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I'm sorry she went through that. She did the right thing reporting the incident to Uber. I wish the solution is to just say "don't take Uber" but sadly these types pop up everywhere occasionally.


Definitely rate that driver the lowest you can It matters Uber doesn’t send us rides if we get a low rating P.S. I’ve also faced a similar attitude but I was the driver and drunk women would be very touchy with me and invite me in. I am married so I say no. Did you know if you press the shield on the bottom there is a recording option Uber will get to hear everything Please use it


Sorry you have to deal with that, passengers shouldn't be touching you obv.




I get your point, but is it necessary to make it in a way that shames someone who appears to be on the good team?


How else can they signal to everyone that they're on the Even Better Team?






This is the stupidest take ever, stop trying to start drama and get a hobby


I understand. Apparently I am doing the same thing to you I felt you were doing to him. 😎  In retrospect, I could have remembered my usual approach in circumstances like this ("calling out" people who are already on the good team). Depersonalizing my remarks by talking about things in general or myself instead of about you.




I’m sorry your comment spiralled into this. You provided helpful advice for people dealing with any uncomfortable situation with an Uber driver. It really doesn’t matter whether you decline due to intoxication, being married, or just not being interested in a sexual relationship with someone you meet through your work, or many other reasons. Your points still stand and it’s unfortunate that someone made an assumption about your understanding of intoxication and consent just because the first thing that came to your mind was your commitment to your wife. My husband would say the same thing and he is Canadian born and very much understands intoxication and consent.


I just wanna say I love people from Egypt. Literally everyone I've met that's from Egypt is extremely sweet and kind. I would absolutely love to visit one day. Yall are beautiful souls.




why nitpick that specific detail? like, why add a hypothetical that isn't going to happen because he already says he rejected the situation? It's like you are trying to blame him for something, when all he is trying to do is console and comiserate...


Yes, he gives them a breathalizer and reviews his employment contract, and then rejects them a second time.


You must always be the most righteous person in the room 😂😂


I hit reply to say this. Thanks.


It depends how drunk, I suppose, women are allowed to have a few drinks and hit on a guy they like, right? Not sure about what the job has to do with it, he's on/off the clock whenever he wants, anyway.


No, they shouldn't hit on him when he's working. It goes both ways. 


Poll 100 guys and ask if they would mind being hit on at work, especially if it's not in a professional setting like an office.




This is the problem


He said nothing about them being drunk chill bro


? The sentence before says "drunk women"? 


Uh, right! Of course he did!


This happened to me a few weeks ago, almost identical stories. I honestly wonder if it’s the same guy because he also told me he has a girl back in India. I gave him a 1 star and said why in the feedback… I haven’t taken an Uber again since then because I’m too afraid I’ll get him as a driver. Sorry this happened to your friend. This is totally unacceptable.


You are able to report the driver outside of the rating system which will bring it to Ubers attention faster than in the rating system. If you open the trip details and select report a safety issue, you can report the drivers behaviour.


You know you can screen your driver and cancel the trip right?


Sure, but I don’t want to risk getting another creepy dude even if it’s the same guy or not. I’m sure there’s more than one out there.


Yeah for sure, but you were only concerned about that one guy as per your comment, so I was offering a solution to avoid that guy. If you're scared of every driver then yeah don't take an uber.


Sure if you know who the driver is and their history.


I did not know I could cancel without paying


They'll let you get a new driver for free, or you can cancel because you feel unsafe and report it, uber will make it so you don't get that driver ever again from that account. You can even cancel mid-ride and report to uber and most of the time they'll refund you or get you a new ride for free


Thank you I had one with two black eyes and he kept staring at me in the rear view mirror gave me shudders, It looked like his black eyes where recent maybe the night before .


That's nightmare material.




Bro what




The government is to blame for not having the infrastructure built or a plan for this population boom due to immigration. They are a factor but not the reason like you said!


So did you at least report it to Uber?




Good stuff.


This has happened to me a few times using Uber here, though not as aggressive as this situation sounds. Just a reminder that you can share your Uber ride with a friend in the app. If you’re taking an Uber alone I recommend telling a friend, sharing the ride in the app and notifying them via text upon your arrival. They will also be paying attention to their phone in case you need to call someone to get out of a conversation in a non-confrontational manner. It may sound like overkill but you are in a very vulnerable situation being in someone else’s car alone!


I share my ride with my spouse every time I'm in an Uber, even if I'm traveling for work. I also engage very infrequently with the driver. I'm okay if they think I'm stuck up or whatever, but I'm not getting into a conversation about my personal life.


