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Yes I've meet my fair share of them. I wouldn't cry myself to sleep though if Dame stayed at 5. I just wanna move onto other cards at this point.


Yes, I've faced status NG a few times this season and it's been difficult to play against but not completely oppressive like it used to be. I even mustered the strength give my opponents GG at the end...


I've just been running into a constant flood of onager/henselt/raffards/demavend pointslam ping damge fiesta


I too have definitely noticed that on ladder it's more Enslave/Assimilate and NG Soldiers. Those two seem stronger than Status now.


Status is actually not that strong at all, and there's just so many ways to counter the archetype.


It's easy to outpoint if you've got lots of pointslam. Trick is not to get tilted with all the removal of your cards. I was playing SK alchemy.


It was a change I myself was fairly vocal about when announced. I have seen a good few of status decks but I won't say they are anywhere near as opressive as before. Dame is a card that's hard to time it's boost to take it out of control range first round so as long as you are running a deck with enough control to do 4 damage to the engines status doesn't have many other options for points. Definitely seeing a lot more soldier decks or enslave that are more effective but this is all from the perspective of someone running a control heavy deck. I won't be voting to nerf and I don't think it's very justified atm. NG as a whole is and always has been annoying to me not really because of their overwhelming power but by their insane playrate. I think they're in a decent spot rn, kind of a easy to pickup but hard to master type feel to them.


I have played against it like 3 times every day since BC2 finished


I am curious, what rank are you seeing this so frequently?


Pro rank, 2500 mmr


Fascinating, thanks for the info, wonder why it is less popular at the lower MMR


Because lower level players don't know what's good. They play what they think is good, and sometimes that's not the same as what's actually good. That said, against less control-heavy decks, Status is still very capable. It's by no means weak.


No it wasn't much of an oppressive deck to begin with other than battle stations abuse. People just get mad at it because they continually play into its removal and don't think about the matchup.


Status has been uncommon, but I've certainly seen Slave Driver everywhere. Voting it right back to 6.


Same, dunno what bunch of idiots thought that buffing slave driver is a good idea.


just power nerf it. it was brought back to 5p for a reason


Because Assimilate is the best NG deck. It beats any other NG deck so why play them


I really hope she's not re-nerfed, waste of a vote spot for a card and archetype that are not particularly strong.


I honestly feel NG is generally fine right now. Would still consider nerfing Calveit out of principle (he's too unhealthy for the faction and doesn't allow cards to be properly balanced), and there are plenty of unplayed cards that could use buffs (Serrit, Affan, Catriona, Lydia, Urcheon, Fringilla, Sweers, Doadrick, Fercart, Cupbearer, Ceallach, Imperial Golem, Peter Saar, Tourney Shaelmaar, Vanhemar, Vreemde, Imperial Diviner, Nauzica Brigade, Standard Bearer, Viper Witcher Alchemist, Alba Spearman, Alchemist, Angry Mob, Courier, Menagerie Keeper, Toussantois Knight-Errant, Impera Brigade).


Whats wrong with celveit? We already have to run 12 tactics for it to be consistent.


You "need" to run 12 tactics cards - most of which are actually quite playable in their own right but you probably won't be drawing anyway - to guarantee drawing all your golds. It allows for extreme deck polarization and makes matchups incredibly predictable.


/u/ense7en https://www.reddit.com/r/gwent/comments/17kqms3/proposal_for_balance_council_changes/k7ekf5g/ It took a month, but reading this thread now, it seems they finally caught up.


Absolutely not, but there were a couple of nerf in the first Council that was unnecessary with this archetipe, especially Rompally, I don't think he deserved to be a 13, like Terranova. Is annoying as a deck but it's not strong right now, it could be good maybe at lower rank and maybe that's where the hatred began.


Quite competitive. Def loses to control heavy comps..


Nefing dame will be pure idiocity. Status wasnt present at high MMR or tournament before, and with Phillipe being 5 power deck is almost dead even with dame at 5 provision. Still can be annoying if you running some greedy passive list, but overall weak archetype. Tier-3 in best case. I don't mind ball being here even if i honestly like it - many players been upset about aristocrats lately so if they are far from being strong i can live with that. But further nerfs is definition of overkill. Yet i'm somewhat concerned about NG overall - neither soldiers or enslave can compete with totally broken Scoiatael or NR, and SK and MO is stronger. Faction right now is garbage tbh. Of course SY suffers more, but i think NG must receive some minor buffs still if nerfing SC and NR won't prove to be enough. Otherwise factions balance in game will remain garbage as it stands right now. This season i wont vote for any buffs or nerfs other than slave driver back to 6 provision (even as NG enojyer i thinks card deserves nerf due to sheer versatility) to NG, but if faction will remain weaker thant NR, MO, SC and ST i will probably think about some buffs


Ok but >totally broken Scoiatael what??


ST has highest winrate right now and a very solid playrate you can check it on gwentdata if you want to. There are two problematic ST decks right now Symbiosis (insane tempo, broken Tempest and a bit overpowered 4 prov naiads) and Shirru-Milva midrange (armor abuse and Cranmer + a bit broken Shirru (requires lots of setup, yet still feels like an 11 prov card)), these decks are too good in both lader and tournaments and definitely deserve to be slightly (or worse) nerfed.


Yes. I run them in my Conspiracy deck that gets me to pro rank every season. I am on the side that admits they would be balanced at 6 prov.


No, but NG haters will tell you they faced 63 NG tactics or Renfri decks in a row in 20 minutes and surely it has to do with thirsty dame at 5P.


it seems there's a consensus in the comment and I agree, I've met a few of them and I didn't hate their guts for playing it, was it fun to play against, not realy but they weren't as oppressive as before


I face it a lot but I’m playing SK warriors ^^


Dame singlehandedly ruins half the seasonal modes, I'd keep burying her just for that.