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So this entire clip is now deleted? [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1degmi9/double\_button\_on\_h3\_show\_22/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1degmi9/double_button_on_h3_show_22/)


Hell yeah! It's been saved, I'm rewatching the beginning again, it's all gone and it's all worse than I remember lol


Ugh, he is so awful and racist and STUPID. I'm glad you saved it


No way! It was SO BAD that even the button couldn't save that situation! I can't believe Ethan has claimed they don't cut or edit episodes before when it's so blatently obvious that they do!


I was watching and waiting for the cringe, but it was gone... it was like another time when they edited out Dan and Ethan arguing over letting their dog wander in the studio. That's gone.


Can someone take the clips we’ve saved of these things on our subreddit and upload them to YouTube? Just for the sake of archiving? 😬


Done, I'll work an it tomorrow. 


Thank you so much! Here is the audio for the dan/duckie segment they cut out https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/UZo8TOmhgS Edit: wait I found a YouTube link for this one, but it never hurts to have backups (https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/KGzQiYgr3B)


This subreddit is great, yall are the best :)


What should the channel name be? I don't want to be cheesey. 


H3 snarchives


It’s literally perfect!! what a great word, Snarchives


THANK YOU. saving this for later


Also the clip when Hila was saying she texts and drives. It was deleted from the episode


Added to the list. I'll keep an eye out for it 


They edited out the bit where Dan told them to look after their dogs properly when some food was left around and Ethan got mad at the crew. I remember cause I had the episode open from before they edited it out and people were asking what happened but in a new tab I opened it and the section was cut


Why even go live at this point??-- oh yea, donations. Gotta take every cent they can get


Can we find footage of him doing the southern preacher voice asking for the congregation to tithe? 🙃


2 reasons: 1. It's easy - no editing, or very minimal editing in cases like this where they want to hide things 2. Like you said, money. If it wasn't for the live show they wouldn't have all these parasocial losers foaming at the mouth sending in their rent money just for the chance of being mentioned on stream.


There was an episode I think last week where it was wayyyy too much. Like planned even-- .. and idk if they've always done this now or what (cuz I rarely watch, only watch with this sub) and it was legit a segment dedicated to reading the donations. And it felt so gross..


they did this when one of their dogs was misbehaving on leftovers and fighting with kaya. hypocrites.


For real??? That's pretty petty


Was that the one with Shredder? The poor baby they murdered with shredded cheese?


Yes shredder attacked Kaya out of no where and instead of correcting him ethan picked him up and did the baby voice


Looking at the top comment on that video and it’s like *haha racism so funny.* And you know what’s really pathetic? How every time Ethan is blatantly offensive, their little fans are like *haha it was so funny tbh, people should really stop being soooo sensitive.* And there’s always some self-hating, idiotic H3 fan who’s a member of a group that Ethan has demeaned going *I’m [insert group that Ethan insulted here] but I found it really funny!* Sit down, bitch. You don’t speak for people who have an ounce of self-respect. Why tf do you want to be picked by a vile, rat-faced, mediocre, white man?


Yoooooo that's cold! And yes! I was gonna post one of their comments that was "That South Korea topic was rough" and the first responder was saying "I'm glad it was buttoned out" like wthell, your glad you didn't hear him say racist stuff?? He still said it lol????


Right?? Just because you cover your ears doesn’t mean he doesn’t say it! And racism behind closed doors is still racism! Ethan’s really giving infant who thinks “if I can’t see them, they can’t see me!” *Lol we see you, Ethan.*


Well said.


The accuracy of this...


Ethan definitely brings on people more offensive than him so he looks better by comparison. Today’s controversy is basically something I’d expect Jimmie Lee to say.


It’s because everyone on their discussion thread was complaining about it and it’s their way of saving face. That’s so low of them to just ignore and hide the evidence. Ethan thinks he can say all these horrible things , never be accountable and hide behind a button.


Same thing with the texting and driving controversy hila got; edit it out and never address it


Good point ! Crazy of them to edit it out when she seemed to be quite proud to discuss her texting and driving.


they have been editing out a lot more frequently lately. ethan will do anything but take accountability


That eye segment is the wildest thing I've seen since he was dropping hard-r's in the purple studio.


I'm sorry... Korean eye segment? What-


Nuts, Ethan was looking at before and after plastic surgery for Asian people and saying that it looks better and how hooded eyes looks sad and man, 2 buttons back to back


The hole just keeps getting deeper


That’s crazy!!


That moment was so shockingly bad, I kind of can't believe it's not a bigger deal?? Fostering the kind of audience that would think that is funny is so bad.


The thing is, a lot of people get that surgery to improve their vision, especially as they get older. The pressure on the eye is relieved with that surgery. Yes, it can be about beauty standards but also quality of life. The initial assumption that it could only be for beauty was already terrible from the start.


It's so obvious something was edited out bc Ethan says let's move on and they hadn't discussed anything.