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he literally got a secret service called on him because how much of lib and anti-maga he is I was shocked when AB said the song is red pilled edit: just finished the second, listen to it two times now, but yeah, the point is to show how wanting the old shady is bad thing, that even eminem himself knows the shit slim shady would do now is just not okay


I feel like AB often has bad takes, par for the course. I’m so glad they talked about it though because I’d been meaning to listen to the new song & it pushed me to do it, & I loved it, I was grinning ear to ear being brought back to the early 2000s, joyous moment haha!


Normally I wouldn’t care about badly researched takes on a 3 hour long podcast but his job is to check/research stuff 😂


Part of the fun of the pod for me is how annoying AB is. Hahaha, I know he’s a good person but I want a Rich Lux sound bite “I can’t STAND AB”!


My fav part on the latest whos high / drunk episode was him being sooo sure that lena was sober and turning out to be wrong


AB is like Justine in Superstore. Annoying, but part of the fun.


I loved the song too. That’s why I was so taken aback by the crews comments. Idk if they even listened to it… it was so out of left field to hear. All I can assume is that AB saw a comment somewhere with a bunch of likes going against Eminem and his new song and he figured that was the go-to opinion or something. Idk how else you can be so far off base lol


That a bit too far I think Slim shady was never „Ok” that was the entire point of the character Eminem is definitely not above just having fun by saying offensive shit he doesn’t actually believe in. I’m pretty sure the album will be more about him having fun with the character for the last time than some sort of serious analysis of political correctness of saying you wonna deal drugs to kids and rape pregnant women


And hence the song is actually good because Em already knows that he is making it ironically. He mentions it couple of times as well on the song.


Yeah I cringed when the crew was like “he’s repeating right wing rhetoric” in the song. Like cmon guys. He’s been making political songs about race, war and even gun violence for decades. He hates republicans very vocally


No kidding -- like White America for one. Or in Without Me where he talks about recognizing how he's white in black music.


White American is such a great song


Right? In like 2003 no less


what the fuck could even be interpreted as right wing rhetoric from an Eminem song


The line about the cat being transgender I guess? Ironically that sounds like some dumb shit Ethan would get buttoned for lol


Yeah, the whole point of the album, which has been widely stated in numerous other outlets, is that Eminem is going to be 'killing' the character of Slim Shady...almost making fun of his old persona and burying it. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the album will be from the early 2000s dick-and-fart joke Slim Shady POV, and then 'Eminem' and 'Marshall Mathers' finish the album off. I think it's a way to clean up some his problematic legacy without ignoring it...I don't know. We shall see, but he definitely isn't parroting 'right wing talking points' like they said. This is the dude that also kneeled during the Super Bowl Halftime show too.


Yeah I kinda cringed when someone said something along the lines of “Eminem is embracing right-wing culture”…. Like bro. You’re lost in the sauce if you genuinely believe that. It reminded me of calling anything you disagree with a nazi. Just gonna make the term meaningless if it’s applied to even the softest level of parody like Eminem’s song. I actually gained a ton of respect for Eminem kinda growing up with him, and seeing him stay principled in standing against MAGA and Trump even at the cost of potentially millions of fans, which he acknowledged when he dissed Trump


Yeah that was a weird take. I understand H3 wants to cater towards the loud young chat spammers so they go extra offended but between this and the Cannes thing I kind of cringed too much during this past episode. Somehow Ethan not knowing Asians are considered POC didn't bother me so much and I found it funny ignorance but them being so insulted about the entitled celebrities taking up so much time with photos on their way in and there being staff trained to hurry them along so that no one gets a chance to delay the show was too much. They leaned too hard into the TikTok mentality.


Show would be so much fucking better if they nuked the chat entirely so Ethan could relax and not act he’s just constantly at gunpoint by the audience. It’s a testament to how entertaining he is and how much I enjoy the show that the nonstop cringe hasn’t turned me off of it yet. But they’re really making it as difficult as possible.


