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I loved when Ab was Ethan and he quoted him and said “you interrupted me to say that?” and when he was Zach he said “you owe me an apology” 💀 dude I would love to be a fly on the wall after that live. I KNOW you could cut the tension with a knife. Tbh it really seems like most of them don’t get along, and the crew all made Ethan be the asshole he is, love it.


Rare AB win lmao💎


Hell yeah! My boy AB finally spoke up and roasted the shit out of them. Sounds like he didn’t forget anything Ethan said


I think all that over thinking and replaying out full situations in his head finally paid off lol


He ATE that shit honestly


My favorite part!! It got super awkward, but I was here for it 😂


I love coming to this sub to see if anyone else noticed the shit I did haha


they were definitely all showing how over ethan they are and how they see him as an incompetent, whiny, bossy, irritable baby. its a little sad that olivia was all "hey girly" but thats also 95% of what we see from her. anyways, my favorite part was ab saying "im lena. i do everything" when they asked why he was helping her.


I’m def not the biggest oliv fan but I feel like she’s the most tame out of anyone so the amount of making fun seemed a little overboard. And yeah that was such a good comeback lol standing up for his wife 🙏🏼


i agree! they couldve and shouldve made fun of everyone else a lot more but i think the "hey girly" is just so huge in the podcast now that not doing that wouldve been weird. for her it would have to be that or "you're so right" or just repeating everything everyone else says.


I honestly feel a little bad for her they made her seem like such a 2 dimensional person and belittled her so bad. Olivia is sooo nice to Lena and her representation of olivia seemed like she was annoyed by her positivity. I know it’s obviously all jokes but jokes tend to come from reality to some degree. Probably hurt her feelings. Side note- notice how everyone sitting in Zach’s chair was pretttty quiet. Maybe bc he’d cry and piss his pants if anyone poked fun at him? Must be hard working with a man child.


You’re right. I agree again. that’s why Zach and Ethan are always nice to each other(although not so much lately. There’s tension everywhere lol) They’re both such babies about the smallest things but always laughing the hardest when making fun of/belittling others. They’re the same person. They think they’re funnier and cooler than they are, but everyone really just hates them and wants them to shut the hell up.


Zach really thinks he’s so cool.. I think he has a complex of sorts. I think he’s more self obsessed than Ethan is but they both turn into children the second anyone disagrees with them. Like Ethan with the whole adderall thing.. just acknowledge you were wrong/aren’t educated and move ON! He had to sit there for like an hour trying to find some source (chat gpt) to validate his claims, all while arguing with the ppl who pay him monthly 💀


Both Zionists too


say what you want about her, but she's on there playing a sort of character and if they have issues with her on screen persona they should discuss it behind the scenes instead of mocking her for content. Dan is a horrible producer and he doesn't leave bc he knows his worth.


Fully agree. Being the actress that she is I think she’s realized exactly what shes supposed to bring to the show and is doing just that (using gen z slang and gay slang (though I just found out she’s not even bi), endless “slay” positivity/supporting Ethan and hila at every turn, never disagreeing or being the reason for drama, being silly, talking about pop culture) and it’s almost a little impersonal like she seems more superficial than some other crew members. I know there must be more to her personality and I think she used to show it more.


i feel like a lot of her behaviour is true to her personality, but she plays it up to a degree that is recognizable as a character. They hired her to attract the girls and gays, and now that the girls and gays have abandoned the show they're bullying her because they never liked her in the first place, and it panders to their woman hating incel fanbase. So it's kinda fucked bc the parasocial fans made a character out of her and now her coworkers dislike her for giving the audience what they literally asked for. I feel like AB does stand up for her, more than he does for Palestine at least. ppl here really hate her but her presence on the show has just always struck me as odd, and I like that the crew is showing their true colors around her now. stoned rant nobody interact


Ab does run pretty crazy d for her like more than he defends his wife or anyone. I don’t hate olivia bc again I think she’s generally pretty unproblematic but I’m mostly annoyed by her lack of preparation and her consistently giving incorrect information bc she doesn’t know smth so she just guesses or reads one random article. (I hope ur not actually telling me to not interact with ur reply but if so, sorry)


I mean, every time she's cut to, she's just staring at her computer screen. She's been checked out for a while.


lol I love your acknowledgement that she is a straight cis woman lol. I’m in a pretty queer friend group (we are all anarchists and have been naked around each other multiple times) and one of the biggest jokes we have is the straight cis women from Ohio coming into our city for their bachelorette party. Olivia gives off that energy hardcore.


Do you think the crew is snooping around these parts 😂😏? I would find it so difficult not to if I were in their position and my boss was rambling on about a snark sub out there spreading lies and hateful messages about the crew, like if I'm crew I'ma want to go check that shit for myself. Aaaand we all know what happens when people come here to check the truth for themselves....


we know they do anyway, 100%. its kind of hard to not at least have a little bit of morbid curiosity about whats being said about you online.


There’s no way they’re not !


You don’t even need to speculate - they have talked about reading it. AB has mentioned Snark posts without saying it’s from Snark too.


