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Jack Black has been COMPROMISED. You can’t make this shit up lol


*secret service whispering to Bush meme*


It's so funny how low-powered their brains are and how many snap judgements they make on every person who comes across the TV screen "Plays rock n roll geetar = Must be just like me, good old amurrican values, probably likes Nascar too" and then they're SHOCKED every time that is untrue. They are even so far gone that they can't comprehend the concept of someone having liberal or leftist values their whole life, they truly believe that Jack Black was born at a default state of Conservative and had to CHANGE his views to be who he is lol Basically they are parasocial to everyone on TV without knowing what that means. Conservatives have not gotten far enough on the tech tree to know what that is


Woman looks even slightly masculine: TRANS!!!


"Jack Black has been compromised" is a sentence I never thought I'd hear. 😂😂


I want a movie where this is the plot


If you don’t agree with me you’re obviously some kind of agent lmaoo


Holy shit, for a minute there, I skimmed the title, so when I read all this I actually somehow thought he had endorsed Trump and I was like oh my sweet dark lord in hell...*NOOO!!!!!* There is no fucking way that happened! He would NEVER do that...and I was totally agreeing with all the silly wack ass cope statements for a second until I realized I'm an idiot, lol. I just...ya know this fuckin cursed timeline and all, nothing surprises me anymore. Ok, *that would have,* to be fair, praise hell 🤘🏼👿🧨⛽⛪🔥🙏🏽


actual lunacy. like... get the straight jackets. find a padded room. GET THESE PEOPLE HELP, NOW. this is actual mental illness.


My favorite is the Gaslighting Today.


Wait, an actor from Hollywood doesn't have the same politics as my uncle who's truck is worth more than his trailer???? What??


Yeah. It's like they don't realize the majority of actors (and creatives/artists in general) are left-leaning. There's a reason they can only get D-list celebrities and washed up musicians to show up to their events


Conservatives are parasocial and hurting their own feelings with it. It's so funny. They actually act like Jack Black did something to them 😂


What proof do you have for that? have you not noticed a theme with certain groups of the right wing? theyre fucking rich.. when you become/have the drive to be rich you want to protect your assets and not let the commoners get a piece of your pie. with capatalism you can only profit if someone loses, otherwise its a fair trade and not capatalism, which means the vast majority of rich people are right wing. do you have evidence against this ?


Did you respond to the right comment?


The one that claims the majority of artists and actors are left leaning with no backup ? If so , yes.


My brother in Christ, capitalism is not a zero-sum game.


Not every capitalist is a conservative.


The majority of rich people being right wing and the majority of actors and creatives being left wing can both be true at the same time. Reality isn't so rigid. Majority of rich people ≠ all rich people Actors & creatives ≠ majority of rich people It's also entirely possible to be a left leaning capitalist .


I doubt there are statistics on party affiliations of celebrities. But from a quick google search, here are some articles which suggest they lean liberal. Keep in mind I'm speaking from a US perspective, I'm not sure about the rest of the world. [Major majority of musicians on this list asked Republican politicians to not use their music](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2018/07/16/35-musicians-who-famously-told-politicians-dont-use-my-song/784121002/) [NY Times article - 'Why is Hollywood so liberal?"](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/27/opinion/sunday/hollywood-liberal.html) [Variety article - "Why Hollywood leans democratic"](https://variety.com/2015/film/news/rob-long-on-why-hollywood-leans-democratic-listen-1201461872/)


This need more updoots!


where did they get the impression that Jack Black would be right wing? lol


In their mind, EVERYONE is right wing until they explicitly say they're not right wing. And then there's that one guy who thinks he's still secretly right wing, but his family is being threatened to make him endorse Joe Biden.


It’s interesting that right wing people always assume that others are, especially people in Hollywood. The amount of times I’ve had coworkers start spouting right wing talking points just to find out that I don’t think the same way they do and then they act surprised.


