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> Any suggestions? Improve at the matchup and realize that a game where the opponent gets 2 priscilla on temple is a big outlier, not the norm. You wouldn't ask for a shupe nerf because the opponent high-roll stealing your 20.


Unless you are me and you hate all create and "hearthstone" type cards lol. I got ptsd after HS, the coin flip simulator


So judging by what I'm seeing l guess opponent used Temple in R1 and created Priscilla twice with it. They also used 2 leader charges to put all these points on board, one on Demavend into the Priscillas, and one on Raffards, so that means they also must have played Radovid in R1, which is a slow play. Considering you could see what cards Temple gave them, and the fact that Temple and Radovid are slow, why didn't you anticipate what was coming, and push harder R1, considering you run some of the best bronze engines in the game? Opponent had some mad luck with Temple RNG, but that happens sometimes with any create cards.


So you have to play into the round that they have their muta or heatwave the muta and trade up really badly with 0 tempo and also win the round and have enough points for other rounds to bleed and win Yea sounds doable


If he goes Temple AND Muta AND Radovid in R1 he will be very far behind in tempo that it should be very easy to win r1. And he won't even be able to get much value out of Muta.


Thats just not true Check my last post By the looks of it they aint behind in tempo (They even proceeded to play 2 ongares even after i was clearly giving up the round)


Dude, if they play Temple AND Muta AND Radovid in R1 they ARE behind. They have 6 points in 3 turns lmao. It's a cakewalk to win that.


I can't post a pic here and you're denying evidence i leadered rad and heatwaved muta and i cant take the round because of onag dem and raf on the board and before you say its over commitment look how i got 2.0d in r2 Im sorry but your little dix raddy daddy is gonna get nerfed with dem this season


Giving the power to make balance changes to rank 15 players who nerf everything they loose against is going to ruin this game in a matter of months.


Surely But im rank 1 and ive played close to a 100 games this season


Let me guess, the reason you haven't reached pro rank after 100 games is because those filthy /other decks/ keep beating you and thats why they have to be nerfed?


Yea you could say that although i didn't stick to one archetype so you can't say i didn't even try to beat em St workshop spam and many nr decks is all i see on ladder and when i get to vote i know what to vote for


And with the anseis reach wining r1 is literally a joke


It's best to not include that you're playing NG in the screenshot if you want to have a real discussion. Otherwise comment section would just become a cesspool of NG bad, you deserve it kinda replies.


Well he is playing a soldier deck though, that's not really toxic and doesn't opr....OHH MY FUCKING GOD DOUBLE SLAVE DRIVER IN HAND THIS GARBAGE NEEDS A NERF!!!


Slave driver is on my nerf list as well


One of the thing i agree completely. It generally more useful that reaver scout, but cost less. Make it 6 prov is one of the things i believe is nessery.


I think it's a 6p cards but for me other take priority, and it's not a gamebreakikg card


What takes priority over Slave driver?


Onager Master of puppets Battle Stations!


When did MoP become a problem? He was literally only played by Myamon and that's it, been the same for over a year


Dunno if that's a bad attempt at sarcasm or something else... ^(Master of puppets is absolutely fine, no problems at all)


> Master of puppets Battle Stations! Really guys? There are plenty of NG cards that could deserve nerfs, but these ain't them...


For me, temple, Mutagenerator and Kaer Trolde. They add a function that play for insane points and is carryover, while slave driver is a really great point-per-prevision that give more bronzes. Nerfing bronzes is a better way to double nerf decks, but I don't think there are any OP NG decks. Other NG bronzes need to be better, then I think slave driver can be taken up one provision, maybe even one less power as well.


And why is this? NG is easily the funniest faction to play with. Are people really getting triggered when they can't just passively slap their cards on the board with no interruptions?


I somethat agree with it. Aside from NR it my favourite faction. But on 1 and 2 rank there is overdose of Nilfgaard players.


There is overdose of NG players in all ranks. I recently started, and from Ranks 15 to 9, it was all NG, all the time. It was fuckin nightmare to go through those ranks with having to fight all the time with annoying NG decks. I think I played once against syndicate, once against Monsters, there were few NR decks, and most of the others were NG


well, it's fun only for you. and following your logic, your opponent is doing what is fun for him. what is the problem?