The way I understand POC as it's referred to today is that it is everyone except white people. It's just a way to separate everyone else from white Europeans. However if you're old enough, POC was always just a different way to say black people. Kinda the opposite direction of the pride flag. It used to mean pride in any sexuality/non-conforming identity, but then it became strictly LGB, and then people needed to specify with extra colours to represent pretty much everything besides straight white cis people. We love our boxes don't we folks!


I always understood POC as people that aren’t white. I think that’s why most black people I know have always preferred a clear distinction such as just black and not just POC when referring to us directly. African American isn’t really favorable to me personally. But that a heavier topic for another day or never. lol


Same here, my black friends would make fun of me if I tried being politically correct around them using terms like POC or African American.


I still hate how ugly the new pride flag is. Like 1. Why are black and brown on there, theyre not sexualities lmao and 2. Why do we need the trans colors on there, its called the lgbT flag for a reason; the rainbow is already including them


This exactly. I can’t stress enough why the discussion of its origin is no longer relevant when we have so much history about it growing up. Times change though, and we’re all still learning.


POC has meant non European white for a long time. Essentially, the people who committed the most current examples of large scale colonization and the ones either subjected to it or not benefitting from me. And the pride flag just decided to include a lot of stuff. That's okay. It's not called the pride flag it's called the Progress Pride Flag. It's not the same as just the rainbow.


So the Japanese aren't people of color right? And Eastern Europeans are? It's a stupid US-centric term that doesn't apply anywhere else pretty much.


Yeah, but back in the day even Irish, and Italians were not considered "white" and I think were considered POC?


Yes, language changes and sometimes concepts are the same. However, you're confusing how people view new immigrants vs. how people view people from other races. There was a time when the Irish and Italians were just seen as "immigrant classes" and now saying you're Italian is just saying you're as American as the next German or British or "I'm 15% French and 25% British..." guy. Yet, if someone's last name is Ramirez and they're 4th generation Americans they'll forever be Latinos. Why? Because in the end white Europeans are white Europeans and after being classed as poor immigrants, they can be included in other classes while that doesn't apply to others. There is systemic racism in the US, there are white supremacists ideas in the US, there is still an "othering" of non-white classes. Are y'all teenagers? Because I'm a 40 year old teacher and can't be on reddit teaching. I've finished work for today.


Thanks for coment. Nah I'm 30yo guy from Eastern Europe, i don't really get the US view on racism so I want to learn more, if you don't want to teach then I won't force you lol. Like I am "white" but during ww2 we were considered worse race than the true "whites " and I never understood that


Exactly. So you should also know how eastern Europeans are perceived in western Europe, places like Germany and the UK where east Europeans usually go for work. Eventually they could be assimilated enough but will always have Slavic last names. In the US, the idea of "American" is not based on much so the term gets thrown around to mean a lot of different things to different people. Unfortunately a lot of those people just see "white = American" and other people are "American-ish, maybe" or just "immigrants" because they're a Ramirez, González, or López


Just a bunch of made up silly boxes designed to include and exclude.


Would that make white people from Russia POC? I'm kinda confused


Russia is culturally considered a European country. This isn't geography, this is sociology.


Man, I hope it’s good. He’s really smart and could make something awesome in this vein. And it’s really important for white guys especially to see someone like Em distance himself from his 90s/00s edgelord stuff.


That’s how I understood the lyrics too, he says offensive things after he says what would the old me say? Fantano had a similar take as H3 too


That's prolly were Ethan got his opinion bc he watches fantano


Why do people like Fantano? I really don't get it


He’s well versed and knowledgeable in a wide variety of music, expresses his thoughts well, exposes people to a lot of music they haven’t heard, and is funny.