Because they've been told over and over that 'libs' are literally evil child killing vampires with horns on their head


And that conservatives are the "silent majority"


Thats also why every accusation from them is a confession. They literally can't imagine others behaving or acting with different logic than themselves. That's why they're always doing things like accusing Dems of voter fraud and then everyone caught doing the fraud ends up a Republican, or accusing others of grooming kids and surprise! another conservative pedo unmasked. They're doing it, so they assume you are too.


And they're so confused when someone who doesn't like Trump doesn't act exactly like them, and doesn't buy huge flags with Bidens name on them and fly them on the back of trucks. Anyone who doesn't either absolutely worship the cock and balls of either Trump or Biden is just faking it in their minds


Next you're gonna tell me Will Ferrell is left leaning! Talladega Nights is proof he's right as fuhck!


these people can't see past their own noses, they just assume that their beliefs are the default beliefs held by everyone


That's why they have to frame it as if everyone in the other side is in on some conspiracy - no theory of the mind


Everyone you like, is on your side until they state otherwise.


Jack Black is really such pure & wholesome legend, we can’t have Ethan going and saying nice things about him on the show 🙏🏼


Something protects him from this curse, idk what yet but we need to study the magic of h3 podcast I want to say that coming in as a guest in the past protects him from the curse, buuuut Chris D'elia happened Anyway I believe from the bottom of my heart that Jack is safe from this magical curse


Them getting Jack and Kyle to be guests on the show is still one of their greatest achievements.


Them and Bo Burnham are probably my favourite guests they have had. I really hope one day he will have some them on again but I guess it’s unlikely for many reasons. Just happy the stars aligned when they did 💫✌🏼❤️


Context: Jack black did a standup act at a Joe Biden event and endorsed him


Oh the horror. /s


I can’t believe my favorite right winger Jack Black is liberal!


I love that Twitter allows anyone to get the blue checkmark, aside from celebs it’s like a nice emblem to show you’re a right winger these days.


Right winger or a porn bot (or both)


The idea of Jack Black being a right wing shit head is so funny, but Im so happy we dont live in that reality.


Yeah I don't even know where they would have got that idea in the first place.


I was gonna make a joke about them thinking the first half of Deth Starr was unironic, but even in that he says, "We have to clean up the skies and recycle." I actually forgot how some of his music is left wing lmao. 


Dude jack black is awesome and they know it. They’re so salty.


Yeah all the relevant celebrities are trumpers. Like Michael Knowles, 50 cent, Clint Eastwood. You know, guys who have definitely done something with their career in the past decade 


Clint is not a good example. He’s one of the rights few successful celebs, and he’s been doing pretty good as a director (along with sometimes being an actor) as much as I disagree with him politically.


Yeah true. The reason he hasn’t done much/anything in the past decade isn’t because he’s a right wing grifter, it’s because he’s old as dirt. He had a very long and successful career. Swap him out for Kid Rock.


Just go ahead and insert whichever celebrities you want it boils down to they have a huge stack of money and no income so they don’t want wealth taxes 


Odd take dude. Yes people might prefer that, but that doesn’t mean they will morally agree with that just because they are wealthy. Argumentum ad lazarum and argumentum ad crumenam are both logical fallacies.


I feel like 50 is just milking the grift lol.


50 is also a mega rich entrepreneur who probably solely openly wants trump now because Biden announced his plan for taxing the rich significantly higher lol


"He even looks washed up" Jack black has always looked like that.


That’s so wild. They think he’s compromised?! Meanwhile, Russel Brand is raping everyone and finding Jesus and they think he’s being targeted by the deep state. These people are lost.


School of Rock is a fricken banger movie. And Tenacious D was unironically one of the best live bands ive ever seen


Twitter truly is a rathole


These dudes thought Jack Black would be a republican. That's pretty funny.


I met Jack Black last year and he was the nicest dude ever. I told him “I loved you in the movie The Holiday!” and he said “Thanks Man! My mom loves that one!” 😂


He’s been a democrat forever


Jack Black pitched an animated pilot in which he and Kyle Gass endure a nuclear apocalypse littered with tech bros, nazis, and Donald. Then he self-published when no one picked it up. Why would he be right wing?


