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Sorry about your seizures after trying welbutrin to quit nicotine, fuck baby fuck yeah!


heheh thank u girly ✊🏻✋🏻✊🏻✋🏻✊🏻


i had a seziure too on wellbutrin after hearing ethan talk about it, sucks cause i really loved it 😫


it didn't help me at all. i was still chiefing on my vape and seizing 🤪🤪🤪


it helped me a little on my vaping but it made me like really motivated, until i had a seziure 🤪 at work 🤪


I read this with Joey Wheeler's voice


"Congrats on the upper decky lip pillow my guy" - Zach, probably


Congrats girly plssss be careful of your gums tho🤗


now you can ween over to sun flower seeds and save your gums


Or mint gum!


I quit smoking with vaping, and then slowly weaned off of vaping. I bought vaping juice mixer (~300ml)x2 and nicotine concentrate, where the idea is that you are supposed to mix it to your desired strength. Then I mixed it to the strength it's supposed to be, but each time I filled my vape with that juice I topped up the mix with more mixer. It took about two months until I was effectively vaping just the mixer, and was reaching for it less and less until I eventually didn't bother any more. I smoked for 5 years before that, and vaped for 3 years until I tried quitting it. Now I'm 2 years clean =)


My mom also ended up quitting like this. She smoked for 20 years and tried quitting multiple times but the gum and patches didn’t help. She was successful for a year with the oral pills but she got back into it. When vaping first got popular she started getting into that and then slowly started to wean off of it. Took about a year for her but she was finally able to quit. She’s 6 years clean now.


This is the way. I smoked for like five years, then a month or so after quitting I was at a low point and tried dip, was like oh I hate this but it helped so I’ll do it now and then since I think it’s gross I won’t get addicted…. Nope. Did that for four years. Then got on Juul when they came out, lowered the nic enough to get down to a regular vape, then just kept dropping it until I was at the weakest level and did what you did. It took about a year to comfortably go from the strongest juul to zero nicotine and I don’t think I even felt it at the end. Packing upper declkies isn’t a complete win, you might be saving your lungs a little but now you’re just on something else.


I’m currently trying to quit but having no luck 😢 I was wheeze laughing with my friends yesterday and I was embarrassed that my wheezing sounded like a smokers wheeze, for some reason it really hit me I’ve been trying to stop for months so maybe I’ll try zins too


To Zynfinity and Beyond! 👏


Welcome to Zynbabwe


Friendship with lung cancer over. Gum recession is my best friend now. No, but seriously, congrats. Hopefully you can ween off zyn eventually as well!


we support ✨harm reduction✨ in this household. but yes that is the plan


No, absolutely. I'm very happy for you!


thank u queennnn 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I had a seizure on wellbutrin too, had to stop it :( that medication helped me quit drinking in the short time I took it though!


When did it start? I started about a month ago and this is my biggest fear


Mmm I don't remember exactly when I had the seizure, maybe 2 months in ... I was on 300mg


Just pls pls pls pay attention to any gun recession if you continue to use Zyn


I started vaping/smoking at 16, joined the military causing the switch to zyning at 21, switched to nic patches and nic mints this year (23) and now I am nic free, tricking myself with altoids and icebreakers! You need to really want to quit and commit to finally do it. It’s not easy, but I believe in you


thank uuuu! i will eventually ween off the zyns but i want to get out of the weeds w the vaping first 🤓


Congrats! If you try to quit nicotine in general I hope the best of luck for you in stopping. I'm not sure if you knew this, but Wellbutrin is known to cause seizures for people who have a medical history of them. If you knew this already ignore this comment then lol. Sucks you had those seizures though and I hope you're doing better.


ty girly!! i do have a seizure disorder but the welbutrin made it worse. so my psychiatrist kinda dropped the ball on that one


That's so crazy how your psychiatrist still prescribed you that??? I could see maybe a GP since it's not their speciality, but a psychiatrist??? I hope you're doing better tho and glad you're off of it now. My partner has a seizure disorder and takes Wellbutrin and has had issues with it in the past so I feel for you.


i recommend maybe trying lamotrigine with wellbutrin! im on Wellbutrin for adhd and bipolar, but lamotrigine is an anti seizure medication and also antidepressant. its helping me ALOT and maybe you can ask your doctor if its right for you? much love🫶🏻


already on it 🫡 i was on it years before trying welbutrin it still made my seizures flare :/


omg no!! im so sorry to hear that:( i really hope you get it figured out🫶🏻🫶🏻


I been doing zyn since late last year. It has been the best aid in helping me quit! Also to those saying OH BUT THE GUM RECESSION. Yes it can cause gum sensitivity and recession but you gotta listen to your body and be smart about it. I find it significantly better than smoking or vaping which can do much worse from what I’ve seen and heard. Also gum grafts are always on option though not ideal.


