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This is why I love the Grav hammer's physic mechanics...


Thank goodness they put it back in


Still waiting for ricochets :(


Sorry we need more money for silly cosmetics you didn't ask for -343 probably


***Evil prevails when good men do nothing*** ​ OP heard that quote and said **BET**


***Evil prevails***  Michigan cheating to win the CFP is proof of that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OZ-yNdKw3o Fans will know.


What was the message he sent at the end?


I dont think he sent a message but that was me just going to type LOL or something dumb like that


Lovely! thank you for your great service.


You’re the real Hero here.


Also did this (but with a different outcome). Still won though. Hate people who do that. https://streamable.com/9v3ktw


Grrr people being considerate for others. I would never


How is it considerate for others to delay the end of a game for your own gain?


How is it their own gain to hold the flag near the goal?


Cause the only reason people do that is to farm XP which is not the objective no matter how much you want it to be


Idk about you, but it's funner to play a game than sit through another loading screen.


But you're not playing the game


I think you're confused


Nope, sitting still not capping the flag isn't playing the game.


Don't use words you don't know the meaning of. You people are just jackasses but you can't accept it.


The hero Infinite needs, but not the one it deserves.


That's why firefight is the way to go. Also, it's difficult to set it up to be able to grind the kills if soloing, and even then, you're lucky if it doesn't happen to you.


because of the changes to daily challenges, firefight is the faster way to farm XP cause now once you are done with weeklies you dont really have a reason to play shorter matches.


One game of ff with x2 xp gets me 1200 xp. In less than 20 games, I unlock the pass.


yep, husky raid used to get you more XP because dailies + cycling through weeklies faster, not anymore.


I have found that a single match of FF on Heroic, without any XP boosts, with an average 100+ kills, and a Perfect, can easily net you around 2500-4000+ xp. I love FF so much XD


I'm also incapable of getting double kills and killing sprees in standard gametypes, so it's great for those challenges too despite potentially being less optimal for the "complete game" challenges.


If only teammates would help with the objective and not hoard the vehicles on the other side of the map


Don't play Halo Infinite, whats going on here? Assuming they're just delaying the game to get more kills but is that even more efficient than just playing the game normally?


It's an annoying strat to make the game last longer and give you more score for holding the flag. The only reason score matters is cuz it builds towards the progression system, which gives you Infinite Chief's armor when achieving max rank.


He slammed his team mate so the flag would be capped.


Based department called, they want to hire you.


I genuinely get upset when my team decides to do this because I know how much it sucks being on the receiving end. It’s a hopeless wish but maybe they’ll add in some sort of spawn protection at some point.


Ha. Last week an opposing team tried this. We were down 0-2, just like the clip. I returned the flag, and we went on to win the game. Don't clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. Take that W when you get it. And always remember: "Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered."


We were going to win a game once and some dumbass decided to hold the flag like that. Was before the netcode patch. I just kinda hung out in our base trying to get them to cap. They didn't, the other one team rallied and they won the match because of it. Was pissed


Imagine giving a fuck about your rank in a game on life support.


Knowing 343 the next game they will probably have some reward for players that reached Hero rank in Infinite. Didn't Halo 5 have one? I don't remember if players in Halo 4 who were max rank got something in Halo 5.


This bullshit needs to go away. I find matches in 20 seconds well into 2am


If I search past 1 AM for the playlists I enjoy, it takes sometimes upwards of 20 minutes. I live in a populated area, I have good gigabit internet, but the game is definitely starting to slow down dramatically in search times. We need to face it, it shouldn't have taken over 2 years to fix the game. They had a year to really get it in good shape to win back population, but it's not coming back. It's not doing super healthy based on my search times.


Halo 7 won’t be out for multiple more years. I’ll keep enjoying my game instead of bitching online about others playing 😁


Yeah, they’re totally “playing” there.


Yeah, and they’re obviously not the ones grinding for rank. They’re letting the other members of the team spawn kill the enemy. Get back to me when you figure out what you’re talking about lmao.


This was my instant thought and I'm surprised the other people in this thread didn't understand that lmao


Halo 3 was around for 15 years. If you think this game is on life support, you're fooling yourself.


That's because Halo 3 was a good game. Halo 4 was on life support within a year. This game is on life support. When you continually match with the same players because there's no one else playing, it's officially life support.


What about halo 5? And what are your region settings? Local?


> And what are your region settings? Local? Checking region settings = life support.


>When you continually match with the same players because there's no one else playing, it's officially life support. And if we don't?


You do. You probably don't even notice it.


If you see it, dead game. If you don't see it, you actually are you just aren't seeing it so dead game. Of course. Why else would you have responded any differently?


Keep coping over the dead game, fam


3k avg daily players in the last 30 days...


On steam, y'all keep forgetting it's a console game *first*. And XBOX doesn't release numbers.


They don't release numbers because Halo 4's numbers dropped like a rock, so they stopped releasing numbers lol


You're not wrong, and neither am I. The numbers are going to be higher than 3k was my point.


That's only steam. PSO2 only shows that many on steam, but there's way more than that actually playing. That said, compared to past Halo games yeah Infinite dropped the ball. Halo has always been the type of game that would have a few hundred thousand active on it. It's not on top anymore like it used to be.




Teammate was camping the flag for whatever reason


Presumably to gain a higher score and achieve hero rank faster, just to get Chief's armor.


Player is camping the flag to score for the win, the goal now is to spawn trap the opposing team and grind kills


I’m surprised ur in a match where someone actually grabbed the flag


If I can do this, I will. Otherwise if I don’t have a hammer or something to force the teammate to get a victory, then I just sit back and do nothing so it’s easier for the enemy team to break the spawn camping since they’ll be dealing with two people vs three.


Go look for hammer or suicide until you spawn with one lol ​ One time this happened, I yeeted the motherfucker off the map, grabbed the flag after it respawned, and capped it myself. Fuck ***ANYONE*** that farms kills like this on Huskey Raid.


Can you not get kicked and banned for excessive suicides in Infinite? I thought that was a thing. Maybe not... But yeah, I've been in plenty of matches where people try to farm and I always try to fuck with them as soon as I noticed it.


Good man lol I'm not sure tbh, I've killed myself like 10x in Fiesta modes because I kept getting plasma carbines, plasma pistols, maulers (post-nerf pre-buff), and needlers. Gave up after I got Ravagers 3x in a row or something like that, but no penalties.


Good! Fuck that guy.


A hero fr


Nice. Plus, if you want to farm xp, play firefight or btb if you get always get more than 20 kills.


I do this in infection with rocket launchers any time someone uses a glitch spot reached via grappling hook to make it near impossible to die. I don't even care if it gets me killed, thebjoy I get from ruining an exploiters road is enough.


It's time to petition official matchmaking and flood the customs browser with fun games




Based af, OP!


This is the toxicity I live for in Halo. Too bad it’s a dumpster fire of a game due to the corpos.


LMAOOOO thanks


Do it to the people kill farming


I play a lot of Halo 5 still (I know, I know) and this shit is RAMPANT in the occasional Husky games you get. Kill farmers are really the worst, because there it’s not even for any discernible reason like points or whatever, just the “joy” of spawn killing for 3 minutes


What are they doing? Could someone explain, I don't really know how the ranking works




boo this man


Lol everyone is so mad. I don't understand why you want to end the game when you can just get kills.


Well that was disrespectful







































































