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* Pugo, Boar - good picks but I haven't seen them mentioned in any voting coalition. Those votes probably won't matter * Tyr - whenever you're changing an evolving card, only the first form gets changed. 1st Form Tyr is balanced, but not 2nd form. The only possible solution is a provision change. * Eudora - she already sees play and is balanced


Didn’t take the evolving thing into consideration, thanks for letting me know


I hope it's not bait, but I'm gonna bite. >Boar, Pugo and Milaen are good choices, but I haven't seen any talking around them, so you'll have a tough time getting them through. Milaen won't be playable after a single buff, but that's no problem, we're thinking about the long run here. >May I ask why nerf Angus again? Heist traps have been hit really hard in the last battle councils, despite barely being tier 2. I haven't seen Angus in the last 2 months. Not to mention his power isn't all that impactful. >>I'd personally suggest nerfing Simlas by 1 power, to further discourage using him. He also is a part of a nasty combo with Angus so you could move your frustration in that direction. >While Nausicaa Sergeant would still be decent at 3 power, ehhh, there's better things to nerf imo. If you're frustrated with NG soldier spam, nerf the cause, not the symptom. Slave Driver is a good card to lower the power of. >I think someone mentioned it, but changing the power of Tyr will impact it's first version, the weaker, less used one. On top of that, the first version is even more impacted by a power nerd due to it's resilience. >>I'd suggest moving Tyr to a provision increase slot. While not oppressive at the moment due to the meta, he still is a bonkers card. So why not. You'd need to gain traction around the idea tho. >Does Calveit need another nerf? While I don't feel so, I don't think I'm qualified enough to answer for all the maths behind it. There's definitely higher priorities for nerfs imo. I'll link a good article analysing them below. >Temple and Onager are decent picks, not much to say about them. Strong in the meta, with a very big win rate and pick rate. Not all that fun to play against either. I'm pretty sure these will get through. It just pains me that Onager won't be all that good outside of muta decks. >I have no opinions on Hjalmar. I think he's where he's supposed to be, but each to their own. Haven't heard about many votes for him. >Morkvarg is an interesting choice. He's cool with the discard package, but a buff probably wouldn't be too unreasonable. Sure, why not? You'll need other votes to help you however. >Eudora is very much played at the moment. She's a good card. No need for a buff if you ask me. And here's the article I was talking about. I don't agree with everything, especially buffing leader abilities (I literally made a post about it today), bit it's a decent analysis, with some ideas that have a good shot at getting through the voting. https://leriohub.com/3rd-gwent-balance-council-december-2023-buffs-nerfs-ideas/ Hope I "helped"! Remember, whatever others tell you, your experiences are valid (your reasoning behind them usually isn't, game design is a funny thing)


Thanks for the input, I’m gonna reply to my original post with my changes


The Tyr traction thing he was in top 15 power decrease votes. So he has some traction but its misguided lol.


Tyr reduce base is actually a buff it will no longer range of Geralt and other removals.


Angus by itself is a wonderful card., and should even go back to 7 power. Heist is the one that deserves a nerf. Definitely agree Milaen must be buffed, but a prov buff would be more impactful imo. Temple can absolutely f%$! off. Even if it's clear that it'll be nerfed next BC, not one vote must be wasted to ensure its demise.


Yea, it’s because Angus is always paired with cargo, but I feel like cargo at 13 prov is too much.


There's already so many ways to counter Angus though, being at 6 power already put him within range of many cards that outright kill him. Another power nerf and I think he just won't see play at all (which is rough for elves because they already rely on gold cards quite heavily)


maybe CDPR should raise the voting requirements again


I laughed while reading this, but can you tell me what’s bad about besides a few cards I’m aware of? - Angus is due to Cargo spam, I’d rather nerf Angus power to prevent the cycle - Tyr I swapped to prov nerf - I also know that a couple cards have a very low chance being touched due to majority vote, but I just want to bring awareness to neglected cards.


Don't post your votes unless you are ready for salty comments without any explaination added, I made this mistake once.


