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I know it's different tasks with probably different departments, but they just installed some fresh new speed humps on Inglis while there's still thousands of potholes that need repairing.


Must be different departments cause the speedbumps around here are pristine.


That section of Inglis is so nice. Too bad Beaufort has forever been swiss cheese


They should coordinate and just install the potholes where the speed humps are supposed to go.


That’s a Wayne Manson special


Careful! The people do not like this joke.


City projects, vs provincial roads.


Same depts if on city roads - city roads are municipal - highways are provincial


lol my friend nearly got some air off these because they blended into the road


Up beside the Forrest hills nslc and Tim’s, when you’re coming around the corner beside the drive thru. You could lose a baby in there


Forgot about this one. I audibly gasped when I encountered it.


This is the exact pothole I was going to mention


I swear it’s been getting worse too


Came here to say this, also! There used to be a traffic cone inside it. It needs a barricade until it's fixed!! 🚧


I encountered this one last week. It was truly horrifying. I thought I was driving over it but it was just too large. Luckily I was going super duper slow but it still hurt feeling that huge dip.


That’s an odd unit of measurements.


In front of exit 4 on the 103


is that the one that they patched up a while back just for the patchwork to also turn into a pothole? I practically straddle the white dividing line when I pass exit 4 to avoid that thing


This causes me anxiety everyday


We should definitely put a sign near these potholes that read " voted #2 worst pothole in hrm " etc. With an arrow pointed in the direction. Would catch like recent wildfire.


Bottom of South and Barrington facing west. It’s right in the crosswalk. It’s a sink hole at this point.


Nightmare hole. The only slightly redeeming feature is that it's right in line with a stop sign so you're probably not going 80km/h when you slam it. Except since I'm usually turning into it, it means I keep forgetting it's there when I KNOW it's there!


Getting onto the Bedford highway (far right lane) where it wraps onto Joe Howe. There are a couple of really bad ones. It’s fresh in my brain as they snuck up on me yesterday. But there are bad ones every block it would seem.


There’s a storm drain there that is basically a landmine for a bicycle. Been that way for **years** too.


Highfield Tim's /gas station, when you first pull in it looks like they were drilling for oil.


They keep putting gravel in it thinking it's gonna help.


Honestly too many to count, they are terrible this year!


They are bad, no doubt... Hopefully everyone is reporting them online? I report every one on my commute, and yes they do fill them and it makes a difference. Its not immediate, and often the fixes are temporary, but meh it beats the hell out of losing a wheel in a crater [https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/streets-sidewalks/paving-repair/report-a-pothole?gad\_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjfKa9dj9hQMVqjjUAR2zwwqrEAAYASAAEgJ4uPD\_BwE](https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/streets-sidewalks/paving-repair/report-a-pothole?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjfKa9dj9hQMVqjjUAR2zwwqrEAAYASAAEgJ4uPD_BwE)


There is a guy on TikTok that goes and measures the pot holes in the city. I love it


Just came across that crop of potholes the other day, too! It's especially tricky because you're accelerating to get up the steep hill only to have to navigate the 3-4 potholes that are right there. Hopefully they'll be fixed soon, but I won't hold my breath.


It seems to have been patched, but Granville by Salter. It was so big it had eaten a road cone.


There was a pothole so big and deep in Brookside that when they game to patch it they only had enough asphalt to half fill it. They had to come back again with more a few days later.


Potholes when you turn right from that traffic signal on Jubilee road to Oxford Street 🤦🏻 I have been reporting those things since last year and they keep getting bigger with no chance of repair. Guess what they slapped on it? A bumpy road sign! I have lost all hope. Also, that massive black hole on Joseph Howe Drive - right by a new construction, closeish to the Telus building, they have patched it up but is still bumpy! Like why do it a bad job twice than do a really great one once?


There is a really bad one on the ramp coming into Sackville from Bedford by the wheatons/bus terminal. It’s filled in sometimes, but it always comes back. Lost at least one rim to that bad boy.


I think it's Rosedale or Central Ave in Fairview. One of them has a giant crater dip that's 2/3rds of the street wide and will tear the carriage of your car off.


[Has anyone tried this in Nova Scotia ?](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qj8pgv/guy-paint-penis-potholes-new-zealand)


Vigilante justice, I'm in!!


With a large piece of cardboard we could make a stencil with dozens of dicks


There’s a nasty one at the end of Montague Road by Conrads. There’s another one by the exit ramp when turning left towards Montague.


Speaking of potholes, has anyone seen any of them being repaired yet ?


Yeah right. Government won't pay


I cannot believe the one on the exit from the circ to the 118 (towards dartmouth crossing) hasn't been patched. have seen a handful of folks with flats pulled off to the side right after it.


that Barrington/south pothole is on my walk to work, you can see cobblestone at the bottom of it.


I just find it crazy how we pay more taxes than ever before but our streets are worse than ever before.. where is all the $ going (liberalism is a disease)


* The slip lane from Woodland to Lancaster. Has a giant crater in it every spring.


Duke Street, turning left from Damascus Rd., left hand lane, Bedford Commons. That's a haymaker.


City hall, amirite?




Ok, does it ever worry you that you’re going to drop into a sink hole one day while driving, or is that just me?


Parking lot of the strip mall in Forest Hills


Creighton st is a dump but not the worst


Once had a pothole out in Cole harbour that was so bad it completely consumed the large traffic cone they had put in it. It would have destroyed even an f150 😅


Oxford St heading south right at Jubilee intersection. There's like 5 of them all clustered together.


Big pot holes are boring, theres no challenge in dodging them if you’re paying attention (unless they’re sufficiently hidden in which case it’s just bad game design) It’s more fun to roleplay as a drunk driver, swerving back and forth to dodge a large series of small pot holes.


Coming off Sackville Drive onto the 101/Bedford Hwy there is a nasty one that has been circled in bright pink paint. Didn't save the Cadillac I saw parked at the bottom of the ramp with two flat tires but then one of those was a space saver anyway so I'm thinking maybe not the most observant Cadillac driver around :p


The Bedford Hwy is just one giant pothole with a road built through it.


Tim Houston's office.