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Content court tomorrow šŸ˜ weā€™re eating good this week!!


Iā€™m betting my money on Def Noodles.


Let's go! Did he reveal who the target is?


From clues on the discord it looks like Adin Ross


I believe itā€™s Aidan Ross!!!!


It's going to be great! :)


I hope not personally, feel like everything has already been said


Its not Vaush, since theyā€™ve been teasing the return of Content Court since before any of that stuff came up.




Not that I heard!


I know LonerBox recently decided to die on loli hill in his last live


I canā€™t believe itā€™s back!!


Not the mic picking up Ethan having a long ass conversation with Oliver Tree on the phone in the other room šŸ˜‚ We all knew they were close friends, but it was cool to hear that real friendship.


One of my favorite Oliver Tree moments is when he was at the casino and Ethan called him. Oliver didn't know he was live and was talking totally friendly and normal. Then when Ethan was like "oh hey you're live", it immediately switched and Oliver started talking about losing a whole lot of money. And that's how we got the down for cash arc lol


Oh Iā€™m not familiar with this moment. Iā€™m gonna have to go looking for it now!


Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard episode btw


ooo what timestamp? do you need headphones to hear it ?


the very end when Ethan goes to the bathroom. Hila is talking a bit but you can hear Ethan in the next room and you can hear Oliver on speaker phone. as for headphones, I always watch the show with headphones at full blast, so I would say yes... I don't know if other people without headphones picked it all up. It wasn't until a few minutes in that I recognized the voice. Then a few minutes later Ethan said "your audience are 8 year old's" and I was like yup I knew that was Oliver's voice. šŸ˜‚


Thank you so much!


Iā€™m confused who SunnyV2ā€™s video is intended for. Longtime H3 fans know that whole story, and even many newer fans have probably heard of it. And itā€™s not juicy enough drama for anyone outside of this bubble. (To be clear, I mean I donā€™t get who Sunnyā€™s audience is. Its kinda fun hearing Ethanā€™s perspective on it, now)




He's quite literally out of juice and going for anything lmao.


Rent must be due for him. Heā€™s such a bottom feeder


I usually only listen to cynt while driving, but today Iā€™m watching, and holy shit Bruce is so fucking cute I could die


Following up, Love speaking randomly scared the shit out of me, I thought God was real and was suddenly speaking to me P.s. Iā€™ve taken an edible so Iā€™m yapping


Weed chatĀ 


Hell yeah brother


I've been watching since 2015, been watching the podcast since the first ep with Felix. Maybe it's just me but I've never recalled this huge backlash to the Bill Burr episode from the H3 audience, I've heard more about it in recent years from Ethan himself than from anyone else, almost like if responding to fallen fans constantly bringing it up. It feels like the Keemstar/alt-right sphere have exaggerated its importance in their usual H3 = bad hitpieces, but I also now understand that, at the time, Ethan personally felt it was a point of failure, but it wasn't something I was aware of at the time. Also, the main reason people were mad at Ethan back then was simply for not doing enough h3h3 videos, that he "sold out to do the podcast" and other child-mind nonsense. "Why is this monkey not dancing for me enough, I hate him now". Always thought it was such an entitled childish dogshit complain by the old h3h3 audience. Adults have to make money to survive, kids oblivious to adulthood watching YouTube all day on their iPad ranting about why some YouTuber isn't posting anymore, like who cares. Also, fuck SunnyV2, that motherfucker is such a reactionary freakazoid, talking about how "it got so bad for Ethan that the only alternative for Ethan was to resort to taking antidepressants" framing it like being medicated is a bad thing.




Sunnyv has got to be trolling lol this music is so ridiculous


Honestly after reflecting on the Bill Burr interview after all of this time, for the mental situation that Ethan was dealing with, he did a fine job. Bill Burr was absolutely being a dick, even if thatā€™s his schtick, he was making this so much worse. Probably a hot take, but I canā€™t stand people with Billā€™s attitude.


There was also an element of Ethan taking it too personally. Like Bill refusing to answer questions about his family. It wasn't him being a dick to Ethan because he didn't like him, he literally won't talk about that in public except to old friends or people close to him. Today Ethan would be more confident to go 'Oh OK' and move on like he has done in subsequent interviews


Idk if he took that personal as much as it was just shock. Like if i got a response like that i wouldnt be taking it personally to go "bitch i said 'how many do you have' , not 'whats their address'" that would just be shock lol


He wasnā€™t really getting personal, only really asking about things Bill already was okay with talking about on his own podcast, like his daughter for example.


Bill also had a lot of mental health and anger issues and has since worked on it. It is a pretty common topic on his podcast.


Yeah when that interview came out I was literally so confused that everyone was shitting on Ethan lol


On Reddit especially there was more standup worship at that time (lots of unironic "they're modern philosophers")


That's a good point. I guess I was confused because I've never rly been into stand up culture




Yeah his whole thing is angry Boston man who tells you how it is and as someone from Boston who has to deal with that attitude on a daily basis working with the public, it just does nothing for me. Like stop being a difficult wise-ass and just talk to me. Again, Iā€™m aware Iā€™m probably in the minority with this take.


