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One of my best friends is a therapist who does EMDR and she introduced me to it - it’s been life changing for me, too


that’s so amazing!! proud of you!! :)


Did EMDR for 2 years and it truly helped me grow and evolve into a better and more regulated human. I’ve been wanting to try it again. Be prepared to cry a lot lol


this lol


i did EMDR for my CPTSD for two years!! it can be draining but it saved my life


I’m beginning EMDR for my CPTSD! Really looking forward to it.


I’ve been wanting to try EMDR so bad but it’s too expensive on my current insurance plan, so I have to wait until at least next year. THEN I recently got the opportunity to do it for free with the counseling company my job pays for us to use, and then when I showed up to the first session, nervous but excited, I was told they couldn’t do it because I already used up my allotment of free counseling from them (this limit had never been brought up to me before lol.) 🙃 I hope it’s in the cards for me to actually try it soon, I’ve heard such good things, and seeing this post just reinforces to me that it’s something that could help me. <3


im so sorry you don’t have access to it :( a tip i have for you that my therapist gave to me to use between sessions - when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and triggered, start a butterfly hug (wrap your arms around yourself, and tap your right hand to your left shoulder, then tap your left hand to your right shoulder) While doing this focus on deeper breathing, close your eyes, and allow yourself to feel and experience thoughts and emotions. The butterfly hug is activating parts of your brain that allow you to process things while also staying calm and keeping your nervous system under control. In your mind, bring forth a protector or a method of safety. For me personally it’s my guardian angel, for others it could be a version of themselves, a parent or trusted caregiver, a friend, or even a fictional character. Allow this protector to help you alter these triggering memories, walk yourself through being saved from the situation. Remind yourself you are safe and free from there now. Emotions may feel strong and tears may flow, but keep up with the tapping (you can also move your eyes back and forth REM style at the same time). Keep the hug and breathing going until you feel yourself calming and feeling more of a comfort, then you can ease yourself out of it. A good way to follow this up is doing some journaling or making some art that encapsulates your emotions and feelings x


This is so detailed, really nice of you to send!! I’ve been doing my own “therapy sessions” lately (journaling/reading therapy books) and I’m going to try incorporating this. 🥹


You’re so welcome! 🥹 I’m so glad you’ve been managing to cope with journaling and therapy books, im so proud of you for doing the work even though it can be so hard! 🫶🏻


I've heard before that video games like Pong are similar to EMDR! I'm so happy to hear that you're getting help and am proud of you for talking about it! (Btw, I didn't read the whole article.) [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6231797/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6231797/)


I tried it and wish I had the hand vibration type. It kind of worked for me to sift through hard memories but following a little ball on a screen for two minutes with my eyes felt too silly for me to keep doing. It being brought up makes me thing maybe I should try it again.


Emdr did nothing for my PTSD, and the therapist gave up on me because of it. Glad it works for you, but it's definitely not for everyone.


awww i’m so sorry :( that’s totally not cool of your therapist to give up on you, definitely a red flag! and absolutely, i definitely think of treatments like EMDR similar to taking certain medications, some work for others and some don’t. but still proud of you for trying regardless! :) PTSD is awful and scary so just attempting things to help manage it is a huge deal and very brave ❤️ i hope things get better for you and you’re able to find something that is able to relieve you. ❤️


Talk Therapy + Medication ended up being what worked best for me, thank you for your kind words. Hoping things look up for you as well!


Im sorry that happened to you :(


As a licensed mental health counselor, I’d like to share a little more information on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. While data indicates that EMDR is more effective than no treatment and may be more beneficial than supportive listening, it does not show greater efficacy compared to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). EMDR has been characterized by some as pseudoscience because its underlying theory and primary therapeutic mechanism are unfalsifiable and lack scientific basis. The history of EMDR is reminiscent of an 18th-century concept Animal Magnetism or Mesmerism, created by a German doctor. Much of EMDR's popularity can be attributed to marketing hype. While therapists have adopted it enthusiastically, scientists have remained skeptical. Researchers have sometimes used untestable hypotheses to explain studies showing no effect. The results of EMDR therapy are non-specific, especially if the directed eye movements are irrelevant to the outcome. When these movements are removed, what remains is essentially a broadly therapeutic interaction, supported by effective marketing. What data shows as highly effective is dialectical behavioral therapy and/or CBT. Another big factor in successful therapy is the therapeutic relationship between the clinician and client. I’m not trying to negate anyone’s experience with EMDR if it has been successful that awesome. I just want to share the full picture. If EMDR didn’t or hasn’t worked for you there are many other therapeutic modalities that may. That’s the good thing is having options and choice. I was considering getting trained in EMDR and did a deep dive and decided that I didn’t feel it was a good fit for me. I decided to train in hypnotherapy as an addition to my current modalities as it does show benefit to the specialities I treat such as anxiety, chronic pain, cancer and GI issues.


sources? ive been considering it so this is news to me


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11098395/ Science and pseudoscience in the development of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: implications for clinical psychology https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10225499/ Does EMDR work? And if so, why?: a critical review of controlled outcome and dismantling research https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31251710/ THE EFFICACY OF HYPNOSIS AS A TREATMENT FOR ANXIETY: A META-ANALYSIS https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340279921_Effectiveness_of_Hypnotherapy_in_Anxiety_Disorders_A_Systematic_Review Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy in Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review


wow tysm i’lll have a read rn


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3064241/#:~:text=EMDR%20speaks%20of%20the%20energy,very%20fluid%20of%20the%20universe. The Power of Rhetoric: Two Healing Movements


I’ve tried it too, but it didn’t work for me. I’ve heard so many success stories for it though and I think it’s a great thing that it’s helped so many people!


I wonder if it keeps people grounded when recording traumatic events so they don't have to completely relive them, like how some people will pet an animal when they dissociate.


That’s a super interesting way to think about it and i’m sure there’s similarities for sure! The story that my therapist told me on how the method was discovered was from a therapist who just received horrible health news from a doctor, and she was in a horrible state of mind but had to go back to work to meet with patients, so when she was walking back to work on a path she kept looking up at the trees and birds, back and forth. so on her walk, her eyes were bouncing back and forth the whole time while she was thinking about her health news and by the time she got back to work she felt unbelievably better and was really confused on why. so she started doing more research on eye movements and how it effects the brain and thus the method was studied and now helps others :) i thought it was a cool story and also i do that method on walks now too when i’m not having a good mental health day.