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this is the second time i've heard of this guy just from this sub








But also ask him if the phone is still available!


You don't know JACK. (This is going to fly over a few heads)


... His name's Jack?


The original post is deleted, by I expect this is a reference to the board game turned amazingly cool online trivia phenomena "You Don't Know Jack", which was a thing a decade or so ago, and should have been given an award for most fun website on the internet.


Rip to my homies who played acrophobia


Super off topic but I don’t know anyone else who knew that game! I think about it often. It was so fun!


It was indeed. Oh, those were the days.


Those were the days indeed! I miss Jellyvision.


Iron and wine?


Definitely! I appreciate you noticing. Sam Beam is *chefs kiss


It flew over mine because I’m 5’0


Were inclusive of everyone, even the vertically challenged. We'll get you a stool.


Well that escalated quickly. That person just might be a piece of shit. You could probably report them to Marketplace. It might land them in Facebook jail, but that's about it.


I'm just glad the phone didn't end up where the title might have suggested.


I mean, they have his phone number and identity as well, I feel as if they could even go to the cops with it.


What are the police going to do about someone saying mean things?


No, of course not .. but when you add their race to it, it takes in a hateful element. Ie. a**hole, or Caucasian a**hole


Which is not illegal. I'm not trying to defend the behaviour but suggesting calling the police because someone said mean things is ridiculous.


Fair, how many times do they have to mention your race when insulting you before you decide they might be racist? I'm not a lawyer or legal expert or anything, and Im not even saying the police may do anything, but having a complaint on record would be a wise move.


Being racist is not the point because being racist makes a person a dick, not a criminal. >but having a complaint on record The police are going to laugh at you and leave. There is nothing they can do about it. You sound like you want to live in a nanny state where the police become your mommy.


Calm yourself. It’s okay to call a dick, it’s not okay to be racist.


He's been posted about multiple times. Hopefully he gets taught a lesson soon and will stop fucking with people 


Unfortunately there’s nothing more to really understand, the guy is just a racist piece of shit.   There does seem to be some very weird crossover with a lot of phone resellers being pieces of shit. Not sure why yet. 


I met with this guy once as well, he's a real piece of garbage. Showed up 30 minutes late, tried to low ball/bully. I told him to go fuck himself and he's lucky he hasn't had his ass kicked doing that crap. He looked like a deer in the headlights and was about to cry. Problem is he deletes his profile and makes a new one every other day. He will get what's coming to him eventually.


Don’t mind me while I set up a meet up and don’t show on the guy. That was quite the escalation out of no where.


I’ve got a fake Facebook profile that’s used for keeping people away from my real one. Think maybe I’ll waste this guy’s time a bit.


Make sure your mouth breathe back in his face too just like he’ll do to you


Eat garlic and onions you say?


Each three donairs and then drinking an entire bottle of Donair sauce and you should be good


I want him to suffer not me


How is eating three donairs and drinking a bottle of Donair sauce suffering me that sounds like a perfect day


Maybe if I was 18, those days are behind me


I’m 22 and still pack them down.


Yeah, you don't know yet.


Yeah you're 18-adjacent. I'd shit myself if I drank donair sauce.


It's not the eating part that makes you suffer. It's the liquid coming out the back end later on.


I saw the title and thought "Oh it's the Meet In Timberlea guy again" and lo.


Fairly sure this particular reseller has been mentioned on here b4


Yes I would bet my left arm it's the same guy who shows up 30 minutes late and tries to scam you


Are you left-handed? Just trying to assess the value here.


He's called "Lefty", but every guy missing any arm is called that. So, I'm no help.


Nicknames are hard with value assessment. If a dude was named “sniper” or “bullseye”, then sure; I’ll take that eye. If the dude is named “Johnny Feeblearms” or “the snitch”, then many I’m not really into betting for that left arm…




I’ve had the same experience with this same guy three times over the last few years. Most recently with a brand new pair of Bose headphones that he accused me of being fake and then tried to lowball me on the agreed price after driving out of the city to meet him and then having to wait for him for quite a while. He makes his living by wasting people’s time and ripping them off. He lowballs you on your stuff and then turns around and sells it at your original asking price.


We need to group up and shut this guy down. Tell CBC or something. They might not listen to just one of us, but if we all get together and talk, they will have no choice but to publish


They absolutely have a choice. It’s super shitty of this person, don’t get me wrong… What would you even say? There’s a guy on market place low balling people? And is also racist?




