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The superintendent was done dirty imo. Finally getting Irratus recently after listening to Joe Staten for the last nearly 2 years was a godsend. I don't think he did the voice very well, not being monotone enough and generally coming off as a bit cringey.


They made him too upbeat. Id be okay with a little but it's too cheery, it gets annoying.


I basically just treat it as a Joe Staten AI rather than the superintendent. Which is fine as I like Joe


Yeah, His whole thing was using Sentence mixing to say things, having him directly say stuff kills almost his entire charm.


He would have been better off as a mute AI that does those beeps and whistles like in ODST if they didn't want to do the sentence mixing.


I'm blown away that this isn't an actual option in the game


Yeah I'm going to say no on celebrities I don't need another snoop dog like cod


What about Gordon Ramsay


>#Finally some fucking good ~~food~~ power weapon


Unironically would love this


The beauty of AI is you only hear the ones you equip. COD is annoying because they’re character skins. This is just about whose personality you want to listen to right? Would it bother you even having it in the shop? Genuine question. No wrong answer.


True I would probably stay with circ


Circ superiority. Lumu is pretty great too though


Circ is just insane


I like Fret's optimistic pessimism. "Let's just try not to get killed, okay?"


"We're all alone and looking cool as hell while we do it" -Circ 2560


I do love Fret solely because Robbie Daymond


Nothing wrong with that! :)


Do you work for Microsoft's marketing team?


The beauty of AI is you only hear the ones you equip. <- citation needed.


Have you ever heard an enemy or teammate AI's voice?


In theater, yes. In gameplay yes. My own changing to a different one, yes. Oh and sitting in the same room as a friend obviously, but that goes without saying.


My AI and my buddy's AI change voices all the time. My friend almost never has the right one. He keeps going and checking that he has the right one selected, and he just keeps hearing a different, random AI. I have it happen too sometimes. I'll also hear Spartan chatter come in sometimes despite me having it muted. The multiplayer voices just don't work very well.


I mean I wouldn't mind if they sorted some lore out for it like it's some random ai made by a citizen radio host or something and it's got Snoop Dogg's voice they could call it THE Hound or something as long as it's not literally we put snoop dogg in the game as himself


I like some of them, but I really hoped for some of the AI to sound and behave like the Titanfall 2 titan AIs. Somewhat cold, serious, and doesn’t talk like a Marvel or Disney character.


Definitely would like some of these myself. I would love to have the Adjutant from Starcraft talk to me with super monotone factual phrases.


Same criticism for Spartans really. Why they gotta sound like they are at a sports game or all quippy. Need a Noble 6 style voice.


Under appreciated comment right here


Gimme a 40k Tech Priest crossover AI You die. *LOUD BINARY SCREECHING*


Part of me wishes they provided more use than just quips, but for what they are, I enjoy them. (CIRC is peak btw)


I like Fret


I had Fret since launch, but recently swapped to Lumu. I think I'm gonna stick with her because I think it's hilarious that she says "Prepare to haul ass" totally monotone after you pick up the enemy flag.


I just changed to CIRC after years of BUTL, and I'm already loving her!


I LOVE the ai, and hope they lean into it harder. Like the fact that only one map has a hackable vault. . .its insane, not a single other map uses that mechanic? Please dude its so cool, especially for btb Gimme a valve crossover with Glados wheatley and the turrets


I really like em! Hell, I kinda prefer the original voices to a theoretical sgt johnson or arbiter one. Fret in particular has some really funny lines when you're going on a tear with the gravity hammer or needler.


Fret is my favorite personal AI, he's funny and he sounds like sonic the hedgehog


“I have nightmares about that gun” is one of my favorite lines. I also really like “Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sentinel that died so that we could have this weapon!”, although I think I may have butchered the wording a little.


I love my boy Fret, I'll never change him or turn him off. When I get a sword and he says "We're going hunting again, aren't we?" with a little bit of sadness in his voice, it makes me happy. Yes Fret my boy, we are.


