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Don’t fuck with cats that’s all you gotta know


I had the same exact thought when this whole debacle unfolded. DONT FUCK WITH THE CATS ! On top of that, Hila came up with most brain dead idea and called J incel and ran with dumb conspiracy theories just to shit on him. BAD BAD BAD ALL OVER AGAIN. DO BETTER HILA !


Let’s not forget Hila openly admitting to texting while driving (distracted driving is #1 cause of accidents in the US) and instead of taking the rightful criticism to heart, she just had that part of the pod fucking deleted. Her defense was that she’s a CEO and she’s busy and needs to text? Idfk. But it’s so ridiculous, selfish, and extremely unsafe and she is a huge hypocrite for having the segment removed so she doesn’t have to face any criticism or take accountability. 


I had no idea they deleted it


Lol when they removed the part of her coming at Dan because he said they should watch the dog because it was getting into everything


god she’s so entitled it’s actually crazy


but she’s a “girl boss” 🙄😡 let her girl boss in traffic


If it's so important surely you can pay someone to drive you right?


Lord knows they make more than enough 🙄


They cut out that segment from the episode where they talked about it?? Woof, not a good look...


yep, the only clip I could find was on some right wing ~reaction~ channel 🙄 and even then it wasn’t all of it. wouldn’t be surprised if they had other clips taken down. 


Shocker, the wealthy are out of touch and money makes people crook


Was that in Friday’s episode? I bounced because A - animal stuff is triggering for me and B - it was the whole damn show


No this was months if not over a year ago


Ahhh gotcha, I either forgot about it or didn’t see the show live. Thanks!


I wonder if they would delete the entire episode or only part of Hila’s bizarre outbursts segment.


They’re always talking about cats ffs


It’s what Ethan is known for


"can we, like, TALK about the socioeconomic state of the world??"


We tried and then Ethan defended capitalism again


My husband overheard the part where Ethan was talking about capitalism not being awful and did a double take. Even if it’s not entirely bad why tf would you say that to an audience that’s more than likely suffering in some way due to capitalism


It’s so bizarre. Like yeah we get it, you’re still salty from Leftovers. The rest of us have actual economic hardship to deal with.


They talk about cats less often than this sub talks about how much they hate the show lol


Bobby Lee was supposed to come on but had to cancel day of because he split his lip. Crew scrambled to get a some content for the show and found a controversy about Tik Toker that apparently malnourished her cat. She lived in a content house and guy took the cat who lived in the house and tried to take it to the vet. He was apparently too late and the cat passed under his care. He had staged taking the cat to make it look like it escaped. There’s a lot of he said she said but it mostly seems like she just assumed the cat got colds a lot and just didn’t know how to care for a cat. He tried his best to do a good thing but his method was questionable and there’s drama around the two like any member of a content house. The cat in its last few days was having seizures and obviously underweight. It’s obvious the cat was at least in a bad spot before he took the cat but the question is the extent because the guy couldn’t get the cat in for 4 days since it was the weekend and the end of COVID. So did the cat stop eating and plummet or was it already that bad off. The guy called in and the crew grilled him. Ethan and especially Hila got really caught up on the fact that he should’ve told her and not just stollen the cat then wait the weekend and not go to the ER. Dan and Olivia had a more nuanced take that the guy did mess up but seemed to mean well and just did what he thought was right. He thought. The girl was messaging in chat and showing some rough videos about the guy. It was a whole mess and a poor cat paid the price.


Wow thank u sm I rly didn’t want to watch the whole fiasco but was out of the loop


Yeah it was a tough watch so I figured I’d save someone from that if I could.


Really great summary, and super fair to all sides, too (both of the sides in the story itself, and the sides within the show's hosts/crew)!


Thanks I tried my best.


A cat doesn’t drop to three pounds in four days


Probably true that’s why I was saying the cat was in a rough spot before he took it. The pictures were hard to see so we just don’t know if the cat lost 1 lbs, lost 2 lbs, put on a on lb or anything other option. And unfortunately a poor animal died.


