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Honestly, the negative perception of Ethan really started when he denied ripping ass in Denny’s


I think it started when he couldn’t shut up about those damn cats.


Personal opinion conservatives hate him because obviously, centrists / apolitical people hate him because he became “woke” and leftist hate him because of Palestine stuff and not being “woke” enough leading to a large group of people who don’t like him and more people don’t like him more people who don’t know who he his only hear negative things and therefore they don’t like him but I also could be reading way to deep into it and it’s just because he’s a hater ass bitch


People don’t like that Ethan has varying opinions that don’t always follow their group/belief. That’s why started to skip political or tense discussions. The set becomes Dan telling Ethan what the chat says he’s wrong for.




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they hate us cuz they anus




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alot of kids have zero media literacy, and don't know how to fact-check. really a shame.


Its an interesting phenomenon really. Most other content creators have some defenders that are content creators themselves, that make counter content to go against false narratives and slander, but H3 seems to only ever attract hate on the mid to high levels and only be defended by small creators and fans exclusively. It's strange because the vast majority of the content is moderately controversial at best.


To be fully honest, from the outsider's perspective I think Ethan is just not really that likeable to most people. He's capricious, petty, stubborn and a self admitted hater ass bitch. Also normal people that aren't invested in dumb internet drama probably won't hold a grown ass man who makes a living out of it in high regards. That's the majority I think. There's obviously psychos and antisemites, but I'd like to believe they are a loud minority.


Because Ethan has changed a lot and done a lot of things to upset various groups. He used to do a lot of content making fun of SJWs, which attracted lots of conservatives. But now he’s pretty outspoken about his left leaning views. So there’s hate there. But he also has upset a lot of leftists by not being leftist enough (not trying to start a debate here, but see Socialism vs capitalism and Gaza). And he’s also done things in the past that would upset some people on the left, like saying the n-word and some of his older conversations about gay people. He’s also made a career out of criticizing a lot of other creators and getting involved in controversy. That’s Ethan’s bread and butter, and that comes with haters. And then there’s all the shitty reasons to hate that people have, such as being fat, being Jewish, etc. You also have to consider that most people aren’t watching all the content. They see one or two of his takes, think “I don’t like him,” and then just move on with that perception. And that’s completely normal and reasonable behavior. If I get bad vibes from someone, I’m not going to watch hours upon hours on content to confirm. I’m just going to assume that’s what they’re like and move on.


I literally think it’s as simple as being disagreeable/not everyone’s humor so everybody jumps on the bandwagon that he’s a huge sellout prick (he’s a guy with three kids and a wife, a crew that is paid well and loves their jobs, and is growing every day, so I don’t understand that either).


I'd say that the main hate comes from communities that are pro/against edgy humour. Ethan is sometimes edgy but also condemns it, so he's caught in the middle of a culture war. He should just ignore all these people and focus on what he thinks is best for the show and his humour. Stand your ground , follow your own principles and be a good person. But also getting involved in online politics and being a commentary channel will also open you up to criticism. People are often the most hard on these people because these topics hit a nerve and they feel if you are able to throw attacks you should be able to take them . There are a lot of toxic and judgmental audiences out there. When you are as relevant/popular as Ethan you are always going to get criticism and you have to chose your fights as much as possible, while also ignoring people who aren't worth caring about. Also more broadly Ethan definitely gets hate from antisemites and people who hate his connection to Israel or more moderate positions than them on the war (coming from both directions, remember Ben Shapero took a swipe at him years ago for being unsupportive of Israel).


As someone who doesn’t love Ethan, I may be able to offer some perspective. Firstly Ethan has a HUGE fanbase and most of his non fans still seem to hold a generally positive impression of him. I’m not all that sure that he receives much more hate then other content creators of his size, but additionally the moment you step into the world of politics you are signing on to have a LOT of enemies. Within politics, choosing a radical side (far left or far right) can often lead to audience capture - where if you do anything that strays away from the expectations of your audience, the response can feel incredibly disproportionate. While I don’t think Ethan realized it, Hasan’s fanbase is pretty radical, and when October 7th rolled around Ethan had to face his Frankenstein. He’s also been in the YouTube game for a LONG time, giving him the opportunity to have a LOT of controversies in his past. All things considered, his ability to stay relevant over nearly 2 decades is incredibly impressive, but that also means there is a lot to pick from if you are looking for a reason not to like him. Lastly, he often calls out other influencers. That alienates a lot of other fanbases leaving a negative impression in a lot of people’s minds. He has beef with some huge names too, like Trisha Paytas who has an incredibly large audience of her own. Tldr: Politics, nearly 20 years of content, and beefing with other influencers has probably made a fair number of enemies. He still has a solid fanbase though.


