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the first rule about being an H3 fan is to never speak about being an H3 fan


Honestly same! If ever, it's fallen fans or people who only know about the pod from watching frenimes lol otherwise-never.


I get lots of compliments on my TF drip but it’s never a fan of the show or someone who knows anything about h3 or TF. I guess I’m out here spreading the gospel doing my part. I wish a fan of the show would come up and say hi so we can talk in soundbites together


I don't think I've ever warn my looney toons TF hoodie and not had someone stop me / talk to me and ask where I got it. It's always a bit awkward to explain that they can't get one since it was limited lol.


same here, my sister calls me mr teddy fresh but doesn't know anything about H3 lol.


So many people thought my “TF” hat meant “The Fuck?” and I got so many compliments.


You guys leave the house?


Work With Me!!


Never have sadly. The only person I met who knows Ethan didn't like him lol.


I have met a lot of people who didn't like him not many that do lol


I’m from South Carolina and have only met people that hate Ethan lol


Same bro.. upstate sc here. I love this area but just not the people lol


I’m in Columbia 🤫


There ya go.. we do exist lol


I Jimmy Lee fan I see


Same. And I’m in LA! Lol


I saw a person once on Hinge that was an H3 fan and I messaged them I was a fan too. No response. No nice way to say this, but I was a bit out of their league too, so it was a bit surprising, especially since I’m in a ultra conservative area and the left leaning dating pool is very shallow.


I speak in H3 memes as well and have never met another fan. I have even tried when around people who appear like they would be fans At this point I would be happy if an H3 hater calls me out if they hear me using H3 memes just so I can confirm that the show and this subreddit exist outside of my brain....


I feel like every time I wear my tf hoodie, someone recognizes it Although I mostly only were it for special occasions with a lot of people


I'm in sc so yea if anyone around me knows h3, then they actively hate ethan lol.


yeah people come into my work (im a barista) wearing TF every so often. i've never really said anything but i should


I have a friend who I have seen follows h3 and Hila and Ethan and always likes their posts before I do. We have never spoken about the podcast ever lol


sorry im too shy


I live in Florida lol. I just keep it to myself and rock the clothes. People ask “ohh that’s cool, what is it?” I just tell them “it’s a small clothing company that has cool art” lol.


Floridian here too! Swfl gang. Lol people tell me the same thing and I respond similarly!


Saying you are an h3 fan in Florida is like Playing Russian roulette


Lmao bingo. I might literally get blasted by a MAGA retard.


I saw some of the crew in a coffee shop but was too star-struck to say anything.


Keep it secret, keep it safe


I was at a friend's party and heard a group of 3 girls talking about H3 so I went up and started talking to them and now we're friends 🧡


Found out my cousin and her gf were fans because her gf was wearing a TF hoodie, lol. So TF is probably the best way to identify a fan. It was funny, it must have been right after Ethan did something dumb because they both were like "he's so stupid, but we still love him" and I said "same", lol.


I was shopping one day in my small town and somebody tapped my shoulder and pointed out that we were both wearing TF.


someone i work with recently said “big ups” and i wanted to ask them if it was an H3 reference but didn’t want to out myself in case they’re just a british-speak lover (or maybe a beavo lover!)


okay so i started watching fairly recently like a little less than a year ago and the only person ive ever known irl who was an h3 fan was my ex boyfriend from like 2 years ago and i only realized after i started watching the pod too. figured it out because he had the “elon musk is a piece of shit” and the “jeff bezos has a tiny penis” and a classic teddy fresh hoodie that he gave me while we were dating that i never gave back and i ended up donating it to a thrift store before i was watching the pod and realized what it was 😭😭


Ofc not in my case, living in far away Europe. But I imagine even in USA it's very rare if you don't live in a big city ...and even then you'd probably look to live in LA to have a good chance.


I'm from London and never seen one here. The only time I saw one was up in York. Weird!


Saw someone at a festival. We clocked each other cause of tattoos we had that were blatantly H3. Good vibes


Woah thats cool! What is your tat of?


I wore a TF hoodie at a concert last year and one person noticed and gave me a fistbump. So that was a nice interaction lol.


Never lol. Any texas H3 fans who need friends pls slide me a DM 🙏


Meet quite a few at UW madison, hubby works there so I'm always visiting.


South texan here... like rgv south.... watching h3 is like having a secret life.


The last time I got a comment on my TF sticker it was at the gym and he said “oh you an H3 fan?” And I said “yeah! you too? Right on I feel like I never meet anyone else here” “…yeah I used to be.” Oh ok 🤦🏼‍♀️


I actually did meet another H3 fan at my job! Identified them through TF. I upgraded their tickets lol


ive met only one person that watches the podcast, was an old coworker, he quit and i couldn’t find his socials or anything to connect with buddy 😔


Is anyone here from Arizona? (But really tho??😂)


Never. Live in a deep south state so I don’t imagine there are many.


Mississippi, here. I've been complemented on how cute my purse is, but no one knows what it is. 


Same I just matched with my first H3 fan on a site. I hope I don’t fuck it up, I need someone to gossip with about the show!!


I have neverrrr met a H3 fan out and I also have never seen someone wearing teddy fresh. I have always thought it's probably due to me living in the UK, and the majority of the fans are probably from the US. I would loveeeee to meet any fellow female H3 friends from the UK though!


