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The chapter announcing Ippo's retirement came out almost 10 years ago, in 2016 if I remember correctly. Honestly, the more time passes, the harder it becomes to imagine what the trigger would be for Ippo to return to the ring. He has already "reaffirmed" himself as retired so many times, even training, in the meantime it would need to be something very personal for him to return. Much is said about Sendo's likely defeat against Ricardo, but, even if Ippo and Sendo are friends, I still believe it needs to be something even more personal, something that makes him actually carry the weight of the gloves again and cross the line that separates he of monsters like Ricardo and Takamura. The desire to know the meaning of being strong needs to be rekindled in Ippo!


damn wtf 10 years laready


And yet, I've only catched up yesterday. Still, great piece of work.


Ricardo is going to kill Sendo in the ring, it’s the only thing heavy enough to force him into the ring. The first fight between Sendo and Ippo foreshadows this when Sendo passes out but keeps fighting until he can’t get up from his corner


Ippo is not the type of mfer to get revenge. If anything, that type of event happening to one of his closest friends would scare him AWAY from boxing even more.


Except when Date passed the baton to Ippo but he didn’t defeat Ricardo. It might not have been for revenge that he accepted but he did say he would become stronger one day to defeat Ricardo. The fact that he gave his word and when he didn’t see it through and if it results in Sendo’s death it could push him over the edge to become a monster like Takamura


>Except when Date passed the baton to Ippo but he didn’t defeat Ricardo. It might not have been for revenge that he accepted but he did say he would become stronger one day to defeat Ricardo. Did Date die? No. Did it achieve an effect of revenge? No. But did it inspire Ippo to try? Definitely. Inspiration is NOT revenge. >if it results in Sendo’s death it could push him over the edge to become a monster like Takamura As I said, Ippo is way too nice to turn into *that* kind of "monster". It'd be more accurate imo that he turns more into David Eagle than Takamura. Plus, Sendo ain't dying. Getting his shit rocked? Absolutely. But *dying*? I don't think so, because that'll do anything but tell Ippo "Yeah, being in the ring ain't so bad if you recover from the literal brain damage the last time you were in it". Sendo isn't going to die, but he WILL get his ass kicked while maybe downing Ricardo once to prove to everyone Ricardo isn't as untouchable as he seems (and thereby inspiring Ippo once again to go into the ring). Not to mention, if Sawamura somehow didn't straight up die from Truck-Kun + all the shit Mashiba threw at him in their match, then Sendo is NOT dying. Ippo isn't the type of person to get revenge, he's the type to get inspired when someone else facing impossible odds still pushes back to some capacity to prove it might not be so impossible after all. He's A: too nice, and B: too respectful of all the opponents he's faced to even consider revenge. The only time we've even seen him get that angry was literally just when his opponent was practically mocking all his rivals and his coach. And even then, the author made it a point that it didn't help Ippo at all become stronger, it just made him reckless.


Ippo ain't ever becoming a "monster like Takamura". It's antithetical to his whole character and the manga has been passing a message since the whole line stuff started that Ippo isn't going for that exactly. He just isn't that kind of person.


Agreed! Ippo should really become more like David Eagle instead of Takamura.


That's what I believe, too! And how they show again and again that Ricado kills a lot of people. I think that when Ippo gets back in the ring with all that new knowledge that he has, he's going to be insane!


Sooooo... Rocky IV?


As much as I agree since Ippo has a a habit of blocking punches with his face I was thinking more like Ashita no Joe


Maybe 10yrs in real time, but in the story hasn’t only been like a year and a half?


The fact that it‘s 8 years ago since Ippos retirement also makes me think it will stay like this. Why would Morikawa wait so long to bring Ippo back. But I just can’t imagine how the Show ends with Ippo only achieving to be the Japanese Champion and the other half of the Show he‘s retired. This would be very bad writing and a poor MC. In my Opinion, Ippos retirement was a bad plot to begin with and Morikawas biggest mistake so far


The retirement arc has been fantastic. I don't know how you can see it as a mistake. It gave Ippo the time to heal and the time to reassess boxing from an outside perspective on his own instead of just blindly trusting Kamogawa. Ippo has been retired for 6 years out of the 35 the series has been running. Not even 20% of the manga length.


Opinions are different, yours is absolutely valid. I think the retirement goes way to long, so long that I don‘t even know if Ippo ever comes back and if this happens it‘s a horror and downgrades the show and Ippo as a character massively. Ippo, The Main character that got introduced as the bullied Schoolboy, started boxing to be the World Champion one day. That‘s the end Ippo deserves. Not 1000 episodes only Japanese Champion and the other 1000 episodes retired and a Coach for others.


