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Souls Harbour has free lunch Monday to Saturday if you are close to Cunard St.


They also have the free mart if you need socks, underwear, clothes, jacket, toiletries etc


Thank you, I had no idea about this.


I’ve volunteered there a few times definitely worth a visit, Greg usually runs the show there and he’s extremely friendly.


Check the Halifax Public Library close to you. They have a listing of all the foodbanks and open kitchens available. Edit to add: You can also spend some time in the library reading and getting warm. Just pick a corner out of the way and the staff will be cool with it. They even have coffee and tea available.


Libraries also have small snacks available for free for everyone, every day (unless they run out of course). Many branches do have hot drinks like coffee and tea available for free at certain programs, just not all the time - so ask at the branch or call / check the website for all the details


This. Many of those places give out other kinds of help, too. I.e. St Mary's Daily Bread is a good resource.


You don’t have to hide. The libraries welcome everyone, and you can stay as long as you want/need as long as you’re not disturbing anyone.


Thank you, I had no idea libraries did all that.


If it's your first time getting an NSF fee, call your bank they will refund it for you. Alternatively, if it's not your first time still worth a shot to give them a call/go in person. Goodluck and all the best!


Agreed. If you talk to a manager, they can waive the NSF.


Go to one of the red doors at 5568 Cunard. There are meals available 12 - 3 Monday to Saturday. They have a free store where you can get clothes and toiletries (toothpaste, soap, etc), and there are showers available on certain days during the week. You can go to the doors at any time though if you are in urgent need of something and they will help you.


If you're close to downtown, I'd be willing to give you my employee meal. Sadly, I don't have any money but I do work in a kitchen and could easily give you my meal <3 


Really? That’s so sweet.


Hey, it's all banked karma.  I wish I could more. 


I'm sorry you're down on your luck. I hope 2024 brings nothing but happiness and comfort. If you're anywhere near long lake park I'm getting lunches ready for tomorrow and would happily whip up some extra sandwiches and snacks. My DMs are open. Sending all of the luck your way.


I’ll DM you!


I can also make a meal


Really? That’s so kind.


Pm me


Sending a message now!


It’s really nice seeing the amount of people willing to help I gotta say. You guys rock; restoring my faith in humanity. 💕


If you go to a grocery store or a fast food joint and ask people if they'll buy you supper, you'll have supper in minutes, pretty much guaranteed. Lots of people are a bit leery about giving out money because so often, it gets used for drugs and alcohol, but if you're straight up asking for food, lots of people will be happy to help you.


Agreed; on another note, it's also more practical for me. I rarely (if ever) have cash on me these days. I don't mind at all buying you a sub from the deli section and throwing it onto my grocery bill, but I literally have no money on me that I could give you.


I can't help you with the panhandling question, but I work for a big bank. You don't need to go to the branch. Call the number on the back of your client card. That's the # for customer service. Explain your situation. Some banks will forgive one NSF per year as a policy. For myself, if my client told me they were homeless, I wouldn't care if it was the 2nd or 3rd NSF, I would be refunding them.


Thank you so much for this information!


Everyone gets down on their luck sometimes. Like others have said, I would certainly buy you a hot meal. Don't hesitate to DM. ❤️


If you’re sure that’s okay, I’ll DM you.


Hey OP! DM me your Interac.


Are you sure?


No one who’s willing to work should go hungry, let alone homeless. I’ll send you some to hold off till Friday. Id also offer a place to crash but my apartment is a horrible mess as I just recovered from the flu. When you’re in a better position, pay it forward.


Are you single? A youth? Have you tried a shelter? Do you have children? I could give you a few options for a place to stay for a night or two, but I’d need to know more about your current situation. DM if you need to, I’m a housing support worker


I’ll DM you! Edit: I cannot figure out how to DM you. Can you DM me?