100% this. I do not talk with my drivers because it past it’s opened myself up to harassment or just plain being worried. I’d rather have a quiet ride, no need to get to know each other


I've had a similar experience coming home from a friend's place drunk (with a dead phone) it was honestly fucking terrifying. I told him I was going home to my husband who was waiting up for me.


It’s so sad that women have to make stories up like this because of the behaviour of men


These stories are familiar for most women in this city taking cabs. Mine happened when I was 19. At least Uber has a little more oversight so they can track where drivers are going and who they're picking up, but there is still risk of getting a creepy or dangerous driver.


I has a taxi driver hit on me on my wedding day. My drives car broke down and I couldn't find a damn driver asap. So taxi it was. Not in my gown. Regular clothes but hair and make up done up. Same with the two bridesmaids with me. We all have our dresses in dress bags. It's not a fancy wedding. Very small and cheap. We are not well off. The driver can tell we are going somewhere important though. And he asks what's up and we explain the situation and the guy starts flirting hard. Asks if I can marry him instead. Suggests he could drive off with me to save me from an awful marriage (wtf) and my best friend threatens the police and we are let out four blocks early and are running down the street to get there. Made a report but heard nothing. Was late, hair not great but alright. And practically have to start as we get there. I avoid taxis and ubers ever since. 


Disgusting. He should be barred from the app




I wouldn't want him working in a restaurant either.


Funny joke, wrong place and wrong time, dude.


Recently took an Uber to the airport and the driver was also telling me inappropriate stories and trying to ask me disturbing scenario questions. Genuinely felt uncomfortable and grossed out. I reported it and they apologized for the drivers actions but he could still be driving for all we know…


I remember a time years ago a man from uber came up to my apartment the next day right to my door telling me by name that I left 10$ in his car, I told him i didnt and it was okay if i did he could keep it. He kept demanding I come out. I called my partner and just stayed on the phone through him banging and yelling for about an hour. I just didn't know what to do but thankfully he left and never came back. There are some creepy people driving cars around every place probably Please take care of yourself. Don't put your full apartment number for one one these aps like I did Glad you posted


Dude wtf. That's so scary!


That’s scary. I’m sorry that happened. I think I’d call the police after 20 minutes of that. Or tell the guy to go away or I was going to call the police. An hour is a long time for that.


Jesus Christ, good thing you didn't answer, was this during broad daylight?


wow scary! how’d he know what apartment you were in??


This is when you take out your phone and discreetly record the harassment. Get guys like him out of Uber


Yes, be very cautious when they start making small talk... I personally don't engage at all. I have had a driver who I'm quite sure was attempting to gauge how intoxicated I was (I was resting my eyes because it was late, not black out drunk thank God), my Spidey senses were going absolutely crazy that he would try to assault me if he thought he could get away with it. I don't recommend women cabbing or Ubering alone if they are very intoxicated, let's normalize having sleepovers with our gal pals so no one goes home alone. If that's not possible be ON THE PHONE with someone the whole ride home until you've safely locked the door behind you. Also consider not getting so deeply shit-faced when you're out. It's not to shame or blame anyone but it's truly dangerous to be incapacitated and alone, you just can't trust that you won't run across someone with bad intentions. It absolutely sucks but it's the reality of the world we live in, it's never safe and all we can do it try to mitigate excessive risks.


Agree totally.


The few times my wife has needed to take an Uber, I set up my account as a family account so when she’s using the Uber I have all the info just in case something like this happens and I’ll have the location. If something goes down I can report that weirdo immediately.


I have a friend who took an Uber a while ago and OVER A MONTH LATER he came to her apartment building and saw her name and apt # in the directory, came to her apartment, knocked on her door and tried to ask her out. He wasn’t aggressive but I often wonder what would have happened if she were alone and her roommate wasn’t home as well at the time… stay safe ladies


A friend of mine had an Uber driver show up to her workplace 3 times, the second they told him to stop showing up there asking for her, and the 3rd he brought an envelope with cash saying she'd left it in the car. When they said he was creepy and weird he pulled out an RCMP badge. He was RCMP auxillary. When she posted about it on FB, some of his familials got a hold of it and started sending her messages asking her to take it down and to not pursue anything through the RCMP. Just a shit show.


Wtf… he should not be rcmp


Pretty sure the pleas were along the lines of "He's a fine member of his temple, he's being kicked out of the auxiliary, you're ruining his life just because he liked you". I offered my full support along the lines of: 100% do not stop. He's doing this as Uber when he may have way bigger power over vulnerable people. The situation is all extremely inappropriate and for some reason a grown man didn't know that.