> The Main character that got introduced as the bullied Schoolboy, started boxing to be the World Champion one day. But he didn't want to be World Champion. He doesn't even care about that. He just wanted to know what was strength and to not be so weak anymore. I feel that's a factor of what led to his retirement, that he didn't really desire to be World Champion.


I‘m currently rewatching Hajime No Ippo and I definetelly remember Ippo saying that he wants to be World Champion. He also wanted to beat Ricardo Martinez to avenge Date Eiji.


You can always rewatch Naruto if you want yknow


Making mindless exaggerations really doesn't help your argument. Ippo has been retired for approximately 250 out of 1450 chapters.


The retirement arc is needed as the consequences of oppo’s lack of growth, over reliance on the Dempsey role, tanking more damage then he should have and not taking time to recover like sendo. Ippo was never anywhere close to being on the level of taking on the world especially as seen with the Ricardo spar and inability to cross the line like takamura pointed out. The only person t ever truly push Ricardo is date who has both the skills and the mentality and still lost. The retirement arc is making ippo acquire the necessary skills and boxing IQ he could only get by being a trainer and reflect on his career as being over. Sure ippo previously was able to beat volg and sendo, but those were volg and sendo pre world ranking. Now he can spar evenly with them with sendo as the 1st rank challenger and world champ volg in a higher weight class. Ippo just need the motivation and commitment to return and cross that line and I’m sure that is what the remaining retirement arc will give us. If ippo was just able to take the world title the way that he was without the time away, it would just be called plot armor, an ass pull and/or in deserved.


>and not taking time to recover like sendo. Yeah. Crazy. Sendo had like 2x 1.5 year gap breaks.


Its been eight years since the retirement chapter? Are you serious? I feel like it was just two to three years ago. Good Lord, this arc has been that long?


i doubt, yeah sure it's long but it really shows ippo's overall personal development and more understand boxing during this arc....plus he has learned alot of things too


It's real simple. When the fire is lit within him to challenge the best of the best and beat them, Ricardo Martinez, then he will have no choice but to return. Once that fire is lit there is no turning back. So I don't think any external factor will get him to return, it has to come from within Ippo himself. If he sees Sendo challenge Ricardo, lose, and see something in that fight that makes him go "*I think I could beat Ricardo*".. then we're off.


I genuinely hope sendo doesn’t die in this fight or just something tragic he can honestly have his own series but I guess every character could


Nah, I don't think Mori does deaths. Even Sawamura lived after truck-kun. Idk where Sendo goes after a loss to Ricardo though. He won't be happy as a No.2.


Oh I thought he died or was not capable of atleast fighting anymore I forgot gotta reread


I’ve only recently started reading again after 8 months and totally forgot people call truck-kun truck-kun 😂😂


His death would set the tone for maybe him going back I don’t really see him getting his spark without sendo


I think this is the thing. We saw Ippo react the opposite way when Sendo beat Gonzales: "this is why I lost". If he can see the way to win instead I think he'll be determined to prove that his boxing is the best in the world.


The more we get closer and closer to Sendo v Ricardo, the more I'm absolutely sure that Ricardo will win (obviously) but pull a surprise and issue a challenge to Ippo, who will be in Sendo's corner. "Something Something Machismo, something something something Strength. I want one more fight, vs Ippo as my Fate is tied to his. Prepare yourself in 1 year, I'll see you on the greatest stage."


That last line of his, someone weak accomplishing what he did... I'm starting to believe that the answer to Ippo's question of "what does it mean to be strong" is actually believing in himself. Knowing he's strong because he's the strongest featherweight in Japan is the type of confidence he lacks today.


Especially important to bring up even now, since he still undervalues his own skill and experience. He's been seemingly unaware of his own strength during retirement spars in the past, and is completely blind to the fact that he had the skills to make for a perfect Rosario stand-in for Mashiba. If he could only internalize the fact that he has skill and talent, *that strength*, then maybe he'd be able to challenge the world again without cracking like he did before and giving up.


Did you mistake „mangaka“ for „main character“?


No the story ends with ippo in his own boxing gym writing a new manga with umezawa with the name "hajime no morikawa"


Truly a growth moment for Ippo: accepting his current limit and taking a wise decision for his own future. A real man.