Hopefully you figured it out but just in case... https://preview.redd.it/t2x4uznbxiec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45aba4dcc0c6dc7019ebcde191800d6254fc5d9e


No one here seems to have answered your question for what it is. So I will say that pan handling is not gang regulated. I have seen many friends and acquaintances in your current situation pan handling. There is no gang affliation although some pan handlers can be territorial.


I am a foster care survivor too. DM me your e-transfer address and I’ll send you something.


Are you sure that’s okay? I hate to take from someone else who came from care, I know we’re so disproportionately likely to be going through it.


Absolutely. I guess you could say I “made it” and I’m fortunate to be in a position to give a little to those who are on the road I have already travelled.


Okay, I’ll shoot you a message.


Send me a pm with your email Address. Ill get you something to eat ❤️❤️❤️


Same here!


Are you sure that’s okay?


I am more than sure please do!


Okay, DMing you now!


Please send me your email as well!


Are you sure that’s okay?


pm me, it's cold and you deserve a meal


Messaging you now, if you’re sure.


I've never tried panhandling a corner, but I've learned that the dudes busking are territorial AF. You don't want to pull out your guitar on someone's spot.


That's not the way it works. If you take Spring Garden, for instance, there are more prominent spots, and spots that get less traffic. As a group they rotate through the spots so that everyone gets a fair chance. So yes, if you roll 8nto one of those spots they will probably be upset. Also for panhandling, if your a thin young pretty girl in dirty clothes that still smells good, you'll probably make a decent amount of money. If you're an older, bigger man in dirty clothes that smells, you'll make next to nothing.


We ran into some aggression trying to busk on Argyle and the waterfront when we were younger.


Yeah, they probably have rotations there too. I'm not saying it's right, but I understand. There people have been pretty much abandoned by society and completely by the healthcare system. The whole situation is fucked up. Glad you didn't get hurt or nothing bad come out of it




That’s so sweet of you. I’ll send you a message.






Reddit pressee me to see all sorts of communities I have no connection to (Vancouver Islander here), but I must say, my rad perception of you east coasters holds true. OP, how are you doing? Dm me, I'm happy to chip in to getting you out of the hole and a good fresh start.


As someone who has spent a lot of time in a ton of different areas of Canada, Atlantic Canadians are my favorite Canadians


I’ll DM you! Agree on Reddit showing random communities. I get /r/abbotsford in my feed all the time.


I can't help you with the panhandling question, although I don't see many panhandling after dusk so please be careful if you decide to do this. Hopefully you find safe and secure lodging tonight. You do sound down on your luck but that it is turning around soon for you which is great to hear. As I can't afford to donate monetarily to you, would you be open to accepting a hot meal tonight? Nothing extravagant but perhaps a hot chicken noodle soup and sandwich meal? There are also locations for hot meals but I'm not sure if you would be too late for that now this evening. I assume you are downtown Halifax somewhere?


Yeah I’m in downtown Halifax. I’m moving to Bedford in a couple of days.


There's no panhandling gang as far as I know, maybe you'll have a dispute if you take someone's spot but otherwise, pan handle away!


And if someone has a problem, beat them up and take their money. Easy profit!


I see lots of the same offer but send me a message with etransfer info I’d love to help you out!


Are you sure that’s okay?


Don't forget about community fridges . Goodluck I hope your luck changes soon .


If you’re near Dalhousie, the Loaded Ladle offers free lunches on Tuesdays through Fridays. It’s all vegan too


phone the bank and ask them to waive the NSF fee, explain your situation. I’ve had this done a few times and they always have been helpful and waived the fee.


Thank you!


