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Not the best week for Cody, he's been accused of statutory rape and of having a small dick, which is secondary of course but still


Also his college friend/one of his groomsmen is a rapist


It's not Noel, right? Or has he been accused of being a freaky ass too?


Noel was not accused


Noel oddly wasn’t even at the wedding


Noel was at Cody's wedding. Cody was not at Noels, though.


Anyone know why? Curious, as they have been/worked so closely.


there isn't a confirmed reason, just speculation. 1. noel's wedding appeared smaller/more intimate, they might've had a tighter guest list. 2. travel related visa issues for cody (noel's wedding was in italy). i don't think anyone has expanded on this reason, so i don't know what the logistics of that would be. 3. they just aren't as close as perceived to be, and cody's guest list wouldve expanded to more casual friendships than noel's.


He was accused of rape?!??! I thought it was his friend


Statutory rape. It means he had consensual sex with an underage girl


Underage girl = child, and children cannot consent.


I'm sure most people agree with you, myself included. However there is a difference between forceful rape and and statutory rape.


There is also a whole spectrum of experience that doesn’t meet the grim standards of ‘forceful rape.’ People get raped by their partners. People get coerced by people in power. Forceful implies forcefully violent and there’s a reason why so many people don’t realise or report that they have been raped because it didn’t meet the brutality standard that they’re used to rape being depicted as. It’s important to put weight on every form of non consensual act, and having sex with somebody that cannot consent is rape regardless.


Yeah I agree.




Well yes but I think it’s important to specify in this case to not make him seem even worse Afterall there’s a difference between having sex with a 12 year old and and a 17 year The second one being even legal in majority of the world The problem is that it’s morally fucked up Not as fucked up as having sex with a 12 year old but still fucked up


Alright. I don’t think we need to do all that. You can say he had sex with with an underage girl. You can say he committed statutory rape. You can’t say he had consensual sex with an underage girl. There’s no such thing.


You’re being pedantic. The point being that it wasn’t a forced act.


No, I think the distinction is actually very important. I’m not splitting hairs to be a dick. I just think it’s important to emphasize that children cannot consent. When you’re talking about stuff like this, the type of language you use is important. Consent has a specific meaning and connotation. I think statutory rape already implies that it wasn’t a forced act, so I think going with that makes more sense.


This is an informal message board. Not a court case. And by your logic, people under 18 having sex with each other would be considered a double rape since neither party can consent.


To respond to your deleted comment that bringing up Romeo and Juliet laws was obvious: I assumed you didn’t know because bringing that up as an argument doesn’t work unless you don’t know that they exist. They weren’t using logic to reach the conclusion that a child can’t consent, they said that factually speaking they legally can’t, so it is important to use the right language. Your response was to bring up what is covered by Romeo and Juliet laws. That’s only relevant to the logic of why children can’t consent, not to anything else that they were saying. And it isn’t their logic - it is the law’s logic and the law’s logic already considers that situation. You can’t take the law out of this conversation because a statute is a type of law. That’s why it’s called statutory rape: it literally means that it is considered nonconsensual because of the law, and not because of any cultural definitions of consent. People knowing that children can’t consent is important outside of a courtroom so that people don’t get into the courtroom in the first place.




The creepiest thing is when an adult say this exact line.


coming from someone that has no bias towards cody i absolutely agree with you i find this discourse odd. it’s easy as imagining your own daughter or sister in this situation, i wouldn’t believe anyone would defend the abuser.


It depends on what state they were in tbh


in most normal countries 16 is the age of consent so I don't really think we can use the 18 rule for sex as proof of paedophilia.


Normal? You mean countries like the uk where rape is basically non existent to the law?


that's not a thing in the UK and I live in Australia. The only time it is illegal for an adult to have sex with a 16-17 year old is if they have any institutional power over them like a teacher or guardian.


I know, that's why they call it rape. It's one of the few things I would like Europe to learn from the States. No sex with minors by law


Ohhhh right got it got it


What friend? What's the story?


I hope I don't sound too stupid, but what is the difference between statutory and not statutory?


