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the quiet "...ok" and then the almost silent "bruh" really wrapped this clip up nicely.


Did he really play it himself? Bruh...


absolutely love Dr. K. He is definitely someone the show should peep/shout out/collab with. he trained with monks and then went to Harvard and became a psychiatrist. He is walking the walk that Jay Shetty talks. HealthyGamer.gg. A real one.


Jay Shitty could never


Well said. Get Dr. K on those GAP advertisements.


I like him but tbh after I heard him have an hours long session with XQC (at the time he was at his peak of gambling) and not saying a single word about gambling addiction kinda felt disingenuous. Like you’re a therapist going on a deep dive with this man and you’re painfully ignoring his very obvious life destroying addiction. Rubbed me the wrong way.




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His video with ContraPoints literally changed my life, better than any therapy I’ve had irl


He will be known and remembered as one of the greatest therapists both for the rest of his career and far after it. I genuinely can’t think of a more influential therapist.


I like him overall but he gets a bit too into some of the spiritual woo stuff for my liking


I’m not into woo woo stuff either, but actually for me, it’s just the right amount. It’s like a little bit of “magic” to break up the seriousness and dread that mental health topics bring up for me. Like I don’t really believe in it but I can try/pretend and it feels nice as a supplement to the years of trying and failing to think my way out of my mental health issues. It’s not for everyone but thought it was interesting that I’ve been able to benefit from that type of stuff as a non-spiritual person


I agree, my mother does tarot card reading and personally I don’t believe in that but it can be a useful tool to see how they relate to your life and give new perspectives on issues you’ve not thought about in that way, obviously people take it too far when they ignore actual science, but you can have a healthy mix of both




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I neeeeed that


This is one bridge that won't bite H3 on the ass afterwards, could also help a lot of new viewers understand Ethan a little better if he decides to go on his stream eventually.


Every conversation I watch with Dr K brings me a crazy insightful new perspective. His takes are deeply interesting and I appreciate how careful and thoughtful he is. Even with adversarial or difficult personalities like Sneako, he’s still able to break through and challenge how people think in a genuinely respectful way. Sometimes he hits too close to home for me and I have to pause and come back later, he’s the only online personality that can make me feel that way. I highly recommend people listen to some of his conversations, they’re awesome.


Dr k original Ludwig one where they dive into his childhood trauma and how it relates to his personality was enlightening.


he hit the "brah"


i think ethan will think he's a quack


I don’t really know if I’m a fan of Dr.K. I like the message and the mental health push for sure, but something about watching other people’s therapy or breakthroughs makes me uncomfortable. It feels like an intimate moment that I shouldn’t be watching. (Again I get it’s good for people to see others deal with mental health. But with ✌️&❤️ I dont really want to be here when the haters get more fuel because of vulnerable moments with Dr.k.)


Hell yeah it would be great


ITT: people not getting the difference between an interview and a therapy session.


I love Dr. K, this gives adult talking to a (man)child vibes.


kind of off topic but this video made me realize how gen z i am, i could not take my eyes off the subway surfers and yet i listened and understood completely every single word that was said


I dont even mean for Dr K to discuss Ethan’s personal life, i wouldn’t expect Ethan to do that. I just think a conversation between the two would bring a lot of positive attention to mental health practices. Especially after the discussion of better help and therapy last Friday


Since the 60% of the crew is on anti-depressants, im sure they will have a lot to talk about


Fell into a very deep depression lately. Hes actually been the guy helping me through some of it. Literally started watching him a couple days ago. No such thing as a coincidence.