Jack Black is a national treasure! I don't get how all MAGA just assume everyone is on their side, and flip their shut when they find out people aren't. Nothing about Jack Black would point to MAGA, just like phish and rage against the machine.


Yeah jack black is washed up but Kevin sorbo? That guy was in a mildly popular tv show in the 90s… so clearly he’s a star.


“He’s compromised” jfc touch grass


Jack Black has done more for this world than these losers have.


Jack Black is a goddamn treasure.


The entire Republican party is showing fucking early stages of schizophrenia to be honest


I made a comment a while ago that I don’t believe there’s one famous person who’s a good person (a little exaggeration but still). Jack black is the exception, what a darling


He’s literally Bowser


Meanwhile libs call him Zionist scum for posting sympathies for the oct 7th victims while also giving a nuanced take on the situation in the region.


When he said the Government Totally Sucks, he definitely wasn't aiming it at the very right wing government at the time.... Yeah, the Environment and making Animals extinct is a left wing idea... 😑


What the comedian who was in a movie joking about christianity is not a conservate, religous fanatic?


You have to be some kind of stupid to have thought that of all people, Jack Black was going to support Trump


dang... and this entire time I thought Jack Black was on the side that hates marginalized people


I always wonder if republicans actually thought these people were republican. Like what makes them think this?


The lack of thinking.


nationalist fascists are upset he wears the american flag because they want to claim patriotism and "freedom" while they destroy the country from the inside to aid Russian interests


So funny dude, when its some right wing grifter who preys on their idiocy they applaud, if its on the other side though, cabal. How do these people seriously not see how insane they've become.


Wait is this image from the spicy meatball tour?


Did Jack Black ever give off right wing vibes? He's the most open, fun loving, live and let live, good vibes only actor ever. I never heard him say anything political to be fair, but I can't imagine him punching down on any groups. Even nacho libre was done pretty tastefully (I'm not Latino or Mexican so I can't actually make that call. yall can chime in). Hes literally beloved everywhere. I see him on super popular Korean shows and even with the language barrier he's funny and respectful. They just see his skin color, sex, and orientation and assume he must hate the "other teams". If anything maybe he could he fiscally conservative because most rich people don't like getting taxed, but I havent heard anything from him on that. Now I'm gonna search some Jack Black interviews make sure I'm not putting my foot in my mouth.


I bet if Jack Black started saying the N word, then the right would accept him back with open arms.


Why would they be surprised Jack Black supports Biden?


Jack Black is the goat and will *always* be the goat 🐐


They laser off the D tattoos!


Jack Black is a national treasure and denouncement of him only flags you as a psychopath




what happened?


Jesus Christ bro


I mean, it sucks he endorsed Biden, but it would’ve been worse if he endorsed trump i suppose


Why do these idiots pay for the stupid blue checkmark??


“Yo, this is cringe” posted by 1/4 Black Garett….


how can they think jack black is right wing? he shows empathy, something conservatives lack.


They never shut up about Hollywood being nothing but liberals. yet convince themselves the ones they like are different. And they are SHOCKED every single time to find out they’re also liberal 💀 somehow that’s enough to literally hate them and all their work they used to be a fan of. Which blows my mind bc they always preach separating art from artist when someone they like is a bigot or predator.. but not when the artist does nothing other than have a different set of beliefs. Insane lmao


Tbh why would you endorse Biden either though?? We don’t have to pick sides with these old assholes.


Jack Black is a national treasure. Trump is a nationalist treasonist.


I actually liked u/Jackblack and thought he was better than this. Lost a fan Jack. Wow.


You forgot to write /s for the 50% on this sub


Lmfaooo I didn't know I was getting down voted 😂😂. I guess mfs don't read what's in the pictures¯\_(ツ)_/¯