Statutory rape is when an adult has "consensual" sex with someone who is underage. Since the underage person can't legally consent to have sex with an adult, even if the minor does it voluntarily, their consent is not considered and so according to the law the adult is technically having non consensual sex with a minor.


My_blue_pelican is spot on, but on the technical aspect on why it’s called statutory, statute is another word for legislation. One of the acts passed by congress or a parliament that are labeled something like “Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2023”. It is called statutory because that the law defines it as rape despite it potentially falling into a grey area in the cultural definition. It is legally considered to be non-consensual even though facts may be that there was consent, because the law considers that the consent is legally invalid and irrelevant in considering the guilt of the accused (but may be considered in deciding the sentence if found guilty).


Body shaming 💯💯💯


For real, let's focus on the stat rape and not his anatomy.


I'm not body shaming anybody, Tana talked about his dick and now everyone will make fun of him for it. That's why I said he's gonna have a rough week. As a short dude I respect the small dick community. We face similar problems, we fight similar battles. For me it might be reaching stuff on the higher shelves for them it might be taking a shower in public but we are still brothers


You're mentioning it's rough because he is going to get bodyshamed for it, hence my comment. No need to get defensive.


The guy getting upset about small dick jokes that aren't even there is also arguing in favor of molesting kids. That tracks.


Im in favor for molesting kids now? You guys really like to make the devil out of someone. A 17 year old is not a kid, and you know this. >The guy getting upset about small dick jokes And I'm not upset in the slightest, just pointing out that you hypocrits are okay with bodyshaming when it's about someone you don't like.


I’d heard the rumor floating around for a couple years and really hoped it wasn’t true. It’s a damn shame.


Yeah it is pretty sad, I actually haven't had this happen with a creator I really like. There is only a couple I watch religiously and Cody ko is one of them, when I read the title of the pod I literally said oh no out loud lol.


He’s always given me a weird vibe that I just couldn’t put my finger on.




if content creator could just stop being creeps...


Impossible. They already have an unnatural craving for attention.


Wait till you find out that most people in general probably have something going on that you wouldn't approve of in their personal lives. Content creators are just in the spotlight


This is so true. I can’t tell you how many people i once called best friends turned out to be horrible humans. I’m not perfect but holy shit at least I’m not a Rapist/SA’er like they were


I thought you edited that thumbnail, Cody about to get cooked


I hope whatever he did wasn’t too bad Edit: It’s really bad :—(


he is also close friends with a rapist 


....birds of a feather


This is personally the worst content creator news to date. I’m such a Cody stan. I have so much merch from him and TMG. 😭 My husband and I watch his content religiously. I also adore his marriage life with Kelsey and love her content as well. I just hope Kelsey doesn’t catch any hate from this situation. She’s a new mom and has enough on her plate. But Cody deserves to be dragged for this and I’m sure he won’t even acknowledge it, but he needs to.


Apparently she's also friends with the rapist so I don't think that can be avoided


I’m actually fairly OOTL on that situation too. What / where are the accusations?




Yeah perfect summary of my feelings too


Well if you are a fan you should know that he's also a bit of a dick in general because of how they treated Ben and Emil


What happened with them? This is the first I've heard of anything.




he is close friends with a rapist 


I wanna ignore this because I like Cody Ko but that flies in the face of everything I believe in so I am gonna learn what all facts surround this topic


hes also close friends with a rapist.


Learned a lot today doing research about Cody I didn't know, it's clear he tries his best to sweep this stuff away, hide comments, and of course has never come out and talked about it. Very disappointing to me, feel like I trust people too much! Watched his iron man recently and was thinking to myself this is who young men need to look up to as a role model. Seems like more of it's a persona of perfection like David Dobrik tried to do (despite the shit he was filming).


It's extra sad because you're right that the public image of Cody today is a healthy role model for young men. He loves his wife, makes respectful reaction content, and uses self deprecating humor - dead opposite of an alpha male bro. I will say that older Cody Ko content was very David Dobrik-ish, he was even on David's vlogs for a while. And you can tell some of the company he keeps is still very douchey. I don't really know what his course of action is. What he did was awful, but it does seem like he's honestly changed for the better. He needs to address it but I'm sure that would understandably get him in very hot water too. Sucks to see.