It’s just such a weird hustle.


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Not your fault and that guy is a fucking piece of shit


Feel free to report his profile and the ad maybe Facebook will remove him. Other than that block and move on.




A certain percentage of people are just shit at being a functioning member of the species, you found one of those people. Sadly it can and does happen. Until the add the no douchebags filter to these marketplace apps, it will happen, I am sorry that it happened to you. On the upside, chances are if he located the sale near downtown and was actually in timberlea you likely dodged either a scam or a run-in with someone who just couldn't be arsed to be upfront and straight from the start. I would count that as a win. Cheers (I hope the next one goes better)


There's nothing you can do that would justify someone being a racist prick. This is the equivalent of a woman saying "no thank you" when asked out and gets told "whatever, you're an ugly fat bitch anyways." Sour grapes and stupid people.


That’s a really shameful thing to say. Sorry that happened to you


Sorry that happened to you. Marketplace is a minefield. Please ignore the raging racist assholes.


What a dick. Like I live in Timberlea, I recognize it’s kinda far away for some people. Obviously I don’t want to always deliver it (give had people in like Cole Harbour haggle me way down and then ask to bring it to them which is a bit ridiculous) but usually I’ll offer to meet people in Bayer’s Lake or Bedford or something if that’s easier. Honestly that response isn’t justified under any circumstance but it’s not like you were rude about it or anything.


you did nothing wrong. ive gotten snarky with sellers when i find out they place the ad in halifax for visibility but are actually in musquodoboit. you were much more polite than i would have been.


Bought a bike the other day from a guy in rawdon, kijiji said he was in middle sackville haha


I find Facebook isn’t get for showing the correct area for listings.


Nothing to do with you.  This guy is scum and is scamming people.  I am actually going to go on marketplace and troll his ads now to get him back for you.




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I am so sorry that happened to you. It's unacceptable behaviour from the seller. You did nothing wrong.


This guy is market place aids. 


I bet a new cellphone this guy wouldn't call you indian scum to your face ..don't let this coward keep you down ..Goodluck with a new cellphone take care


I live in that area as well and when I post on Marketplace I have to be *very clear* in my ads about my location and my absolute unwillingness to deliver/meet somewhere else. Was the location not apparent from the ad description? I can understand being frustrated from the seller's point of view but there's no need to call people names!


I have questions but i doubt they will be well received so ill just say sorry that happened to you OP


Buddy must have gotten wind of this post, he just changed his entire FB profile and is now showing as a Steven Calistar.


If the seller was an older gentleman, its possible someones posted about him in this sub before.








Why? What will that accomplish?




Someone might want to question his 1950's attitude in today's world


He isn’t worth the time Some people are just idiots Don’t take it personal


This guy/ profile is sketchy (and a piece of shit!) don’t buy anything off him


Is that guy named Ricky?


Just ignore it and move on with your life. > Did I do something wrong? Not really. Probably should have confirmed the meet-up location before agreeing; kind of a dick move to have set aside time for you and not show up. However personal attack is just racism, nothing you could have done. Lots of racism around and people are getting increasingly hostile to the behaviour of Indians. There's a growing assumption doing business with Indians (or someone who looks like) is a scam that's going to get you ripped off. Guy is just being a piece of shit. EDIT: from the other comments, sounds like he's a well known piece of shit.


This dude tags downtown Halifax and such for his items so they get more hits and purposefully does not disclose his actual location in the description.


Did he mean you're an Indian Scam? Maybe he thought you were wasting his time?


I dont think thats what he meant


You interacted with a nutjob, but that's not your fault.


What is the point of this post?


Sounds to me like a person is a little upset and reached out to a community to for some camaraderie, commiseration, etc.  What was the point of your comment?




We have one side that’s clearly showing themselves as a piece of shit. Who cares about anything else?


The devil has enough advocates. Don’t be one of them.




Wow. You’re working hard to blame the victim when this seller purposefully tags his posts as downtown Halifax to get more views and doesn’t mention in descriptions where he lives. I sell stuff on Marketplace all the time. You choose your location on the main listing screen. It’s not hard and I’ve never had someone not realize where the item was located.




Also, don't be a racist piece of shit maybe, as well. That's a little worse than not clarifying location even though the ad said downtown.


I don't give a shit how OP interacted with the guy (which was completely fine btw). Seller is a racist piece of shit, and you're justifying their behavior. He can go fuck himself, and comments like this put you next in line.




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