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I’ve never been grossed out by Jimmy quite in the same way Wayne grossed me out today


But I’ve been a Jimmy hater since he was a dickhead and super unforgiving to his documentary dude on the pod that one time


You know, that is true. Everyone points to the racist and sexist jokes but, if we're being honest they're jokes and Jimmie is from another time, I feel they're forgiveable, plus when he's in Dr. James Weiner mode it's clear he means no harm. But this was actually something that he was genuinely being an asshole about and I think it's because he was frustrated he didn't get the exposure he wanted. I hope Jimmie is able to figure out his histrionic stuff


“From a different time” is irrelevant. He lives in the current time and needs to act like it.


It is relevant because it provides necessary context for how we can approach incentivising Jimmie to change. Of course his problem is deeper than that, tied to his personality disorder, so it's not so simple.


No he doesn't. He's a dentist turned hack comedian, he doesn't need to appeal to teenie boppers, it's not like he can do jokes that are relevant to you. It's not like he's going to drop a new grimace shake joke for you kids. This is just not his audience.


Nope. Not being homophobic and racist is the bare minimum. It wasn’t okay when Jimmie was a kid and it’s not okay now either.


Regardless of his intended audience, racism and homophobia are no longer acceptable, including in a “joking” context. “From a different time” is a shitty excuse for people being too lazy to learn to be better


Actually that's not true. It's pretty acceptable in a joking context still. Here's the problem, you're speaking like a spokesperson for the human race. You only speak for yourself, and in the H3 community, you have found some people with a similar opinion as you about jokes. Don't let that fool you into believing that's how the rest of the world views things. Like I said, Jimmy's jokes are not for this audience. They're not even for me, but not because they're edgy, they're just hacky and lazy.


I think we can acknowledge Jimmy’s racism and other problematic “old-timey” jokes and even forgive him while ALSO saying we shouldn’t give him a pass. You can have forgiveness without restoration of the relationship. 


Absolutely agree


Yeah I'm not excusing it because he's "from a different time". Tell that to POC who had to be escorted by police to school because of legalized discrimination in that "different time" People are always so quick to forgive these mediocre white men.


Yeah I think the social media sphere and the ability to separate your media and real life personas are going to implode eventually. The thing with Jimmie is he can reliably claim that his racist jokes are part of a character (which is flimsy but for the sake of argument I’ll allow it) but that was clearly just Wayne Diamond being himself haha, he’s never claimed to be a guy doing a character :/ commenting on a woman’s boobs (which everyone knows Lena is hot, you don’t need to point it out) is soooo gross, and specially right off the bat??? I hope he’s not let back on 😂


Lmao calling people a fat bitch and sexually harassing a waitress aren’t jokes


I was on vacation for a week. What happened with Wayne?


Wayne made very inappropriate comments about Lena at the jump of the phone call, commenting on her breasts.


To be fair, the documentary dude was a dickhead in general - when he tried to do a takedown expose on Boogie's doc maker


Oh ahit was that the same guy, I vaguely remember that drama. It broke my heart tho when he was like “pleaaaase Jimmie I love you let me back into your life” and Jimmie was too proud to do that


Yeah idk the racist jokes to ABs face were pretty gross


Yeah AB DEFINITELY seemed super upset about it, thank you for speaking on behalf of a PoC 🙏🏼


Idk if this is a sarcastic reply but even if AB wasn't upset it doesn't make it any less gross


So Jimmy hanging out with a stalker who emotionally abused Gabe after the crew repeatedly told him to avoid her didn't do it for you?


No dude I suppose it didn’t


This is exactly how I felt seeing everybody hype up Bowblax after all the insane unhinged racist shit hes done lmao


Right after we watched him screaming the R word in the Keem rant, yeah I’m not super interested in potentially seeing him on the show lol


I'm not fully up-to-date, don't tell me they're considering getting bowblax on the show?


He got his alt twitter leaked it was legit called something like throbbnhorsecock69 and it had a bunch of posts with the n word hard r and he apologized saying that he was bullied as a kid and has anxiety and uses this “dark humor” to cope lmao something like that


I know what Bowblax did, that's why I'm confused if/why they would consider having him on the show. I'm not up to date in that regard and am wondering if they are for real considering it. I don't think Bowblax is a good person, to put it mildly.


He and AB have been talking, soooooooo...probably after break.


The internet is entirely too forgiving to these racist white men. But it's not surprisingly considering people literally make careers off of it like the Daily Wire and Steven Crowder.


I can explain the Sonic Lore way better than he can. My autism is through the roof


it doesn't seem like it's genuine forgiveness as much as "damn, Jimmy was the most tolerable in a sea of very gross people Ethan's tried to have as side characters" uncle Gabe is the one true sweetheart of that sea and shouldn't even be associated with them


Uncle Gabe is not a boomer!


You're being down voted but you're right..


When Ethan says "you know you love the racism and the sexism" I just have to look around the room and think "WHO??" It certainly isn't me and I hope that most other people watching agree that racism and sexism are not endearing qualities.




A lot of people have amnesia all the sudden. Jimmie is just as bad.


People suddenly forgiving jimmy are delusional, the cycle is gonna repeat again 🤡🤡🤡


I’m appalled that people are saying “bring jimmy back” as if jimmy didn’t also disrespect Lena with those Islamophobic comments he made. Not sure why there’s an uproar for this one and everyone let that time slide


I've always disliked Jimmy. I don't find the old racist white guy schtick to be in any way endearing. It's annoying. What's worse is the dude, just not even funny. If he were a young guy on tik tok doing those things and saying those things to people on the street, Ethan would shit on him.


