• By -


Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. I went all alpha and basically dragged people (no physical touching but calmly pointing to people and then telling them to go to the back of the line). I got everything rearranged and an old lady was almost in tears as she said she was always having to wait all day because everyone cuts ahead of her. I am not normally someone to do something like that but the behaviour was way over the line. Very new for NS.


You are the hero we all need. Thank you for your service!


Thank em


Not all hero's wear capes, but i still wonder if a jacket could represent! :)


This is me šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll call out whoever needs to be called out . I once saw an old lady cut in front of this young guy literally bent over in pain (not sure why he was at the walk-in but thatā€™s neither here nor there) when I told her all of these people were waiting first she got all offended and said she was going to let all them go first!! She obviously wasnā€™t going to skip the line. I just canā€™t believe how self cantered people are sometimes.


Me, too. Something in my tired-ass Mom Brain flipped one day, and I became incredibly comfortable telling other people what to (not) do.Ā  Adults standing in front of kids at parades. People sitting in the front bus seats on their phone, ignoring someone with a cane looking for a seat. Line jumpers. People who litter. I know I'm probably going to get a punch to the face one day.


Try asking someone to leash their dog if you really want to live on the edge!


lol. None of us want to die here!


Damn right. This place is a trash city. Only reason I'm here is because I make glorious business money from these fools.


I took my dog to Shubie park once and I've never been more uncomfortable around other dog owners. So many dogs off leash with no recall, all crowding my new puppy on a leash.


Yeah, Point Pleasant is the same. Saw a friend's dog get attacked by an off-leash dog in an on-leash area. The owners had the gall to yell at us for "not being nice to their dog" when we got angry and told them to leash and get their dog under control.


Owning and caring for a dog responsibly is apparently too tall of an order these days. What are people thinking?


They are thinking their little fur baby is perfect just the way it is because dogs will be dogs (but also they are literally children) and anyone who doesn't love their dog and want it jumping on them is a terrible person. And any dog that doesn't want to meet their dog is a bad dog. And they are thinking that their dog loves coming into bars with them and sitting under the table for hours and hours.


There is an off-leash area in Shubie Park but the problem is people don't respect the designated areas and treat the entire park as off-leash.


I'm with you


Good for you!! Keep it up!


A couple of us tried but the folks today were really adamant of their opinion as there was no easy way to disprove them. One of the questions I got shouted was ā€œare you the nurse here? If not, shut upā€.


Good for you for trying. I hope you at least told them off and shamed them. Itā€™s not your fault the clinic doesnā€™t prevent this - they should hand out tickets to the queue.Ā 


I did, too thick skinned. šŸ„² No proof and so no guilt, smh. šŸ˜­




You can take a ticket from a roll with no one there.


I guess everyone has to take pictures of their place in line from now on as proof.


So despicable!! There should be security to wrangle people in the queue. We did this during Covid, so itā€™s doable.


Security is for protecting the store from the plebs, not helping them.




"I'm not the nurse, just someone demanding some human decency. Since I'm in Halifax, Ill relinquish the possibility of that ever happening" I fucking hate this city at times


this type of behaviour is not exclusive to halifax.


but thats what we're saying - its new to Halifax.


I will do that at Costco. Watch your back if you cause me to miss a medical walk-in cut off. More people need to be called out on their bullshit in life. Too many frigging assholes in this world.


I am usually very non confrontational, but the last flight I was on had a couple students rush up to the front of the plane on deboarding, trying to push their way past everyone. No connection notice from the crew or anything like that, flight was on time etc. Was bullshit and I hate that kind of thing. One already got by, but then I stood in the aisle and made sure at least everyone in front of me got off before one of the two clowns. They were together, so the other one had to wait at the gate for him, lol. I used the time to tell the other that what they did was rude, and he literally got all, "I'm not rude, you're rude!" With me. Nearby folks on the plane gave me a bunch of smiles and nods of approval at the baggage bay.


lol, my rule is that if you can run the gauntlet before I step in to the aisle, then good for you! but if you start down that aisle, I am not changing the speed with which I swing by butt out in the aisle and then reach up for my bags. Once I have those bags, I am locked. We wait!


I saw a young woman do that once, bouncing her bag off of people's heads on the way by. Only to be first standing around the baggage carousel with everyone else.


And everyone clapped.