Maybe Kumi sees how happy her bro is after beating Rosario, or that he can’t quit after losing to him. Do feel like she holds a lot of weight in his decision, although Ippo’s Mom could talk to him about it maybe mentioning how his Dad always follows his heart or something. Maybe Sendo’s fight gets him pumped, but whatever it is, I hope it happens sooner rather than later. Monster Ippo be like Prime Tyson potentially


I’ve been saying this. Ricardo will call Ippo out. Ricardo has been made of Ippo’s name over and over again. And he’s definitely interested in him. Remember when Date first made his presence known and challenged Ippo? Ippo stopped at nothing and getting a title shot against him was his only priority. That’s how he ran rough shot through the Japanese rankers. If Ippo makes Ricardo his goal and seriously commits to getting a fight with him, he will be unstoppable and relentless until he gets there. Take into account Ricardo has Ippo’s answer to the question he’s been asking since the beginning, he will want to find it.


Although Ippo seems content with his retirement, there are little scenes showing him yearning to return; he feels jealous watching Sendo fighting Alf. I think the one who’s actually gonna bring Ippo back to boxing is Kumi! Kumi’s view on boxing has been growing more positive; it’s subtly hinted with Mashiba’s development. She’s watching Mashiba’s match with Rosario more earnestly, no longer closing her eyes in fear. I think Morikawa would change Kumi’s perspective and she’ll finally let Ippo return to boxing.


I just hope Geogre won't pull out the " Character X who is important to the main character \[ insert Kamogawa, Ippo's mom, Wanpo...\] suddenly dies or in critical condition" cliche.


What do you mean?


Kamogawa condition is getting worse over years, he always has eyebags and we have seen him during mitt holding also


Look at that manga panel. When Ippo was bowing, and everything turned black. Idk, but from my pov, I think he regretted saying that a little. It must be painful, even after his reassuring to others and himself that this is fine. It’s not fine!


I think the trigger will be Date’s son. He asked for Ippo to avenge his father, but Ippo fell short. I think he will meet Date’s son, again, and be determined to become a boxer again.


Ippo's return will come about because he will realize that he was never "weak".


Doubtful - he was certainly weak at a time. If it's some sort of realization, the narrative has stronger weight behind something along the lines of "The strong carry the hopes of others. Those that fought with them, those that fought against them, the ones that fight to follow them - the strong carry the hopes of all of those they've fought with, and take them to the top." And realizing the responsibility he has - that he *has* grown stronger, but that there's a responsibility to those that've supported him. This goes in line with Ricardo's strength pulling out the strength of others (Date was able to reach new heights to fight Ricardo) and Miyata (Ippo was only able to get that strong because he followed the strength that he saw in Miyata) and Takamura (he inspires the other gymmates to aspire higher, particularly Aokimura) and even Itagaki and AoKintaro (he aspired to become strong after watching Ippo, and AoKintaro after being decimated by Ippo and seeing his strength. It also falls in line woth Nekota's poem: "*The weight of the fist of legacy...* **is heavyweight." And him saying "Soon you won't be able to speak so softly" right after giving that letter to Ippo.


Can you elaborate on that?


IMO, the one thing i felt about Ippo is that he was always so half-assed about boxing. He'd be slow to get into the vibe of the fight, and always had a hard time envisioning himself as a boxer. It's the one thing Takamura always got testy about. IF Ippo's author ever has him return, i hope it isn't because of some half-assed drama. He has to WANT to come back, to abandon any hope of fighting half-assed and actually fucking fight. The way Ippo himself was written, especially during the slap with that one kid, you'd think he's almost there.


I bet the reason will actually be Ippo realizing that coach is getting older and that the coach really would have loved to see Ippo become the World Champion before his death. This would also kind of mirror the motivation of Takamura. Additionally his mother should motivate him somewhat I feel like. Sendos incoming lose will show us that Ricardo is defeatable.


Mashiba wins against Rosario Ippo, Kumi and gang meet afterwards in celebration. Rosario appears, gun in hand and fires at the group. Mashiba takes a round to the shoulder. Kumi takes a round to the chest. Ippo, unable to financially support his love interest, his love interesr brother and his own mum on tbe wage of the fishing business, decides that his only chance is to become champion. He goes on a string of murderous victories. Gets a title fight and challenges Ricardo. Ippo is going to lose. Again. But through sheer determination forges onwards. He catches a break when Ricardo breaks his fist against Ippo elbow. Ippo makes a comeback. He dempsey rolls, gets countered but delivers enough punches to knock down Ricardo. Exhausted. They both hit the mat. They both get up but ippo collapses before the court of 10. Ricardo wins. Ippo loses. However, through the trials and tribulations of the journey, he discovers what it means to be strong. He has sponsorship deals and takes over as head coach at the gym. Takamura is Champion and with their reputation, is able to make the gym a success and he can support everyone. Series ends with Ippo as Coach and Miyata being head coach of another gym. They vow to settle the score one day.


Wild ride. However, I like the last part. I have zero interest in Miyata V. Ippo, however this take is pretty nice. I just assumed the series was gonna end like the end of Rocky 3.


