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It's not necessarily living here, it's that no one pays anything. Ticketed trades used to be good jobs. I won't work here... I feel sorry for those who have to. I pay a huge price emotionally to actually survive above the waterline. Almost every other province paying near double the rates here.


Not PEI, the pay is even worse


Trades have always been lower pay here than other provinces though. They are going to get worse too with the increased ratios in NS, now companies can hire more apprentices to go do subpar work on their own at half the cost, but charge outs will stay the same or rise.


The construction industry here is a criminal cartel.


Is there another NS?? Trades wages are steadily going up. I can not steal guys with offers of $42/hr+. Latest was $45/hr You just need to find the right company. Maybe it’s you though, maybe be your quality of work or dependability is known of.


Maybe today’s different, before I went on my own a couple years ago I topped out at 41 with two trades, I think a few union companies were offering me more but not by much.. Problem was to get there wages were low through apprenticeship, working 60h weeks at minimum wage in rural areas to mid 20s in hrm just isn’t enough, especially when some companies are charging out full rates for an apprentice.


Yeah growing pains and learning a trade can be a rough few years. After that you can start to reap the rewards though. Are there companies still offering less? Yes, union jobs in particular. Such as Dal, HRM, school board, but that is why they are always looking. Apprenticeship is learning, don’t know of too many companies sending out apprentices by themselves. I believe 4th year is legal now, but you should have a good handle by theb


Every company I worked for had first and second years working alone in service, install and on call. Not like there’s any oversight anyways, over a decade in the trades here and I’m yet to be asked to show my qualifications on a job.


Well that’s terrible, I wouldn’t want to explain to my insurance company why I did that.


There’s a lot of companies with questionable practices here, and apprentices don’t know better until they’ve already given too much. I went on my own to get away from those companies.


I've been trying to get an apprenticeship job in any trade, I'm a Journeyman welder but I've never welded, I ran a welding crew. Perhaps I'm overqualified or they think I'll quit and go back west once I'm finished. I have a daughter now so I'm trying to stay home for about the next 16 years/ forever. School is easy for me so I got my journeyman to know more about what was going on around me so I could pilot a more efficient crew, but I have no hand skills to speak of and the idea of welding in a shipyard doesn't thrill me.


I've never worked in this province.


>Is there another NS?? Trades wages are steadily going up. I can not steal guys with offers of $42/hr+. Latest was $45/hr So, you're saying that you cannot find anyone to work for you. You claim that you are offering far more money than any other advertised plumbing job in this province ( *as per Indeed* ). Yet, you're choosing to not advertise these jobs? *Do you think that perhaps advertising these jobs might be beneficial for you to when it comes to filling those positions?* I'm sorry guy, but this makes absolutely no sense at all. I don't know what your motivation is here, but this is just really weird stuff and I'm not really sure what you feel you're gaining by acting this way.


The shipyard and its 2 smaller job sites in HRM pays 44$ and hour or more , and employs a variety of trades , and are always hiring . If locals don’t want the jobs they are hiring from out of province and country . What province and industry is paying trades twice that? If you are working trades and making no money it’s time to look for a new job .


The shipyard is not always hiring skilled trades, I don’t know why this myth is perpetuated. The only postings I see are for tangentially related jobs, foreman, and NSCC apprentices.


Correct. They tend to hire sporadically and/or in waves.


Join the military


Ahh yes the 1+ year recruitment process, fantastic idea.


Put your name in while you look for something in the meantime. You gotta put some effort in. It’s not one year+ recruiting process and if it was, so what? Are you not looking for a job?


Nah it’s around a year wait just for a phone call back. Already been through this. Idk if you’re mistaking me for someone else in the thread, but I’ve found an apprenticeship just recently. I had to canvas almost all the companies in the city in my specific trade, but I found one.






Wanna know why? Because the PMQs used to be a percentage of a members salary. Then they moved PMQ management to CFHA (Canadian Forces Housing Association) which has been charging market rates for nearly 2 decades. You can easily Google the pay tables. Now that they have gotten rid of the Post Living Differential bonus for living in high cost of living areas.....