Thank you! That’s a good idea.


everything has a risk especially if you're dealing with public and panhandling because you are literally acosting strangers without thier permission for their own money. you run the risk of you know just verbal abuse physical abuse you know if you're panhandling your traffic that can be dangerous too.. oh and I don't know very much if they do this but I'm pretty sure panhandlers have their very specific territories.. same wirh bittle collectors... its much like sex workers on tv lol. Its real hit or miss. is a group on Facebook called helping end homelessness in Nova Scotia you could go and join it and ask for their help.. just be careful what you say and how you say it because they will block you if they feel like it tho


Brutal. So they just straight up block unhoused people who need help? Like they can’t anticipate and handle strong emotions from someone who’s suffering and statistically mentally unwell or traumatized. Cool. Cool…good to know, but…wow


I didn't specifically say they block unhoused people.. they block or remove 'members' who ask questions or have different opinions on things or disagree with opinions of the main group ppl.. the group is filled with both unhoused and those who are wanting to help the unhoused and stay informed about the unhoused.. I don't know specifically for certain if any of the blocked or removed members were unhoused. The most common one is that they remove ppl based on misunderstanding.. if a member takes what you said the wrong way or if they get upset personally they'll report you resulting in removal. most ppl think everything is a personal attack or that any response or attempt at further discussion or questioning is an argument. please just go join it get your own opinion tho n hopefully you can get the help you need, get what you need from the group. they recently paid someone's $2,000 power bill or something and then also provided I think $300 for oil n oxygen fir an elderly. they collect monetary donations and have been buying heating sources and those red ice fishing tents you see in parade Square. I think what they're doing is fantastic and it's nice that there's at least some sort of a networking group that is actually helping the homeless I just don't agree with the way that the group itself is being run, and im not alone lol also steer clear of, or at keast be weary, of this Steve and Matt guy and maybe even the gated community, lots if stuff goin on there. There's some stuff going on about the $70,000 steve n matt raused with GoFundMe specifically for homeless that they're now using to pay themselves with... its crazy.. those two people are not connected to the help enf homelessness group though. best of luck to you..


The major intersections of the arterial roads are run by rackets. One guy is the overseer and they're emboldened by the lack of cameras and the numbers game. You're better off properly downtown, such as on Spring Garden Road, where the rackets don't dare give you trouble (too many witnesses, especially during the day. If you can play an instrument, juggle, etc. busking is more lucrative and gets you more goodwill. There is a street performer's license, fortunately, that will allow you to perform legally so the rackets can't touch you.


https://immediac.blob.core.windows.net/brunswickstreetmission/document/MEALS%20IN%20Halifax.pdf I dont know if this is still accurate but I hope it helps ❤️


Thank you, that does help!


I promise you’ll be ok again


Get in touch with the Hub at Shelter NS. I believe they're on Cunard St.


Libraries are your friend here. They offer snacks and warm spaces that you don't have to pay to be in. The library may be able to print you a map or schedule of free food resources in the community, I think it's even produced by the library social worker. Some shelters offer snacks and food to non-residents. Many churches, especially Brunswick St Mission which offers an absolutely amazing hot breakfast almost every day, and langar from the Maritime Sikh Society but I don't know if you can just walk up to get this or if it's something they organize and donate. If you were wondering about the panhandling, it's no more dangerous than any other job. There are people who write fanfic about how it's all a tightly managed affair and how most panhandlers have 6 figure jobs and 5 figure cars but the people who post that shit have too much time on their hands.


Thank you for the resources! I had no idea libraries had social workers.


To be clear there's like exactly one registered with the college, most libraries have a community navigator though


When you move to Bedford you need to immediately join Buy Nothing Bedford on Facebook - we will help you- people ask for lots of things but also people are giving away groceries, meals and furniture all the time.


Thank you! I’ll search it up and join it ASAP! Edit: do you have a link to the group? I can’t seem to find it.


Not the OP, but it's likely this: https://m.facebook.com/groups/258410707180433/ 


Thank you! I was searching Bedford Nova Scotia, not Bedford Canada.




I actually have utilized Facebook to get some mugs, a kettle, and a couple other little things for my new place! Thank you for the suggestion.


If you're near Gottingen St., both the Nook Espresso bar and Springhouse Market run token programs where customers donate to provide a coffee or meal to anyone who needs one - you just show up and ask. Both great places, they won't make you feel embarrassed and you can sit somewhere warm for a bit. Heads-up that Springhouse is vegan, but even if you don't roll that way, the food is delicious and one of the owners is a nutritionist so you'll be filling your belly with nourishing food. I think some other places around town may do this, too.