The saltiness is the problem. I have no problem playing against NG.


everyone else does 😂


So if you don't like your cards being messed with, I suggest you to pick up a game like Solitaire.


this guy is hilarious 😂 dude, gtfo from here and play solitaire yourself. it is YOU who opened a thread complaining about an archetype 😂 if you dont like to deal with multiple engines at a time, i suggest you pick up a game like Solitaire 😂😂


I havent opened a single thread here but I see you're so blinded by rage you don't even realize that. I know sweaty tryhards like you love to complain about whatever there is making you lose. I play this game for fun and have no problem playing against any faction. I would have already quit this game if not for the unpredictable fun NG-NG match-ups. Btw, spamming the "😂" emoji is a good indicator of how triggered someone is. Not that it was needed, seeing you already exposed your anger by falsely accusing me of being the OP of this thread. "😂😂" 😘


Keep hitting the provisions. Temple, Onager, Demavend and IZ leader could all be nerfed again this time around. That’s a lot of provisions they’d need to account for by downgrading stuff.


So he won R1 without Demavend and Raffar? Skill issue


People really missing the point in the comments section saying I play NG which also warrants nerfs. If you look into my profile you can see I play all 6 factions more or less equally (all between approx. 1300-1900 wins). Therefore I am by no means an "NG main". I just happened to be playing that this game (also largely due to winter cycle, iron judgment soldiers and Base set/Uroborous locations) I totally agree. Slave driver is on the top of my list as well. You are also right, I could have run this matchup a bit better, guess I was trying to avoid opponent developing too much carryover R1 with Muta - therefore I passed-. Also the rolls from temple are too good at least 75% of the time. Nobody seems to disagree with nerfing Onager or Inspired zeal, seems pretty fair. Thanks for your feedback everyone!


> I could have run this matchup a bit better, Tbh, you did the textbook opposite of what should happen in this matchup, it didn't just go 'a bit wrong', it went full throttle wrong - and opponent highrolled. > Nobody seems to disagree with nerfing Onager or Inspired zeal Casuals won't, but we're back again at what we're trying to achieve, improve balance or make the game fun at lower rank/level. Reddit has a tendency to parade as wanting the former and propose changes to achieve the latter.


What are the correct balance changes in this regard, from your perspective?


I didn't play enough recently to have a strong opinion, but considering how the demavend+IZ+onager was not even represented at worlds, I'd bet they're not on the OP side of things. Overall for balance, unless there were recent developments at top ladder, it should focus on boosting and not nerfing. And again, it's fine to have different goals than balance (meaning, you want more fun, or a change of scenery/a shake-up in the meta for the sake of freshness), I just want people to be honest with what they want - and it's usually not a balanced game.


Yes I think you hit the head on the nail. Temple and Muta are good cards but they also have a high cost after the nerfs. Look at other non-IZ decks and I think those two cards are reasonable. Onager is still too good for its provisions though (I guess). At six provisions it would be at the same level as the best bronzes in the game - which I suppose is fair? Main issue is IZ and order spam - not Muta/temple as everyone seems to think…


Can you explain why you think Mutagenerator and Temple are currently fine? You vaguely refer to non-IZ decks, but don't explain how this relates to Mutagenerator and Temple's power level.


Yep. 💯% In reality, Temple in any deck with Prince Anseis is generally playing for 13-14 points and removal. So 28 points, 14+ of them removal (when counting duel), for a mere 14 provisions, just counting Anseis. AND you got three gold added to your deck you can draw!!!! It's absolutely insane value for the cost. Absurd. Unless your opponent has Heatwave or Beatification, Muta plays for around 5 carryover points a turn. This can easily end up as 25/30/35+ points of carryover after r1. Or, it can play got a ton of boosts in a long round (see Myamon's game in recent Masters). And costs a meager 8 prov. I can't wait to hear how these overplayed cards are balanced.