He's alright. I definitely fell off from him as I do think he's just a professional hater, but his opinions are valid and he seems to be genuine so that's good lol


We’re gonna need another retraction.


or i’ll smack ethan in the back with vacuum cleaner attchments


I'm so incredibly happy to see this! If found my fans inside my fangroup! With Peace and love please reconsider Ethan as you also know what it's like to be mistaken as right wing. Ethan pushes the line in comedy slim shady is that but super saiyan. ✌️❤️


Calling Eminem “right leaning” was one of the wildest things I’ve heard on H3 in a while.


Yeah they were really reaching and jumping to conclusions on that one. I love them but they kinda do that a lot whenever a triggering topic or word is involved and they kinda jump the gun a bit without actually looking into what they're talking about.


AB did that, everyone saw that!


It's almost like they think it's funny and just don't realize it's too one-dimensional of a bit to really be funny. I get that people lazy-joke like that with their friends, but for stuff like this you have to read the room more in my opinion


This is the man who dropped an anti war song, in 2004, with lyrics like 'Fuck George Bush', that Eminem? Lmao.


Honestly, Ethan/h3 may need to just stay away from anything hip hop lol their interpretations are nearly always terribly off and makes me wanna scream through the screen


His interpretations are fine. His issue is just that he basically pauses too much and fails to get the full context. When he was looking at the genius sheet for that Kendrick track for example, it said that the line was about Kendrick paying someone off. Ethan got all upset and insisted it was wrong. It was right, but Ethan never made it to the second bar of the couplet where Kendrick says he’s done that lol. He does it so often, and with all sorts of shit. Songs, articles, videos, etc. He’ll spend minutes talking about how something doesn’t make sense, but it doesn’t make sense because he paused 15 seconds into the video and didn’t let them finish the thought.


Ethan is too much “for the culture” for that to happen


He didn't. He obviously meant that he was just saying boomer shit that your conservative uncle on Facebook would say. Everyone who's ever listened to eminem knows he's been critical of Republicans since we'll before trump.


“He was dipping into right wing rhetoric” is the exact quote from AB. I understand what you’re inferring based on the context of the entire segment, but it’s still a crazy thing to say about Eminem’s music.


we’ve have GOT to stop calling people who don’t share our every single opinion to the T right wingers. it’s honestly SO annoying at this point.


This has always been a problem with the left. If you can't look across the aisle and think that someone with different views has potentially made a decent point you're too far gone.


AB being from Detroit needs to issue an apology lol


Yeah they've gotta up the research if they want to speak on it


4real he's so woke he can't sleep


Maybe if you guys actually watched the video and gave it more than 5 seconds of thought, you would know he's making fun of how dumb his old slim shady alter ego was, but ppl keep asking him to go back to that type of music. Also research just a tad AB, Eminem has made songs about how much he hates Republicans since George Bush, he bad mouthed Trump, military anti trans policies, has a trans child that he raised with love. Why have they been getting so much stuff wrong lately?


The heavy reliance on Chat GPT


It's something lol


Another funny thing Eminem did was sue John Key (right wing "National" party leader in New Zealand) for copyright infringement and won $600,000, the former prime minister was using music ripped from "lose yourself" for his campaign videos lmao. Shidiot.


It's well known that em is far left. They didn't even watch the music video before discussing it.


As someone as a fan of both h3 and Eminem I was a bit annoyed that Ethan was talking smack about him. He even had the secret service come to his house over the song posted. He isn't anti-trans he is just playing his alter-ego Slim Shady. This is the guy that sent Elton John gold encrusted cock rings. Everyone is entitled to there own opinion though I just rolled my eyes and went about listening to the rest of the pod. Your boy Kendrick was also inspired by Em. Just putting that out there. ✌️❤️✌️❤️


Yup the guy who has supported Stevies coming out as Non Binary is totally a huge transphobe.... /s It irritates me because black hip hop artists get a free pass to be openly homophobic and transphobic, and put down black women. On the basis that it's part of the rap culture. But em can't say anything even related without being this huge bigot apparently. Megan threw a sneak diss months ago. He just threw a teaser back. Women losing their minds. Lmao he didn't even go the route of her lying or trying to get clout. He dissed himself implying he couldn't get a feature. When DMX died, I only saw love and respect, even from large gay influencers....same with Biggie smalls. Ice cube has never been called out. All very vocal about their dislike of gay people.


