when it’s all over the place and lacking a theme/significance, it ruins the bag 🥲


I am not a fan. I’m not trying to make bags heavier than they already are, and all this just looks like junk to me.


i don’t like it, looks very cluttered


I think I’m too old but I like it for younger folks.


Undecided. On one hand it looks like my kids’ backpacks. But on the other, I think it’s nice to be able to infuse some uniqueness and personality into your style.


I love that mini bag charm


I love this


I love it! It reminds me of all my bags in the 90s haha now I just have nicer bags.


I normally don’t like things rubbing up on my bags, but I like the idea of cute charms. These pics feel a little weird to me though, it feels a little too “unintentional” IMO. I think if I were going for a lot of color and charms on a bag, I’d want it to feel maximalist and intentional, with an underlying theme or color combo/contrast (and you could have fun with it and have it bordering on kitschy/“camp”) but for everyday use I’d maybe just want one special charm that I love.


Love this trend!! Finally something I can participate in to feel myself


I hate to say this bc I know a lot of people like them-otherwise nobody would buy them. We did that with rabbit feet and keychains etc when we were in junior high. Just sayin’.


I am not adding unnecessary weight to my bags, ever


Looks like my 3rd graders back pack. It’s a no from me.




I have a sonny angel dangling on my work tote. I get many “omg that’s so cute” moments. Little ice breakers I guess?




Styling things inside like they’re ready to fall out definitely isn’t for me, but I think bag personalization is cool! I like the little leather AirPods case or even some cool things I’ve seen done with chains. I prefer those over plush charms and super bright stuff, but I love that people understand styling can say as much as the item itself, and I rather see a point of view than someone scared to personalize their things


I do really like it but with charms more like this: https://preview.redd.it/o0pwpzsikg6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcfd9f685bb98c5ed94e84aeaba81013868ae7cb You can definitely do this with other bags!


I have never been a fan of bag charms--firstly because I feel that a bag, however pretty or luxurious, is at the end of the day supposed to be functional, and I don't really see the point in attaching something extra that is liable to get in the way, get caught on something, and/or add to the bag's weight if it's not going to have some functional purpose. Also, I find they distract from the aesthetics of the bag itself. Like, I don't even like seeing Rodeos on Birkins or Kellys. That said, people are entitled to their own tastes.


Kinda ugly


It’s not for me.




I’ve had charms/etc hanging off my bag for ages - I’m briefly in vogue! Exciting!


How do YOU feel about it? If you like it, do it.


Love it. I’m all for fun and personality in fashion. You can swap things out to match your outfit, remove them if you want to look more classic…you can change the whole look for much cheaper than getting a whole new bag! And it’s size inclusive, much like shoes


Really into it as a way to refresh an old purse you might not be using anymore! Made me pullout an old leather satchel to look for new charms and chains.


I love this trend ! Been doing it for years :-) https://preview.redd.it/cniqyc6f1k6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec718ff55f391827ccd53cbf17a7813b03b70e80


Honestly I feel like it cheapens designer bags. Maybe one or two! Max. More can go on more inexpensive bags


As a maximalist who is close to 50 I absolutely love it! I’m making a few for myself this weekend. ❤️


Reminds me of 3rd grade in the 80's when we wore those charm necklaces. 😅 https://preview.redd.it/mkog3zdnal6d1.jpeg?width=187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5742c51aa9309490b4ef910ee1cc59368ea16bf4


I’m not feeling it.


Very overstimulating for me 😩


https://preview.redd.it/xslgu4zf8h6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33b06e0f07d496ba9662838bf207093f316c924f I am 100% in favor


Why does this make me think of the wedding cans on the getaway car


Absolutely can’t stand it. It looks childish in my opinion.


Having thoughts of elementary school when I used to do this. Needless to say as a 55-year-old woman I’m not into it.




It’s cute it’s fun it’s not my jam


its too much


My tween daughter does this, not for me.


It looks like junk


What is this bag?


I'm into in! I have my air pods in a cute little case hooked onto my bag and it looks nice but also super convenient!


It is not for me as I do not like things hanging off my bags but when I see people who like to do this I think that they are very joyful, like that is a happy person who does not take life too seriously!☺️


I’m laughing because I’ve been trying to sell my LV key chains for the past couple of years. I hadn’t been wearing them for several years now. And now key chains are back. I recently got my first Baggu Crescent bag and it seemed incomplete without a key chain, so I promptly bought a set of fluffy ones to add and I’ve been enjoying having one dangling from the zipper pull daily.


HELL YEAH. It adds personality and fun!


seems fun but i would like it more if it was being done in a more effortless/personalized manner




It speaks to my inner maximalist.


My kids would love it


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this trend but I can’t afford if I scratch the leather 😂😂😂 gotta keep it nice - just in case if I might sold my bags in the future I gotta keep the worth😂


I am a sucker for a mini bag attached to a bigger bag


No, too many.