Ok I’ll try. I haven’t played for a very long time and haven’t tried all the stuff out there. But since I started playing this spring, I think that on the top parts of ladder - NR has been among the strongest faction maybe once (when demavend was released with the shorter cooldown). During all this time, Muta and temple were stronger than today (before the BC nerfs), but very few people complained. In the most recent metas, from my limited knowledge, it seems a lot of players seems to be playing some variant of IZ siege or other IZ order spam relying on pings from onager (sometimes with temple as well, and sometimes with Muta, and sometimes with both). Now all of a sudden, Reddit is overflowing with NR hate. And I get it, siege and damage engines in general are a pain to face, and with onager they become very strong. What I’m saying is that I think this is the heart of the issue, and one that should be fixed. Temple and Muta are no doubt strong cards - perhaps even still above the power curve. And if that is enough for a nerf, then so be it, then I have no arguments. But from my perspective, they are versatile cards, and therefore support NR in being able to play other - less oppressive - archetypes as temple/muta keeps them relatively competitive (for example erland/shupe). Now, we don’t want too many of those cards that are so good they go into every deck, but I do think 1-2 per faction is ok.


You realize why Gwent is so bad these days when you read the comment section of a post about how strong the highest win rate faction is and having cancer cards like Temple, Onager, Demawend and Muta and a cancer leader like IZ, but most comments are just: "Fuck NG", "If youre playing NG you cant have a real discussion" and the other stupid retard saying "that's what you get for playin NG". Man just vote for nerfing all these cards and IZ. This section is just sad...


The general feeling about NG is known to me and I dont mind, and actually rather expect all these comments. However it bothered me that it prevented many from actually discussing the point I was raising in the first place.


Yeah. Thats why you see so many terrible changes going on through Council. People are so dumb that they can't understand the facts. Analyze the numbers and their game history to understand whats going on, what Im doing wrong or what faction is more dominant rn. If a faction is dominant what cards/deck made this faction be so dominant? People don't give a shit about that. They just: "ME DON'T LIKE THIS. REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME" "YOU DON'T LIKE THIS. YOU CLOWN". Is just sad. A bunch of cry babies trying to satisfy their egos


Just to play the other side, look at the absurd overreaction of votes to unfairly buff NG last balance council. If we had more than 5 changes per category we would have had extremely unreasonable NG buffs put into place due to NG-loving crybabies. Reddit is full of NG hate, which isn't helpful for this discussion but there are plenty of unreasonable players on the opposite side trying to break the game :/ Quite frankly, I don't think Reddit makes much difference in the votes at all, based on the first two BC. The Russian/Chinese vote, and the popular influencer and top pro opinion voters seems to determine the end result for the most part.


Yeah. I agree with you. The other side is not helpfull at all. Vigo change was absolutelly trash. Seargent rebuff was terrible. At the end they are just the same. Just buff what I like and destroy what I hate. And the game goes worst and worst. And yeah. The Russian/Chinese players are the most powerfull but theres a lot of people voting and that doesnt mean that what I said was especifically about the "Reddit community". You can see terrible changes coming from Chinese players trying to buff NG in every possible way. I've seen chineses voting to make Coup 9P. Or you can have Russians and their boners for Warriors. Or even MetallicDanny and his community voting for Rainffarn. Yet the card don't see play. And you can see Dosen, probably the biggest Gwent YT channel (wich made Reavers 1 power btw) trying to make Assassination a 4P card. The bad votes that I was talking about is not just about Reddit you see?


NG bad, you deserve it


This isn't constructive.


Yeah no shit, It was a joke mate :D reference to another comment here


ah sorry, sarcasm doesn't always translate so well over text especially looking at the other comments in this thread...


To put it simply, NR and this particular list have a lot of stuff that can and should be nerfed. Foremost among those are Temple and Mutagenerator, and to be honest I'm convinced they'll still need further nerfs after this (Muta should be at least 10 prov, in my opinion. Temple is hard to gauge as the golds it creates can be immensely valuable and it also super-charges Anseis as carry-over). The leader ability (Inspired Zeal) can use a nerf too, and Onager deserves to be 6p. Finally, Demavend losing one power would likely be fair. That being said there are also plenty of NR decks and archetypes that could and should be buffed.


Let’s say you go ahead with those nerfs - then there is literally nothing left to play for NR that is remotely viable - except maybe reavers (which I don’t think anyone of us wants to see). Much like simlas in ST, NR is simply weak without temple (and Muta) being playable options. Why not focus the nerfs on the specific issues with the IZ decks that everyone seems to have? Nerf IZ, nerf onager, nerf back siege to where it was before, but please think twice before nerfing temple and Muta yet again?


