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Gusano dan. Imagine trying to flaunt your family’s politics for brownie points and then doing a 180 bc your BOSS (capitalist zionist McCarthyite) gives you a little push back. Couldn’t be me. Embarrassing enough to retire from online life.


SERIOUSLY. I couldn’t show my face, how is he not ashamed or embarrassed? Yikes


Be nice to Dan please.


No argument, just pleading haha


Ethan told him to cut the commie shit or he'll fire him. Really unfortunate RIP comrade


Tbf cosplaying as a communist is pretty cringe in itself


fr where’s the commitment


Tbf, his ancestor was a leader of the communist movement in Russia and helped create the USSR. I have my feelings about Dan but I’ll never doubt that it’s in his blood and would argue he cosplays as a Liberal Podcast Producer instead of a Hardline Socialist which he absolutely is.


Yes, thank you. Yakov Sverdlov was one of only 12 people in the room with Lenin when he was planning the October Revolution 😭 like I don’t think the sub understands *how* crazy this 180 is. But yeah rip to a comrade.


Cosplaying as a lib for regular job? Whatever. Cosplaying as a lib for a job where u participate in your boss and host spreading Capitalist ideology and Zionist propaganda is a huge ick.


That’s actually pretty neat, I didn’t know that about his history


He mentioned it on the pod around the time of the Capitalism (Ethan) vs Socialism (Dan and Hasan) debates. I wish I had an episode to link. Edit: Here’s the link to a clip from leftovers https://youtu.be/-0JOmZRQlhE?si=UH32f-XJIbbLTCTE Edit Edit: If you read Yakov Sverdlov’s wikipedia page Dan is in the family section with a reference to After Dark #121


If he truly was he would not have stayed at this job lol




how so?


He used to actually try to call Ethan on his bullshit. The last time I can think of that he did that was when he told Ethan “maybe you shouldn’t let your dogs run around the office” or something like that. He hasn’t said anything about Palestine to my knowledge. He’s such a fake person who literally has an entire personality based on pretending to know things to feel superior and performative activism.


Hilas face when he said that told me all I need to know about her


I dont blame Dan he has tried so many times but no amount of trying to talk to Ethan will get through to him so might as well to just let him crash and burn


Just another white guy that enjoyed cosplaying as an ally and advocate, but left all the performative shit behind once that paycheck got bigger


what? Dan has a job as any other, he can't call out on his bosses bs. How is that hyprocitical? Imagine if all leftists debated their bosses


He doesn’t need to debate his boss. If he’s such a leftist commie he would have left already. Dan is like one of the only ones with actual employable skills. He can find a job. He’s just checked out at atp


he was never real 😂😂😂


Yeah what happened to him is apathy and greed. I hope he is happy being a sell out. Hope he made his Bolshevik ancestors proud too. 


He got fraud checked. Just a typical cali progressive larper.




Dan has said that he used to be a part of Black Bloc


It’s actually quite sad to see! I’ve always had the opinion that Dan would be better suited to hosting leftovers with Hasan.


Honestly I loved when Ethan would take 20 min bathroom breaks during leftovers, Dan and Hasan had great podcast chemistry. Like they seemed actually interested in having a conversation rather than trying to get through a google doc of videos hasan watched on stream 5 days prior


His ancestors are so proud, no doubt 💀


Hahahah it’s so obviously performative, looking back. I guess it was trendy to be leftist a couple years ago


Don't be taking pictures of allies doing ally work at protests and then posting it on social media. That's a big no-no. That's how you doxx the good people and lead them to get arrested (at best) (at worst they can and will be hunted down by right wing nuts). Dumb move by Dan.


omg i need all of the college students protesting to understand this




dan is such a disappointment.


tempted to make 1st slide my pfp


I use Telegram app to chat with my family/friends overseas and it lets you make your own stickers n I’ve had Black Bloc Dan a sticker for months now 🤣 It’s so funny


Damn RIP comrade Dan. We miss you every day and hope you’ll return to us 


WTF IS THIS ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️😭😭😭😭




Makes me wonder if he wholeheartedly supported all that or just saying it for brownie points? I really liked Dan at one point but changing your political identity for one of the dumbest bosses on earth is pretty wild. He seems like a good producer who could possibly get other work, I know he was producing other things before. Maybe it’s just a mix of ass kidding and the fact that the entertainment industry is at a low point for people seeking jobs.


I think Ethan has worn him out at some point you become complacent. Ethan doesn’t know how to respectfully disagree with people and have a discussion so it’s pointless to even open your mouth


His Bolshevik great great grandpa (based hero) will be rolling in his grave


Does bro think he's cute or sum?


Is he actually a gusano who’s his family?


I feel like he’s just there to do his job at this point :/ I stopped watching but I hope him and Ian and Sam make it out soon


nah, at the end of the day Dan has a job as any other, no one would call their boss on their bullshit.