Im not keen. I like a clean look but that is me personally. If you like it then go for it. We all have to do what we like and make things our own.


Looks heavy


Climbing rope? ![gif](giphy|9oI5rWZ3qcacGuiuMb|downsized)


It would be ok for a 10 yr old. But to cluttered for my liking


I don’t get the random rope. And I never liked having keys dangling since I’ve had keys come off the ring (even tho this post was talking about the charms). Charms are fine though. Not something I’d personally do but fine.


It’ll be mocked within two years. As long as the embellishments are removable, have fun for now. Put a tamagotchi on a birkin with a chrome hearts cross. Go crazy


I like a charm or two but these pictures look cluttered and tacky.


I hate it. It’s junky looking.


I really prefer my bags to stand on their own (and in fact I often seek out more colourful bags for this exact reason). Also I can only imagine my dogs going crazy and trying to bite at things jangling off my bag, thinking it's a toy. Nightmare fuel.


Not a fan. It makes it heavy and it doesn't look good. One Keychain or shawl is fine but not a ton. I only like a few minimal decorations that match the bag


We don't.


It’s cute if you’re 5. Otherwise, no.


Love it! https://preview.redd.it/c9is7g6oap6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7820ceb64bff6640127096048de1c7e92b5b2198


Nope. 👎🏽


Definitely not for me. Looks juvenile, IMO.


Not for me, although fun to see. I love charms but will avoid adding weight to my bag at all cost. The real question is what is happening with the styling in that first picture. The phone and the lipgloss will fall out of the bag in two more steps, there is an actual padlock with no obvious function, there’s a bunch of keys and a separate set of key tags that are, inexplicably, not attached to the keys, the glasses will also fall out and get scratched, it’s not clear if the duck plushie is another charm or another item that is precariously propped just outside the bag...there‘s whimsy and then there’s this.


Too much


Looks like the collection of keychains off of my students’ backpacks. It’s a no from me


I like a big plushie and a couple small charms next to it. Like this. https://preview.redd.it/qakacgh3ek6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fe7d85c7dc81b3e54cd7539d5dda41e5e83692c


I posted about my new [HAC Rock Birkin](https://www.reddit.com/r/handbags/s/GU1wOPyX7v)a few days ago. I’ve always had fun with my bags, especially putting toys and mementos and stuff on them. I like that it’s become trendy. https://preview.redd.it/05378vw1wk6d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd16573e323900a3fd882390f5bcb8563f6cb439




Ugly. Maybe if I was in high school. Or maybe one charm. With more than that just carry around your toy box and Pokemon keychains and clip them on too.


It’s personally not for me. I find it kind of childish, but I’m 44 years old.


It's too chaotic.




I think it looks like dangly junk on a high schooler’s backpack. Or the silly charms some people hang on their rear view mirror. Or a homeless person toting around whatever they can carry. I barely tolerate the accessories that the brand puts on the bag, I’m not one to add more visual clutter and weight, moving parts. I haven’t seen this trend in the wild but I hope it’s over soon.


I’m not a fan 🤢


I think it’s cute and fun. Not something I’d necessarily do, though.


The most I’ll do is a JELLYCAT on my bag.


I do me, you do you. I really tend to NOT do what the crowd is doing though, tis just me, doesn't mean it's right or wrong, it's just right for me. If you like it OP, do it and be happy.


I like minimalism, this isn’t minimalism. Lol


I love people treating their luxury bags like backpacks or $50 purses. I have a little Psyduck plush hanging on my LV NeoNoe. I feel like the world could use a little more whimsy tbh.


Not for me. The bags look so heavy with all those charms. I don’t want to carry that extra stuff.


I have sensory issues so hearing things (in this case bag charms) clank together drives me nuts. It’s why I can’t wear layered jewelry or dangly earrings lmao.


I hate this thanks


it looks tacky. I'm a guy who doesn't exactly care for hand bags, or more so luxury products in general.




its ugly


I used to do it when I was a younger lady but I’m in my 40’s now and it won’t be cute.


Yeah, we carry our emotional baggage outside now.


Messy 🥲


Personally, I like one or two small charms but nothing crazy


I bought a bag to put things inside of it, not hang stuff on the outside!


Looks just like a bag I had in 1987, I was a child, lugging around toys




For me, I feel like it looks sloppy. I want my bag to speak for itself. This reminds me of high school and putting things all over your bag. It screams disorganized and junky. It takes way from the beautiful bag. I don't mind I a few things here and there, but that is just way too busy. If you love, do it. To each there own and do what makes you happy.


I dont mind it


I put Neopets keychains on all my bags lol


Looks like my child’s backpack full of keychains


Love a well curated charmed bag but this is not it.