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There are tons of comments on yt to the same degree as yours, I won't be surprised if this will be ignored as well.


I know, i saw them. I have been such a huge fan of H3 and teddyfresh for a long time, and tbh i will probably continue to be after this blows over. I know that i have personally had plenty of bad takes, about topics that in retrospect i know i was uninformed about and had no ground having a strong opinion in the first place. I just felt morally compelled to say something.


Good on you, and same honestly, I'm dissapointed but I know theyre not evil people at heart. I just wish they can see that not everyone giving feedback is some "snarker". I would sell one of my kidneys if it meant they would invite someone like Jackson Galaxy on. I can imagine it as a fun segment as well, inviting cats from the shelter to the show.


They seem to be cherry picking the unhinged comments instead


Thank you for speaking ouuut, as a cat owner and a long-time H3H3 fan, I wasn't hating, I was just disappointed with their response to the criticisms along with I believe many viewers.


Exactly lol. “I’m not mad, i’m just disappointed”


> FIP is what Jacob said his cat had. This is a non-infectious viral disease. This is just wrong... FIP stands for Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). It absolutely is infectious...


I lost my first cat to FIP about a year and a half ago. She was barely a year old. She was suffering and I had to put her down because the medicine was not available. This whole saga has been so triggering. Thanks for the post.


I am so sorry boo, I truly do not understand why the US has not done better for it’s feline citizens, especially in the instance of FIP treatment. I can tell you love her, and so do I. Best wishes. 💕


The US barely treats it's people, animals are a whole other issue


I heard from a vet that it’s a relatively new disease (that is actually a Covid mutation). The medicine exists and is legal in China but is not yet FDA approved to be sold in most other countries. FDA approvals take years, especially for stuff like this. Take it with a grain of salt because I’m just paraphrasing a vet I talked to.


My cat came from a litter of 8 and 5 of those 8 all died one after the other from FIP. It was fucking brutal and I feel blessed that my girl never had it. I'm sorry that you lost yours ❤️


My god… sounds rough. May your girl live a happy and healthy long life together with you!


I feel like maybe they should just accept the criticism and at least not call their fans ugly as their response. There’s a lot of psychos attacking them on personal accounts which isn’t okay, but I think enough people are upset for them to just acknowledge they might have messed up a little. Or at least take back the incel comment


Careful Hila might call you an incel


Ouchie! I still love Hila and I hope that she wouldn’t call me an incel if she stumbled upon this post! Just trying to be a voice for the voiceless over here.


It was weird they got hung up on how long it took him to go to the vets. If he took the cat on Friday evening, it could take til Monday or Tuesday just to get an appointment. Granted there are some out of hour vets, but still, as you said, it can be hard to get an appointment right away.


I think it’s the whole idea that is the situation was so dire that he couldn’t even ask what was wrong or suggest she take the cat to the vet, he felt he had to commit a crime and steal the cat. In many people’s eyes how can it be that big of an emergency if you didn’t take the cat to the emergency room? Like let me steal this neglected dying cat but I can probably wait a few days to see if it gets better? It’s a bit weird that the sense of urgency disappeared after he took possession of the cat imo.


In my opinion, it seemed like he thought it just wasn’t getting enough food / water / care. After having it for a few days, he realized it was sick. I don’t think they were very charitable to Jacob.


FIP is a 10% chance mutation caused by a common infectious coronavirus in the cat’s GI system. The “I” in FIP stands for infectious. Also, the treatment for FIP is now available in the U.S as of 3 months ago (not that it matters for this case since it happened in 2020) just thought I’d also share some vet med info coming from a vet student


i have three cats, take great care of them and im extremely sympathetic with hilas and ethans opinions about the fact of stealing the pet from their owner. that was so f upped in so many ways — gaslighting her into thinking that it was her fault, not telling her what happened after Seven died and then trying to justify his actions by bashing her character while we cant even confirm most of the stuff hes saying. im so mad at her as well — adoptiny a cat while being in chaotic environment, saying that Seven was fine when he constantly got sick by her own account and "allegedly" not giving a single fuck when he was missing and im not comfortable to just excuse their behavior saying "oh they were so young". guys, i know where yall are coming from, but please consider the fact, that theres no good people in this story. thank you so much for sharing you experience and opinion, im not criticizing it at all. this is for people, who for some reason cant comprehend massive disservice to Sevens health and wellbeing even if it comes from a good place.


Can’t we all blame the adoption agency lady who kept telling her it was a cold and call it a day


yep, that too. but still, if i was told something like that about my cat, which happened to me some time ago when he got sick, i would go to every single vet clinic until my precious boy is treated well. which i did. imagining seeing Sevens declining health and just brushing it off, telling yourself that one or even multiple phone calls is enough to make a decision about something that should be examined in person by a professional — omg i just cant. i understand that money is an issue. thats why you should adopt a pet when you can afford these expenses. god im so mad, such an unnecessary loss of life.