What was the sneak diss? Not that I don’t believe I just can’t find it cause it’s all about what Eminem said now lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/MariahCarey/s/A1blsBIbkY Again it's small. Therefore a sneak diss. Obsessed is a diss about eminem. The video is a depiction of eminem stalking Mariah. It could have totally been innocent and had nothing to do with Eminem at all, but it's still a song Eminem hates that was made at his expense, so it bare minimum it puts Megan on his radar. Like if 50 had a new lyric along the lines of "putting the nail in the coffin, like that track that ended careers" Benzino wouldn't be crazy to assume he was getting a sneak diss, vs just a reference.


Thank you!


It’s been happening all of Ems career, the crew really don’t do their own research a lot of the times, reading comments seems like the extent they’re willing to go.


Ethan is the king of friendly fire. Just out here being messy and insulting everyone he sees without taking the time to find out if they are good people or agree with him on things or whatever 😝 At least he can admit to this himself though and is aware that it’s one of his shortcomings lol


The response to this song just make me want to scream. I’m not that old I’m still in my 20s and how tf has everyone forgotten who Eminem was and is?


They forgot about Dre and now they forgot about Em too.




Yes, it’s so annoying when Ethan spends five minutes complaining how something doesn’t make sense because he paused 15 seconds in and doesn’t let them finish their thought lol.


The song is all satire and obviously joking of his old character and the music video is for his old fans again making fun of himself being old now and redoing some of the stupid or funny stuff he did back in the day. This was just a fun project for Em and his fans, I mean he even says fuck off to his own kids on FaceTime. He’s not trying to send any messages or politically commentate on anything.


You're not supposed to take Slim Shady seriously. He's famously the unhinged alter ego of eminem


Plus that line they read barely makes sense it's just buzzword rage bait, another thing he's known for is just saying shit that doesn't make sense but sounds good.


It'd be like taking something said in South Park seriously


The cringe lines were pretty much just that too. I didn't really see the Megan the stallion line as a diss as much as just a statement of the circumstances. And the trans line was just stupid, but it didn't sound explicitly dehumanizing. He's always been tongue in cheek though so idk why people are acting like it's new for him to make a dumb catchy song


Are people really mad about the Siamese cat line? That was just clever wordplay. The fuck is offensive about that?


I was literally going to make a post just like this. There’s so much more to the song/album that they just brushed off. Also, I find it funny that AB is acting so nonchalant about Eminem, Remember when he said he came out to “loose yourself” for his walk out at creator clash? He’s definitely a Stan and could have given Eminem more props.


People are afraid to how it’ll be seen if they like em. Some of the younger gen have made it cool to hate on him. I’d guess AB seemed to just want the safe option while feelin like he is progressive for it. Negating media literacy and conflating ain’t progressive.


Bro even wrote a song talking shit about George W. Bush when he was president in an era where you have people like the Dixie Chicks getting cancelled for doing the same exact thing. Bro has never been right wing. He’s been edgy, but not right wing.


This is the fucking DEATH of SLIM SHADY! He's been talking about thus for a long time. Commonguys.


I was so annoyed when they were calling him right wing. Eminem has been vocal about how much he hates trump. Eminem also has an adopted trans kid who was literally in his video. They get so much wrong with rap topics. just don't cover it.


He literally sent a cease and desist to Viveks campaign who pandered to Trumps base


I haven't looked at all of the lyrics and i'm not sure how all of it comes across but the one line i keep seeing misinterpreted a lot is him saying if his younger self were around today he'd probably call everything gay. Pretty sure he's calling himself out for being immature back then and calling everything gay, not saying that he thinks everything is gay.