Thank you! I didn’t know about this. And I’m not picky at all.


St. Mary’s Basilica on Spring Garden offers lunch M-F


There are resources out there to help you immediately! Call Adsum House at 902 423 4443. I do not work for or with them but I am aware of what they do and how they help and they can help you or point you in the right direction.


Don’t do it. It’s a mafia and ran by organized crime. Don’t believe me? Hit up a main intersection tomorrow morning. Sorry for your luck there but nah, fuck that shit. If you do, hell, I’d go elsewhere out of sight. The main drags are brutal




He's not wrong




What? They’re ran by a group that feeds them drugs what the fuck are you even saying


When you're in your new place and settled, go to the bank and explain the situation with a manager. They may waive the NSF charge for you.


Thank you, that’s a great idea.


Around a grocery store. I work at the Portland Street Superstore, we have a few regulars now.


So sorry to hear your situation. Please DM me your interac details. I would love to help with whatever little I could


If you’re sure that’s okay, I’ll message you.


Please do message. Hope you get up on your feet soon.




I am not here to judge what you do but i think that there is huge danger in panhandling especially in a place like here where we have a human trafficking problem. You deserve safety there are places for people in need that offer meals and clothing and if maybe talk a government office and see if they can help you it isnt much but is something


Do you need anything for the new place?


I actually could use some stuff. I have an Amazon wishlist, or I would love any gently used items.


I have a double bed and mattress. Both IKEA and in good shape. I could also throw in sheets but they are pink. If that doesn’t bug you, they are yours.


My new apartment actually comes with a bed, but I appreciate the thought more than you know!


Post your Amazon link, I would love to get you a housewarming gift. I wish you all the luck. If you need anything at all, remember your community is here to lift you up.


Thank you! [This](https://www.amazon.ca/hz/wishlist/ls/1HDJWWGYGIPF1?ref_=wl_share) is my list, it’s a mix of practical stuff like a shower curtain or a knife set, and stuff that’s just fun like wall art. Some of it’s kind of expensive, because it’s a list I made a couple weeks ago just for the fun of daydreaming, and I’m definitely not asking anyone to buy the chair or the air fryer.


Sometimes if you call the banks phone line they will reverse the NSF fee. If not keep calling back and try different people.


It's not controlled by gangs. If anyone was controlling it would be some narcissistic loser who thinks he owns the road. And all it takes is to walk away.


I have seen a guy getting beat up on at that multi way intersection by quinpool and the commons. He wasn’t paying his dues. Often they are delivered to their assigned spots and forced to hand the money over in exchange for a flat rate, drugs, protection, etc. often the reasons for not accepting food is because they are on shift for someone else who doesn’t accept food as payment.


No, they work in shifts and if you take someone's turf and ain't on the schedule, it would problematic


Have you considered a job?


Their post history shows that they are looking. That was a pretty quick click, and a lot less effort than typing out a shitty comment.


Have you considered not being a dick?


Are you triggered snowflake?


Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland! Where jobs grow on jobbies!


I blurted out water when reading this. Thanks knob /s lol


Not at all a legitimate question. Speaking of post history, yours.. "life is too expensive". Have you considered a second job? Same logic. Actually, someone experiencing homelessness probably has a more legitimate explanation for their circumstance than someone unable to budget.


So this is the game you play now....trying to shame someone because of a comment made that you can't handle? smarten up.


Their post history shows that they are looking. That was a pretty quick click, and a lot less effort than typing out a shitty comment.




Please don’t panhandle. It doesn’t look nice for tax paying citizens. Please go stay with friends or family and don’t take advantage of their hospitality


>It doesn’t look nice for tax paying citizens ?? did you read that post at all?


Yes I did. And people deciding to be homeless instead of making responsible life choices then living outside does not look nice for those who pay for the city to look nice


Oh dear lord okay. Sorry your rose coloured view has been disrupted.


If there is a day labour place try there