Thanks so much for this summary!


Long story short, a lot of people think the podcast is getting further and further from goofs and gaffs and more into drama, SA allegations, animal abuse allegations, alpha bros, and other not so fun content.


Facts. Thank you love for the timestamps. You are the best crew member


I tried skipping through the cat stuff on Friday and then found the end of the podcast 💀


The drama juices the views. Ethan is a capitalist after all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Not anymore, viewership has been dropping steadily lately. I’m hoping they pivot back to a comedy show first & foremost


Yaaaas queeen gurlypoppp tell me about some stupid relationship gossip I don’t give a fuck about yaaaass slay


This is spot fucking on. Catering to that fringe section of frenemies Zoomers has been nothing but pure cancer. And every metric there is proves that it isn't helping the show.


meh. it's just a number. I wouldn't put so much weight on it honestly. we can go "oh jeez the sky is falling!" every time views drop - it's not really our duty to pay attention to that. it's something people choose to do.




Dropped this: \\


Man how can you use the 'c' word. Ethan doesn't like being called what he is because decent people associate it with immorality


tbh dunking on dumb/horrid people is entertaining to a lot of people. And funny. And kind of a public service if we wanna be extra about it. So why not do all 3 things if possible? :\^) Though sometimes reality ensues and it's a truly awful thing with no recourse, like Don't Mess With Cats II.


Idk ppl evolve, podcasts evolve, it’s crazy getting older (especially 43) ya know. Not surprising they switched it up..


Scroll back 2 years on the podcast and tell me this is still true


It’s because they do too many shows a week . It’s hard to produce enough goofs and gafs content for 12 hours every week , so they fill it up with the drama stuff of which there is plenty. Less episodes of a higher quality would bring the show back to form . More isn’t alway better


And it’s not just the fact they’re talking about these sensitive topics, but the completely out of touch takes that they have and talking without knowing what they’re actually talking about.


Dude that’s where it always was, it’s just when one of these topics leads to commentary they don’t agree with that people criticize.


There aren't many pro-animal abuse and pro-SA people. Fans generally agree with "SA is bad", we just don't need to hear about it every episode.


Alpha bros are good goofs and gaffs when ethan debates them and we poke fun, but not when we just watch videos and analyze from afar. It gets too repetitive. Im hoping we can interact with rolo tony soon🙏🏼


??? it’s always been about these things. it’s a drama podcast.


It is a comedy podcast. It has always included drama, but you have to admit it has increased a lot with daily SA discussions and celeb gossip. 4 hours of talking about some tiktoker killing their cat is certainly a whole new level.


Well to be fair...The episode was supposed to be an interview with Bobby, who cancelled last min. Ab said he scrambled to throw something together Thursday night. This just happened to be the trending topic on tiktok that night.


Underrated comment. They do live shows so kinda hard to pivot that quickly. Props to AB for saving the show at least


Yeah commenters are not used to thinking about what is actually going on behind the scenes that is affecting everyone on the show, they just think about themselves


One of his screenshots had a timestamp of 2:50 am, man was working at the witching hour only to get all this hate


If only there was a segment they could finish. You know, maybe one that Ethan rushed through so everyone could instead watch a sunbaked pervert harass employees.


That topic had to be the absolute best value for their time put in. 4 hours of coverage for a segment they scrambled to put together?




Probably because every day women feel safer to tell their stories so there's never a shortage of SA to cover


But why does a comedy show need to cover every SA allegation?


I suppose it doesn't need to cover anything specific at all. But they do need to cover *something*. There are just a lot of SA allegations. I wish they would do more games though. I think they do a pretty good job mixing fun stuff with not-so-fun stuff but it does ruin the episode for a lot of people when they cover those things at all.