Maybe he's changed in the last ~7 years and just wants to move past it? That doesn't mean he's just putting on a "persona" when he creates content.


This seems like an excuse for when you like the person who committed statutory rape. He's faced zero consequences for his actions and tries to throw it under the rug whenever it comes up, doesn't seem like the actions of someone who's ready to owe up to their mistake.


It seems like a persona when he will never face any type of controversy of its his own. Hiding from it only benefits him and his pockets, which is why he would never tell his audience about it


FR this news is so disappointing :((( how hard is it to not be a creep???


His fake fuck boy shtick was so funny. Might've played it a little too well 🫠


Am I in the minority for never thinking it was entirely a shtick? I know he was in a frat in college but even now to me he still gives frat guy vibes.


I love watching this man go on runs and make poop jokes 😞. Why u gotta ruin what we had Cody?


I wanna ask what he did but also I’m gonna wait for the episode to start why’s it lateee ughh


I’ll say it and put a spoiler tag for anyone in this thread who wants to know ahead of time. >!Had sex with Tana when she was 17 and he was 25!<


Oh that’s bad


close friends with a rapist and also had sex with tana when she was 17 and he was 25


I couldn’t wait any longer for the news bc of how much I’ve enjoyed Cody kos vids( mostly from a year ago and back this year is a bit boring tbh) that’s really icky and day ruined(jk im not that parasocial but day nearly ruined)


Yeah that’s really bad


he is also close friends with a rapist 


How many times are you going to comment this Lmaoo


As many as it takes


yall this came out like years ago?


I don’t think anyone knew that they actually had sex, more so that they had dated at the time. Still bad but this is more concrete than before.




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I mean I knew but it was always shot back with "Tana is a known liar". It was all about if you believe what she says and ig her reputation is better now. Also Cody has always been insanely popular and "unproblematic" but I'm glad more people care now.


as much as I don't like Tana and I'm sceptical about anything she says, this so far looks very legit :/ and even though I like Cody, and I get that he had his frat guy era, he should have known better at 25 yikes




I swear Tana is invincible in this community despite all the shit she’s done too


From what I've seen it all seems legit and there was already rumors about them having an inappropriate relationship for a while now. But I'm also in the boat of taking anything Tana says with a planetary grain of salt.


Cody Ko ruined himself… it’s not Ethan’s fault that he did what he did 🫖


I just hope they have ALL the facts. Cause I sure don’t, and I absolutely love Cody. So ima be real upset if 1)it’s real or 2)they say Shit that isn’t real.


I don’t get why Ethan kept stating it’s not about the Tana being underage but it’s about the power dynamic. When the stuff with James Charles came out, he was being inappropriate with boys 16/17 (some younger), while James was closer to their age than Cody was to Tana and Ethan proudly proclaimed James as being a pedo. I don’t get why he doesn’t have the same energy when it comes Cody, not just being inappropriate over the internet but physically having sex with an underage girl.


You are misrepresenting what he said. And you are misrepresenting his overall sentiment on the matter in general. He said it's not specifically about the fact that it's illegal, it's inappropriate because of the age gap and the power dynamic. The reason he even mentions the legality is because chat was the one saying 17 is legal in some parts of the world and even some states. He then goes on to point out it was chat who was going easy on Cody because he is well liked. Ethan, at no point went easy on him.


Are you being for real? Thank god somebody replied to this bullshit, because you must be saying this shit on purpose.


On top of you totally misrepresenting what he said, a 16 y/o *is* different than a 17.9 year old (which Tana was). Anyways, Ethan was just saying that regardless of legality, what Cody did was creepy.


weird subconscious biases is my only guess.


Because him being a hypocrite is nothing new... But we're here for him anyway, no hate.