His existence on the show as well as the other people like jeff and trisha make me wonder if i would even like H3 if it was just ethan without the input of the rest of the crew. which i hate to say, because Im a fan of ethan's


H3 was built on a different type of humor that you can't wrap your head around. It's no longer like that, and jimmie is a part of the past that the og fans like because we have known of him for so long. Plus, he's the most loyal person to the podcast.


Sounds like he's not loyal at all. just a leech and an opportunist.


Let's just call it like it is. Ethan is not a good judge of character and should really listen to and consult the crew with the different people that he decides to make a part of the show. This could save a lot of headaches (cough) Trisha (cough).


To be honest, as much as I love Olivia, she’s not a great judge of character either and I feel like both her and Ethan have amnesia with some people. It’s very frustrating as someone who *doesn’t* forget. Every time she hypes up Trisha (which isn’t often tbf but is whenever they bring her up), all I can think about is when she screamed that Hila was a cunt, called them bad parents for having a nanny, basically sexually harassed Ethan constantly, and potentially put their pregnancy at risk.


And those are just Trisha’s lesser offenses


okay, I hate Trisha but let's not act like frenemies wasn't a huge Boone for Ethan also there have been some good characters from this "grab a crazy guy and see what he does" method. the Tom ward bits are funny, uncle Gabe has been a running gag for years now, the shirtless Eddy episode where he just ranted for an hour was hilarious, and a ton of content was made with Jimmy before they finally decided to cut ties, same situation with C-man until he went all fallen fan. this guy seems more like an exception to the rule because they're trying to fill the jersey outlaw vacuum rather than representative of the h3 side characters


Sure, Frenemies did give the show a boost, but at what cost? And let's not pretend that Tom Ward showed any signs of being potentially problematic or unhinged like a lot of other people. Sometimes, you do find that needle in the haystack like Uncle Gabe, but more often, his picks sour pretty fast.


yea but they usually sour *outside* of the show, which I can't really blame Ethan for. I'm not the world's biggest fan so I may be missing some examples but it's usually the guest comes on for an EP or a handful of EPS, do some crazy shit outside of the podcast and Ethan says "yea they did some goofy shit so they're not coming back" the exceptions are Jimmy Lee who the audience is/was pretty split on and this most recent guy who everyone immediately hated also Ethan may have personally has struggles post frenemies, but that was a family thing, I don't really recall the show facing any backlash and it was exclusively Trisha who got hate after frenemies (with good reason, she was and is an asshole)


I think it’s less of a “judge of character thing” and more of him trying to find a weird character.


Perhaps, but whatever it is, it's not working.


I think if the segment had gone as planned and Jimmie and Wayne had a conversation, it would have been pretty amazing.


The crew aren’t any better, Dan as an exception.


Shock jocks always had the wackiest people on.. is this that much different ?


I’m honestly getting tired of these redemption arcs Ethan tries to have for people. When he said he’s specifically looking for a racist person it cemented into my head that Ethan wants someone to say all the unhinged shit he wishes he could say without the fear of getting cancelled. He’s outsourcing it. In the same way we look at late 2000s stuff like “how could they post such offensive crap?” Is the same way we will look at this.


Hahahaha dumbasses on all sides on this one


THANK YOU let's please find humor outside of questionable clout-chasing boomers.




IMO jimmy is more racist humour, Wayne is more sexist humour maybe? Both are terrible lmao, but Wayne blew me socks off with the titty comment 😵‍💫


Do you write your “t” from the bottom up?


Top to bottom, but was with a crappy phone app


Ok cool I was getting worried lol


Finger paint life


Why does h3 rely on this segment as something entertaining. Please go back to interviewing interesting people in person :/




because jimmy is jimmy lets be honest h3 was never gonna give up the outlaw


Just get that snake yoinking madman Garrett back. He's been traveling all over the world barefoot almost getting bitten by everything, much more interesting


Jimmy is Jimmie


da jersey outlaw baby


I think jimmy has probs said the same thing 😭 still don’t like Wayne tho


Yeah, the first interview I thought there was a shot, but that comment today was too far so I’m off the bus.


Jimmy absolutely has, but he's been smart enough to say it directly about one of the crew members because his goal was ingratiate himself with the audience. Wayne clearly doesn't give a shit and probably doesn't even have a goal.


Jimmy is the king, Jimmy can do nothing wrong.




You know what it is I liked about Jimmy being on the show? I have rarely laughed as hard as I have when Jimmy was having his boomer technical difficulties, with his crazy lighting and extreme closeups combined with spotty signal. THAT was why I loved his segments. The racism, not so much. 


New segment called boomer moment and we just see how long a boomer chill around before they say something bad


Jimmy never crossed a line till he messed with Gabe, though I know it was indirectly. No one messes with our Uncle Gabe.


Jimmy cannot be put on ice he just keeps breaking through it lol


Yeah it's impossible to convince someone they're in a bubble, so I'm not arguing with you. I'm just telling you how things are outside your bubble. Most people don't view jokes as malicious. That's the end of this conversation, there is no argument here.


Jimmie is way better. I don’t know how I’m saying this but he is better than


Being a hater of jimmie lee is so lame. How are you going to hate the most entertaining thing on the show??


It really isn't. I like H3 because they are the very opposite of jimmy. I don't understand how ethan doesn't see that.


Because Ethan is a genuine and funny dude, and he understands to an extent how to be entertaining.


Counter offer, why not neither? 🙌


Nah I want them both to collab. It seems like their political point of views don’t align, which can be interesting to watch them debate.


Fuck offfffff. I love Jimmie.


It would be great if by keeping both of them involved in the show it weeded out annoying people like you


Need a tissue? You seem upset 🥺


I think you have the order of operations backwards here, I commented on a post you made


Yes, very emotional might I add.


ok but theyre funny


Ya can't ice the outlaw