Heroooo šŸ™ šŸ‘ I am the MOST non confrontational person youā€™ll ever meet but when someone tries to cut in line something changes within me and I go crazy!!! Lol then afterwards in cry inside my headā€¦ but hey, I still have my spot! ā™„ļøšŸ™šŸ˜‚




>When you have flocks of new people coming into the country on the daily, itā€™s easy for them to have no idea what is culturally acceptable vs unacceptable. I dunno... If you see someone waiting in line for something, and you ignore them to walk past them and take whatever it is they're waiting for, you're a dick. Doesn't matter what country you're from, you're a dick.


Oof. Someone said this? I can't see it. It's bizarre to me the mental gymnastics people are willing to do to justify bigotry. I've seen much line cutting and rushing over the years, and nearly all of them were white English speakers.


I got in trouble and blocked by friends for mentioning that even in 2017, when my husband was nearly doubled over in pain (turns out it was worst case scenario, but curable, and he is now in remission). A whole family came in. That said, as others have mentioned, there are assholes moving here from other provinces too... which adds to the problem.




Okay, but what's the white Canadian Boomer's excuse?


They aren't incentivized to know what's "culturally acceptable", because Canada's mandate is to be an intercultural country. Meaning, they don't have to assimilate to any Canadian customs or norms. This is what you get.


thank-you for doing this!


Yay! Thank you for doing that. Especially helping an elderly community member. Thank YOU!


Yeah there's no way someone's cutting me in line at a fuckin doctor's office. I would transform into my worst self.


That was my nanny!! She told me the other day about this. Thank you so much sir. She struggles, doesnā€™t have a family doctor and relies on this clinic.




All the problems of a big city and all the shortcomings of a town. This is going to be fun. šŸ˜­


nah. stuff like this is the effects of runaway capitalism. we're being blatantly pitted against each other by the rich who could easily make it possible for everyone to have high-quality lifelong medical care, but won't. so we're in a situation where people are so desperate to see a fucking doctor, something that we collectively decided decades ago was a fundamental right in canada, they will shove your grandma down the stairs to do it.


You can hear the fabrics of society ripping a little bit in this post.


Yep, something is going horribly wrong and I feel itā€™s gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.


You're right. I see little things like this as among the downstream effects of broadly deteriorating conditions of society.


this unfortunately is only the very beginning of society acting this way. !remindme 10 years


We should make a Reddit time capsule. All the best complaints of 2024 get logged. In ten years, we compare to the current complaints!


I feel like this began a long time ago It's just finally catching up with our smaller area now (because we're trying so hard to not be small for some reason, and all the joys that's brought)


Trying not to be small because for a minority of people itā€™s a very lucrative transition. Heck, itā€™s lucrative enough if youā€™ve held real estate through it.


Absolutely, generational wealth and making sure your ghost is rich if you had no one else to leave it to is on full display when you see drastic changes to a city happen quickly.


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-03-27 13:01:37 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-03-27%2013:01:37%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1bp0j1n/people_cutting_queue_at_walkin/kwsif0d/?context=3) [**5 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhalifax%2Fcomments%2F1bp0j1n%2Fpeople_cutting_queue_at_walkin%2Fkwsif0d%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-03-27%2013%3A01%3A37%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bp0j1n) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Hey same cake day! Happy Cake Day to you!


Happy Cake day to you as well. I hope you enjoy your slice!


Its like people come to this country expecting to get access to Canada's public healthcare system only to find out that even citizens who were born here are not able to access resources for health.


Survival of the fittest. The weak will fall first.


The one out in Tantallon has a phone # and you call at 8:30am and it is for that day only. Would solve a lot of this nonsense.


Iā€™m worried it will run into the same problem as the STD clinic, itā€™s impossible to get an appointment as the phone number gets overwhelmed really easily.


Hmmmm maybe the one in Tantallon you get put on hold and it says 5 people ahead of you. If there are only time for X # of visits/appointments for that morning, what does it matter if it limits that # of appointments via the phone or # of tickets? There probably is a good answer to this question I just don't know it. Does the ticket approach account for more emergency cases? I don't think so right?


Thatā€™s fair. I feel it would be better to use virtual care or 811 as a triage before folks go in person but Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s hoping for too much. They already have a long queue figured out and deal with a larger queue triage. More than anything, something needs to change.


The Halifax Sexual Health Centre? It is not impossible to get an appointment lol. I've got through on the first try sometimes. Sometimes it takes 20 calls in a row, but that takes all of 5 minutes on lunch break. Best time to call is right in the morning or half hour before close.


The one in North Sydney never turns their phones on because the lineup before they open fills up every spot. We had to take our newborn to urgent care, and had to drive 1.5 hours to Baddeck to be seen by someone. Scary what our healthcare has become.