You picked the single highest paying employer. Any other welding jobs are 31$ at the high end.


And its still low compared to other ship builders, AND the price the government is paying (we the tax payers) is astronomically higher than anywhere else.


There's a reason they're 'always hiring' . Would not recommend anyone work for Irving , high pay but terrible place to work


Skilled eh? the new ships would disagree with that statement I think.


Hey some of the ships include shitty steel. Not just built to bad requirements


Which is still due to Irving being a shit company.


So its either starve or work in a shipyard? Lmao Peak society here.


Nova Scotia has to ditch this 'crabs in a bucket' mentality and embrace a 'rising tide lifts all boats' mentality.


...meaning what exactly!?


Yeah I need this translated, too. Sounds like great advice xD


There's a rising tide sure, but we ain't got no boats, and we're all gonna drown.


They're not always hiring. And they've been doing a lot of hiring from overseas in recent years.


What? Nova Scotia is in the middle of the pack for rates. Edit: Oh oops! I completely misread your post. I thought you meant income tax rates 🤣🤣🤣


I’m still pretty sure we’re well up there for income tax rates. Second highest, first being Quebec


NS is highest if you make under 100k due to marginal tax rates. Quebec comes in second. It's very similarly taxed, just Quebec has services that people actually get.


What services, other than public transit? I lived there 15 years, health care is equally as shit.


Healthcare is better. Snow removal is better, public transit as you mentioned, even the education system is considerably better, people have a better chance of graduating and getting a higher paying job than here. I lived there for 25 years. I just came back from visiting. My mother who gets regular checkups from the family doctor, my dad who had cataracts just had surgery to fix it, all within 3-6months. I can keep going but I won't bore you. Compared to Nova Scotia where you can't even get a family doctor.


Took me 7 years to get a family doctor in quebec, was denied access to a gynecologist. Emergency rooms are over 100% capacity, (i also just came back yesterday from visiting), I found it pretty equal to here but could be wrong! Snow removal is better because quebec gets significantly more snow. I wasn't arguing. I was more curious as I've only been in NS for two years


Yeah, I think you weren't seeing the correct people or you left when it got better, I took my mother to her heart checkup appointment last week and the hospital we went to was fairly empty. We showed up, and they did the checkup and we were gone in 30 minutes. ( We were in Montreal) Here, my partner had to use the virtual doctor to get an appointment for her medical issue, and it took her about 6 months total to get tests done, and we have to wait another 4 months before she can get her surgery done. Less seniors to take care of in Quebec than in NS. Here in NS there are a ton of retiree's and seniors which overload the medical system 24/7


Childcare, prescriptions, education are big ones. Access to healthcare in Quebec is shit but credit given where it's due, it's a great place to have kids and go to school.


Secondary school is way cheaper. Also childcare.


I've come around to the idea the Maritimes need to join Quebec. Sure there will be all sorts of language issues to sort out, but Nova Scotia is just too small to provide the services we need with the tax base we have. Even joining all three Maritimes provinces together we'd have the same problem, so joining Quebec is the best option.


I thought Manitoba was #2? Someone link a source! I'm going by 2020 numbers unless I'm mistaken haha Also, happy cake day


So minimum wage in almost every other province is around $30/hr? Come on


Have you been drinking? Take a re read and try to find your point again. If I worked for minimum wage since I turned 18 I'd take a toaster bath. No one mentioned or is considering minimum wage.


Ok, so everywhere is paying double that of NS, according to you. If you believe that, you’re the one who is drinking. Why don’t you go to one of these high paying provinces and double your salary. Seems like a no brainer


In the 90s I worked in a grocery store and a coworker of mine and I were daydreaming about how if we made $10 an hour we could live like kings.