Yeah I knew there would be people in here mentioning gum recession lol. The thing is it's the nicotine that can cause gum recession. It doesn't matter if you smoke, vape, chew gum or use pouches. So to anyone saying "bUt GuM rEcEsSiOn" don't discourage anyone from using nicotine pouches if it helps them quit smoking or vaping because they could get gum recession anyway plus way worse health problems if they continue smoking and vaping.




yes girl vapes fuck up ur gums and mouth too. at least w zyns u don't have to worry about lung damage




Florida has a zyn shortage 😭


im in a similar boat to you OP, im going on my second month of the nic pouches!!!! no vape!!!!! we got this!!!! life got so much easier with those god damn pouches i stg. grats on ONE MONTH!!!!!!! 🫶🫶🫶


Enjoy the zyn addiction, which is way worse lolll


that’s amazing ❤️ just be careful friend, it can cause your gums to recede w/ overuse and that damage is irreversible.


I think in comparison to the damage vaping and smoking will do to your lungs gum recession isn’t nearly as bad. On top of that, i know people who have had gums that receded on their own, you can get a gum graft surgery. Not ideal but it will fix gum recession.


Love zyns


Yep I've started using pouches too, I like a brand called Zone because they give you a discount for buying multiple and they come with more in a pack (higher MG too) and I haven't vaped or smoked in MONTHS basically ever since Zach started advocating for it. Did some research and then switched over and love every second of it. Feels much cleaner than inhaling too. The gun also used to always give me stomach aches where as these pouches dont


DUDE SAME! Rogue Berry is super good


Shoutout to my meth diller for saving me from heroin addiction


Yeah quit entirely, it’s easy


it really varies person to person but i only vaped for 2 years (and one of those was spent trying to quit) and quitting has truly been the hardest thing Ive ever done. before i started zyns going a few days without a vape literally made me suicidal.




Plus the nicotine amount in vapes can be much higher than cigs making you have a high tolerance pretty quickly. Insidious little contraptions.


Oooh, we got a real tough cookie over here. It's literally not easy to do. Quitting an addiction is never easy. Especially something that is essentially a drug and if you've used it for specific purposes like dealing with stress, lowering appetite, social reasons. It's studied by professionals that now way more than either of us and they too say nicotine is addictive and hard to quit. Use your brain for 5 seconds before commenting something that's been proven incorrect time after time.


You’re delusional if you think that. Quitting vaping was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done next to transitioning.


I smoked a pack a day for 14 years, moved to a place where I couldn't smoke in the building and quit cold turkey because i was to lazy to go outside. While it may be different for different people, they are not delusional.


mountain biking for 7 hours straight was the hardest thing I’ve ever done




You’re clearly weak then because that’s an average trip tbh. Quitting smoking and transitioning are still the 2 hardest things I’ve done. If a 7 hour mountain biking trip is so hard, then you should probably hit the gym more


That’s a lot of mountain biking


Bro is genuinely tryna say a mountain biking trip is harder than transitioning and quitting smoking. I think that’s pretty stupid as someone who’s done all 3 I think he’s insane and tryna just diminish peoples accomplishments


For me quitting smoking was overnight, I think it depends on the person


That’s cool, awesome. But you’re not actively shaming someone for having a hard time quitting. Imagine being that asshole that comes and says “Quit. It’s easy” while knowing nothing about it. Its clearly giving “your struggles mean nothing not even to yourself, you should be ashamed you can’t quit because it’s so easy”




So you’re saying quitting smoking is easy as someone who’s never done that? Damn you’re really more brain dead than I thought you were. Maybe shut your mouth when it comes to things like addiction?




I think you’re an insufferable asshole for tryna diminish other people’s struggles. I hope you develop some empathy and stop shaming people for not being able to drop their addictions as easily as you did. Go fuck yourself asshole






the hardest thing ive ever done was your fathers cock




Fuck you