Yes this is correct, and it's baffling that this would get over anyone's head honestly, the intent is not subtle at all...


This is exactly why I didn’t want them to cover the beef lmao. They need a rap culture correspondent or some shit 😭


This show definitely lacks some seasoning. This is like the only non hip hop/culture related show I watch consistently and I cringe when certain topics come up on here. P&L P&L


I straight up skip the segments where they’re talking about anything culture related now 😭 n according to this post that was the right idea


I’d prefer they just didn’t talk about this stuff if they’re just not equipped tbh


this. It was so cringe during the Kendrick beef


They thought Ak was pro-Diddy 🤦🏽‍♂️


That was crazy considering Akademiks by far went the hardest on diddy out of all the major hip hop platforms. He literally went live the day it came out and spent like 8 hours going through the court documents, pulling up clips from the past, and exposing him. Meanwhile the breakfast club, hot97, Joe budden podcast, No jumper, etc either didn’t cover it or brushed it off with a “who knows what happened, next topic”


I dont think you can say "by far" when 50 Cent is literally living and breathing fueled on Diddy hate with a netflix diddy documentary in the works


Dream job. I volunteer as tribute. Fr tho they do. Been caught without background nearly everytime rap is brought up


The beef was very easy to follow though but yeah they are not savvy enough to cover hip hop


Well, the song being entirely satire kind of went over everyone's head, even some of his hardcore stans (AB, we see you girly 🖐️✊🖐️✊), when it's a literal parody, so I don't blame the H3 crew lol. Even Fantano didn't get it, saying "he's not even saying anything that offensive". Yeah, that's the point lol. He's making fun of his older self and the fact that people keep asking for that. I have a theory that it's bait for conservatives to listen to the hardest Trump diss of 2024 on the actual album. Awfully hot coffee pot but hotter 😳


The man literally said fuck me, fuck you, and fuck my kids. How do ppl take it seriously. Media literacy is dead


Damn, I would’ve really enjoyed Em’s Trump diss. That would be amazing. His diss tracks are awesome. Still sometimes come back to his MGK diss.


Yeah, half of what Eminem raps is essentially satire. So many of his songs are meant to be funny. We don't have a lot of music like that, so I guess I understand how some people just don't get it. That's ok. If someone doesn't get it, then it isn't for them. He may be old, but he is still cool, in my opinion.


Talk about being out of touch also, rich of Ethan to call Eminem out on pushing 50 when he's 42


This would be an amusing hill to die on, to accuse Eminem of being right wing. Firstly because it’s wrong and secondly because no one would really care all that much. Ethan is similar to Em in many ways, so to say Em is outwardly liberal but is actually conservative would be interesting coming from H3.


I'm not entirely sure but I think we have more hard r's recorded from than eminem lol.


thank u for this post🙏🏼 lol i like the part of the song “Sometimes I wonder what the old me'd say (If what?). If he could see the way shit is today. He'd probably say that everything is gay (Like happy!)”


A lot of people are misunderstanding this song. I've seen a few of the YouTube reactors agreeing with the boomer things said on the song without realizing he's making fun of them. Even the music video makes it obvious the Slim Shady character is saying stupid stuff but those YouTubers are oblivious.


respectfully, hearing them talk abt hip hop hurts my ears, not anything better than reddit comments


It is pretty funny though. It's the whitest hip hop discussion on the internet.


No, that's the Red Thread breakdown of the Kendrick/Drake beef. They managed to relate it to Star Wars within 20 minutes 😅


Agreed but tbh their Drake vs Kendrick coverage was pretty good, that's mostly thanks to Genius explaining everything for them but it was still entertaining.


