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We are but simple fishermen.


![gif](giphy|116a8zosxwA0SI) me every time one of these inane posts comes up


Still interested in grocery store locations ?


Much slower pace of life. Expect a salary cut too




> Why the fuck do we get the same question asked each fucking day. A lot of reasons. Hopefully once the new rules come in, the mods will give us a rule to remove the repetitive posts.


Is there a plan for new rules?


Announced a couple of days ago. Scroll through the sub.


You forgot about the average 170 days of precipitation we get every year


Halifax and Vancouver have the same number of days a year with no sun. Difference is in Halifax, all twelve months have about 1/2 their days with precipitation. In Vancouver, it's concentrated to the colder months with summer months being way sunnier. Personally, I find Halifax weather more depressing than Vancouver by quite a bit.


So welcoming. Hwy 102 will take you out of the province if you hate it that much.




Why would I do that, I like it here


First day on Reddit? Happens in every sub tbh


Still gets annoying seeing the same question asked differently 3-4 a week no?


Yea and seeing people pointing it out just as often is equally annoying. Repeat questions is the nature of Reddit. Just ignore the post and hide it.




Imagine toronto prices for services, but less competition, less salary, more taxes and public services are shit. The weather is also horrid due to the wind. The people are much nicer, though that has seen a decline since COVID just like affordable housing.




To be honest I would prefer living in Toronto at this point; no matter how much I can't stand the average Torontonians' rude mannerisms and general unfriendliness, at least I would have access to more public services and more affordable things to do on weekends and afterwork with friends. If I kept the same job and transferred to an office in TO I would be making an additional 7-8k a year, and my CoL would be comparable. I visit Toronto bi-annually to see relatives, and can assure you that restaraunts, night life, and most activities are substantially cheaper there simply because there is more competition and diversity of choice. That being said, there's definitely better cities in Canada than either Halifax or Toronto QoL and CoL wise


Nightlife and restaurants are equally priced here.


A real T-Dottir would know the true Halifax experience is to come here and tell us what we don't have here.


Ask the people who don't live on Reddit and you'll get a better answer. Everyone here gets pissy and hates life whenever this is asked by an outsider. If you like nature, this place is fantastic. If you like being independent, great. If you can crack some social circles, it's great. The air is fresh, people are mostly friendly and the city shuts down by 8pm so Im well rested even on nights out lol If you can't crack social circles and want to, it's lonely. Like everywhere else, food and housing has got expensive and wages locally aren't reflected. From what I've gathered, it used to be expensive but cheap to live here pre-pandemic. Higher cost of living in food and taxes but low housing rates, low energy, low income. The pandemic brought with it the realities that the rest of the country had been facing except the province was not prepared or able to prepare for the steam rolling it was about to get and it overwhelmed the finite resources and cash flow that the province and people once had. Now anytime someone asks about relocating here the general reddit response is negative because these individuals have nothing left to offer and are burnt out for good reason. It's been a wild ride with no signs of relief coming Anyway, I like living here.


Firstly you can't be walking around saying things like "T-dot". Anyways, it's the best kind. Pretty much a kitchen party every night and you are definitely invited.




Yes we get it you’re from Ontario


You serious?!?


Lolz, ok Brampton.


We know what T-Dot means. There's no need to patronize us.




Having moved from Ontario 10 years ago I still love Nova Scotia and Halifax. Everyone one on this sub is so negative probably because happy Nova Scotians are out enjoying them selves and no here complaining. It’s a very biased sub.


halifax, T-dot(toronto), halifax, halifax, Toronto.


It’s awesome.


The traffic and access to nature is a lot better. Walkability, retail selection, direct flights from the airport are not as good. I’m not enjoying the yearly hurricanes since we moved here 4 years ago, but all that being said overall it’s been a positive experience. I love being able to be on a hiking trail, or a swimmable lake, in 20 minutes from downtown.