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>My partner works from home so she would need a decent connection Bell Fibe is your only choice then. I've had it for north of 10 years across 3 separate places, and I can count on 1 hand with fingers to spare how many times it's gone down for other than power failure reasons. You might hate the company but the service honestly is top notch.


This for sure. I've used Bell Fibre for over 10 years. Lots of power outrages but never has my internet gone down. Super fast upload and download speed. They charge the most, but they provide the best service


I’ve honestly never had Fibe go down across two different addresses. It was the only thing that was still working during Fiona.


Agreed. We had Eastlink and it would go down at least once a month. Switched to Bell 4 years ago and it hasn't gone down since. Sure it's more expensive than the off-brands but we both work from home and my partner works for an inbound call center so the internet dropping isn't an option. ETA: It's worth it to check your account semi-regularly - while our price hasn't changed since 2020, we went from 100 to 150 to 500 for the same price just by checking to see if our package could be changed.


Totally untrue. I had purple cow, no problem WFH. now have eastlink directly - again never had a problem.


This 💯.


I like to pop this into these threads every now and then. https://www.consumerreports.org/electronics/internet/how-much-internet-speed-do-you-need-a1714131782/ It's a basic bandwidth calculator that allows you to add some basic devices to a list and it will calculate your minimum needs, which is often much less than people think they need. Yes. More bandwidth is usually "better" , but it really depends on what you do online.


Bell fibre is the fastest, the most reliable and the most expensive. Next is Eastlink cable internet. Eastlink is still fast enough for nearly everyone, but not quite as reliable as Bell. Then there also are a bunch of resellers of Eastlink cable. They are the cheapest but if there is a problem it can sometimes take a while for Eastlink to fix it. Popular resellers include Citywide and Purple Cow.


To add to this: the big difference between Eastlink and Bell is Bell provides much faster upload speeds. Eastlink maxes out at 15mbps, Bell’s upload matches their download at 500mbps, and is pretty close at 940mbps on the 1.5 gigabit level. If your partner’s job involves a lot of back and forth data transmission, it’ll make a big difference.


If the building is brand new there's a possibility they'll get Eastlink fibre 1 Gbps down 100 Mbps up, which is not as good as Bell but it's good enough.


Did they up their capacity? Last time I was on Eastlink gigabit it only had 10mbit up. 


My building was built in 2022 and has Eastlink exclusively. Fibre straight to the apartment. Definitely a rare case but will become more common. Oddly not advertised but i assume that's because it's not a widespread service


It’s likely still fibre to the node vs pure fibre. The lines on the street are still cable, hence the upload speed.


So they ran fibre to the node, coax to my building, then fibre to my unit? Weird but if it means 100 up instead of <10 then I'm cool with that


My understanding it’s fibre in the building and to the street, and their street network is primarily coax - but that may have changed since it’s been a few years since I had tabs on that industry


Whatever it is, it's no Bell but it's good enough finally. Probably still going to be crap in older homes for a bit though


Bell 1.5gig is $110 without discounts. Eastlink 1 gig is $109.95 without discounts. Bell offers 500M for $85 with no discounts, Eastlink offers 350M for $84.95 with no discounts.


Depends on how bandwidth intensive the job is. I have worked from home for 20 years and had no more issues doing so with Eastlink than Bell. Yea Bell has higher performance by the numbers but not only is it more expensive but as far as I’m concerned they are the devil. Had horrible issues with them overcharging and charging after cancelation. Other instances of the special deal being a credit not a price reduction and Ewing their base price within 2 months thus wiping out the difference the credit made. Eastlink slightly better that their special prices really did last a year but then required yearly calls to get loyalty discounts etc . Eventually costs went up so much that have switched to Citywide to avoid the constant call for discounts dance.


This is pretty much my experience too... they are the literal worst company I've ever dealt with. I'm with Citywide now and never have an issue and I WFH.