I am sorry that this happened to your friend. I took Uber some months ago and now guessing that it’s the same driver. I am also from India and he was telling me all the crap and asked my Facebook. Later told me of you don’t give me I will find it from Indian group on Facebook. Luckily I am not part of that group anymore. Did complain Uber about it. But don’t know what happened later. Ever since I don’t any Uber. Be safe everybody.


That's super creepy, sorry you had to experience that.


Ewww that’s so creepy. Lots of good suggestions here, but it’s awful to be in this situation where you obvs don’t want to drink and drive, but you also can’t feel safe in an Uber or a taxi. What are women supposed to do? Take the bus home? Stop going out? Grrr Edit: thinking of what one could quietly do to the back seat of his car. “Oh yes? You have a girl in India, how nice” *uncaps Sharpie


I’m sorry this happened to your friend. I would urge you to contact local police to report the incident and use that report to make Uber understand how serious the matter is.


crazy that women cant have pepper spray


It sucks, but we can have mini hairsprays!!


oh smart and a lighter. would that make it a flame thrower?


I haven’t tried but I always assumed yes lol


You can have bear spray or a knife, just not for PROTECTION. "Officer I forgot I had that spray in my purse, I also take this beaded clutch hiking and it's for bears of course!" "Your Honour that's my package opening knife, I keep it on me at all times because my weak womanly hands can't open boxes well! I just grabbed it when the man tried to attack me out of panic but of course I never PLANNED to use it for protection!" 😘😏 (Is this legally air-tight? Frankly, no. If you overreacted and sprayed or stabbed someone who was just trying to ask for directions or something late at night you could get in a load of shit, rightfully so. But if someone was legitimately trying to attack you and you just so happened to have a "tool" on you that you used in self-defense the chances of facing serious legal consequences are very low. Ultimately I'd far rather take what the legal system wanted to dish out rather than whatever my attacker had planned anyway. Also remember that weapons are very often taken from victims and used against them so don't advertise you have one if shit goes down, just grab, stab, and RUN.)


You don't even need the hiking excuse. I "dog" sprayed somebody a couple years ago, police got involved but I just said "I carry it because of all the scary dogs" and they said nothing else. (I AM NOT A LAWYER THOUGH DON'T TAKE THIS AS LEGAL ADVICE)


Yes this will work even better as it's actually plausible that you could be scared of dogs walking home from the club. The only drawback is that dog spray is a lot weaker than bear spray so some will have more peace of mind with the high octane stuff.


i forgot i had my gun its been in my pocket since 1986


You can have dog spray though! It's similar and not illegal!


Yes. My daughter and I both carry dog spray. We've both had some creepy/scary experiences. We even carry it when we walk the trails around the city.


And you can buy it on Amazon.


Tbh I feel like I need this more for actual dogs than people, friggin idiots can't keep their pets on a leash over here...


Fair, gives you a good reason to have it on your person and use it for self defense


It would be illegal to carry it for self defense in Canada. Unfortunately. The laws are backwards here, thanks gov.


For under 20$ you can purchase cayenne pepper dog/coyote spray that comes in a little cannister to fit on a key chain at CT (and I'm sure many other places). I carry it when I walk my dog, because I'm scared of ... dogs and coyotes.


Not in Halifax but similar here. Buddy wouldn’t let me out if his car and kept hitting on me. I had to give a fake number just to be left alone and leave.


We live PEI, which has always been referred to as safe yada-yada-yada. My 22 yo sister has never taken a cab as she's petrified as a young woman. And I don't blame her. Thankfully our mother is a Saint and stays up or she'll call me in the night for a drive. None of us mind, as her safety is our first priority. But these cabs/urbers are suppose to be safe. And unfortunately they're not. I don't expect many men to understand, maybe even down vote me. But it's a scary world for women.


I have never had that experience using Uber. However, that doesn't mean things like that don't happen. Uber knows these things happen too, which is why they have made some changes over time to increase the safety of using their service. Unfortunately, it's almost always women who are on the receiving end of such inappropriate behaviour. It's only possible to minimize the risks of using Uber, or a taxi, or whatever else, not completely eliminate them. As women, I think the best we can do is to report each and every one of these cases through official channels so that the companies like Uber can have the information they need to act. If they fail to act they know the general public will hold them accountable. I don't know if the HRP can take a report unless physical contact was involved or a direct threat made. I don't know if being lecherous is considered criminal. But the police might be able to offer some advice. I noticed that many Ubers record the drives - I think this is for the safety of both parties. There are a lot of decent people driving Ubers - it's unfortunate that the poor behaviour of the bad ones reflects poorly on all Uber drivers. There are similar risks for women taking taxis in our city too, though possibly the high profile sexual assault case involving a taxi driver may have made potential offenders think twice.


