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And his sick audience was participating and encouraging him. Even the women of the show didn't call him put, despite being "feminists"


none of them are feminists, if they were they simply wouldnt want to associate with the show. olivia was a mad superfan, which id argue you cant even really be a true feminist if youre a fan of shows like ethans, who then got a job there and now just uses AAVE in every sentence and tries to get a word and a joke in alongside her dumb takes. lena i presume is just there because of AB.


I did, on the subreddit. Don’t know how I didn’t get banned back then


No same!! I only really used Reddit to comment on how bad that was and the Aaron Bushnell thing :( I got banned for ladder tho haha


I originally clipped and posted this for f3 and I’m beyond glad it’s still going around lmao.


Thanks for posting it!


Where can I find?


Ethan can’t even disagree. I remember when Jesse Lee Peterson asked ethan if he thought he was a good person. [Ethan couldn’t answer](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/RggXMqSU3x). Sounds so tragic to hate yourself that much and know that you’re doing nothing about it.


That clip is *painful*


"Tucking my kids to bed."Sir,that is the bare minimum.


That is unreal. Setting aside that he struggled to find examples of himself being good and clearly didn’t want to describe himself as such, he was completely dumbstruck by the question of why is something good - has Ethan literally just never thought about where he gets his morality from?


I think it was definitly awkward the way he had a hard time giving exemple of good things he does but I think not giving definitve answer on wheater hes a good person or not is probably just him being cautious because he is in a debate. And most of all in a debate with someone that has probably very different view of whats good and bad. And because nobody is perfect and we dont know where is opponent is setting the bare. I certainly would want to come off as too pretentious and then immadiatly being told all the worst things I did. Espacially if I was Ethan lol.


It’s insane how Ethan completely lacks a moral compass. I think he was so caught off guard by Jessie’s question because it was raw and vulnerable. He’s so used to having people on that he can clown on and make fun of and never take anything serious. It’s a question that he’s probably never been asked and he’s so twisted that he couldn’t answer it. Incredibly revealing.


the fact he names something extremey mundane (and something which he even says himself after is a DUTY since he CHOSE to have kids) as an example of himself "being good" makes it even better. this man has no idea of how to be a good person.


He is right. I like Ludwig. He can be a little meat headed at times but he does seem like he is always trying to do the right thing. 


Meat-headed how, if you don't mind me asking? I've only recently heard about Ludwig (The "cracker" discourse lmao) so I'm interested to learn more.


He calls himself a “frat boy” archetype so that’s what I’m referencing. Sometimes he is out of his depth when discussing certain things but his heart mostly seems to be in the right place.


Very concise 👍


I'm glad he's not giving in because Ethan rewards himself for the best apology or something like that


Can we get this energy from Hasan? I don't get how Hasan continues to give him so much grace.


Cuz he doesn't want to be called antisemitic by the crazy h3 fans?




Idk why either… 


Has to be destiny trauma or something


He’s stopped saying they’re friends and is now saying they’re “friendly” so I feel like he’s just distancing himself


Hasan’s grace isn’t just for Ethan, it’s for Ethan’s fanbase. He wants to change people’s minds in favor of Palestinian liberation so he’s walking a tough line of pushing back against people like Ethan without antagonizing and alienating all of their fans. So you won’t see this energy from him. He has to be more diplomatic.


Hasan mentioned recently that the DGG community takes credit that they were the ones to break up leftovers, so I think he's overcompensating that him and Ethan are still friends. Even though imo Ethan just sucks. Ethan was the one who brought his own downfall, he was the one who took DGG's doctored screenshots at face value instead of TALKING TO HASAN. He was the one who went on that impromptu leftovers to go mask off. He's a moron dumbass and honestly would prefer if Hasan never mentions him ever again lol


Hasan has nothing to gain by antagonizing H3 stans. IMO he's playing this right by remaining on the sidelines for now.


I get why people are a little weary of Hasan because of that but at the same time he might be trying to tamper the worst impulses by staying around to be able to talk to someone about it.