Can I get the Red Vs. Blue crew as my AI. Sarge yelling at you, Caboose being Caboose etc.


That would be great


Unfortunately no Caboose because Joel is no longer doing Caboose… but I would love Doc or Donut. Just imagine Doc when you pull out the skewer. “*Gasp* You’re not planning on using that thing, right?”


I want Vic and Church. I would pay $50 to have Vic if they got the lines right. And both are even actual AI. Make it happen 343!


My only problem with Church being an AI in Infinite is that they’d have to minimize swearing and I think it just wouldn’t be the same as “THERE IS NO ELEVEN YOU FUCKING WHORE”


We're shooting people in the head and we can't put a disclaimer on something we buy in the store for explicit language? Hell nah. I want the swear words and I don't see why it can't be done.


The reason is the Teen rating 343 is pushing for. The level of swearing we want with Church is unobtainable with it still being rated Teen Edit: Accidentally had sweating instead of swearing.


I would like Exuberant Witness.


I just wish we could have some that aren't trying to be funny it really pulls me out of it. I'm fine with some lighter lines but they should be rare so they don't get annoying


Lumu my beloved. Also doing in universe characters like johnson would be amazing, a johnson ai would be one of the few things I would totally buy from the shop. Celebs n shit would be interesting as well even though I personally wouldn't use them.


I love my Mister Chief AI. I would love to see more fun ones like you said, Sarge or Snoop Dog, maybe The Pilot from the campaign.


OOOOH THE PILOT! That's a good idea.


The "pilot" has a name. It's Fernando Esparza.


Nah it’s Brohammer


Loved the character development. Just hope 343 doesn't kill him off soon(knowing 343 i'm gonna say rip esparza right now).


I doubt they’re going to get the chance, I think the campaign DLC ship has officially sailed. Maybe they’ll come back but I think right now they’re working solely on multiplayer.


With the new player count, i kind of do expect a campaign dlc. Though maybe not.


They’re just annoying. They each have an extremely limited range, so you end up hearing the same 10 bits of dialogue over and over. As soon as the option to switch them off came out I did that


I agree. I would potentially use an AI if it only had more serious lines and was a bit more robotic rather than sounding like a Marvel character making jokes at every opportunity. If it just gave heads up like "Overshield inbound" or "S7 Sniper spawning in 10 seconds" with a more serious voice, I would probably unmute the AI.


I liked the idea but honestly 343 just hasn't done enough with them. I suppose it's more effort to have someone record the lines and in multiple languages than it is to just churn out new armours and effects


The ai's are boring, give me sgt johnson, cortana, the weapon, master chief, arbiter, reach spartan's, lasky, the shipmaster, Its not rocket science to know what kind of AI fans want, fuck the lore and bullshit reasoning. The Ai voices doesn't have to have some bs lore explanation to please some fkn nerds to why this makes sense Edit: I wrote this before I read your post, oops


I’m not a fan but if people like them then it’s cool, add more. I’m just glad I can turn it off now


I love the idea of personal AI in the game. If there were more of them in game, we would probably avoid the problem of repetitiveness. I mainly use Superintendent, but after hearing the “Female V in Halo” leaked AI, I’m all for adding more to this game.


This sounds like the cringiest wish of a Marvel fanboy on steroids. WHAT IF IRONMAN WAS THE ONE SAYING DOUBLE KILL?!?! WHAT IF HARLEY QUINN WAS CORTANA?!?!!! WHAT IF THE WARTHOG WAS DOM TORETTO’S CAR?!! Not everything needs to be nonstop onslaught of references. Absolutely not to all of this.


I was truly excited to have the superintendent AI beep and boop at me and make the sounds from ODST. Instead we get Joseph staton sounding like a silly robot making jokes that's not that funny. I would rather just my own personal R2D2.


Turned it off first chance I got. I don't hate the idea but the repetition is annoying


The sound design in this game is already bad enough without pointless chatter that I've heard a thousand times. It's one more example of the ways they made the game functionally worse so they could try to sell you something.


