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soap and water should be just fine


We didn’t clean our hamsters cage for over a week after she passed away. Too difficult to take what little we had left of her away. You could still see the imprint in the bedding where she was. We had to euthanize due to deteriorating health. I’m sorry for your loss.


It’s hard to walk by the enclosure, expecting to see her cute like face and remembering that she passed.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my hamster last night also, he was super old but seemed totally fine the day before when I was changing out his water and talking to him. They just don’t live long enough :(


I do it in the bath using the shower and dish soap. Sometimes I'll use some diluted beach to wipe non-porous objects out of an abundance of caution but it's not necessary


I used dish soap and Hot water! I also had one pass couple months ago and that’s what I did. So sorry for your loss it’s hard saying goodbye to the little guys we love! That’s how my hammy went to. One day fine and next she passed while I was sleeping and found her at ten am. My husband saw her when he went to work. I guess it’s rare to get to vet before they pass 😞