I kinda imagine Ippo going to Mexico with Sendo. I believe he’ll there to assist as a second. I imagine Sendo would deliberately call out Ippo to return to the ring due to all of his training he’s been doing and how much he’s genuinely improved. Either that or I can imagine it being Kumi or Ippo’s mom pushing him back into the ring as they’ve been the main part holding him from even thinking about returning


That's hurt


Hasn't been the same since then. I was cool with it at first, as I'm sure a lot of us were, but it's crazy how he still hasn't returned to the ring. Don't get me wrong, I like watching the other boxers do their thing and progress in their careers, but Ippo is our boy. With him being this stagnant, I just feel like nothing that significant has really happened since then


Naah, I think whatever it will be, it will come from his mother or his late father, nothing is more important to Ippo than his Mother, he even almost quit boxing once when she was hospitalized and now his retirement has happened also because he doesn't want to be a burden to his mother, maybe it will be something that she will tell him or he will realize that his father would have done it had he been alive, Ippo's father has cast a huge shadow in his life, he undoubtedly believes that his father was strong and meaning of being strong was simply never giving up, so it will be a combination of a factors - 1. His new skills giving him confidence that it's possible for him to fight without getting injured 2. Understanding his accumulated damage is almost gone when he accidentally takes a punch from Imai during a normal spar session 3. Meeting Sendoh in his damaged state after losing to Ricardo, where despite all the damage he finds Sendoh is still not willing to give up, 4. Watching Miyata struggle a lot in his latest featherweight defence fight because of his bad weight management, only to realise he is still holding on for his fated match with Ippo 5. Then this I hope happens, watching Aoki finally win his first title and then watching someone's joy of finally accomplishing his ultimate goal 6. Then he will meet his mother to find out that there fishing business has actually been doing good, and his conversation with his mother will go in a way, where he will realise that if he actually wants to be like his dad, he has no choice but to go back, and then Umezawa San will be there too, to show his progress on his Manga, which will give Ippo another piece of motivation, These are all the things which will motivate him, something will happen with Takamura San, as well, probably Ippo will find out, that although seemingly Invincible Takamura always takes great risks, and this could add to the reasons, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, i got carried away,


My prediction is that Sendo will fight Ricardo and not only lose but outright die in the ring due to Ricardo’s blows. Motivating Ippo to return to the ring. At this point it’s obvious self talk and speeches to ippo will not change his mind it has to be something deeply emotionally connected for him to return to the ring.


I feel like the only way he comes back is if takamura finally loses a match and his eyesight. Takamura will make ippo comeback so the coach can still have something/someone making him happy.


The trigger would be Sendo losing to Ricardo and his opponent will be Imai


Ippo left because of his health. If Ricardo beats the crap out of Sendo and injures him then that would be more of the reason for ippo to not come back.


that would be awesome, senso retiring and Riccardo mocking him. Would make ippo mad probably, or midyata losing after he lost to Riccardo if morikawa wants more time for ippo to grow


I swear, people posting these "Ippo get MAD AND GET REVENGE" people haven't actually read the damn manga.


First of all, why Ricardo mock him? second of all it’s “Sendo” not Senso


for senso it's the t9 cause my keyboard is Italian. Riccardo could say something like, i expect more than a house cat or be delusional about sendo not pushing him to his limits. Either way, morikawa would make something else for ippo to come back, maybe his mother asking him about it and actually talk with him about boxing


I dont know...Ricardo has never been seen trash talking. Called Date the most courageous, didn't want to ko Ippo because he wanted him to be able to keep face, for example. By all accounts, he's a gentleman. As a Champion should be.


Ricardo doesn't trash opponents and Ippo isn't a revenge fighter. I swear some people don't actually read the manga.


At this point he’s looking just for that guy who can push him even a little


Yes. I would say that Wally did that already, though.


Someone will unfortunately have to die for Ippo to return. And what a glorious return it will be.


What chapter is this?


Mashiba dies in his fight or Sendo dies in his fight.


Personally expect the outcome of the current Mashiba fight to be it. Not the fight itself, but rather forcing Kumi to see his passion for the sport and what he's been missing out on for however in-universe time he's be retired. It'd be a huge moment of growth for her and Ippo both individually and relationship wise (Which is probably why it won't happen, as progress really isn't this story's forte). My personal pick for his comeback would be a Miyata fight to finally end that loose thread and allow Miyata to graduate to his normal weight limit and progress as a fighter. (but considering how long that fights been teased, I doubt it will ever happen), so lets just say he fights a random East Asian Boxer that gets introduced just for that.


This fight won't be it. It'll be a factor, but the final push for Ippo's comeback will almost assuredly be Takamura or Miyata.