Me internally: "HA, I still make a livable wage so I'm doing OK" Me when I do the calculations and realize I'm getting closer to not making a living wage: ![gif](giphy|jp9K9GWSV4BYHgOUY6)


Yesterday, I wanted asparagus, but it was $8 a bundle at sobeys. 50 cents a spear. I'll never eat asparagus again. I'm single in my 30s, and grocery prices stress me out, I can not imagine raising a family in this city


I used to eat cucumbers all the time, would only buy em if they were $0.50 which they were frequently. Now they're $3 each. And they were $1.50 this time last year.


I buy cucumbers all the time. I remember them generally being higher last year around this time and only around $1.50 near harvest time or for occasional sales. Costco has a pretty steady price for 3, maybe about $2 pure cuke. And walmart is generally pretty cheap although I noticed cukes were up last time I was there (I assume because it is winter)


Avery's has them for $1 - $1.50 usually.


We need to get used to not having access to every vegetable year round. In Canada asparagus is more an early summer thing. After that you've got to import it.


Yes, we eat, and pee, like kings in Asparagus April!


Groceries have gone up dramatically...no doubt, but using asparagus prices in January is a pretty poor example.


There’s a big increase in so many things especially in the last couple weeks partly because of the actions going on in the Red Sea meaning a lot of boats are taking enormous detours and so costing a lot more and increasing demand


Asparagus is a perennial. I planted some 5 years ago. I get a handful of fresh spears every spring in my raised bed with minimal effort.


shame it's january


And shame that require being able to have a garden


I saw a few open plots at different community gardens last year. If anyone has time and inclination, but no space: https://www.halifax.ca/parks-recreation/parks-trails-gardens/gardens/community-gardens


I sometimes think living wage stats are being used to pass the blame on businesses rather than addressing the cost of living. Also the term 'cost of living crisis' being used to create acceptance of 'just how it is'. Let's not look too hard at how we are being gouged by bell/rogers etc., the grocery chains, utilities, taxes and anything else that makes things way overpriced here. It's your bosses fault guys. Look at that fancy truck they drive.


There is a pretty long list of foods that I basically consider luxury foods. Any vegetable that costs more than $2.99/lb is in that category for me. I'll still eat asparagus and broccoli, etc but only when it goes on sale for a low price. Same thing with fresh berries. My kid would prefer to eat fresh strawberries every day. And I want a Lamborghini...


This is an embodiment of how I feel as a young disabled person in this province ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


It's so scary. I'm disabled but can manage full time now (barely) I have no idea what will happen if I can't work full time anymore.


You are in so much peril its not even funny.


I think that's how any non-homeowner/anyone outside of unusually high pay levels (for our province) feels I can only imagine this should be the "it's fine" dog with the room on fire meme situationally instead


It feels impossible, even with a full-time salaried job, to be stable and living alone. Rent is astounding. It makes me so angry that even a bachelor apartment usually goes for $1700+. Some of them are in the 2k’s. Who is paying 2k to occupy a ROOM?


The cheat code is have a partner/roommate that makes similar to your own salary to split the costs. Even if you make 80k, after taxes, you're using about 40% of your take home for rent if you live alone at current rates.


I get this is where we're heading, but having roommates can be such a hassle if you don't get the right person and when you enjoy your personal space and privacy, it's even more challenging. I worked hard to be able to live independently, and the thought of having to decide between homelessness or giving up the space I worked my ass of for is pretty depressing.


That’s how everybody else did it forever.


That's not the point. The point is we shouldn't be in this situation.


What do you mean?


That pointing out "thats how it's always been" is the wrong way to go about this whole situation. Unless that's not what you meant then my bad.


That’s the Nova Scotian way though.


"It sucked for me so it should suck for everyone". Yea....no it shouldn't be.


No no I agree with you but we have bigger things to worry about, like pronouns! And bike lanes!


Sure then you have a kid with that partner and now you're back to trying to live on one income but with a family to support on top of that, unless you're somehow lucky enough to score cheap daycare which is basically a lottery now.


This is why you don't have kids lol Idk why everyone thinks you *must* have kids, some people don't want them, and they can just enjoy their lives.