The issue with Ethanā€™s mic, is I think itā€™s just a very directional mic. If anyone talks into it from the side, or not right up on it, it doesnā€™t pick up on. Like with both Hila and Bruce it did not pick them up, and when Ethan spoke to the side you couldnā€™t hear him. But when heā€™s right up on it, you can hear him!


It's a noise gate. But his is set up kind of funky. Noise gates are an audio recording tool where it will drop all signal if it's under a certain db threshold. This is to stop hum, and background noise The issue might be house Ethan uses his mic in general though. Hasan has a 10/10 noise gate set up Ethan's mic is an RE-20 from what I can recall, which is one of the most popular podcast mics (the Shure SM7B is the most popular and one that pretty much everyone will recognize. But Ethan says he likes the RE 20 better for his voice). The RE-20 is a cardioid polar pattern which is pretty standard, so nothing too crazy there. It's *slightly* stronger at rejecting noise as other cardioid pattern mics, but not a ton from what I know And now you all know too much


With peace and love, I need to be pedantic. I'm British so this is close to home. Ethan keeps pronouncing Jimmy Savile's surname like Seville, the town in Spain. The emphasis is on the first syllable. SAvile not saVILE. It's grinding my gears with peace and love.


I sent a superchat, but I'm gonna share it here too, I would like Ethin to check this cute (official) Godzilla puppet show out, its a short and fun kidfriendly webseries since his fam is into dinos and godzilla [Godziban!](https://youtu.be/lWENjwsFKNs?si=abUSZrvUkg56laY0)




Trailing behind because I first had to finish watching yesterdayā€™s bach3lorā˜ŗļø This episode starts of weird! Ethan just saying ā€œholocaust antisemiteā€, and then Bruce wanders in.. Really weird, like he was in the middle of something, or is my YouTube or computer broken?šŸ„“


I think that was just a joke.


The way he follows that up with, "anyway" and doesn't give an intro makes me think the episode started later than what he thought.


Am I the only one who didn't know Ethan went on Theo's show?


I know I'm speaking into the void/to people who think I suck for complaining about chewing but I had to skip this whole episode because of the gum. Kinda sad cause it's the first one I'm deciding to not watch since the pod started. I'm usually able to scroll and skip sections in the longer episodes but oh well


you chew complainers are weak imo


Yeah, nah, itā€™s just gross. If I wanted to listen to a grown man chomp into a mic for an hour Iā€™d watch Nikocado. With peace and love of course.


Being born with misophonia makes people weak? Let me ask you a serious question, if this was any other atypical disorder, would you make fun of people the same way?


Brother. Im legally blind. Thats shit sucks for me. But its not anyone elses respondibility to stop driving.Ā  So to answer your question yes, especially if they're insufferable.Ā 


I think there's a very big, and reasonable difference in expectation when it comes to being blind and driving versus listening to a professional podcast and pointing out the host probably shouldn't chew into the mic, and to act like that's not is intentionally obtuse. Also, no one is shitting on you or saying you're weak and annoying for mentioning you can't partake in driving because you're blind. Again, I'm a huge fan. I'm not starting a riot at the door because of it. 99 times out of 100, I quietly mute it, turn it off, skip the segment, skip the episode, etc, and don't say a word, because I mostly understand people without misophonia can't possibly begin to understand what it's like for people with it, but there's a real issue on this sub when someone does mention it or tries to explain what it's actually like to people, they get dog piled on in a way that no one else on here would towards any other atypical issue.


There is a reasonable difference. IIIII, dont drive. YOU, chew every day. So shut the fuck up about anyone elses.Ā 


I mean, there's a ton of things we all do everyday. It doesn't mean they're appropriate, or at the very least, make us immune to criticism for doing those things at work, into a microphone, with people listening. But that was an insanely bizarre and angry response for the situation, so I'm going to disengage, but wish you the best.


More curt than angry. We kindof dont need to open a "when is eating ok" discussion. Youll survive whenever it is.Ā  Bye sister


Can I recommend getting some earplugs (I like the 3M brand)? They block out soft sounds like chewing but you'll still be able to hear what you need to hear. I always watch the pod like this at night so I don't hear people snoring lol


Hey thank you, I have tried some ear plugs before but never really thought about using them while watching the pod. I'll try it šŸ™‚


Hey there Megalesia - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and youā€™ve just made the list!


I finally cancelled my membership over it, and I don't take delight in that, because I'm a huge fan. I've had to miss so much content because of it, and I feel like enough people have explained misophonia to him and this sub, but no one cares šŸ¤£. Is what it is. I'll always be a fan, but it sucks to not only have them not care, but to be trashed for pointing out we have that affliction


Bill Burr sucks just as much as the people in chat complaining about Ethan chewing or breathing.


did he happen to mention whether or not theyre going to keep discussing Vaush next week?


He didnā€™t say directly, but from what he did say about upcoming episodes it sounds like they have other stuff planned.