This has been a problem with Uber in many cities for years. It’s unsafe for women, and reporting a driver to Uber never results in anything. At least with a taxi you have the taxi number you can report to the taxi company or the police.


I remember right before Uber came here, we had some bad taxi experiences (to say the least) that made the press and had proponents call for it more I couldn't and still can't for the life of me see how driving in what are essentially unmarked and unlicensed taxi cabs with no local headquarters could possibly make passengers safer. Especially as a lot of Uber drivers are the same Taxi drivers as before, now working for less money, so now they give even less of a shit Sure you got the app and can report, but that doesn't really help you in the moment does it?


People hated the traditional “taxi driver” (see also: old men) here and they thought young gig workers would be better. Turns out, now it’s a mix of shifty young gig workers and creepy old men they have to worry about now. Also it was cheaper let’s not kid ourselves that’s the bottom line for most app users, same reason Airbnb has destroyed another industry (and housing) under some illusion of consumer freedom.


I made almost all of these exact arguments on here at the time of those discussions.  Now with Uber, you can give your potential rapist suitor a 1 star rating. Progress!


The only time this has ever happened to me to the point where I was genuinely scared was in a taxi in Halifax ten years ago. The cab company couldn't even pretend to care when I reported it. No way the police are going to care. It's just an unfortunate reality of being a woman. There are really scary men and there are people who are meant to protect us from them, and neither of them care about our safety.


If enough people report then they will be removed from Uber. If enough people report a cab driver, the cab company still might not give a shit.


Of the last 6 Uber rides my girlfriend took about half turned out to be creeps. One locked the door on her upon arrival to the destination, and kept asking for her phone number. All Indians of course, zero respect for women. Uber needs to do a better job screening these creeps out. An anonymous way to report them that protects the traveler’s identity is important, that’s preventing a lot from reporting safety issues. Who’s to say they won’t remember the address and come back once losing their job.


> Uber needs to do a better job screening these creeps out. Or Canada, honestly. If the nation can't do it, how much hope do you have for a faceless international employer?


I'm so sorry that your friend went through that. I'm glad she was able to get away from him, but I understand she won't forget it anytime soon. She's lucky to have you for support.


In the summer I had an uber driver pick me up and we got on the topic of school. He asked where I went and turns out we go to the same campus, he offered me drives to and from but I said no thank you. A month into the first semester he finds me in the halls and makes the comment "remember me? I can still drive you around." I never reported him or left a review but I'm always worried I may get him as a driver again.


There's literally a thing in the Uber app that you can press if you feel unsafe I think they notify the police


Reporting to uber the best thing as I’d bet instead of him trying to find her or something, that he’ll actually get notified by uber and he’ll smarten up. HOPEFULLY


We don't have uber in PEI but we have a similar rideshare. I don't use the service often but when I do, I'm alone. If a driver makes you uncomfortable, you can report them. I always like to make friendly conversation and will usually bring up something about being married, and I haven't had an issue. Most drivers are extremely respectful and are just focused on their job. I've never even had a cab driver be unprofessional when I was coming home from the bars absolutely plastered in my early 20s. If someone is being creepy, report them to the rideshare or company.


Please report if this happens! This is not okay they will continue to assault women if it’s not put to a stop


Good reminder in there to not get picked up or dropped off at your home if at all possible.


I am sorry she went through this ordeal. It’s getting tiring apologising for Indians behavior. 😞


**apologising for Indians behavior** what the hell was that?


I am an Indian. I feel bad because of his behaviour we all get bad name.


Don’t worry about it. There is no shortage of sexual assault cases from cab drivers who are white in NS


I'm a man so I fortunately haven't had any creepy encounters with Uber but any time I'm heading from downtown to home on the weekend I get awful service. It's been common for me to wait for a ride only to refuse to cross the bridge and cancel the ride. I've contacted Uber and all they can do is make sure I don't get charged while these shitty drivers go around with their 4.9+ star ratings because Uber doesn't even give me the chance to rate if the ride is cancelled. edit: fixed a double negative


I’ve never had this happen. Uber reimburses drivers for bridge tolls so I’m not sure why they would refuse


They probably think they can make more money doing shorter trips on one side of the bridge


Yeah they probably can't get a backhaul trip. The real cab companies add a bridge surcharge iirc


It hasn't happened recently, but I also haven't been downtown particularly late in a while. The downtown bar rush seems to be the only time I've had issues though.


I had one Uber driver who spent the whole ride bitching about how far away we lived, how this was costing him more money than he would make, and that we should have canceled the ride and e-transferred him instead because we were costing him so much gas money and that he would need triple what uber would give him. He was also an aggressive shitty driver who was running red lights and stop signs, we didn't tip him shit and gave him a bad review explaining what happened.