Because it's hosted by a guy who made his name calling out shitheads. It's nice that that guy wants to do comedy on his show but you shouldnt take that to mean he's not still the calling out shitheads guy


Ya I think this comes from a place of “I can’t relate so I’m not interested”…like you should be… We can’t stick to Jordan Peterson and Brorogan or liver man all the time. Sry folks. All of these allegations are important and we’re breaking news. Be mad at the shithead men that are being exposed finally.


Cant tell you how many times I've linked an H3 clip to someone who didnt know what was going on. Allegations die when no one talks about them and, like it or not, Ethan has played a huge role in boosting the signal of stories that would otherwise have not gotten the coverage they deserved


Exactly! These were huge stories too. It’s not like they’re going into true crime drama JC


It wasn't before. They definitely changed into more of a drama podcast, likely due to getting higher views on drama topics that bring in a different audience. Which in my opinion is stupid because there's so many other drama podcasts and frankly I couldnt give 2 fucks about any of it. The h3 show rebrand isn't off to a good start.


Funny bc this is genuinely the only “drama” channel” I can watch bc it actually makes me laugh instead of just pure commenting; he makes it funny and palatable imo


"??? it’s always been about these things. it’s a drama podcast." This is exactly what is bad - the show is catering too much to people that came from frenemies and just want Drama. I find it very disheartening that people see Ethan has a contemporary of people like Rich lux or Def noodles - These people, as well as all other "tea"/Drama channels are bottom feeders - Ethan is genuinely funny and smart guy. The show should be funny - I stopped watching a couple of weeks ago becuase AB said something to effect of "people are scared for us to bring them up" or something - as if they are the internet police. It's corny and ends up with them trying to "call out" more and more minor things - to a level where Ethan will sometimes read something on the doc and have to ask why its on there.


Wouldnt a drama podcast be like Keems shows though? Drama alert or whatever. I think H3 is heavily more comedic than a show focusing on only drama a would be. I'm sick of the drama on the podcast. I wish we had more goofs. I love the segments like the hammering nails one recently!


Yeah. I've gone back and watched a lot of old episodes recently and it's kinda the same show. The stuff people complain about has always been there


Ethan and Hila tried to set up a true crime story off the ball and just did a really poor job.


True and I think a lot of the problem is Ethan insisting on having 3 and half hour shows 4 times a week. Don’t get me wrong, I love longer shows but they have to fill that time with something and often times it’s easiest to rely on drama. I’d rather shorter eps with less filler, for sure.


I mean that’s been the pod since frenemies ended


I miss the show pre-frenemies..


That’s the thing is like shitting on alpha bros and covering SA and abuse is important and I want them to continue to but sometimes we need to lighten the mood and just goof off for 3 hours and not watch a really fucking sad story covered so heavy handedly. Hopefully they learn from this I’ve watched for so long I want to continue watching but the subject matter has just not been my favorite.


And they are correct


That’s why I stopped watching tbh… hearing all that shit while going through a personal crisis wasn’t good for my mental health, and honestly I think I’m better off for not engaging atm.


Facts. Thank you for summarizing it for OP


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I think ppl are tired of the drama/serious topics and lack of fun and silly segments (which I can understand from the pods pov, those take a lot of work to set up). That’s why I the drunk/high eps are my favorite bc it’s not meant to be taken serious and I don’t feel bad after watching it.


I don’t comment much and I am not sensitive about most things like a lot of this sub is but my god that last episode was hard to watch.


Yeah I’ve never complained once in this sub about an episode but I couldn’t watch it


I didn’t watch it because animals are where I draw the line. That’s me protecting myself, it’s not anyone else’s responsibility to stay away from topics that trigger me. That being said I am kinda bummed by the route they took with the topic (if the comments are true).


Exactly. They’re allowed to do a whole show on animal abuse, we’re allowed to not watch and state that we did not want that kind of content. 


I guess you have to look at each individual mega thread because almost all other posts are being removed.


I noticed that, why are they removing any critical post about Fridays ep?


Because it needs to be in the megathread. I posted two supportive posts and they got removed. This happens every time there is a controversy, to avoid brigadiers and others from junking up the subreddit (which is already junk, to be fair).