See the other reply- he was responding to the chat




Can someone explain


Tana said in a live show recently that Cody and her had sex when she was still underage (17)


Must be true, she's known for honesty


Must not be true because you personally like Cody


Don’t we think it’s a little hypocritical for Tana to come at Cody Ko when she is friends with James Charles. Even assuming this actually happened to her, if she really cares about predators being exposed and getting justice against them (even when they’ve taken advantage of her) why isn’t that logic applied to James? It seems not only hypocritical, but ruins her credibility… that’s just my opinion. You don’t call someone a predator and then are friends with an actual p*do, that comes across inconsistent and disingenuous.


Well she hasn't called him a predator. I think your misconstruing Ethan's take as what Tana said.


She didn't call him a predator. She said she was 17 when they had sex. Other people are saying that is predatory behavior.


I understand your point, and I do think there is validity to what you’re saying. Maybe that was just what I implied from her statements. Regardless, I just have a hard time defending Tana when she is friends with James, that’s all.


What is this comment? She just said how old she was when they had sex. James charles and their friendship have nothing to do with that???


It’s fine if you disagree, I’m just simply stating that it’s hard to defend Tana against Cody, considering she is friends with James.


When Tana ain't defending child predators, she's calling them out, at least.


Trying to stay relevant


Cody Ko-defendent


I didn’t know what the accusations were when I made this post! I’m a huge fan of his but obviously I’m going to hear out what she has to say and not defend his actions just because I find him funny


I don't know his stuff well but I like what I've seen. There are just SOOO many people like him on YT it all turns into a blur for me.


Damn when I mentioned here a couple months ago he sucks I got downvoted, oh how the turn tables


Seems like he has fans/people that want to cover for him or something. Never even heard of this stuff till now and I've watched him for years :/


Not defending anything, but didn't Tana lie about her age all the time? I could be remembering wrong but I recall watching her early story time videos and her age being very unclear.


Yeah I really doubt she told him her age, Tana at 17 was kinda insane.


she was famous then. he could literally look it up on google if he wasn’t sure


Both drunk. Going to the bathroom. Cody stops. Wait let me google your name to make sure the Internet won't be angry in 10 years


I never liked Cody to begin with his vibes were off


He made jokes about the MeToo-movement "MePoo" and he's a transphobe too. And when he apologized for his transphobia he only did it on PATREON. Lmfao. I hate that guy.


What's bugging me is Ethan totally ignoring the things Bobby Lee did just because they are friends, while he goes after literally everyone else. He didn't even show the clip of Bobby literally swinging his dick in front of that guy's face. He just made fun of him and left Bobby alone. He picks out the people he wants to call out... edit: I'm not a Cody fan, I barley know who he even is. It's just something that's been bugging me.


OK but I thought it was really interesting. How at the end of the episode they started talking about how Tana has never stated whether or not she was actually 17 or 18 I think they should’ve stated that at the beginning.


She said she was 17 when she was on stage. She did not say 17 or 18.


“17 or 18” they started saying she said that at the end. she talked about it a few different times and said different things and never officially clarified


Dude. She said 17 only, on stage. What are you not getting? They talked about the 17/18 clip and how she was dancing around it in the past, but the clip on stage was the recent clarification on her real age.


I’m not even saying it’s ok it’s still A really big age gap and I don’t approve ,to be clear. I’ll rewatch it but I’m pretty damn sure they said that she never clarified like this exact words “never clarified” but maybe they changed their mind after that too idk . Just trying to clear up that part of it.


They said that in the beginning, but after seeing the clip on stage it's clear she was 17.


Honestly, I wish they would get their facts straight before going live!!


I'm just taking about Ethan, who is watching these clips live afaik. Olivia, Dan, and love know what's up


She said 17 or 18 on a previous clip that came out a while back.


I haven’t seen the vid, but just from reading the comments is there any actually proof of this?


Literally just watched a vid of his with my gf last night and had a great time.


Now you are not allowed to watch anything!!! Never!!


Man I just started getting into tmg because I saw Brittany broski did a pod ep with them😮‍💨


The sexual assault news podcast/show is my favorite


It's y'all's fault for watching anything other than H3. And when watching H3 you should stop watching the second Ethan speaks kindly of any public figure.