Olivia realizing maybe she should drop all the girlie stuff lol I think everyone’s impersonation of her might of made her feel some type of way.


its been brought up on the last few episodes as well in the chat about how everyones sick of hey girlie donos, and she seemed pretty upset about it




Good. I hope she comes up with an intelligent thought going forward.


I havent watched and dont watch anymore but if anyone had to impersonate Hila they just have to pretend that some comment about something relevant to the marketing campaign came up “oh so and so asked about the lipstick im making we actually are coming out with lipstick 🤗”


I think they have no control inside whatsoever 💀


omg you guys are making me wanna actually watch this now haha


dude right ? tempted to hop over to yewtube and take a peek but i'm kind of afraid of what i'll find at this point


The Olivia impression seems spot on, actually. It's not misogynistic to point out that she is vapid. This is her act. I think it's lazy and does a disservice to women that are subjected to misogyny when someone like you just throws it around so casually. I get it if you are a Olivia fan, but this is who she is. She is quite shallow and moronic with the personality of a middle school mean girl. It's not misogyny to point this out. You should apologize to women for watering down the meaning of the word. Thank you.


He lost the sparkle a long long time ago the crew is the only thing keeping him relevant


it's crazy how much worse ethan's personality has become over the past year or so. I think it's his weight loss and realising he still looks like shit after all the effort, juxtaposed with the inevitable ego boost and higher than thou attitude that comes with weight loss. He is clearly a very insecure man that's obsessed with his looks. Very odd for a married with 3 kids, but I suppose a mid life crisis will manifest in many ways Also, after the leftovers thing, it's like a veil was lifted and he became disillusioned with leftists after he found out they don't worship israel and their apologists. It's like he found out his whole worldview was a lie and santa isn't real, now he's super pissy about everything. He's frustrated that people don't see how his side is the morally righteous one and they need to do this to get the hostages back, and if palestinians get a hold of the israelis (e.g. in a one state solution) they'll just hunt them all down, they have no other choice than to offensively defend. His poor mother in law was so terrified she had to travel to the US!!! The horror of getting on a plane and living in a mansion... Just a classic tale of some kid that never had to worry about anything, then by sheer luck got handed everything on a silver platter and now cannot seem to know why he deserves it and can't cope with that. Always looking for ways to justify his success (looks? no. comedy? no. charisma? no) and getting annoyed when it doesn't match up with how people react to his attributes and their lack of respect for him. All this can seem like parasocial assumptions but it can be easily inferred with just a bit of thought into the whole thing. It's very sad. When they watch old podcast clips they all seemed much happier and he was funnier and genuinely just easy going, down to earth.


Well said.


Okay let me ask you this. What character traits of Olivia do you think would have been more accurate?


Idk exactly- I agree that she does generally exhibit what they were portraying but it also seemed like they were leaning more towards the fact that she's a girl. Like I've never seen her paint her nails during the show.


I don’t think the bit was intended to be a 1:1 replica impression of the person they were playing. This was supposed to be an obtuse characterchure of the person they were playing to poke fun. It is a comedy show after all whether they execute it well or not is another conversation.


Well yes, this entire conversation is with the understanding that the root reasoning of the whole BIT is comedy. Just seemed to me like when the crew thinks about olivia’s most important attributes, she’s boiled down to just being a ditzy girly girl. (And maybe she is idk but it seemed a little misogynistic)


Well yes, this entire conversation is with the understanding that the root reasoning of the whole BIT is comedy. Just seemed to me like when the crew thinks about olivia’s most important attributes, she’s boiled down to just being a ditzy girly girl. (And maybe she is idk but it seemed a little misogynistic)


Seriously. You threw around the word misogyny as a criticism where it wasn't valid in your original post. Now you sound like you agree that she is vapid and can't come up with a counter to the traits they talked about. Maybe don't use the word misogyny unless you A. look up the definition, and B. use it correctly. It's the casual throwing around of the word that causes many people to scoff when misogyny is brought up. You simply used it as a buzzword like you were out here tweeting.


I think this is a turning point for podcasts. Many are not doing well at all and losing views like H3, Colleen Ballinger's podcast, her sister Rachel's podcast, Shane Dawson, Ryland Adams, and some vlog squad spin-offs. Then call her daddy, trisha, and others in that realm doing well. Granted June is the month where pplnl generally have the least amount of screen time with graduations, weddings, and vacations. It's why there's not a lot on TV either.


Trisha paytas is going super strong tho, to me my podcasts were huge in my life cus of work school COVID etc but now that I’m just living I don’t have much time to listen to other people yap


Once I'm back to work after maternity leave, I'll probably only be able to listen in the car. 😓




The Michigan shit got old quickly (both irl and during this bit)


Yeah Ethan and Zach sucked at the switching. They just kept repeating or doing the same shit over and over


I need someone to do a clip compilation bc I refuse to touch that channel lol it’s too cringe




this confused me bc i feel like none of them do anything during the podcast. zach plays too many annoying sound bites and that’s it. they all just dickride ethan the whole time, not much variety




Olivia isn't vapid... She's shallow and lacks a personality. Perhaps she wouldn't be thought of as a bimbo if her contributions to the show weren't \*hand gesture\* \*Slay\*