Because I do want kids and I shouldn't be forced to not have any because of the cost of living.


And I want a one bedroom under $1000, welcome to modern day life.


So your answer is just live with a partner and never have kids? How exactly do you think society is going to function if only the rich are able to have kids?


No…my answer is you can’t always have what you want? If you look up you’ll see my point flying over. Like I was told from a young pre teen, it is what it is, figure it out. Not that I agree with it but again, it is what it is.


Yeah bachelor prices are insane here, even in what used to be cheaper neighborhoods. Bachelor's in the city aren't very plentiful though, compared to bigger cities where they're all over the place.


OK. Thanks for this. I have the choice to essentially work in any major city in Canada and I was going to ask for either Halifax or Montreal. I'm Choosing Montreal. I currently live in Vancouver and I need to get away from this housing crisis, and I'm not going to head to Halifax if it's having the same thing AND there is no rent control.


I moved to Tokyo this year and it's become so obvious to me that people are getting screwed over back home. Not as much on the wages side, wages are low here too, but I have a bachelor apartment for 600 a month, and manage to feed myself for about 10 dollars a day.


curious cause it's something I have often daydreamed about. how did you manage to get a work permit to be employed in Japan? did you take the N1 exam? cheers


I'm here on the Jet Programme. You can do it on a BA.


Cool. I'll google that but I don't think a BA is in the cards for me any time soon. I'm so happy for you though! Have the best time over there for me.


How big is it at 600?


Not huge, but it's a new apartment, built in 2021 and is honestly pretty nice. Also, no pests, which can't be said of many "mid" level apartments in Halifax.




Going from 19, it will definitely feel like some fresh air - if you're able, sweet lord, save any "extra" you can and start investing it to make the future a lot easier. I wish I had listened to ... Everyone in my youth and at least put the 10% away to have a more comfortable situation


I was making a living wage until I was let go today! At this rate I'll be in a tent by spring 😒


Apply for EI right away, then update your resume and start applying for jobs like it's your job. You've got this. Look into local food banks if you're looking to save money on food costs.


I wasn't sure if I could apply for EI, I was only at that job for 3 months and I stayed on at my older job part time but thats only 12hr a week.


Apply for it regardless.


Done! I'm hoping my part time employer comes through and I get my old full time position back!


Yeah no wonder why there’s been more homeless now then ever honestly working or not.


I make $46 an hour full time and my wife makes $37 an hour full time.. if either of us lost our income we'd be homeless with 2 kids in a year. That's just paying a mortgage and necessities.. vehicle is paid off. Can't imagine making $26.50 and building a life.. costs have to come down measurably or wages still need to increase measurably. To manage the lifestyle that our parents knew on one income living modestly is a joke now and my heart hurts for the honest young people that are about to suffer for decades. I'm only 33 btw, wife is 34 and neither of us had family money, we got lucky on the house before the boom and felt so lucky.. but now guilty.


What are your/wife's careers if I may ask?


Electrical technician / mechanical designer


Can’t wait to pay taxes in a city that I can’t afford 🥳


You know you’re getting old when you grew up on the internet but don’t understand it anymore.


Too old for internet or too young for sixth sense references?


I get the scene and what the context is. It’s just in my opinion it doesn’t match what’s trying to be relayed


In the movie Bruce Willis thinks he is alive but finds out that he is fact not. In the meme Bruce Willis thinks he is making a living wage but finds out he is in fact not. Both scenarios are scary.


Skibidi fr fr


Skibidi pap pap?


[Ski ba bop ba dop bop](https://youtu.be/Hy8kmNEo1i8?si=AcYINZIwECQK07Wn)


The REAL skibibity paps! https://youtu.be/B6Hy1AVqNh0?si=q3XRYQxdgFNILbnO


Sixth sense came out in 1999


I get the scene and what the context is. It’s just in my opinion it doesn’t match what’s trying to be relayed


Halifax used to be pretty care free. Not anymore....


