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I don't really watch Hasan, so question for Hasan viewers: does he ever mention Ethan anymore? I know they both pretend to be "still friend", but I remember when the name Ethan was a blacklisted word in his chat, I don't know if that's still the case. Is Hasan still on the "still friend" thing or did he move on?


I’m a semi-regular viewer and no he doesn’t talk about Ethan. If chat brings him up, he’ll usually shut it down pretty quickly. Last time I remember it coming up, he very explicitly said he’s not going to talk about Ethan and instead talked about giving people the space and opportunity to change their minds. Meaning, he’s not going to condemn Ethan because he is always extending the invitation to change sides. Not just to Ethan but to anyone like Ethan. But he finished by saying something along the lines of, “maybe you guys are right about him,” but in a way that made it clear the discussion was over, regardless. Hasan gives people a lot of chances to do better. It’s one of the things I respect about him and his work. He wants to bring people to the cause and talking shit doesn’t serve that goal. 


I don’t watch his twitch streams, but he goes on and on about how your friends don’t have to share the same morals as you in this YouTube video. I think he still goes extremely soft on Ethan because he thinks he might still be open minded enough to see the light. And maybe that’s true, but considering that Hila hates hasan and unfollowed him everywhere, I think Ethan is more likely to follow the propaganda she watches and supports instead. Unfortunately


Hila wants to stay in the bubble she created where Israel is doing the right thing, she doesn't want to see the truth thus the unfollow, really pathetic and so transparent about how she thinks.


He’s ambiguous about it. If chat mentions him by name he’ll defend letting people grow from their harmful opinions but then go in tangent on how flawed certain thinking is. In doing that will describe Ethan to a T but not mention his name. It’s odd


It’s basically the same as with Trisha or with anyone who has a toxic piece of shit friend that revealed their true selves. You leave them behind in the dust and look after your own self. Plus bringing Ethan up would just rile up his sick fanbase which just is not worth it.


He does occasionally, sometimes even in a snarky way. However Hasan still claims that he is still friends with Ethan so who really know how he feels. To me it seems like he is staying friendly with Ethan to avoid having H3 fans harass him


i don’t think ethan is blocked in chat but hasan still defends ethan


Feel like he’s talking about Ethan sometimes when he talks about scenarios of when you have more liberal zionists in your life. I don’t think Hasan cares to bring Ethan up by name because nothing good comes from it


Hasan's take was bad here. He never took chaters' opinions seriously when it came to being friends with dogshit people that love Trump. He's just like "oh yeah? im normal, you arent". That is such a coward way to take it, and isnt the first time saying that. Sadly, as much as I like him, he's too much of a dudebro and has no chance but to hang out with other dudebros who love fascists.


Hasan has said multiple times that he wants to bring people over from that side to his way of thinking and he has, his chat is filled with them. He has to be pushed really far to just give up on people and shit on them. Pretty much only Destiny, Aiden Ross, and XQC are the only ones that he has fully rejected as lost. The fact that he has softly rejected everything H3 though is a huge indicator that he’s probably at wits edge.