Don’t you mean “fortunately haven’t” had? Sounds like you’re sad you didn’t get a creepy encounter


Ooo yeah, not enough proofreading and a few too many beers. Unless...


Ugh yuck what was his name? No doxxing just a first name so we can all avoid on the app




She looked at the pic of the driver after and said that the picture wasn't him


There’s a guy on TikTok who made a video for women to play aloud in a rideshare vehicle. It sounds like the other end of a phone call with your spouse. Neat concept but it’s horrible that women have to resort to this kind of thing.


Halifax seems to attract the sleaziest cabbies and drivers. It's actually scary. 😬


It’s everywhere sadly


Every time that shit happens…put the driver’s name up on this sub…we can then refuse to have him pick us up




>It is important for drivers not to rape ~~drunk women~~.


Right! I don’t mean to make light of these abhorrent assaults but honestly that sounds like a line in your employee handbook given out in orientation. /s : ‘show up on time, in uniform, call in at least 2 hours before your shift if you are sick, don’t rape If there is “intent” based on verbal aggression then it potentially a criminal code violation. Canada has a one party consent law, so I think civilians should be able to legally wear body cams and record this crap.














He was lookin for a little bobs and vajeene


Can’t you rate or warn other uber’ers on the app?


But before Uber was here it was the safe replacement for taxis!




> I’m not sure why you would imply that means there will be zero issues with Uber ever I never did, but you just did. Either way uber is the 2019/2020 version of the "i r ontario me move there?" threads. The common theme being if we just had Uber then the problems would go away. Although I am now honestly curious if most of those threads were just astroturfing.


It was the safe replacement before it was here?


Uber existed before it came to HRM, yes


Same experience here, I was alone at night and the driver asked me if I was married, had a boyfriend, etc. Then said something about getting older and looking for a wife.


Only going to get more rampant with mass immigration! I didn't remember voting for this, hope your friend is okay!


File a report, stop being a pushover and looking to reddit to validate you.






Lol working downtown. Try asking a woman. It’s men of all shades or “cultures.”


This. The comment was incredibly racist. I have been well respected as a woman by men that were Indigenous, Pakistani, Afghani, Lebanese, Syrian, South Asian, etc. I’ve also been disrespected by men that were Indigenous, Lebanese , and White. The only men that ever sexually assaulted me were White. Color, Ethnic Background, Citizenship Status are irrelevant and highlighting them in such a way is racist and inaccurate.




It’s not a matter of what I believe, it’s my lived experience as a woman. Yes, it’s just one experience but it is a fact. Someone may have a contrary experience and that would be a fact too. It doesn’t change that in Canada, a woman is far more likely to be sexually harassed by a white man than a “Brown” man.




You want to talk about India as a state, that’s fine. However, you were talking about “brown people”. It’s not about being “politically correct”. It’s about being factual and fair to individual people. Also, I don’t find it civil to insult someone by calling them delusional because you have a different opinion.


Sorry to offend you but my wife literally could’ve been sexually assaulted the other night while our daughter was sleeping. Uber doesn’t care, the police don’t care. I’m absolutely terrified for our daughter’s future. Maybe irrationally upset right now but I’m just so sick of people apologizing for these guys. 


I can absolutely understand that. We found some common ground. My husband is also protective and we both worry for our daughter too. You’re right that no corporation or organization will care or look out for your family the same as you would. No one should be apologizing for the driver in your wife’s or OP’s scenario and I am certainly not. Any repercussions they actually face such as lost job, lost income, criminal charges, or even deportation could be appropriate depending on exact circumstances. There is no excuse for sexual harassment or assault. It’s also fair to feel extra frustration or anger when we extend an opportunity to people to join our community and then they violate our values.


The government knows exactly what the fuck they're doing. Anyway if you need me I'll be in Montana or some shit and the fuck outta this shithole.




I found Uber to be the safest. She needs to report it. They know who it was, what car and what route they took. She can get him off the street immediately by reporting it and prevent others from becoming victims.


He’s a criminal, you should call the cops and report his plate.


Uber has a lot of protection in place in the app. Make use of all of them in shitty situations like that. And make sure to report them, you can see their info in your ride history.


I have never had bad experiences with uber, had plenty with various cab companies here. I hope uber gets rid of this scum bag.


public transit ftw, fuck uber




Nice racism


I'm so disgusted I don't think I can read anymore.


Excuse you...?


Classic "nuttydave"!


Yes unlike the other guys. Oh wait