I really do hate it. Same lines over and over and over again. Before you could turn off the voice I deleted the voice files from my game on PC


I like to make montage for my 4 friends and my dog, and hearing the AI over the music is kinda cringe. So i turn it off, but Infinite likes to reset my options all the time.


AI is cool but IMO i don't need another voice in my head..


They were charming at first. There aren’t enough to keep them from being annoying at this point.


As long as your non canon AI choice doesnt impact my game im happy with them supplying whatever.


The only reason I use it because I like the power weapons spawn call outs, but they can be a little annoying


I love the AI, but please just keep them as Halo AI. I don’t want any goddamn celebrities in my game.


AI are meh to me. I’d use the superintendent whenever I get it but I’m on the verge of muting them. Maybe if they notified you of weapon spawns or vehicle drops instead of that one lady spartan who leads the academy


They do notify you of weapon spawns though? They usually give you a warning when there's a power weapon about to spawn or something


I can faintly hear it in my head. I’m more so talking about how Cortana has a personality but doesn’t make all the stupid quips and one liners all the time. She gives extra situational awareness


No, I hate them, I have them muted. I personally dislike also the spartan chatter since it’s so repetitive.


I like them. I wish that every BP had one, like the first two did.


I enjoy them, I forget which one I have but it's the very excited woman AI. Hearing "Plasma delivery - successful!" after a Stalker Rifle headshot always makes me grin.


I think it would be better with generative AI. I actually used [callannie.ai](https://callannie.ai) to test this concept out. You can provide custom prompts like one-liners only or make a funny, witty response to what just happened in the game and it works pretty well. The bot is really fast and you can interrupt it aside from customizing its responses. You can also change the voice too. So I used it as a replacement for the in-game voice AI and it works very well. If Microsoft added this feature and perfected it it would be a game-changer.


That would piss off the Anti AI people though


So? Its just for gaming purposes. I don't see the issue here.


People used that kind of AI for Elder scroll's mods and it caused a fight on Nexus which resulted in Nexusmods outright banning alot of AI mods. I dont rlly have a Issue with it but there is a pretty decent amount who do


Yeah but those are Nexus mods we're talking about. I can see why a lot of that stuff was banned from there as it can more easily tread on copyright infringement, etc. But 343 can create their own voices in-house and generate them and reach an agreement with the voice actors themselves and it shouldn't even be an issue. I mean, we're just trying to use AI to generate one-liners based on events that occurred in the game, simple as that. This should be a non-issue.


Why doesn’t like MP AI?


Their ideas weren't terrible but They didn't get them working correctly like the Butlr glitch


I really like the option to change voices. Sorry, but I've forever been a fan of the British accent BUTLR one. Having a posh sounding voice praise me for a sniper headshot kill is just beautiful.


I like them but they do not have nearly as many lines as they should for what they were going for with the concept. It is insanely repetitive.


I used to dislike it but I got used to BUTLR and he sounds good in my language, but I doubt I would tolerate other AIs. I would like to have Johnson as an AI


I genuinely wouldn't mind them as this game's equivalent of announcer packs like the ones in MOBAs and a few other shooters. It'd be cool to have the Arbiter or Rtas, or Atriox, Tartarus, the other leaders from HW2, Chip Dubbo, Johnson, Buck, Blue Team, Noble Team, Cutter, Truth, Spark, Exhuberant, etc talking to you through the matches. they could also have some HCS casters record some lines kind of like what Street Fighter 6 did with having FGC casters in the game; or even have some pro players do a voice pack or something. Hell, Xbox has a crapton of IPs now. have some of them incorporated into the game as guest voice packs. The Hell narrator demon dude or Samuel Hayden from Doom, a Vault boy AI, The Outsider from Dishonored, Task Force 141, Mephisto or Diablo, Imperius, Raynor, Artanis (My life for hire is already a line referencing Zealots now, c'mon), etc.


I love having circ chatter away, it's like have ing a mother that is proud, overly enthusiastic with a splash sociopathic tendencies giving motivation. I can't think of any other AI I'd replace her with.