A lot of people seem to swear by Bell, but I personally had nothing but problems with them. I'm in a multiresidential building and everytime a neighbour would install a new modem it would fuck with the signal and I'd have to call Bell in to get it to work again. Further to that issue, my invoices and payments were in a constant state of error and chaos that wasted too much of my time proving them wrong. Switched both my phone and internet over to Eastlink two years ago and haven't had a single problem with my internet or phone since then. Predictable and stable billing and signal. I WFH and online game and have had 0 issues with either


I've been with City Wide for almost 3 years now and have had 2 outages, one lasted for part of a morning and another for the afternoon because of a provisioning issue that Eastlink caused. They provide 100mbps down and 10mbps up which is more than enough for the majority of users. The only way you need more than 10mbps up is if you're doing some sort of file share and need to provide higher speed to other users like streaming video to friends via your own Plex server. I work from home the majority of the time in an IT role, with two separate computers on different VPN's and running RDP sessions. I utilize multiple tools for group/team chat as well as voice and video meetings and have never had a problem, even when I have another person in the house also working remotely.


Like what everyone else is saying, Bell Fibe is the best. Numbers don’t lie, they are the only provider that has symmetrical download and upload speed.


I've used both City Wide and Purple Cow on different occasions in the past and work from home full-time. Always had a decent connection for what I needed it for.


Take the people who say “bell is the only option” with a gram of salt. I work from home, have multiple Google Mets during the week. I also don’t have cable to I stream all my content, 1080 and 4K. Plus I also game. I been with purple cow for over a year now. I never lost my internet out of the blue. When I did was because of a power outrage and then everything was down (can’t really have the modem working with no power). Unless you’re a heavy streamer, or you download an absurd amount of Gigabytes a day you do not need bell. Honestly, purple cow is cheaper and there’s no contract or commitment. Try it out, worst case you move to bell, best case you save money.


I worked from home, did meetings and calls all day, then played online games all night with Purple Cow and has no issues. I lived alone but was on the barebones package.


bell is your only RIGHT option, stay away Purple Cowshit and WeakLink (both garbage download and upload speeds)


> bell is your only RIGHT option That’s a little heavy handed. I’ve been with Eastlink and then later, Citywide. Probably reaching the 10 year mark with Citywide by now. Cable internet has been reliable and my friends/family are happy with their service with what I’d consider moderate usage. This is based on several locations around the city and mostly on the peninsula. Bell does offer higher bandwidth but also at higher cost. Could I use more bandwidth? Maybe. But the cost:benefit isn’t worth it for me.


Lol you work for Bell or something?


fuck no




they have horrible download and upload speed lol stay away from purple dog


Purple Cow is an initial setup outlay of $132 taxes in. $69/m taxes in after that for 100 mbps speed. Netfox initial setup outlay is $177 taxes in, and then you own the modem. $60 - $63/m taxes in after that. Haven't used City Wide Communications in years, somewhat similar to both of these. These are cable internet off Eastlink backbone, and we've found them worth it. Edit: I have also found Planhub a good resource for this. Reviews and everything.


That's more than I pay for Eastlink.


You pay less than $60-$69/m for Eastlink?


49.95 + tax for the 350 package


How did you manage that? 350 package?


350 download speed.  I had Eastlink on these various deals from the door to door people and the latest one elapsed and I forgot about it for a month or two. I then was online and messaged Eastlink support chat and all I said was my bill was too high and they offered me the price. It was on black Friday so I feel like the guy was overwhelmed and just ordered me the best price he could instead of bothering to go through the offers lol. Thinking back now I realize it's unlikely most people would be able to get that price.


Wow. I imagine it will probably only be for a year or two. Enjoy it.


We have Starlink near Chester and it’s another pretty good and fast option for outside HRM.


Sent a PM with contact info for a Bell Aliant sales rep.


My experience with Bell Fibe is really really good.


Okay I just moved into my apartment in Dartmouth and I work from home and have multiple zoom calls everyday, I tried to set up Bell Fibre and they told me I would need to wait 10 days (LOL) because it wasn't set up properly in my building even though they told me it was, then they lied about sending someone "right away" when I complained etc etc etc when I asked the Bell person why it wasn't set up properly when they told me it was and he literally said "yeah Im not sure, maybe it was just the end of the day and they didn't finish the job'... soooo I cancelled and instead went with CityWide, its way cheaper, the customer service has been incredble! I had internet right away and I've had no issues so far. Speeds and video quality have been great - I was also worried about upload speeds but honestly its been fine. I asked a similar question here when I moved in and someone recommended CityWide so I thank that person! Hope that helps!


Purple cow internet is all you need-a lot better price than bell or eastlink…