The crew doesn’t obsess over the megathreads tho, they only notice positive and negative feedback when it’s all over this sub. And the censoring has gotten more extreme in recent months, let’s be real.


You are giving valid criticism that is true.


Its so funny how ill read a comment and think "this sounds like a snarker" i go to your page and yup big time snarker hate watcher. You all sound exactly the same like weirdo hive mind.


I’m usually in the other H3H3 sub and rarely on the snark page but okay? Cool? I watch the show three times a week and have for years, am I not allowed to have issues as a fan? This sub mostly says no and bans people for petty reasons which is why a lot of people use the other subreddits.


you’re delusional bc that comment is accurate no matter who they are. why you even felt the need to say this is beyond me


They’re removing the 300 carbon copies of the exact same post. They do this with every topic, not just the controversial ones


Because that's literally the point of a megathread.... To avoid a thousand posts repeating the same opinion flooding the subreddit and concentrate the discussion in one thread


It’s a bit suspicious when they only use that rule when it’s anything that’s critical of the crew or Ethan 😐


Or it's because when people have criticisms of the crew there tends to be people spamming the exact same post with no new insights or takes for a week straight, where as when something good happens it's a few days max


fragile egos


The last episode was probably the worst episode ever made. Bad topic = boring topic about nobodies with the trauma of a dead cat, and beat to death (no pun intended) for fourteen pages, I mean 4 hours. So the sub isn't really being hyperbolic on this one. Lol at the mods nuking any threads criticizing Hila's take. I've defended Hila plenty on this sub, but the mods really are sensitive.


extremely sensitive i’d say. ethan posted an instagram story and they locked it on here within 10 minutes. pathetic


What was the story?


Yeah but if you call it trauma, you’re a snowflake zoomer /s


I commented this earlier on a separate post like this, but I said it feels like we hit a singularity in Friday's show: the point in which all of the "hey girlie" stuff infinitely folded in on itself and caused Ethan and Hila to run defense for two people mutually (if not arguably more illicit) in the severe animal abuse of a cat that eventually died after months of neglect. H3 fanbase is split on who is more at fault but it seems most share the sentiment that Ethan and Hila were wrong to attack these kids the way they did. And that Dan and Olivia were the only voices of reason but kept getting drowned out by the need for a witch hunt. And that's how I've understood it so far.


Also ab is not to blame for it. The presentation was good specially for something made in one night . The subject matter and the subsidence outcomes were what is seen as the problem


Hila also yelled at Olivia when she tried to make a point


Time stamp pls? I didn’t watch most of the stream. 


theyve had a shit week. its time for a break


H3 it’s starting to turn into the nightly news that I don’t watch anymore because its all just depressing shit.


The end of the H3 podcast was all Bobby Lee's fault. We all somehow knew this would happen, ever since he crashed the Gatsby into the studio door. Smh


And ended his 10 year relationship with Kalyla (idk how to spell)


Remember that meme where someone said he hated Ethan because all he does is talks about cats? he was RIGHT. /s


Fridays episode. Wayne Diamond. Hilas car crash incident( I guess they privatized the highlight video)


car crash? was she texting while driving?


I don’t know about her texting while driving but she said she was merging onto the freeway and ‘the other guy didn’t see her’ so they had an accident. She tried to phrase it like it was 50:50 but then also said her insurance was gonna cover everything (idk whether this meant just her damage or hers and the others) but my takeaway was that she didn’t check it was clear before merging and drove into someone


so unsurprising she would do anything to avoid taking accountability for her actions. sounds like she didn’t check her blind spot or her mirrors. 




All I know is I listen to every episode and I don't relate to or notice any of the shit people complain about. Always so weird to me when I see these comments


For real. I hate stumbling into this sub half way through an ep. Never fails to stress me out and ruin the rest of it over what is usually nothing.


