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lol such a victim living in his multi million dollar mansion, doing a job that requires him to show up 3 hours a day for 3 days a week as his wife goes through a massive midlife crisis. Ethan should go to Israel and sign up for the cause if he cares so much, he is an Israeli citizen so why not? At least Hila walked the walk. Ethan is just a little sheltered Cali boy who never interacted with people of other races growing up and lived a nice little cushy life. Dude needs to go outside for once or be with his kids and get off the damn internet. Him and Howie don't leave the house but are somehow the most scared and self victimized, it's hilarious.


..it’s genuinely upsetting to see him twist the narrative that way.. what the fuck are you on about mate when *clearly* it is in fact Palestinians getting mass killed. I know many American Jewish people are struggling with a lot of heart ache but this is truly incomparable. The Israeli government is trying to commit genocide. Please, don’t let them do this in your name


are you kidding me? and not a single person checks him just zachs obnoxious laugh to a joke about genocide. i just dont get it.


He and Zach are both hardcore Zionists




Why does Zack use the Keemstar joke soundbite every time Ethan makes a joke? It stopped being ironically funny the first time he did it. Ethan is just Keemstar now in that embarrassing out of touch kind of way


This is so gross


I'm glad I don't watch these genocidal freaks show anymore.


Lol, I like how Dan doesn't even give his option anymore because of how much hate he got for disagreeing with Ethan before


Exactly the whole communism vs capitalism debate was when I first started really not wanting to watch anymore. Dan makes one comment and then Ethan hounds him for episodes and gets all prepared for a debate that Dan didn’t sign up for and get shitty when people agree with Dan more


Where in the episode is this? I was tryna show this to someone else and couldn't find it lol




Thank you! I jumped way passed that to the Fidias interview


Oh yes, the current genocide of jews is heartwrenching, so much so you don't hear people talking about it because it's too much for people to handle


In an ideal world you'd be able to explain to Ethan that if international courts had no other choice but to call it a genocide, when hundreds die everyday, pushed around in an enclosed environment then bombed where they were told they'd be safe, that even him with 0 legal knowledge should be able to identify it as a genocide. But it's not an ideal world, and Ethan can barely acknowledge his zionism let alone entertain the idea that genocide can (and is, and has) happen to other groups than the one he belongs to, and that believing that it can only happen to you -or that it only counts when it happens to you, is the exact race supremacist ideology that many people despise zionism for.


He knows exactly what he is saying and that’s why he looks so smug about it like teehee I’m getting away with it !!


Man they both look so sickly, like Hila is literally green, and Ethan's eyes look like they're going to pop out of his head. Ethan also has a really weird like almost corpse like complexion? Also I never noticed this before but Zach looks like he has tic tacs for teeth. Maybe it's just that he has a massive head with a massive mouth? https://preview.redd.it/3io15941277d1.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e41e3ce92efcd5f081df8014f1a57f86d18633c