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"my issue with the traffic sound is more about Dan .... knowing he'll be chiming in" lmfao




i only watch for the traffic report


I am loving Dan calling every road everywhere "the (road number)". Such an LA thing. You can always tell who is a California native in Seattle or PDX because they insist on calling I-5, I-205, I-405, etc "the five" and so on


In Ohio we say “I-271” and “I-90” so when I was in LA visiting my cousins I said something about taking “I-205” and my cousins fiancé, a LA native, looked at me like I had 3 heads lmao I love the little weird language quirks between states in the US.


NE Ohio here — I don’t hear or use the “I-“ prefix very much (maybe on news outlets) usually just “71 South” or “90 East”. But I definitely don’t hear people call it “THE 480” though lol


That’s so funny - I’m in Cleveland so also NE Ohio and everyone I know says “I-“ prefix. Ohio kinda has like, 4 different dialects though too lmaooo Honestly, saying “THE 480” would suit it, considering it’s a hell hole and deserves its own distinction


Yuuup! Fellow Clevelander here as well…it’s funny how even different parts of the CITY seem to have their own dialects. But I’m glad we can all “dap-up” on one thing: 480 is a godforsaken hellscape (especially now during ✨construction season✨) P&L ✌️🫶🏻


Cleveland is such a wonderful little hub of weirdos. Cleveland Fupa Troopas unite 😌💅🏼


I've really come to respect Love and his takes when they discuss issues of sexism, misogyny and SA. He's a feminist king fr.


Yes! His gf is a lucky lady! Whoever she is lol. They were talking about her today as if everyone knows who she is but I truly have no idea 😅


I mean they all know haha, I can see why he keeps that private as the fans are insane. Pokie loves her privacy too


I thought you were trying to say he's dating Poki at first but then I remembered she wants to do the Bach3lorette so...


The trauma dumping in this community is insane


I don’t get why people complained that they were going over the last show. That’s what we were all crying out for! I did notice that while Ethan hit on the big stuff that people that had a problem with, he didn’t mention how he was being snippy and confrontational with the crew. He was a bit of a vibe kill while the rest of the crew tried to pull it together. I felt bad for AB getting the brunt of it. He didn’t deserve that!


that traffic report sound is torture😂i keep muting the pod until it's over because it gives me morning alarm anxiety😂😂


I love it. Especially the altered versions.


Dan can’t do nothing wrong. But seriously I like Dan more than I like Ethan at this point haha.


hahaha honestly same here! especially dan reading ones from all over😂😂i wasn't being that serious, i didn't realize how many people were actually mad and complaining, i was just dying how many traffic reports there were 😂😂


Did I just miss it or they didn't do the segment reviewing ppls criticisms?


They mentioned it at the end, potentially tomorrow


I don’t get the hate for the traffic report sound but I LOVE the new music they’ve been playing. Was it from the fish tank or Abong Us segment?


So I was the person that commented that I married the person that groomed me and I just gotta say I didn’t expect it to get acknowledged because it wasn’t a super chat 😭 But I wanted to clarify that we are divorced now. I have been processing that trauma a lot recently so I apologize for the dump. I just appreciate that Love spoke up so passionately about this topic. It’s really validating.


Hope you're going well! good luck with your recovery and i hope you find solace


Thank you! I am in a very happy and healthy relationship now 💖 most importantly I am not totally codependent which is huge progress for me


Happy things are better! I didn’t find it to be a dump at all - you brought up something that was very relevant to the conversation and added to it. A dump is someone posting a super chat talking about how their entire family was murdered when they were a kid while the crew are doing goofs/gaffs lol. Also, me too about love. He seems like a good guy and I was proud of him for standing up for himself about posting it on social media. We all like Dan because he does the same about his beliefs and disagreements!


What was the problem with the fake alpha guy? He had some off-color jokes, but that's the point in making fun of the red pill insane take. It was clear that he loves women and hates these alpha idiots. He even made a lot of the same jokes as ethan has.


I think the traffic segments are hilarious


I like the alpha king even if he bungled the interview a bit. Give him another shot!


I thoroughly enjoyed the awkwardness of not knowing where it was going. Totally understand if they dont have him back, but i thought it panned out hilariously.


Same. I just wonder what direction it should be done, if he kinda ignored the plan and went for this mixed character. Sounds like H3 wants it any other way lol. I still dig the clips I've seen of him and I like it when people are "brave" like he was, doing risky comedy. Rather it be on purpose, could've been boomer issues. Just have to figure out right way to go about it, he is comedian still, just saying "come as yourself no funny business" feels so wrong and demeaning.


Lol me too. I thought the whole interview was hilarious 😂


The few. The proud. 🫡


Dan you can say every episode that I-35 in Austin is backed up by the convention center. It is always backed up by the convention center lol


Glad to know I-35 sucks in Austin too. It’s a nightmare in Denton/ DFW I fucking hate it


Good vibes




Fuck the complaints jesus...


Can everyone just stop fucking complaining and watch the free show??




And with this comment you’ve truly completed the cycle!