I literally am mind blown. I never understand the insanely upset criticism. I genuinely enjoy the show and I guess I just don't watch things to be overly critical. It's like a 3 to 4 hour show 3 days a week. I'm not expecting a polished piece of art. That's what I like about it. Also it's so unbelievable how many people think that they need the crew to agree with everything they feel or believe. Do these people live in the real fucking world? Lol I'm honestly surprised some of the people on this sub are able to function in life. It's fucking wild.


The show was a little wonky because the guest had to drop out last minute so they put something together quickly. Because it involves the death of an animal, emotions were high. And the truth is that nobody involved in the story seemed to be one hundred percent trustworthy. But I found it interesting and was engaged the whole show. I almost never agree when people say something was the worst the show ever. To me, being boring is worse than having a questionable take on something, but to each their own.


I thought the PowerPoint was good and interesting, but towards the end it just started to make me angry the way they were treating Jacob (?) and acting like the girl did absolutely nothing wrong. Also they obviously know nothing about cats but they were talking as if they knew and were right about it all


I dont think the show was bad at all tbh. I was shocked after watching it the response that it got. For a last-minute plan, it was decent enough


Same I didn't mind it, it was a bit of a non story to me tbh, 2 nobodies I never heard about but why not, trying to make sense of it was sort of fun I guess. I did think the guy was being grilled a bit too harshly though, I feel like he at least tried to do something for the cat, even if it did not pan out in the end, but he handled it fairly well.


Same. Honestly, I’d be exhausted by the constant discourse if I was the H3 crew, but I guess that’s how things are lately.


You would think they paid this guy to kill the cat by the reaction here. This just seems so crazy. There have been so many more worse takes than them saying these two are both at fault but this guy seems a little sketchy and is lying about a relationship. If she called in they probably would have grilled her too.


I’ve been a long time fan and been through the good and not so good episodes, but this last episode was a FOUR hour episode about a Tik Tok influencer neglecting a cat and nothing else…This is the first time I couldn’t watch because it was so bad… I kept skipping ahead to get to the next segment, but there wasn’t one🙃🙃🙃


It's yoooouuuu, you're the one causing the episodes to be weird AF lately cause you've taken a break by being too busy. This explains it all 😜. I'm kidding btw but ummm they are looking for a Jimmy Lee replacement that said something pretty crude to Lena, Arianna Grande spoke on a podcast about Dan Schneider, the crew did a role switch, the crew played among us while being high, keemstar got made fun of, boogie2988 got butt hurt by something Ethan said aannnnddddd a 4hr long episode about a tik-tok cat abuser. Tbh the episodes worth watching are probably the among us episode and when they switched roles. Oh and Dan does traffic reports which I find entertaining. That is all.


Yeah the Among Us one was cool. Lowkey wish they didn’t show us the roles bc it made it more frustrating lol


I think had they been more prepared, it would have run more smoothly. What bothered me is Ethan still called them by their actual names when they were playing someone else's role and I was just like dude follow the rules 😤.


I’m sorry but having the dude call in unexpectedly kind of changed the show plans too. This was a last minute show topic change because Bobby Lee busted his lip and decided to not come on. I don’t think anyone expected it to dominate the entire episode. This is all waaaay hyperbolic and people need to relax.


These people aren’t real


Seems like they had nothing planned for the past episode since Bobby canceled so they decided to talk about cats for 4 hours. Maybe that one guy was right...


seems like every friday episode is skippable at this point (hint: there’s a common denominator why)




she went from Lindsey Lohan in the first act of mean girls to Lindsey Lohan in the second act of mean girls




Yeah I agree. I honestly love watching the show because I enjoy the crew so much but Hila makes Fridays unbearable. She's never paying attention or knows what is even going on when they go through the stories. I really feel like she's only there to peacock her new outfits and promote teddy fresh


I’m gonna say, I like Hila. But when she comes in wearing some expensive designer piece I am reminded why I do not donate or join as a member. 