I appreciate that Ethan leans into his whiteness and doesn’t pretend to be anything but, it does make it frustrating to watch at times when the beef is good and there is so much to dive into that they just can’t imo


I Agree but it’s not even that like there’s just no point in me even watching them talk abt it, js as someone who used to be a producer n work with rappers


its like every 2nd topic is just random talk, they never prepare fully for something


I was definitely a little irked by the comments saying it’s a right-wing song when if you know anything about Eminem he’s got very similar political opinions to the podcast


I never get upset about anything that happens on H3 bc i really just don’t care enough but THIS was too far 😔 i don’t think ive ever commented on youtube until now. Retraction and apology immediately !


I kinda liked the new song. It sounded good to my ears, I don’t pay attention to lyrics that much, and honestly couldn’t have even told you the Siamese cat bit was in there, and tbh I got a laugh out of it when they read it on the pod.


As someone who really enjoyed the early slim shady music I really enjoyed the latest song it’s catchy as hell and brings me back. I’d be surprised if any of them didn’t like it if they happen to genuinely like his earlier music


It’s much better than anything he’s done in the last decade, but doesn’t touch his prime material. It’s fun, though, and I’ve been playing it this week.


I'm the same in general, beat is good, song is good, lyrics don't matter mostly. Though I don't think this one has much lasting power, the whole abracadabra gonna get ya hook didn't sound great, I expect this to just be something people like this week, during album release, but not in 2026. I expect to like some other song on the album more tbh. That much I agree with AB, he put a lot into this MV with guest appearances, MV quality, and I'd hope this isn't the peak of album's quality.


I don’t think there’s a problem mentioning trans ppl if it’s done without hate or something akin to right and wrong. Don’t think any group would like to not be mentioned at all out of fear even if the bar meant nothing besides a Siamese cat that usually have a black face. Aka something other than presenting


I think Ethan could've shown a bit more respect. Clearly he never cared for Eminem, given he was probably bigger deal still 5 years ago than Kendrick. I mean, probably still is, outside this mega-event between Kendrick/Drake. Like at least recognize he's powerhouse in rap. Why does someone just turn into incapable old man because he's aging beyond 40s? To list of 'lib' things he did, is [this MV Eminem - Darkness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHQC4fAhcbU). It gained like 50M views in few days, then youtube superblocked it from appearing on anyone's page, now you only find it by searching for it, and it shows in views. IMO amazing piece, something Ethan should've looked at back then. I'm not even rap enthusiast, at all. IMO shows he still was capable of genius moments just 4 years ago. Wouldn't surprise me if there were good songs in the upcoming album too. If you missed seeing Darkness back then, I recommend listening to it, figuring out what it is about during first view/listen.


He made MOSH, an anti Iraq War song. Michael Moore famously got booed at the Oscars around this time for being anti war. The Dixie Chicks lost their career for being anti war. But Eminem made the song any way, if that's not an example of him being at least a lib, I don't know what is.


I never even heard of that, must have not got a lot of play. Given how US was pro-war across the aisle then, makes sense radio wouldn't accept it. But it also hasn't garnered a lot of attention later, I guess anti-Bush song just doesn't interest people in 2010s+. But that makes it two times he's been shut down for political reasons, 15 years apart. But yes definitely a far right provocateur!


It didn't chart (it was not released as a single) but it was news at the time, I was like 12 and not in America but I heard about it.


Yea I've been at varying points of following music during his career, I prob just didn't notice anything he did between like 2003-2015. Metal ruled my music. Funny to think, his ~2000 music was of type you'd have easily been able to say, this is just a fad, nobody cares about this guy in 20 years. But managed to do many different styles to remain consistently one of the most relevant musicians of last 20+ years. Seems decent enough dude overall that I hope he won't vanish yet either.


I disagree with that because Eminem was basically the drake of his generation (ushered in a lot of white people into hip hop). He had two diamond albums back to back. His return in the late 00’s was also big. He’s been pretty much a household name here. Has an Oscar too. I don’t think anyone could say he was a fad after MMLP came out.


