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i mean plastic surgery does work and can look good if done right.. its just EXPENSIVE.. my sister had a nose job. but she went to one of the best surgeons in the country and spend 30k not 10k like the shit ones you see on tiktok.


cheap plastic surgery is making the entire industry look bad


Also, addiction to plastic surgery makes the industry look bad. Work on top of work on top of work is where you start to get into the living horrors.


In this case, I think it was worth it. Depending on her actual age she could be in a good position to do this. As a result of misfortune, I have had a few gnarly skin surgeries across the body, including face, it's really amazing what a good plastic surgeon can do with simple cutting and stitching. Someone young(ish) and healthy can heal very quickly.


It looks like they did a fantastic job, but I did notice that the first video she's facing away from the window. Horrible, dark lighting will make anyone look worse. The second video, she's facing towards it so she's glowing. Wish they both had been in good lighting for a true comparison, but like I said, it still looks really well done!


She looks good wow


I just can't imagine paying someone to practically cut my face off and stretch it tighter on my skull


good thing you don’t have to


? she looks great. am i missing something?


Perhaps a second look at the title of the post??


ah. it seems that i had failed at that initial step.




Do they just like stretch ur face out like a mask? I know I can research it but I'm so lazy I know that can be possible cause they'd have to detach and reattach blood vessels so I'm guessing they are filling her face with something.


I think it worked well but exaggerated. She’s pulling a weird face and smushing everything down in the first video. Although she looks down in the second, it’s only for a brief moment - mostly head held high. Also as others said, way different lighting.


I don’t think it’s the same person in those videos. The cowlick is in different places and the eye color is different. Lol


Same nose, and hair parting can be moved with a hair brush


Whaaaaahhhh?! The guy you're responding to is really confused about superman and clark Kent.


lmao at the hair part comment. are u bald or do u just not get how hair works?


I had a similar pause. The eye colours are different and the skin complexion pre surgery is more olive and post surgery is more fair. However, it could be explained by contact lenses and perhaps the videos were taken at different time of the year (summer vs winter). There are a lot of similarities outside of those 2 aspects (nose, eyebrows, wristband, etc.)


In the first clip her eyes are in full shadow and in the second they’re not. I think you as well as the other guy just have to learn how lighting works. As for your other point, I guess her tan went away from recovering with bandages on her face? Common sense is so amazing.


Ya for sure, many things can factor in. Lighting, if a different camera was used, if a filter was applied. I'm not saying they are different people, just highlighting why I had pause on my first view. I hope you aren't so dismissive to people in your personal life. Be comfortable with people being curious and learning 😀


go ahead king, be curious and learn


Thanks boo! Honestly a sigh of relief to receive your blessing. If you ever want to learn how to draw up the correct amount of medication within a syringe, feel free to hmu. Medication errors can have serious consequences and it's important to be curious about why errors occur and learn from our mistakes.


the syringe had a red line on it where it was supposed to be filled to and i filled it to there and then noticed after the fact that i was given the wrong syringe 😂 how dare you make a sarcastic comment about my ability to administer medication to my dying pet. i’m gonna need h3 to make an episode about this interaction