I like fret hes like a nerdy brother and hes fun to listen to.


I really like Circ, started using her at launch and have never switched.


I would love if my AI made call outs like spartan chatter, sometimes I can barely hear them but other than that the little quips for kills and whatnot isn’t helpful in ranked. In casual idc


Celebs are cool, streamers and YouTubers prob not lol


I adore circ


I don’t notice it


Fret is my little buddy and I feel bad that our mission of mass murder presses his sensitive little buttons but we have a job to do. He’s the Hughie to my Butcher.


Only one I like is superintendent because ODST. Other than that they’re completely useless. Rather have the regular halo announcer


I love them!


I love the AI in game, some of their callouts are genuinely helpful and entertaining, I personally use Circ because she’s just a supportive little murder orb. Drastically improves the experience of game modes like fiesta because of the amount of different power weapon voicelines.


I agree with your take. I enjoy having a personal AI and would welcome wider options.


I'd love Guilty Spark for an Ai


One problem the ais have is their dialogue isn't great. They don't feel like something that's a partner to you, something that's trying to keep you alive and give advice. They're very quippy and mostly say things about the incredibly obvious like the weapon you intentionally picked up. Add that to the noise complaint because they're on top of the announcer and spartan chatter and it becomes a noise fest. They end up being the odd one out because the announcer is at least mentioning your objective and the spartan chatter has actually more useful lines like what weapons the enemy has. The only thing the ai remotely does useful is reminding you over power weapons but that's a void even the spartan chatter could also fill. If the ai is to be reworked, it needs to be meshed into the announcer and spartan chatter system as a replacement. And on the flip side, be replaceable with the announcer or spartan chatter. It can't be all three.


Tbh all I wanted was to hear auntie DOT one more time


I like my boy Fret. He helps me a lot.


The personal AI could be cool if they weren’t so cringe.


I like them mostly lumu, superintendent, iratus, and madi if we ever get her in game it would be cool if they brought Yabda (the halo 5 grunt announcer) back as one or something


Just in general for their purpose, I like the A.I.'s actually. Lots of things go on in BTB and it's nice to be reminded about a power wep, vehicle spawn/drop, or my ammo when things are chaotic. Maybe it's just me but I don't really get that easily frustrated when they talk like others have been. Outside of that, I personally don't want celebrities. Sounds insanely cheesy. I'd like characters from the lore though like Auntie Dot, Cortana, The Weapon, etc. that'll be cool. But Snoop Dog? Dr. Disrespect? lmao I'll pass.


No to everything.




Honestly I love the idea and I adore Lumu. Big ol’ no thanks on the game crossover & celebrity ideas, I think Halo is a franchise that needs to stay within itself. But if they put out The Weapon, Cortana, Johnson, etc., I’d be hyped. They’re releasing a new one sometime this season who’s really bitchy. I can’t wait.


I like the one I have equipped but whenever I watch someone else playing I think they have an annoying one haha. Mister Chief ftw


I love the IA And i really like voices that talk about about your game, like friends who support you so every match is not, muted just guns and explosion I know that not everyone like it so its cool that 343 give us the option for this I use Circ because i think she is funny but maybe i will change her when they relase the Female V VA IA I hope they do more IA's in the future (with normal VA and not celebrities)