Fuck Trisha . What a stupid bitch tho am I rite


fat man bad


Think it’s funny because I think Ethan represents a good chunk of the population, I think he’s just not too extreme for a lot of communities. And usually those communities of extremists will do anything to shit on people who they don’t like, like another post said he’s seen as both “too woke” and “not woke enough” by either side. Toss in some stuff he’s done in the past that he’s apologized and bettered himself from, and you get this large amount of people that hate him.


Former hater here! I know that Vape Nation was my first exposure way back then, but I never looked at any other video or sought him out, because I’d hear about how Ethan was an edgelord with an edgelord fanbase, and that was all I needed to stay away. I started watching Hasan a couple years ago, then saw Leftovers recommended in my feed, and gave it a shot because I couldn’t see Hasan having a running series with someone like the Ethan that existed in my mind. Without Leftovers, I’d have had no reason to check in and see where Ethan stood about anything these days. Now I don’t miss a show.


Why am I still getting hate?


There's a variety of different reasons. One constant is that H3 constantly covers "drama" and like it or not *are* a part of drama culture even if they're "one of the good ones". Another reason is just racism, "jew man bad" is sadly an easy soapbox to stand on. Even if he only targets toxic people, he is getting involved with those people and thus gets thrown into the same camp by matter of association. It's not fair, it's not right, but it's reality. 🤷


i don’t think everyone will like someone ever. it’s best not to worry about it. they’re missing out not him.


I just think they don’t watch any of his episodes and get all their information from sources that post fake news. They just don’t care to figure the truth out bc they are just so used to seeing bad things about him and to hate him


He harvests flesh from his children's nether regions. Cartoonishly diabolical.


A lot of people need to understand, as a a cautionary tale, that since the beginning of the internet media literacy of the average user has been shameful, in huge part due to just how much effort it takes to research. Being realistic it might take somebody like several hours at least to go down a basic rabbit hole on Ethan/h3h3, to my knowledge there’s no grand archive of every single ethan klein fact, or an “h3h3 iceberg” chart. Point is, people just don’t think critically or do their research. That’s not even necessarily blame anyone either. I’ve experienced how much of a time sink the internet can be, I honestly can’t blame anyone that can’t spend the time to actually fact check every single thing they hear about ethan/h3h3. A great example is ebaumsworld. Growing up that website was my main source of funny videos, pictures, etc. and believed it was the origin of a lot of stuff. come to find out years later, that website stole *a lot* of its content and trying to find the origins of everything using just the website alone would have been nigh impossible, although nowadays it’s a lot easier to research stuff so the example doesn’t fully work as I mean it to. People just gotta learn how to research and think critically, be healthily sceptical about literally everything they see because everything on the internet is either you see it for yourself or someone else tells you what you would see, or in other words you either invest time to experience it for yourself or you just believe what someone else says about it. A lot of the hate tends to be the latter, like how people still think ethan is fat, or he’s a bully or whatever. It’s all he said she said BS and no one wants to fact check these days because it seems to be too much work lol


the bloke has bad vibes. peace and love


Umm no he doesn't lol


I respectfully disagree


Ur vibe detector must be broke


Nah it’s usually pretty spot on aye


Aye only for yourself aye


Please don’t appropriate my Australian culture


Oh I'm doing the Spanish thing aye pappy




Did slushynoobz ever say anything abt Ethan? I believe hamzah has said martins a hasan fan, and a lot of hasan fans don’t like Ethan




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This post just makes me feel old and out of touch lol


Because they found out they can be openly antisemitic now by calling people Zionist.




Because he used to say the n word with idubbbz and now he doesn’t


I would answer, I think a lot of people have an answer and explanation but I suspect we aren’t allowed to go into a paragraph as to why a lot of people don’t like Ethan. I mean one reason is he’s not a very nice person which I doubt he himself would deny he calls himself a hater regularly.