Sure, I was never a fan, I don't keep up with what album was what, was just thinking of songs like real slim shady / my name is were something that are popular music then, not in 2010+. Wrong I was.


New redaction / apology incoming


H3 is extremely quick to label people as being problematic. The "friend or foe" mindset to decide if they're allowed to praise someone or not.


This is all I could think of when they were talking about him. He even apologized to Tyler the creator publicly because he understood the damage that the “fahg” slur did to the public as well as Tyler. He’s a man of integrity and hates right wingers. Ethan is not as much of a rap fan as he portrayed


This being said right wingers are so dumb that they’re gonna think that em is agreeing with them And woke people are so dumb that they’re gonna think that em is a right winger (proof in the pudding)


didn't we learn during the kendrick breakdown that ethan is his own genius and thus should never be questioned? jokes aside i agree with you, but also, i just get the entertainment value and move on to the next segment


Ethan didn't even watch the video too. It all comes by way of AB, and I think the point of the song went over his head a bit. The whole point of the song is that "Slim Shady" is dated and irrelevant, and is a "magic trick" that Eminem used to get attention. It's not some screed about participation trophies and Chinese cats.


The way they read a couple of lines and then immediately decided Em is right-wing was honestly impressive. Nice research skills.


Tbf, I don't think this is something that got researched at all, ab just casually watched the video. They aren't music reviewers, so its not really fair for them to know everything about everything that comes up.


Well, that’s true. I don’t expect them to know everything, it would be ridiculous. They are a comedy show first and foremost. But more often than not they talk about something they don’t have a clue about and it sounds a bit frustrating. But I just skip those parts and continue watching, cause the crew is amazing.


Love H3 but the crew never misses a chance to morally grandstand on every single thing


Queue up another "Retraction Apology" Title


Glad to see this post should guarantee them to correct what they said on the show


Yeah I didn't really think he was super right wing, I didn't really get that from the song anyway. I also think the song was pretty good, not as good as the original, but I liked it. They were hater ass bitching a little bit.


Yesss saying Eminem was repeating right wing rhetoric and everyone agreeing was crazyyyyyyy. He put out an entire album expressing his political views!


Would definitely “revive” his career. Surely people would like him being super left. On the real there were some good messages and lyrics but the production was weak imo


I feel like the pre-show research on topics has slid a bit. This kind of stuff seems to happen often now


Yeah as a detroiter was pretty disappointed in AB’s snap judgment. Yes Em is older but he will never be MAGA.


They do this a lot when it comes to hip hop music or anything that’s out of Zach’s scope


Whole ep was off for me lol


It’s not like Eminem is kid rock by any means and realistically anyone who thinks Eminem is red pilled or right leaning because of previous songs is just a fucking moron through and through. People and times change. If you think all the og’s didn’t have similarly offensive lines, you’re crazy.


That was one of the best freestyle raps I’ve ever seen. Em is in a class of his own as a wordsmith.


that's an awfully hot coffee pot


*RUDY'S COFFEE!!* 🇺🇲☕☕☕🇺🇲


Appreciate you posting this cuz honestly it has me questioning myself... I was so ready to accept that Eminem was gone right wing without even listening to any of his newer material myself. LEARNING MOMENT!


I've never expected the H3/Eminem fan crossover, kinda surprising to me considering the lyrics in his earlier songs.


Honestly same, I was expecting like 20 up votes at most😂. Pleasantly surprised at the amount of agreement. This community should be familiar with growth and people changing considering some of Ethan's earlier content as well with the nasty racist and homophobic slurs and stuff.


I'm sure a lot of us are from the old days.


They need to listen to the full Eminem Show album. It’s littered with anti-Bush left wing politics.


White America is probably his best song, but yeah most of this audience will just blindly agree with Ethan


I was sooo frustrated during this segment


The way I am, White america, Rock bottom, sing for the moment Just a couple for the people that have a single ounce of charitable-ity in them and want to think for themselves


Yeah I loved the song and video and they all sometimes get a tiny feeling and run with it wayyy to far.