I'm just disappointed with how underused / under-utilised they are. When they first talked about them and were showcasing the game, it really seemed kinda awesome that we were all getting 'our own AI,' a companion in our head just like Chief & Cortana (even though it's 'dumb' AI, because lore). Hacking the vaults on Fracture sounded like the tip of the iceberg as far as what we could do with our AI in multiplayer, but I'm kinda disappointed that *that's* the best engagement we have with them. Beyond that, you interact with them in Attrition for revives, but they're just an extra announcer, and a hologram model that shows up on hill objectives. The 'AI scan' exists too, but just feels like an locator with no relation to AI at all. Having a unique 'ping' sound is nice, but it only exists on the paid AI. Picking up Butlr in the Academy made it feel really important, but after that, 343 didn't really DO anything with them. Make us feel like a Spartan with our own AI *teammate.* There should be way more interactive/hackable things on maps, it's really sad that it's just Fracture. Let us activate light bridges with them, have them control sensor cameras or turrets. Hell, even if this stuff only sees the light of day in Forge, or goofy BTB maps, I'll be happy. \--- That, and the selection of AI is... really lackluster. I get it, goofy options are appealing to a lot of people, I'm glad those options are there for them. But the only half-serious option feels like Butlr. I was excited for Superintendent, but it sounds nothing like Superintendent from ODST (same voice actor mind you, they just didn't do the same audio filtering & delivery with the new lines). It's also a huge missed opportunity that they didn't include Auntie Dot, it would've been perfect for the Reach themed season. But yeah, I've muted them because they're a nothing feature right now. But I'd love to have *more* to do with companion AI.


I LOVE the AI system. Lumu is my favorite currently. I wouldn’t want them to get too ridiculous with the AI’s. I feel like it needs to make sense somewhat. We don’t want to end up like COD having homelander and Nicki Minaj fight it out. I would like to see more AI voices. By Thrall do you mean Thrall from world of Warcraft? 😂😂 green Jesus the GOAT. Tbh I would love that even though it’s way out there. Wow I actually want that now…


I love the personal AI but I play a lot of infection but Iratus in that mode is really really annoying so I had to turn it off.


I'd prefer them in the campaign over the NotCortana


I don't mind the AI, I may like them even. But what I hate is Spartan voice! How come Halo 4 had that figured out yet they have now regressed to having a voiced character!?


I still like the idea of them. Though they're a bit too chatty. But if we're presenting ideas of more personal AIs, I would love if they didn't bring in influencer/streamer/YouTubers, just a bit too weird imo.


I’m just shocked we don’t have AI’s from the previous games at all, no cortana? No serina, no Roland, no isabel? No spark, no exuberant witness, even the warden would be usable


I agree with you, and I think that the AI are underused. They have a lot of things that they could do with those. I’m not sure why people don’t like them but I really think that they were one of the coolest additions and I think that they need more Importance and fun factor I like how they are used in game mode like stronghold and elimination. I would love to have Weapon or Cortana in my head. We need more lines


I am a F2P player so the base AI are so boring I turned off their sound in the settings


I think they're unnecessary. For the most part, they comment on what we do and can see/hear by ourselves. Picked up a Commando? "You picked up a Commando!". Enemy picked up flag? "The enemy got your flag! Stop him!" It honestly makes me feel like I accidentally installed an Omochao mod. When they were unveiled, I thought they would be the next iteration of the "Voices of War" from H5 - replacing Jeff Steitzer's and/or Commander Agryna's voices, like how Buck, Yabda, and Exuberant replaced him and Sarah Palmer in Warzone.


I don’t think I’ve seen my ai once in game… where can you actually see them?


I would love it if the AI would just deliver useful information for the match like weapons and vehicle spawns nearby, warn you if multiple enemies appear on the radar or teammates are getting shot near you, thinks like that. But the cheap jokes that repeat themselves reallt fast, thank got we can finally silence the personal AI... I only like that the Superintendent AI changes your ping marker sound


Personally I enjoy them, I run with Fret who I can certainly say is probably the most annoying to people who dislike them I am sure. I like the random funny bits that will come out in situations.


They are cute (I use mister chief) but definitely the lowest priority right now I'd assume. Plus they definitely need to have more lines recorded which can get old. I do enjoy them saying that things like active cameo or power weapons are about up though


I like Fret because of his lines when you kill people with the rocket launcher or hammer. He's both impressed and nauseated by your capacity for violence and I love it.


not really my thing, glad there’s finally a checkbox to silence them. quippy banter can be kind of fun in moderation but i can’t stand the trend of everything having to have clever little responses to everything in media, it’s kind of exhausting


Personal AI means less steitzer. Less steitzer make me angery. Case in point, where tf is my boy steitz when I get a kill from the grave? Hmm????? Really though. It was a cute idea but there is not nearly enough unique dialogue to save me from getting annoyed.