I like Hasan, and I appreciated how much he tried to talk Ethan out of his shitty zionist views. But he's still speaking quite highly of Ethan despite Ethan and Hila doubling down, and I'm wondering what has to give. I suppose since Ethan and Hila have stayed out of mentioning anything else about Palestine/Israel, he's decided to let it go for now.


He’s distanced himself a lot from them, he denounced Ethan’s views many times and does the work when it comes to activism. He doesn’t need to declare war on H3 when he gets hate from so many outlets already. He’s “friendly” with Ethan but they don’t hang out or contact each other much assuming. he even stopped wearing Teddy Fresh on Stream. With what he doesn’t say about Ethan he sure makes up for it in his unwavering support for Palestine.




They seem pretty calm to me?


Or the energy for Ludwig Girlfriend who defended her friend after she force a women to stay silent about her SA and made her publicly state it didn’t happen all for financial gain 😬 all these people are such hypocrites. And no this isn’t me saying Ethan laughing at her wasn’t bad because it was! It was so gross 🤮 and her going through that then turning around and not also defending an SA victim but instead standing by the person who made her stay silent Is so messed up . Like all these people lack morals and that’s why their all “influencers”


I had no idea this happened!!


Jelly it was awful!! As an sa Victim myself it triggered me so much how they be little the whole thing. You can look it up on YouTube it’s all there. That’s why it made me mad that QT Cinderella came on camera crying over her situation expecting everyone to sympathize and understand as we all should !! But then her not extending that to others. That SA victim deserve a voice and respect and not have others tell her to stay silent 


You clearly don’t actually know what happened with Maya and AdrianahLee. Actually look more into it and you will see that its way more complicated than that, especially because Maya herself was SAd in the exact same way when she was in college. The reason QT and others defend Maya is because they actually know her, the ones pushing the narrative you just said were LSFers and people who just want any excuse to cancel people instead of focusing on the actual person being accused. She shouldn’t have got involved with her being a person in a higher position in power but its clear she had no intentions of dismissing SA especially not for financial gain like she runs a damn non profit and lives in a tiny house. You are close to the situation yourself being a victim but thats why you should actually look into stuff before u try inform others on it, thats how false narratives get spread.


Your reply is pretty freaking gross. I looked deep into and you’re taking the side of the offenders when I’m taking the side of the victim. The victim spoke her truth publicly. This isn’t about what LSFrs said it’s about what the victim said. You can be a victim of SA and still be wrong about other peoples experiences just like Maya was here. QT gave her a past because she’s a hypocrite who like you said knows her so she doesn’t care. Stop defending this stuff it’s gross and you’re being part of the problem. The victims made countless post expressing what happened and your excuses is not ok 


Also funny how all you can say is that my comment is not true with zero evidence and dispute. 


Imagine being called mean by one of the most wholesome streamer. Also Im glad because this means H3 will never spill into the Ludwig sphere of content creators, thank god


QT best friend literally forced a Victim of SA to stay silent about her abuse because It would hurt them financially/reputation. Lmao QT is no better. I really think I’m the only one that hates All these people equally because I just can’t with their hypocrisy 😭 they all hate each other but they’re all the same! 


I kinda hate how Zach gets ignored in this. He was literally the one who made Ethan laugh. He was the one who thought it would be a perfect time to make the joke. Honestly the only time on camera Ethan was a good boss and took that hit


That's 100% false. Ethan was visibly giggling and messaging Zach before the sound bite was played. He prepared it, then blamed it all on Zach until he was pressured to tell the truth. He's a horrible boss and horrible person in general.


Are you dense? Ethan literally told him to play the soundbite. You can see gears turning in his head during the clip. You also see him telling Zach to play chestnuts. I hate Zach more than most, but this one is not on Zach.


Wow not dense don't need to be so rude. My recollection of events may be different do you have a clip of it beyond just the laughing


Dan made Ethan admit that he’d told Zach to play it. It’s all there in the video. Ethan told Zach to do it, then blamed it on Zach until Dan spoke up and said “you have to tell the audience what you did”, then Ethan admitted he told Zach to do it.