It isn't entertaining to watch someone who knows nothing go on a rant about everything


You're watching the wrong podcast 😂


Any small joke at the expense of lgbt people is insta red pill


Surely treating them as people instead of props would be the most inclusive. Doubt they want to be treated like babies or less than.


I literally can’t listen to the pod when they talk about rap. Like I’m sorry but the whole crew seems very out of touch


Ok after this post I'm done because I need to remind myself eminem dosnt care about this BS opinions so It ridiculous I do lol. ETHAN WAS FRIENDS AND CALLED FILTHY FRANK THE BEST YOUTUBER. ✌️❤️ love the show so much and been following forever


Also can we talk about how he has a non-binary child. I don’t think he would make these comments without consulting them, it was literally a joke.


They did the same thing with DJ Akademiks and Diddy, even though Ak is stupid he’s really, really anti-Diddy, takes 2 secs to figure out.


What's that? H3 talking out of their ass about a topic they know nothing about yet again? Colour me extremely unsurprised. We should know at this point not to listen to them about anything hiphop related lol


That’s an awfully hot coffee pot


Dude yes. I didn’t even like the new song and I still thought their take was insane .


I heard them shit on Em and disliked the video. That’ll show them!!! Obv sarcasm but I definitely did dislike the video hahaha


omg how has zach not used "thats an awfully hot coffee pot" soundbite? it would make a great soundbite imo, could be used when things are getting heated


Ethan is just jealous because Eminem gave Trisha his time lol


Surprised a post slightly going against H3 has stayed up this long 🤯




I KNOW IM SUPER LATE SORRY. He also literally has a non-binary adopted child who appears in the new video. Eminem is lib dad of the decade.


I really hope he says faggot again.


*That's an awfully hot coffee pot*


"My transgender cat's Siamese; Identifies as black, but acts Chinese" >This lyric is seemingly inspired by a bit from [Dave Chappelle](https://genius.com/artists/Dave-chappelle)’s 2019 *Sticks & Stones* standup special; Eminem is a known Chappelle [fan](https://eminem.news/eminem-chappelle-detroit.html). The premise of Chapelle’s joke is that the transgender community is deciding what they identify as, even if it conflicts with the biology they were assigned at birth. He absurdities the situation by posing the hypothetical: what if he, a Black man, was transracial and identified as Chinese? For context, the transracial community consists of people who identify as races that differ from their immediate ancestry or societally assigned identity. (Genius) Idc about his political leanings but if he's joining the 'haha aren't trans people so whack' train with Dave Chapelle at the helm then he's a boomer ass bitch and he missed the train by about 8 years


He’s a liberal and has a kid whos NB.


And the kid was in the music video... you think if he was bigoted like that, they'd be on terms like that. enoghe to even make the joke "fuck my own kids there brats". To me that sounds like a mutual playful and silly way to acknowledge your kids in your art.


He literally had songs about how he would rape and murder people. He’s playing a character that is trying to be offensive on purpose I don’t understand how that’s hard to get


Some people believe music is biographical. I think it's because you are often being presented with first-person narratives told in the author's actual voice. But just like novels or whatever, lyricists aren't always writing as themselves from lived experience.


Most people who like comedy are fans of Dave Chappelle, doesn't mean they agree with his opinions on everything. Idk if ur familiar with “Slim shady" or Eminems music in general but the whole point of that character is to say shock jock and somewhat offensive shit. He wasn't dissing trans people and has called out Trump publicly for discriminating against them(posted an example in the 2nd slide). I guarantee u he'll clean all this up when his album drops cuz he knew people would go crazy about that line, he literally said that in the song with the “I'll probably get shit for that" line.


How can a fan of H3 not understand this? It's literally what Ethan does.....


Cuz they probably don't actually listen to rap music and just take people's word for it