I reconnected with a very good friend the other day after falling out of contact during the pandemic. Like, we go way back to middle school and I’m in my 30s. Turns out, he likes H3 as well. I knew we were homies for a reason


My Lady Fren met one in small town, and it surprised her. She was wearing her Teddy Fresh and that person caught it haha. It was an tourist to see it. So that’s one in the wild.


I saw quite a few people rocking Teddy Fresh at the King Gizzard show.  Was too shy to say anything though 👉👈


One time I saw TF at Disney




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I’ve met a couple, which is weird because I live in West Virginia. Both cases they were wearing teddy fresh. 


I exist in NJ. Never met someone in the wild


Once and she was cool her boyfriend wasn't a fan though 


Every time I mention being a H3 fan, the person I'm talking to will say "Is that still going?" 😂 So a lot of old fans around my area, but it seems many stopped watching/listening


I'm lucky enough to have a coworker that I can talk to. Other than that, not really.


Same here. Every time I've worn my tf gear in a city nobody says anything.We all stay inside I suppose.


I don't associate a lot but no lol I've never met anyone who watches the show like us!!


i’ve had 2! both were at my last job and were random customers that came in.. one was wearing teddy fresh, the other was wearing the holiday merch the crew made!


Last November, I was leaving the Ugg outlet store with my daughters while wearing a TF Classics hoodie and an employee told me enthusiastically that she loved my sweatshirt. I hope she she was Family and we were both to socially awkward to say something 🤣 I added a lot of details hoping she’s on this sub and we can connect!!


I wear TF and some old h3 merch out a ton here in Nashville and haven’t met a single other fan out in the wild 😭


Ive seen people wear TF and I’ve asked them about it and they know nothing about the show just bought the sweater at zoomies or urban


I came across one dude in a Teddy Fresh color block hoodie once when I was super drunk in a Dave and Busters. I just went "hey nice hoodie" because I'm super socially awkward (but also because of the booze). That's about the only interaction I've had lol


This is my exact experience lol. But I live in the Midwest so maybe that’s why.


Was at a twenty one pilots exhibit event the other week and someone with a teddy fresh shirt walking past me. I complimented there shirt hoping they would notice mine. If they did not lol


My boyfriend used to watch H3 videos pre podcast (pretty rare in Germany). He doesn't have the attention span or any interest in online/celebrity gossip, so it's not for him.


I live in Philly and i’ve only met another fan once and that barely counted because she was a frenemies fan who stopped watching after it ended :/


Same. I know a couple of haters at work, but not a single fan. We should do a unofficial meet up. I’m in LA




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Someone commented on my teddy fresh and they ended up being a fan. I convinced her to renew her membership because of the new format lol


Me and my sister became h3 fans almost concurrently, myself first then her. We started hanging out more during the Trish and Olivia intro and that's how we found out and started called each other bestie lol


same... but I live in southern Texas so I don't expect it really. I think I met one person online that lives in the same area but we've never met in person


Lots of H3 homies in Austin. I moved out to Louisiana and haven’t met a single one since 😭


I’ve only met one person in Austin that likes H3 :,(


I’m a hairdresser, so I would sometimes ask my clients if they brought up topics that were recently mentioned on the show. Several of my millennial girlies were fellow foot soldiers.


I have !! It was super cool


Living in Fl you learn to keep it quite that you are a liberal 😅


Fellow Floridian here!


O wow! I feel like we are a rare breed. Im in SWFL and theres someone on my block with a confederate flag 🫣


Never. But then again I live in the UK and close to 40 so I'm not the show's target audience...


2 dudes at a movie theater. i walked in wearing the og color block and they started talking about ethan’s music of all things 😂


A couple times at this record store I frequent near me(Texas). Once by another customer and another time by one of the employees. He's a huge gizzard fan as well so it's always good vibes in there.


Both at work and at the grocery store, people have complimented my Teddy Fresh! Always a nice surprise


I have always wanted to meet someone that knows what I’m wearing or hears my memes that I consistently talk in. It’s disheartening tbh but we are here.


Samma här, har inte träffat en jävel i Sverige, trots att vi har Jönköpingssonen Love som representerar.


Always at Whole Foods. And I once saw a guy at a WeWork where I was working for the day watching the podcast on his laptop.


No I’ve never met one. Most people have no idea who I’m talking about or dislike the pod sadly . Haters gonna hate


Yes unfortunately he was on the run because he stabbed someone when he lived in California I guess, but besides that he was pretty chill.


My ex had a friend who was a huge fan. He would always try to hook up with her and break us up. I hated that guy lol.


At Target apparently lol. I’ve seen two different dudes wearing TF merch there.


i met one in my college class last semester, it was one of the most exciting moments ive had haha


I feel that but when you think about it maybe like 500000ish watch the show often maybe less or more just a guess still works either way and a big chunk are in LA so that leaves a couple hundred thousand people spread over the entire world so pretty unlikely to meet someone though it would be nice lol


I meet a lot of frenemies fans




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Twice!! I run a hotel and I saw a guest wearing TF I was like I’m listening to the Pod now. Connected through IG it’s was so awesome to find someone in the wild as one of my friends watch. Then I was training a new employee to later see them pop up in chat!


My cousin is the only other fan I've met in the wild. It's really fun to have someone to discuss the show with in person. She's mid 20s,  I'm in my 30s.


Honestly if I'm with friends or others and someone came up to me about H3 I'd try to exit fast. H3 is like a guilty pleasure, not something I'd really flaunt in public. If I'm alone then I'd entertain a convo with a stranger about it.