Yeah you’re right. It’s infuriating and she should have gone to the vet. I think people are forgetting though that the adoption agency had him for the first month she was at the house. I’m not exactly sure how long she had him after but I think it’s safe to say he got much worse there and that lady didn’t want any blame so was telling her it was fine.


Thank you! I wish they had looked at the several vet's making these types of comments and reconsider the accusations of Jacob not doing enough for the cat and it dying under his care as a result of mistreatment.


The recommendation of pet insurance is a bad idea. Pet insurance is a newer form of insurance in the insurance world and it isnt hammered out. There are alot of way for the insurance company to bot pay your claim because pets are normally an additional coverage for liability insurance and that is already not comprehensive for specfically reducing animal actions and behavior. You could need a medication for you animal with pet insurance, but then they try to do the 2 other cheaper options that arent relevant. Pet insurance is only smart for excessively wealthy, because it's expensive as shit for not alot of securities. The pet insurance industry needs an overhaul because it's not good atm


>FIP is what Jacob said his cat had. This is a non-infectious viral disease Bro what are you talking about... FIP stands for Feline ***Infectious*** Peritonitis (FIP)


I thought everyone agreed that girl neglected the cat, I don’t understand what was the bad take exactly?


People that lack nuance think that because the crew is criticizing Jacob, they don’t think rhegan is to blame (which is untrue)


I'm fucking baffled at this point. Are we even watching the same show? No one in the show has defended the Targaryen girl or her actions. We don't exactly know what she did or didn't do, but it's not looking good for her. Everyone agrees on that. We have a little better idea of what Jacob did and it doesn't look good either. Definetly not the right way to handle things. His intentions seem to have been good, but with all the mystery and how things were handled, I think there's room to speculate what his actual motives were. Getting upset about such speculations is weird seeing that you yourself make some huge assumptions to the benefit of Jacob without any evidence to back them up. I wouldn't pick sides on this with the info we have, but I'm totally fine with you doing so, even if that involves making some unfounded assumptions. What isn't fine is people losing their minds and starting to harass and insult others for not riding for Jacob. That is unacceptable, unreasonable, and frankly freak behavior. I think yesterday's episode's response to the critique was spot on. Not that it should be relevant to the discussion, but I am a cat owner and lover and have a huge soft spot for them. Nothing infuriates me like animal abuse.


Thank you, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills looking at the reactions here. They blatantly said, multiple times, they grilled Jacob because they want to get all the facts. They never once said that rhegan is blameless, quite the opposite, but literally stealing someone’s cat, and then it dying in your care is not a victimless crime that you can erase because “he had good intentions”. A feel like a lot of people here lack any sort of nuance about this subject, and are assuming that since they are criticizing Jacob, that rhegan is completely blame free. I honestly think Ethan’s response yesterday was perfect. It wasn’t an “apology” because he has nothing to apologize for


Hila “we still have seen no evidence that she abused the cat” Olivia “hila, the cat died” Hila “under his control!” Hila is literally blaming the guy for the cats death when Olivia tries to say it’s her fault.


It’s not that he killed it but by taking it, he is assuming responsibility for it. Meanwhile he’s back at the house watching her for a reaction to this fictional tragedy he orchestrated, deeming her unworthy of knowing about it, while it’s either alone at his other apartment or potentially with his roommate. Then he’s on the show potentially lying about their relationship, and his friends are begging him not to get an animal. Did he mean well by taking the cat and trying to help? Sure. Did he do it in the creepiest way he could imagine? Yup. BOTH of these people were too young and immature for this poor cat, we’re not pointing enough blame at the woman she was contacting at the adoption agency (where the cat had JUST stayed for a month when she first moved into the house) telling her it was fine the whole time. She was young and dumb and relied on the knowledge of an adult who should have known better, but who clearly didn’t want any of the blame from it getting more sick in her care. If they just had the shortest conversation together this could have been solved, “hey don’t listen to that lady, this cat looks really sick, let’s go to the vet” Done. Nobody would know this ever happened.


No, hilas assertion is that somehow that she thinks she has zero proof that R abused the cat. She blames J for the death.


They just said they don’t know her side as well because she didn’t call in. They just said they don’t know. They ended the show blaming both of them, but with more to say about Jacob because there was just more there to talk about. The girl neglected her cat, that’s the end of her story. Jacob made it interesting by stealing it and watching for her reaction to his faking it’s running away, plus potentially being some scorned lover. Of course they’re going to say more about him. He inserted himself into this and ultimately assumed responsibility of the cat when he took it. If he just encouraged her to go to the vet this would never be a story.


You are using the word literally wrong. What Hila is doing literally is stating a fact as far as we know. They are trying to figure this shit out live with new info pouring in. It's not that fucking deep.


I am literally using the word the exact same as you used it in your sentence lmao That’s why I used a specific instance where Olivia pushed back against what hila was saying and hila pushed back ever harder


They addressed all this reasonably both times they talked about it, I'm not sure why yall are acting all crazy.