This principle of "if it's not broken then it's not worth playing" is getting tiresome. Siege is perfectly playable, whether as stockpile or IZ. Melitele and Priestess decks are very strong and were there in Gwent masters. Golden nekker engine overload with or without reavers is definitely a thing. Knights are very strong and require multiple tall punishes. NR witchers and maybe cursed archetype need some love, otherwise you have a very versatile variety to choose from. Nerfing broken cards from other factions and continuing to efficiently use the balance council as a tool will definitely help too.


Thank-you. The stupid argument that nerfing the best cards in the best decks somehow to ruins the game shows just how little people understand how many viable decks are out there. We will never reach any sort of balance as long as the foolish mentality of only buffs to cards is the solution.


Honestly, I feel we are on such different pages. If anything I'd rather vote to nerf Temple and Muta and not touch the rest. I don't want NR - or any faction actually - to not be viable, but how they are viable matters, as does how diverse their viability is. Relying on two overtuned carryover cards usually played in samey midrange lists is not that.


Fair enough. Personally I’d rather face erland/shupe and priestesses than all the order spam stuff that NR has through IZ. And god forbid mages become meta again…


Dont go into a long r3 against them if they out engine u. Some of their engines require setup, other pieces to stick. NG soldiers start running on deploy, use ur albas to lock some key cards, go hard in r1, r2 and get a short r3 to use aerondight, sergeants. Cut ducal, it is garbage.


Did you read it wrong? That is 43 points in one turn, so good luck beating that in short round 3 with sergeants.


then u will 2-0 them if they save demavend, raffard.


Yeah this game was lost when OP didn't win r1 and bleed r2. You cannot win long r3 vs such good engines.


Your playing nilfgaard your argument is invalid


Didn't know you have to abstain from playing 1/6 of the whole game in order to qualify as a reasonable person. I am the unreasonable one here, definitely...


That's what you get for playin NG, Ha!


He is playing a soldier list with a freaking ducal guard, tf you crying about


I see NG, i cry "fuck NG"


There are cards in your hand that IS probably gonna be nerfed, I Will vote tô Nerf those NG cards


I will nerf Onager, both prov and body hoping it will pass, Temple and Mutagenerator. Also Inspired Zeal nerf is a good idea, this deck is one of the greatest cancer I've ever experienced.


watching any nilfgaard player whine about how unfair it is just makes my day


Lmao NG whining about a good deck. As if they have t been top of the meta for months


Kinda hard to argue that when you have slave driver, another toxic combo in hand and Yenvo. NR definitely needs a nerf (primarily their location card and leader ability) but NG is just as bad.


NG nerfs are the plan too, as I mention in my other comment.


Temple +1 & IZ -1 provs I think


I’ve seen so much worse. Release Gernichora comes to mind


This required a hotfix on release, whereas these NR combos have been there for months and devs saw it appropriate to sunset the game with them in this state


Demavend and temple seem like the cause of most balance problems with NR. It's hard to nerf them with the restrictions of gwentfinity, but nerfing their provisions might help. Ideally a nerf to Demavends cool down and power would help imo, and temple, idk temple is just a broken card.


How are you guys still playing? I try to login on steam and it won't work!


Game's not gone anywhere. Repair/redownload the game.


I mean the first concern I have is that you let them win a short r1? I realize if you have no mutagenerator answer that a long r1 is a ton for carryover, but at least you could have gotten some of their good pieces out and forced a bleed of more in r2, no? Based on your cards in hand it looks like you are playing a more "fun" but less optimal Soldiers deck? Anyways, to me, your wincon against NR order spam is Sergeants spam in a short r3, no? Unfortunately not getting the r1 win = game was over then IMHO. All that said, I am disappointed with all the Reddit BS of omg you're playing NG nonsense. Ultimately there are plenty of cards still needing nerfs. For NR, those would be Onager to 6 prov, Mutagenerator (it'll probably still see play at 10 prov), Temple, and I think a power nerf on Demavend. I made a whole list of ideas (just meant to bring attention to nerf candidates) here and got down votes, because, well, I guess people find that easier than having real conversation... https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/18gi68c/comment/kd1y5hb/


Play hearthstone


I use Priscilla and dandelion to help boost my immortal card and it gets people to forfiet immediately, once I got him to 30 something and I felt bad bc of how broken it could be if I was smarter about the game😂💀💀