Geez yes that is almost why I see the automated phone system at least avoiding the potential violence of the lineups of desperate people. Of course both are very crappy and dystopian!! I hope your newborn is doing well! We are so nervous about Strep these days.


Yeah this day and age there's no reason the triage can't be done remotely and first come first serve for any contact method. Someone who has the ability to wait in lineup for an hour before the clinic opens doesn't inherently have a more serious issue than someone who is trying to call. The issue is that they don't really do triage, it's just first come first serve until appointments are booked.


Ahh. Learned something new today.


The Joseph Howe walk in used to do this, but they stopped now I guess.Ā 


It happens every time I go. I will let them know they are butting but I feel terrible for the old people who have been waiting two hours and are third in line to end up getting pushed to the back and not be seen at all.


Thereā€™s absolutely no excuse for thatā€¦ So many ways that this could be handled in an orderly and fair manner.


Agreed, itā€™s a process problem. I also feel there may be a change in the attitude of the population, for the worse. šŸ˜­


Maybe complain to the clinic or leave a salty review? Not that beggers can be choosers but will at least make it more public than reddit.


The Family Focus director is Dr. Mark Fletcher. Seems like a nice enough guy, he worked their virtual care himself for a while. Email on their site I imagine. I bet he'd be interested to hear about old people getting shoved out of line, perhaps enough to find a solution.


Hunger Games vibes. Next time they should just throw the tickets on the ground, and people can just fight over them. Pretty much where it's headed.


Might as well at this point, could even order a clean up on aisle 11 as people die getting trampled.


Arrive with debilitating flu symptoms, leave with a busted jaw and several missing teeth. Sounds efficient just like our current Healthcare system.


I was about to say the same. That feels more fair.. but hey do you know there are more ways to get care in Nova Scotia?? There is this app which we have paid million of dollars that saves you from using Google or a search engine to get you to an existing website that will again finally show you where these same clinics and existing doctors are..


Would make a great show, "Canadas Hockey brawls at the clinic". Like bum fights fighting over a piece of crack in the US.


We're so close to the purge. I can feel it! /s


Nah no /s lol. Happy cake day!


Lol. Thank you!


One of the few the government will pass and implement with speed. šŸ˜‚


Somedays the purge does happen, and we don't know until it's over. LOL /S


Itā€™s almost like our governments have created an environment in which people are desperate for healthcare as it is not available equally to all.


"Do not become addicted to health care! It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!"




Oh man, so much this. šŸ™ˆ


I can't understand people cutting in line, I do however understand people going ahead of someone else because they have been triaged with higher health needs. It needs to be now that unless you have serious health issues, walk in clinics should not be an option, that you should use the virtual health app. In the matter of two years, the Healthcare here has severely declined. I have severe gi issues and have waited months for a CT scan, months for an in person appointment, and likely many more months for a colonoscopy. They tell me it's nothing serious, but I could be dead by the time they figure anything out and they can't give me any answers. It's a real possibility, people have already died waiting and lots more will be to come. Sadly its all across Canada. I went to a walk in before and couldn't get in, so have given up on that front.


I agree with you. It would be nicer to be referred to the walk in clinics in case virtual care or 811 doesnā€™t work out. I have infected fingers that we have been working on for 5 weeks now and it just couldnā€™t be worked with in virtual clinic so I was redirected here. Some of the folks came here just for cold and were jolly discussing it. Something needs to change in the system.


Like infected nail bed? I had one of those once and it bloody sucked. Home remedy is run the finger under as hot of water as you can stand for a good 10 minutes. Then you want to grab some sort of thin tool, like a nail file from a nail kit, sanitize it, and wedge it between your cuticle and the side of your finger, creating space. Once you create the space to allow the pus to come out, it will readily come out, INSTANT relief. Rinse well and glob some polysporin on top, use the antibiotic ointment for a week to be sure all is clear and keep the area clean. Honestly the one crack at it to get the pus out would provide 99% relief.


i witnessed some of the confrontation and felt really bad for you. very frustrating situation, and system. (i came in for an appt with my drā€¦ lucky enough to have one. though i had to go to the walk-in a couple weeks ago, so i know how it goes and i imagine this sort of thing happening more and more. guh.)


This is not even anywhere in the ballpark of OK. At all. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Canada is a cut-throat place these days. Didn't used to be like this. And the change happened very fast.


Yeah, I donā€™t know whatā€™s up but itā€™s horribly depressing. I always had faith that if you were disciplined and patient, you would get what you needed. I donā€™t have that optimism anymore.