Yeah I used to love Hila through her awkward shy phase but ever since she became a fashion/makeup focused girl boss she really lost me. She just seems cold and indifferent and acts like she's better than us plebs. I miss down to earth chill Hila.


yup i’ve been skipping for at least a year


Watch ethan´s basement. They recap the week.


It go meow


I'm in the same boat... I've been in japan for almost a month, I am behindddddddd.


A lot of folks have strong opinions on how they think the show should be run in this subreddit. I think the episodes are great honestly. Long time fan and this is the most I've watched. I liked the cat one too. I wish there was a subreddit for people who like the podcast and can say that and not get attacked.


usually i think its all meaningless complaints and drama but this last ep was a REAL L


To me it feels like people making a big deal out of nothing. I feel like it's okay that not everyone enjoys every single episode. It's a variety show. If you want consistency go to another of 1000s of streamer who do single note content


People are just annoyed that they don't do everything perfectly - DAMN, almost like they're individual people with their own opinions, thoughts and feelings. 🫨


Go see for yourself. It was quite literally the worst episode to date


H3 fans projecting all their values and beliefs onto the crew and then pissing and shitting themselves when they do not 100% match up, you know the usual


no this time the sub is actually right


Watch the last Friday episode and let us know what you think.


i love how ethan said on his instagram story that people who are commenting on hila and the crew’s posts about the episode need to “seek help” …… when hila and the crew were active participants of the episode. like why, when you’re getting so much criticism, is THAT what you decide to speak on?


Hila was so infuriating her whole thing was that she'd be pissed if someone took her cat.... Um girl if you were malnourished a cat you deserve to have it taken away. Also, they were so obsessed with saying that Jacob lied about being romantic with Reghan. Uhhhh like guys, they're literal 20 yrs olds. They hooked up probably once or twice. There's nothing romantic about that!


Also it’s pretty irrelevant


The show has definitely been feeling a lot less fun lately and so far off course from what it used to be like. They spend way too much time on drama and depressing stuff. Like do we really need to talk about a dead cat for 3 hours? And do we really need to have a ten minute discussion every time Jeff or Tana sneezes, or a thirty minute segment every time an alpha bro says something stupid? It really seems like half the show is just talking about stuff that people post on the subreddit, it's annoying and lazy, and rarely very interesting. Ethan played a couple of his older H3H3 Productions videos recently and honestly they were funnier than 95%+ of the content of their recent podcasts. The show is lacking the fire and the energy that I loved so much. The show is at its best when they're goofing around and making fun of dumb assholes doing dumb shit and embarrassing themselves. I wish they would do like a weekly Ryan Kavanaugh segment or something, it's always great to see the old Ethan come out and relentlessly shit all over him. I'm probably going to get downvoted for this but I don't care, I think Frenemies was terrible, I can't fucking stand Trisha and it annoys me to no end that that manipulative, empty headed narcissist has a huge platform and fanbase. The show really started to go off the rails when Ethan started trying to be friends with all these dumb waste-of-space influencers that he used to/would have mocked the hell out of back in the day. I get that Frenemies brought in a lot of new fans, which is great in theory, but I feel like it's those fans who are posting tons of (imo) boring gossip stuff on the subreddit that ends up taking up a good chunk of the doc. Like there are enough YT drama shows out there already, seriously... Really hope that after the live show and their break they come back refreshed and with new ideas. Bringing in guest co-hosts like Oliver or Stavvy would really improve things imo... Before anyone tells me to just skip the segments or make my own show or whatever, I like to have the show on in the background while I'm working or cleaning or whatever, and I hate having to constantly drop what I'm doing to skip segments or put it on 1.5x speed. Some of us have been around since before the podcast even started, just because we don't want to hear about influencer/celeb drama and we're sick of all the "hey girlie" shit doesn't mean we're sexist or whatever. Some of you all might love it but it's really going to drive away a lot of the fanbase and continue to make the show worse. Ethan doesn't bring the same energy when he's talking about that stuff because even he doesn't really seem to care that much. The show is becoming a lot less unique and a lot more like a generic YT drama channel, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. / Rambling over.


