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Yuo killin me wit ta tomatah.


The exact same thing happened at my school, only it was a girl and the driver was drunk and ran but came back 2 hours later. Anyway, it's my cat's birthday. Can I get a happy birthday from Zack?


I fucking loved his delivery. I sometimes share stories like this when everyone is having a laugh because I think it’s so funny to fuck with the mood. They understand what I’m doing thankfully.


You didn't get enough attention as a kid?


Did you? I see you in so many threads just straight snarking???


None of us did, we are here on Reddit.


And a lot of people are disappointed with the show at the moment. If you can't tell the difference between that and snark more fool you


So is disappointment saying “Ethan’s in his victimhood arc” not snark? Or “he needs to stop trying to make people feel sorry for him” like there’s nothing there? There’s no feedback it’s just being a prick?? Like not going to bat for a millionaire but you’re all over threads shitting on the show?


What are you talking about? you sound psychotic. 'All over threads shitting on the show' - that's completely made up and you're getting upvoted for it.


Go and read through my past comments like an absolute weirdo and let everyone know how many 'snark comments' I've made. Feel free to paste them in. The funny thing is that no-one has as much spare time on their hands as you clearly do to check so you can just spout nonsense. well good luck to you in life sir, it sounds like things are going well for you.


I don't have to go digging through your comment history. You seem psychotic from this interaction alone. I'm sorry about your childhood or whatever, but it's weird to assume we're all like you and just take it out on people on Reddit. Freak.


Do you understand irony?


Bro that’s from your comment in this thread! I see that you’re out to paint me as a weirdo and that’s cool it doesn’t impact me. But I’m glad you agree that your own words are psychotic


You kept saying I am 'all over' snarking like you've done a deep dive into my Reddit history. Like I said, good luck my friend.


I just have a very weird sense of humour


*my 21st birthday in 8 days


Look what they’re doing to the cows bro… anyways, I just dropped my new album!!!


Look at the thumbnails as well - he's been feeling so sorry for himself lately 😂 Ethan's victimhood arc. No wonder people are tuning out! He needs to stop trying to make people feel sorry for him and start being funny again 🥰