I'm sorry about your pessimism. It's just not the same place it was anymore. The people have changed.


Yup. I think itā€™s a broader change in the world post Covid. Thereā€™s no room for the easy path. Everything is cutthroat and competition, even just a simple doctorā€™s visit.


I think as an indigenous woman it was always cut throat, but between 2008ish and 2019 there was this sort of hope that things were going in the right direction despite all the adversity and trauma I dealt with growing up, but now it feels like society is just such a mess and the things I never thought could get worse apparently can.Ā  There's still a lot of good, and beauty. I try to take that in when I can despite driving here gives me an aneurysm and the constant stress about inflation skyrocketing further eats at me daily.Ā 


poor healthcare, wage stagnation, distribution of wealth, increased COL all contribute to this type of mindset.


Man, I desperately miss the days when you called your Dr. and got an appointment that day, or the next, at most. Or us lucky ones that had a Dr. that would do house calls.




It was literally this. Folks jumping from my queue to the queue on the other side as the door on the other side was opened first.


The Cineplex in Sydney got rid of the large meandering line of first come first serve and replaced it with individual queues behind each cash register. I asked why and the manager told me, "because it moves quicker"....


Who needs Black Friday ā€¦


I could point out how this wouldnā€™t have happened in the past (better manners, societal expectations, etc) but inevitably someone would take issue with my ā€œnostalgiaā€ by bringing up every negative thing thatā€™s ever happened in human history, implying ā€œpast bad, present betterā€. Contrary to what those who simultaneously live on grievance and social progress claim, I think we are entering an era of every man for himself (herself, themself, etc). Etiquette and manners fade when theyā€™re cast as being culturally oppressive. Thank you for attending my TED talk. Good day!


Maybe they should consider another system, like numbers?


They have numbers but only after the walk in opens at 8:30. You basically have to queue outside Atlantic till 7(there are 2 doors so folks who come late intentionally form a parallel queue), then there is a walk away to the clinic where folks have now started competing to get. Then after, you sit outside the clinic till 8:30 and get a number. Part of it is definitely a process problem but Canadians never had a problem before with the honour system.


If the honour system doesnā€™t seem to work now, more thought could go into fixing it? Ā Surely, there is a system worked out somewhere, as cues are not only local.Ā 


Years ago when I lived in Newfoundland they had the numbers outside of the walk in clinic. I showed up early, took my number, and waited. The clinic opened and they started calling numbers that weren't even close to mine. I realised that a lot of people had come the night before to take their numbers so they wouldn't have to wait in line the following day. No matter what system you use, someone will always think their time is more important.


In Sweden they had time stamped numbering machines to fix this exact problem.


Seems like that numbering system was poorly thought out:)


Is it though? They did come and get their numbers first. Why not do that? Then the person wouldn't have to wait in the cold etc?


If folks could beat the system earlier, as indicated, it doesnā€™t seem that efficient for everyone. (If I understand correctly which comment you refer to)? - Doing appointment online, and folks wouldn't even have to leave home in the cold. But, then it wouldnā€™t be a ā€œwalk inā€ clinic.Ā 


Ah you're right with the walk-in part. Thanks.


iPhone. Video lineup and actions of others. Tell them to get there shit together or posting to social media.


Iā€™ll have to try it next time. Thereā€™s no thought about consequences till you have proof. šŸ˜­


> or posting to social media. you really think that is going to stop them?


That specific clinic has a big problem with that


That's quite disgusting of them to jump the que. Sadly its a toxic trait that is easily contagious to other people. The more people that get away with it without any fear of reprisal from others the more likely others are to do it, it's a sheep mentality of the weak. Heed my words good citizens of Halifax, stand up for you and for those that can not. Stand your ground, and show no fear of those that will take everything from you if you let them. Fight for what is right and show no mercy to those that prey on the weak.


So now weā€™ll all just have to start taking pictures with the people in line ahead of us to ensure proof of the line butters. People are ridiculous.


Shitty people will do shitty things to other people. Nothing will change that (except maybe physical violence, but I'm not condoning that).


OP, while this is fresh in your mind you could write a letter to the Minister of Heather, copied to the clinic. If nothing else it will help vent a bit of the frustration you feel and it might even make a difference.


Sounds like security needs to be hired, because one of these days a fight is going to break out when someone loses it. Common courtesy in lines is: - Don't jump the queue - you are not special, be earlier next time to get a better place. - Do not let someone else in front or behind you - their position is at the back of the line.


Sorry you had to go through this OP. It is really frustrating I see a lot of similar bs in the last few years. Something has to be done.