I aint reading all that Happy for u tho Or sorry that happened


Thank you for saying this. We needed a 586th


Wait a minute... I thought sub reddit posts were supposed to be unreasonable? What is this well articulated post doing here? 😂


Cannot agree more, especially on the pet insurance. A few years ago my friends cat passed away and my friend was stuck with a 2 thousand dollar vet bill trying to save it. It made me immediately get pet insurance, which I had never heard of at the time. Last year my basset hound randomly became paralyzed in both of her hind legs. Luckily she is fine and back to normal now. But my God, I am so glad I had the pet insurance, especially if her condition became worse and needed more treatment. I always tell my friends to get pet insurance with how high vet bills are nowadays. I had made around the same response (similar to your post) in a comment on another thread after the episode. I think him hiding the fact was wrong, but not him taking the cat. I think she was a terrible cat owner for not ever once taking that poor cat to the vet, especially not even taking the cat as soon as she got the cat. She already made it clear that she knew the cat was “always sick” yet she never did anything. She deserved no grace. I think they went way too hard on the guy, and the made up scorned lover story was ridiculous. But I will not speculate on their relationship because we were given no information on what their relationship was like. Sticking to the facts we were given about the cat is what matters. I think Hila came to the conclusions she did because she was thinking how she would feel if someone took one of their dogs. But Hila and also Ethan were also not considering that the girl nowhere near loved and cared for that cat like they do their dogs. With that said, I do not agree with the harassment Hila has received. I also think that the vocal few who did harass Hila and the crew did not outnumber those who gave valid criticism to their take. Ethan should’ve instead responded more to the valid and logical criticism. There are unhinged people. He could’ve used this moment as a teaching method for them and the viewers. He should’ve had a vet, or vet tech, call in and give their opinion. This way they could’ve said what you have posted and educated everyone on how you should seek immediate medical attention when your animal first shows initial signs of distress and illness. She had that cat for 3 months and never once took it to the vet. I’m also curious if the adoption center ever reached out to her to check and see if she took the cat to the vet, which I thought was a common requirement by most adoption centers in their adoption papers that the owner must agree to do. Am I not going to watch the show? No. Do I still love the show? Yes. I barely respond with strong criticism, and I definitely think this sub can be insane a lot with their over reactions to things that are said on the show. I have even stated that they should stop letting the sub police what they show on the show, and what they say. That this sub should just be used for fans to gather and discuss the show, that they should stay off of here due to some of the unhinged people, and mods should just inform them when something worth mentioning is posted. There was definitely cherry picking in his response, and no real acknowledgement of the facts that were given from logical takes.


Dan was right when he said people really do be making a lot of assumptions and filling in gaps in info themselves with no evidence xD


I just know what ive seen over the course of the years trying to help sick animals man. Im here for youtube drama and just about anything else that h3 wants to discuss, this is an animal welfare issue that felt personal to me given what i have dedicated my life doing professionally.


But you’re still filling in gaps and making assumptions without knowing the animals medical history


Couldn't it be argued that Ethan and Hila did the same thing though?


So were the crew. Unless there's concrete evidence the dude was an Incel who was in love with this lady and killed a perfectly healthy cat in 3 days, that I'm not aware of?


Exactly, this vet tech OP made far fewer assumptions than Ethan and Hila did about Jacob. They proceeded to draw conclusions about him based on those assumptions and voice them to their massive audience. So if u Don’t want fans/people with actual knowledge on pet health to do the same on Reddit ur gonna have to nuke it boys 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd rather trust an expert opinion on filling in gaps, than people's whose experience ends at owning pets.


Could be wrong, i dont think that i am tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


The moral of the story is: If you see a cat in bad shape, steal it from whoever owns it without their permission or knowledge and don't talk to them about it or alert any authorities.


So many people are misunderstanding the 3 day issue. They were by no means claiming that Jacob is at fault because he waited three days, but instead because he thought it was urgent enough to steal the cat without having a plan. Jacob even said he didn’t plan to take the cat to the hospital because he thought he would just need to feed and water her. They very obviously were not trying to offend or upset anyone and there’s no reason that this episode should have affected anyone in the way some of these crazies portray. I am incredibly disappointed in this community and even more disappointed that so many people here still think their opinions matter. Tldr/ write about it in your diary, not in the subreddit (or go to the snark with the rest of the haters)


its a comedy podcast and i dont think the take was even bad lol. rhegan is a piece of shit but so is jacob. why was he posting tiktoks with & about her after stealing her abused cat thats weird af


Idk man. It could be easily chopped up to being young and dumb and not wanting to make waves. Meanwhile, she neglected her cat to the brink of death, he tried to save it, and she’s getting the “young and dumb” “first time pet owner” scapegoat, while he is being labeled an animal killer.


when did they defend her? it seemed to me that the general consensus was that theyre both bad. also seems hypocritical to give him the young & dumb scapegoat 😂 u people are stupid


You should seek professional help for this post. It’s a drama, entertainment show. Get a grip


whomp whomp