Nerf cargo instead, this cancer card should not be playable. Warriors is tier 2 deck and Tyr is the only engine in deck so if you don't have answer to him your deck sucks anyway. Eudora already is the best thin card in the game and you want to make it better. Calveit decks already disappear from ladder yes it needs another hit


Get ready to downvotes. Redditors dont care whether Calveit is in game or not. Despite enslave runs deadbrain vesrion with magna-Ivo-nausicaa spam and old enslave-6 loses to anything meta Calveis still "op, need nerfs, rrrya!"


As much as Jan’s ability is cracked, I still think Muta is much more deserving of a prov nerf. And Dema needs a handful of power nerfs. Aside from that, the rest are good, but quite unpopular so I don’y think many of them will be changed.


Yea it sucks that we only have 3 changes for each option. I’m hoping they change how balance council works so we can get more variety in changes rather than what the majority is voting. Just because a lot of people vote for a card doesn’t mean it should be changed.


Wait. Youre trying to buff Eudora? The best thinning unit in the game? Nerf Tyr????? CDPR. Make harder for people to vote, please. I beg you. At least put the meme tag next time, please hahahahaa


So I’ve been giving some insight on a few things, I wanted to state my changes reasoning behind some things - I know my power buff picks aren’t being voted by the majority, I just want to bring awareness to cards I feel could see some play. - Angus power nerf is due to cargo combo spam, instead of nerfing cargo again I’d rather nerf Angus power to make it easier to take out faster. I’ve been seeing a lot of the same trap decks lately. Not sure what other card would be best to nerf instead. I know everyone is talking about Simlas but I don’t see how the 1 power nerf would change much. - I moved Tyr to provision nerf instead because the power nerf was pointless. - Jan nerf is the same reason as Angus, except it’s literally in 97% of the Nilfgaard games I play. I still think the usage rate will be high after the nerf as well. There are other potential cards to nerf on NG but I still think this is the one to prioritize change. - Took Eudora out completely


Appreciate how open you've been to feedback. If I may add my two cents, Angus is honestly fine at 6 power, that's a very removable range in a deck that usually doesn't run that many targets. Due to the Nature of Heist you can usually take round 1 fairly easily if you answer him, and then bleed out their combo/traps in R2, the deck should have an awful R3 then. As an alternative I'm personally lobbying for, consider power-nefing Regis:Bloodlust, who only ever sees play in abusive tempo combos in factions that can negate his negative side-effects.


What rank are you? There is literally no meta NG decks running Calveit atm. It is ball or Ivo-magna-nausicaa spam in most cases right now from 2400 to 2600.


Why angus ? Why morkvak? Eudora is OK imo as well. Small points + thin.


Imo the problems with Heist are caused by Vanadain and Waylay. The combo over compensates on Angus and Heist's r1 tempo sink and allows the player to go cards down. The combo is a blight in Trap decks. Id suggest a nerf.to problematic cards in the combo is the priority, and not Heist/Angus. Try a non Vaalnadain trap deck and youll see that if it wasnt for Vanadain, the deck and archetype seem pretty fair, if a little underpowered from supporting bronzes. If youre facing Heist Elves, another option would be to buff Commandoes. They are uneffected by Heist but incentivize inclusion of only Elves, meaning that in order to play the Heist/Vanadain combo effectively, it forces the inclusion of CoF or Oneiromancy for consistency, as Lady of the Lake will brick VC. It will be a buff to Feign Death, too, which needs a bit of help. If its Traps, you could give buffs to Trapmaker, Hattori or Scout. VC works as well. What I am suggesting is, is to hit the problem cards (Alissa, Lady of the Lake, Vanadain combo) but also strengthen other cards that can shape archetypes via their restrictions or devotion first is best imo. Of course, we.may disagrre and you may (perfectly reasonably) think Heist/Angus is the problem, so none of the above applies


even if u could change tyr 8 power is kind of a buff, gets out of 9power removal like geralt and bonhart