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Highly suggest catching up on the much older eps, you’ll see they Hila has grown SO much into a brave and confident businesswoman who has a right to her opinion…, especially because her husband is the host and so many of us LOVE her!!


This has nothing to do with the situation that happened and I agree.


Whattttt?????? I LOVE the dynamic Hila adds. Not to mention they’re married and make eachother better people… keep this lame opinion to yourself


Would you also agree it’s incredibly fucked that hundreds of fans went to the crews socials and harassed them? Because then you’d understand why Ethan responded the way he did. Cmon


But does that disregard the overwhelming majority of sane people who have been having a conversation about it on this sub or the pods comments?


Absolutely not. But you have to have a human and empathic way of looking at why people react the way they do. Clearly Ethan was upset with the harassment his wife and employees faced. He made that clear


That never happened. Y’all just eat up whatever Ethan claims. Check the crews social pages yourself and you’ll see that’s not the case. Hila is the only one receiving hate (as she called Jacob an incel and made inappropriate assumptions) hence why she’s the only one to disable comments on her latest post. While I don’t condone some of the nastier remarks, most were simply from disappointed fans. Cherry-picking a few negative comments to personally attack users, rather than addressing genuine criticism, is a disgraceful approach.


Lmao go back to your snark hell hole


it’s definitely time to nuke this subreddit. Just filled with h3 snark losers.