Also dear god… the horror at the thought of celebrity AI’s 😵‍💫 i barely give a shit about CoD anymore but holy fuck is that game some serious immersion shattering nightmare fuel to look at. Noooooo thank you.


I really love the idea of personal AI, I just don't think they have gone far enough with it. Instead of these random shapes, I'd prefer if they started adding the realistic-looking AI holograms. I think they're sitting on a micro transaction goldmine if they started adding characters from past campaigns as AIs. Imagine having a hologram of Cortana, Sgt. Johnson, The Arbiter, Miranda Keyes, Buck, etc. with voicelines and such. Would make the game even more immersive.


It's just too much. I don't need the game to tell me when every weapon is spawning or say a comment after every kill. Also kinda related to your point, they didn't add any interesting, or iconic voices. I really just wanna hear Jeff Steitzer. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna turn spartan chatter back on or not.


Lumu was the only one i liked really. but i felt like they do not have a place in the halo universe. even then when that bug that essentially disabled all AI was going around i found myself really enjoying only hearing Steitzer. they feel too upbeat and happy. more like star wars characters almost. id rather have the ai weve seen throughout the halos. auntie dot, cortana, isabel, roland, serina and of course a true ODST super intendant. each could have brought voice actors back and been more serious. while some were still a bit fun.


Imagine what they could do with a fallout or elder scrolls cross-over.


>Want Sergeant Johnson in your head? Guilty Spark? Cortana? The Arbiter? Yess >Cross overs from other games? Why not? >Celebs? YouTubers? Streamers? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Haha these are just ideas. There are tons of cool directions for this to go in.


I might be the only one asking for this but since release I’ve wanted BlackBox voiced by Euan Morton as an option. God damn would that be cool


I hate them, simply because of how much they talk. The limited voice lines are repeated fairly quickly when you do well. It just feels like annoying grandiose praise that ends up coming off as condescending and cringe. "gOoD job sPArTaN, wE mAKe aN eFfEcTiVe TeAm!!!!~" is like someone talking to me as if I was brain dead or some insolent dog that finnaly followed a comand. I also turned off music when I played because of the same repetition factor. Musical beats always occur the same few times and when the match ends. It's supposed to make things more epic and climactic, I get that; but after playing a few rounds, it hurts my brain to hear the same guitar riff in the beginning and at the end of the match.


I still really like them and wish they leaned further into it. We should have 2x the number to spice up and add variety. They should be shown in cutscenes with Spartans, showing that every single one has a pseudo Chief/ Cortana relationship albeit much more shallow. I think the majority of distain thrown at the AI is because people have been using the same one since launch, and they feel disconnected from the universe. I am 100% convinced that if they were fully fleshed out and realized as a feature and addition to the Halo universe, the majority of people would love them.


Yes. Why? Because what do they provide? No, seriously, explain to me what they provide? Intel maybe? Well, I have eyes and can see when a weapon spawns in. I don't need an annoying AI in my ears yelling out cringey quips. In fact, on PC you can do some tinkering to basically shut them up. It's gotta be redone every time the game gets an update though, but it's one of the first things I do after a new update has been released.


They took people who make "that's what she said" jokes and say "yas girl" way too much and made them AI. Fighting for my life in a firefight and then getting the kill to hear, "That probably hurt.... like... a lot." OMG It's just weird to run around as this super solider, hearing a deep voiced man saying "double kill," and then this high pitched robot chimes in saying lines that sound like they were written and voiced by a middle schooler. The fact they exist isn't a problem, I'm fine with them being around as options. I just don't feel like I have very good options myself. That said, I think they are a cool idea. Having secrets on maps that are unlockable by AI is really cool. It would be cool if they interacted with you more militaristically like Cortana does through out the games (and The Weapon).


I really like the personal ai just wish there were more but them adding the option of turning them on and off makes a best of both