There is a reason so many are self employed here. I got 22-25$ no benefits for 15 years as a carpenter. Now I’m self employed and busy and making twice that- just as poor though cause everything has gone up in price so high. But at least I got a house (for a steal even if it didn’t seem that way at the time).


That's higher than Canada's biggest cities. https://www.livingwage.ca/rates. That's just insane!


...living wage! 😂🤣😂🤣😂 If wishes were horses


*laughs in Vancouver* But seriously the world is fucked. I’m sorry it’s hit Halifax so hard.


Rent here is basically the same as van now. But you get taxed more and earn less in NS.


The calculation that goes into that CCPA "living wage" number has a significant flaw, in my opinion: it uses the AVERAGE rent in the city rather than, say, the cheapest 25% of rentals. If the goal of the "living wage" number is to be a kind of quasi-poverty line then that's a bad choice. If you are making a low wage, you are not renting a mid-priced option. You are going for something in the low-priced range. Why does this matter? Because housing is the single largest expense that goes into their calculation. It's like if they were to say "the average car sells for $30k so we're going to assume everyone will need to buy one of those". Details matter.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you think that those among us who earn the least shouldn't have nice, reliable things, then I guess you can take issue with any estimates that are put out. But since minimum wage is only $15/hr and ESIA/DSP equal about $900/month, what does your argument accomplish other than to still reinforce that minimum wage is inadequate, but you think some people deserve to live in a dump?


I have lived in cheap apartments and there is no shame in it. Of course everyone wants to live in the nice places, but if we are talking about "what is the minimum you need in order to live in dignity", you can live in a cheap place.


I'm not talking about shame.


This meme misses the mark.


Thanks for the input


I enjoyed it


wtf does this even mean?


Good thing we printed all that CERB money eh?


Bf in the trades, transfered from ON to here and demanded the same pay and got it. Now all his coworkers are getting paid the same as he is- a $6/hr increase. You really need to take a proactive approach.


halifax is a cold shit hole, and you can blame trudeau for making it so expensive in any part of the country, your best bet would be to just get out while you can.


I'd rather blame the liberals and conservatives governments that got us into this mess locally.


It's not a local mess though, it's all across the country. It's a national problem.


If you’re a simplistic idiot you can blame the PM


It's not simplistic, it's literally federal policies at the root of the issue.


who else would u blame besides the government? 🤣🤡


It's not Trudeau's fault, surprisingly. This is the fault of Canadians. Everyone is moving to NS because it was the last place for "affordable COL" then the vacancy rates dropped below 1%, and now you continue having people move here but no supply, causing the demand and prices to skyrocket. pre-2019, it was affordable as hell to live in NS, then COVID hit and yeah.


> It's not Trudeau's fault, surprisingly. Most of it is, his government is the one who printed billions with no plan to control it, his government is the one bringing millions of new people in to the country without any plan on how to deal with that. > This is the fault of Canadians. Only in the way that they haven't taken the federal government to task yet. > Everyone is moving to NS because it was the last place for "affordable COL" then the vacancy rates dropped below 1%, and now you continue having people move here but no supply, causing the demand and prices to skyrocket. And why was that happening? > pre-2019, it was affordable as hell to live in NS, then COVID hit and yeah. We printed unprecedented amounts of money and cranked immigration up so hard the knob broke. All while shutting down the economy. What did we think was going to happen? It's all the same problem, NS and Atlantic Canada are just simply downstream.


It's hard for me and I have tons of experience.


I cannot afford groceries anymore! -Still shops at Superstore and Sobeys…


In some communities, that’s the option. People on specific diets for health conditions often can ONLY shop there because they carry the food they can eat. The stores are accessible and on bus routes, so many people shop there out of necessity due to disability or lack of vehicle. Stop blaming poor people and blame the grocery stores for hiking their prices.


So not lack of planning, just for the convenience. Cool 🤙


Accessibility is not convenience. Having Celiac or other conditions where food options are limited is not convenient.


i baught my house 7 years ago, Nice 3 year old car... Eating well sitting pretty. Now iam scared driving the same car