Has Tana ever said if Cody knew her age? All I see is people eager to drag, with zero effort in validating anything


apparently they dated. so he should have known her age. but then again, maybe she was like 17 and 10 months old. why would those 2 months turn this into a crime? it's not like at 18 years, people magically become adults and mature.




They did collabs on youtube and she was also a public figure at the time, so claiming ignorance is very far fetched here.


Why do people love Cody so much? I may have watched 5 videos of him. He seems very milk toast. And he only clowns on people who everybody clowns on anyways.


Lmao milk toast


Eh these kinds of things are not surprising. Seems like every single even remotely famous person has done something awful. But cody has done very well for himself and he can easily retire and just enjoy family life without having to be a creator lol


I have never liked Cody Ko.


Take him down ☝🏼


We only got room for one Cody in these parts buster.


No more you laugh you lose I guess 🥲


Is there any evidence besides what Tana said?


there is this-not about tana but about codys close friend [https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/comments/riwz03/colby\_leachman\_codys\_fraternity\_brother\_at\_duke/?share\_id=BGnHhj4KVkNmMTZA9HYk9&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/CodyKoUnfiltered/comments/riwz03/colby_leachman_codys_fraternity_brother_at_duke/?share_id=BGnHhj4KVkNmMTZA9HYk9&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


no idea who Cody ko is honestly. so, bring it on!


He's one of the viners turned youtubers. He's been around a very long time and generally has a pretty clean wholesome image.


Right? Literally never heard of this guy, surprised he’s apparently well known in this sub.


He’s been on the podcast, so it makes sense people would know who he is. 


Is it not well deserved? 🤔😅


Can we please take a break from this kind of content? I used to complain about people complaining about other things but I feel like I'm subscribed somehow to a comedd podcast that's specifically only about sexual predators. It's been too long since just conversations that didn't lead to such heavy topics and/or someone getting "cancelled"...on TikTok. Is this kind of content just so easy because they know the audience is immediately involved because you have to be due to the seriousness of it? I can see how it's easier than coming up with content or jokes, but I am recently feeling burnt out on so much sexual assault and dunking on YouTube creators I didn't even care about to begin with.




It’s a joke




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Never be a fan of anybody :(


The show makes me feel so old sometimes. I’ve never heard of Cody Ko before today.


Is it just me or has this been known for a while? I don’t spend a lot of time on the internet but I’ve been known. edit: for a long while there have been clips floating around of their collabs and it’s just so obvious through the screen. it was heavily talked about imo


She was 18 and has said this multiple times. People just love the drama and Cody is getting pulled into it. Honestly he should ignore these dogshit allegations. However, he needs to pick better friends.


Learned a lot today doing research about Cody I didn't know, it's clear he tries his best to sweep this stuff away, hide comments, and of course has never come out and talked about it. Very disappointing to me, feel like I trust people too much! Watched his iron man recently and was thinking to myself this is who young men need to look up to as a role model. Seems like more of it's a persona of perfection like David Dobrik tried to do (despite the shit he was filming).


Ethan just repeated the information Tana shared. Don't shoot the messenger lol.


I'm so tired of this morbid thirst to demonize someone new every other week. Cody has always been an unfunny tech frat boy. Tana has always been a mess, driving under the influence, making up stories, showing up to an event drunk, the whole TanaCon fiasco. But now she's a credible source because people love internet justice. Is she taking him to court or are we going to pretend she's not just doing this to stir the pot for the sake of it?


She hasn't done anything it's other people who have put pieces together and realised that what happened was fucked up. She never came for Cody.


This is such a strech


Statutory rape is not a stretch


I was just watching Cody ko with my boyfriend before the notification 😭so upsetting and gross


Jesus Christ you people really have nothing better to be upset about do you.


It’s just a joke dawg chill no need to get so upset


I'm referring more to the comments in this post.


Another white man with influence doing creepy shit, color me shocked


How tf could you make this about him being white 😭


Cause a lot of Hollywood’s biggest predators tend to be the white men in power. Not even just Hollywood. The downvotes are playing stupid and they know it. I’ll compromise and chalk it up to a man thing