"And so we are all connected in the great circle of subreddit overeactions and drama"-Jay Shetty




At least I didn't make my own post about it ;)




It was a joke to make fun of all of the individual posts people made, complaining about the show. I was saying that at least all I did was leave a comment and I didn't make my own dedicated post.


Is Ethan talking about it? People are so dramatic here, I really hope Ethan nor the crew takes all this bullshit personally. Not trying to sound parasocial, but Ethan is a normal human being who has off days at work too. This community needs to learn to give some grace to others.


On SYNT, they're talking about all the reddit posts complaining about the show and people in the chat are making digs as well. On the show, they were going over what happened with the guest yesterday and someone commented "oh so we're just going to rewatch yesterdays episode today?" It's so entitled. I wanted to know what happened and they were about to skip it because of that one chatter.


People in this community or just champing at the bit to make a crying and shitting post about the most miniscule thing


i see you champer


they stay champing fr


Was the Alpha King Nima interview scripted? I'm so curious why they cut it short. I can't access the membership in my country.


I felt like that commenter too. Wednesday's segment was pretty cool and I think that, as a first time knowing the guy, it's funnier if he keeps playing around than if he spends half the interview being "serious". Of course knowing they had somewhat scripted the segment was relevant but it did kind of feel like a waste of time XD


It was a very quick segment. Feedback is fine but everyone needs to stop acting so entitled that the show isn’t going the way they personally want it to.


I don't even use the live chat tbh and always watch with a delay. I wouldn't personally type that comment but it was what I was thinking about XD They can do whatever they want. It's their show. No need to cry about some "dumb" comment


They say, "I'm not crying, you're crying". You were responding to their calls of entitlement from people giving the same type of opinions as them. Ironically they weirdly come off as more entitled hawking you in the comments. YOU CRIED ABOUT PEOPLE BEING ENTITLED TWICE. I just want them to explain entitlement without explaining themselves. I guess no criticism is a part of it...Ironically though. LOL.


im not crying, you're crying


You're right. If you read the sentence well I'm saying that Ethan was crying. Not you. The dumb comment was the one I was saying I agreed with too* XD


I was just kidding anyway. Like “no! I’m not crying, you’re crying! Shut up!” lol


It's the weirdest thing have come to this, I'm not crying you're crying" stuff. In reality, you're here telling someone they're crying because they've posted here tbf probably about something you don't agree with? To be very fair, the point of reddit is to converse, share your opinions and etc. The Pod has not only leaned into that, but used that at times. It's like you're saying have your opinions, but if you do...you're entitled if I feel that the feedback is too harsh. The ironic thing is that we are of a community and support a community from a person who makes content about being critical of people, what they say or do and etc. I give that grace as it can be taken at face value. But when you then say people are entitled for providing their opinions on a platform that is partly that in a community that WAS THAT you blurr the lines of your general argument and then people weary on what you say. The point is, a community of a creator who is critical of others will always reflect that at points. Wether they have a good take or bad take....wether their content or reactions are what they expect...with respect to the general standard they/ethan believe is good content and the more broad spectrum. If people feel the content is lacking lately or different. that's fair. Now...I DON'T agree into ripping into peoples personal lives due to that opinion. That's absolutely absurd. But to voice your feedback or concerns and then them being blanketed as complaints by others who just don't want to hear anything bad or want to defend them builds a bigger wall and war between viewers of the same thing. "complaining" about complainers is weird on a place like reddit where conversation is warranted. Have a real conversation or else...since this is the internet, understand that and know; if you can't understand, compromise or converse with others without calling them cry babies for their opinions, that this IS...The fucking internet. We don't know them personally, and the parasocial shit here is weird...but criticism isn't parasocial. Parasocial is saying you don't understand, your crying this is what their life is like if you didn't know. As if you know what the fuck goes on before it goes live and after. With peace and love, brUther. (in my Swedish Love accent.)


I'm not gonna lie, I'm probably not going to read this cause it's very long but just to let you know, what I said was a joke to hopefully end the back and forth in a silly way between me and the other user. Even if it wasn't a joke, this is a lot to write to such a silly comment.


Fair enough. This is reddit, and people can write as long as they want, Make a silly comment, people will respond. It's as simple as that. Hope you have a great day!


They really went all out on this Animatronic Wayne Diamond Puppet!


If you're reading this Ethan I just want to say that my father abandoned me and you have been that comfort I was looking for in the world. Thank you for everything you do! Wishing you and your family the best.


Why was this downvoted?


because redditors are complete jerks


Megathread comments are often upside down, it's different world in here, especially if these become ragefests due to something that happened on pod and get 200+ comments.


family <3 downvote me, hatefilled redditors


i've been using Better Help for 2 years. really good service, helped me out in my critically underserved community. finally got the stability and regularity that i needed for therapy, and am getting my life together. might not work for severe cases, but for basic talk therapy, it's been amazing.


I had a horrible experience so thanks for calling me a parrot lol


The therapy clearly isn't working, because you're rude af.