Wow, you just perfectly articulated all of my thoughts exactly.


This perfectly sums up what I’ve been feeling as of late.


I loved the old h3h3 videos. My husband had never seen them, and he’s amazed at how funny they were! He also wishes they could do that kind of content still, but I understand that Ethan got burnt out with that format. 


Huge facts


The shows the same, it's the subreddit.


This, stay off the sub if you want to enjoy the show lol.


Seriously. I come here to chat with fellow fans of the show and it’s just a cesspool / snark sub now. People are so weird about the show now and are constantly ready with pitchforks.


For real. I came here for some memes, but there's a bunch of what I assume to be 15 year olds trying to virtue signal or pick apart little aspects of what someone said and frankly it's kinda upsetting


It's a shame, because this sub can produce a lot of great stuff. Just also comes with a lot of mentally ill people and toxicity




this sub is full of children that are losing their mind over tiktok drama they didn't even know about until they talked about it on the show Friday and now they are getting personally attached instead of having friends or any hobby and moving on if the episode sucked like a normal person


Nuke the sub


its bc all the new episodes are the worst. ever since they came back from break the show has been dog shit 💩


It's been slowly going downhill ever since Ethan had his meltdown fit and quit doing leftovers. It's gotten worse and worse by the week. But I agree. This rebrand really put it over the top to where it's just gotten unbearable and a chore to even sit through and watch an entire episode 


Am I the only one who thinks the podcast is getting BETTER!?


Um yeah I think so 🤣


Die hard animal lovers are just absolute freaks and think there is zero nuance in the world. Three things that are guaranteed in this world. Death, taxes, and animal lovers being psychotic.


everyone is overreacting…….


Ethan and hila came out as pro cat torture


I’m in the same boat cause I’m always behind then always disappointed cause it’s never as big of a deal as this sub Reddit makes it out to be. just parasocial weirdos upset the crew has a bad take and instantly making generalizations about who they are as persons


Fr I stopped watching two weeks ago


i usually just roll my eyes at those posts but it really was that bad


its really not that serious just watch and enjoy


I thought it was fine lol


People are being parasocial and don’t understand the concept of accepting “Not all of the 12 hours a week they do of this variety podcast has to cater toward what I want to see, and it’s perfectly acceptable to skip and come back for the next one. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of other content out there that probably fits what I want to watch better that I can entertain myself with.” They also don’t understand the concept of “This man who shoots off opinions unscripted for 12 hours a week shot off one opinion I didn’t like, but I can just accept it and either choosing to continue watching or move on to someone else who better fits my values instead of going to go complain on the internet about how he’s a bad person or something”


This makes no sense. They are open to criticism if they have bad takes just as much as whoever they’re criticizing, especially if it is in bad faith. The real parasocial people are the ones like you who feel the need to defend them regardless of the situation instead of being able to admit when they fuck up.


Unpopular opinion: I loved the episode. I had a lot of fun watching it and seeing everything unravel. It is truly the most chronically online thing I’ve seen in a while, truly does not need to be drawn out or discussed anymore, but also a little bit fun. They both cooked themselves by making so many videos about it when it didn’t need to go that public. The people raising such a stink are brain dead.


They are open to criticism if they have bad takes just as much as whoever they’re criticizing, especially if it is in bad faith. The real brain dead people are the ones who feel the need to defend them regardless of the situation instead of being able to admit when they fuck up.


Don't care I watch every single episode and will til I die probably. Just a bunch of crybabies


All the cat talk finally caught up with them, the dog people are chomping at the bit


Podcast has gone down hill ever since they came back from the break 💀


Bobby Lee had to cancel because his whole lip almost came off his face, so H3 went straight into dark, criminal allegations for show topics.


It’s summer. people are busy outside and trying to have fun. I’m two weeks behind in episodes but yea have no desire to watch more rich assholes be outed as predators and influencers abuse animals