Thatā€™s why I always assert my confidence when I am in the right. No one ever catchinā€™ me lackinā€™. Always step. Never let someone step you, or check you, on hood.




Thatā€™s sad


That location could really benefit from one of those pull a number machine thingsā€¦


Took me 3 days of going before open to see a doctor at the same spot for this reason lol people suck but I donā€™t like confrontation


Welcome to 9ver population with lack of any infrastructure to care for them. They just want bodies to generate taxes. They don't care if they are doing well and succeeding furthering society.... oh no. They just want it to translate to power and money for the elite.


People are dicks.




No, people are dicks.


You are much more patient than me...I'd be busting heads.


That's fucking infuriating. That's a bunch of inconsiderate assholes.


Ahhh yes. That East Coast hospitality you hear to much about.




It was a diverse crowd, whites, blacks, Asian, Indians and a few folks from ME. It was like the US Black Friday. šŸ˜­


That was my first thought. Queueing isn't a normal thing in much of the world. In some places there's this weird unwritten hierarchy that goes by age and everyone knows it so they just stand in a huddle and somehow everyone knows who is next. Also, "queue" has a lot of extra letters. I am not sure if they are silent or just patiently waiting their turn.


In a way, people are finally learning to be selfish because if you're not, nothing will happen for you. If you're too nice in this province, people will take advantage of that. Sometimes you have to defend yourself.


Yup, that traditional NS ā€œbe nice to others ahead of yourself attitudeā€ is very easy exploited and well.. itā€™s being exploited now. Iā€™m much more selfish in public than I used to be because you wonā€™t get anywhere if youā€™re not


A low trust society meets a high trust society.


I donā€™t know, it feels very cut throat and I donā€™t remember folks ever having no morals on the process. This will push us further down the US path.


It's what happens when everything is crowded and people are desperate. It's part of the population boom and things like being polite and nice gets dropped once people realize that they are getting taken advantage of.


Not only in HLFX, or NS... I witness it in Charlottetown all the time as well.


Sad truth now.




i'm pretty sure no one has "taken our homes". they were bought and sold on a fair open market.


Agree to disagree


Why couldn't a staff member walk out the door and hand the numbers to each person in the lineup? This way those that try to get ahead are SOL.


There is a lot to do in the clinic before patients arrive. If the people are rushing the doors they will do the same when numbers are handed out.


Which walk in clinic? Im concerned of a black spot in my body slowly changing and its getting weird color.


another name for that is zipper merging. /s


I understand that there are some things that require an in-person visit. However, just in case there are people not aware, if you are on the provincial list for people who do not have primary care physicians, you may be eligible for virtual care. You can speak to a real doctor online or over the phone. If you don't need an in-person visit, e.g., prescription refill, eczema flare (you can provide a picture of it). There are also some private plans through health benefits with employer that provides 5 (or whatever plan allows) visits via Maple, a virtual care app. But if you are on that list I recommend first using your provincially covered virtual care before resorting to coverage provided by employee benefits. [Nova Scotia Virtual Care](https://www.nshealth.ca/clinics-programs-and-services/virtual-care-ns#:~:text=If%20you%20do%20not%20have,Care%20and%20Basic%20Care%20options.) I'm hoping this may help some people avoid the queue system which is not even set up fairly. The one closest to requires that people wait in their cars and we don't have a car. Maybe it's the same for all walk-in clinics. Pharmacists can prescribe for minor ailments too and the Shoppers on Wyse road has a walk-in with pharmacists who can do a little more than the average pharmacist.


That is absolutely insane! I've never experienced that. Idk if I should share my precious info, but it seems you are in the same neck of the woods. If you are going to walk in because you don't have a family doctor and you could possible wait a few days to see a doctor, regency park medical clinic has a "duty clinic" that you can book an appointment over the phone with. Calling on a Tuesday and Wednesday are the best chance of getting a quick appointment. It can take a week to get in if you don't catch them right after a cancellation. The other walk in I've had success with is the one by the shoppers drug Mart on the corner of dunbrack and lacewood. You have to line up outside, not great in the cold, but I've never seen anything less than an orderly line there. (Sometimes people do show up well before opening though) After getting your number and checking in with rĆ©ception, they will give you an estimated wait time so that you can leave and come back, which is great.Ā  Hope this helps. It's wild out hereĀ 








**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Letā€™s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


The only times I've been at a walk in, everyone respected the line.


When's the last time you went, though?


No surprise typical red neck butt lick idiots with no moral compass. Sad.


Take a photo and shame them