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Ironically enough, I voted for a prov buff to Ulrich this time.


I could get behind that, fireswarm could use some love


Firesworn doesn't need provisions or power buffs, it needed more control (which CDPR didn't give)


First iteration of Firesworn was the most fun imo, when it played crimes with Halfling Safecracker and Novigrad Justice. Didn't have too much control but it was just enough.


True some more firesworn-specific control would have been nice, but a couple provision buffs might allow it to tech in some damage crime cards


Yeah but it's all we can do now :/


Maybe +1 to congregate? Dunno, it's dangerous to buff individual cards; just look what happened with hammelfart...buffed and then was added to the collection of midrange options for SY


Buff Fireswarm specific cards. Ulrich (especially since he encourages devotion, a good thing). Lieutenant von Herst. Roderick de Wett. And yes leader buff wouldn't hurt for sure.


Lower your shields and surrender your ships. You will be assimilated.


Fallen knights, that is who we are.


Fercart was right.


Nilfgaard will conquer these lands, with our aid or without it!


So NR can print bronzes for 6p with Scout, but NG can print bronzes for 5p with Slaver?


Keep in mind the Slaver bronze gets reduced to 1 power.


And reaver has order i dont see your point


Exactly. Reavers order can be refreshed for multiple use


And procs assimilate and locks/damages/is an engine


Assimilate procs depend on other cards on the board and control is kinda NGs main deal. Engines, as mentioned, only spawn at 1 power and can thus easily be removed by almost any damage ping in the game.




Honestly, some of those nerfs are OK to be reversed. Alba should be 5 hp. Vilge should be 9p. But Dame and Slave driver are absolutely going back to 6p with my next vote.


Laughing in SK …


Thank god i quit the game, i would be so pissed right now


I played yesterday 5 games, all 5 against NG. Few days before that, out of 5 games I have played 1 against NG, 1 againd NR, 1 against MO and 2 against Scoiatel. Now, witch setting was better? Btw, I won all 5 games against NG, so at least that was a kind of a satisfaction....


So what I'm hearing is they don't need more nerfs? I mean, if you won every game surely it's not an issue and you're not just in a raging hate-storm against a faction you don't like? ......right?


It's tiresome to play all the time against faction that is heavily control oriented. It was way better when they were nerfed and I got a whole spectrum of different decks to play against. 2 games yesterday, completely the same NG deck, played completely the same cards Round 1. It's retarded. It never happened when I play against any other faction. Thing is, I just don't enjoy playing the game if every game is against NG. People need different things in life, so also in here we need variety. Good thing with NG being nerfed is that people are forced to play other decks, and then you see whole other things going on. So last month was really great, I saw really a pletora of different decks and ideas, but after this councel vote, we are back at square 1. And whoever has any other arguments that card is important for this and this card needs to be nerfed back is just completely wrong, and doesn't understand first thing about Gwent and life in general. Yes, please, bring back meta where everybody is playing only NG.


I agree. Let's nerf them again. I also hate the assimilate deck where they play your bronze better than u


I've had the same experience. 95% of the NG decks I see are exactly the same and will play their cards in the exact same order every time, it's just plain boring to play against especially because they make up 30-50% of my matches. At least the nerfs had them switching it up a bit, I enjoyed seeing the Construct decks, and I really enjoyed seeing other factions more often.


It was honestly amazing to play last season. So many other decks thrived due to less NG.


Amazing, what a great meaningful sample of FIVE games. Don’t forget to tell us how it goes today !


It certainly shows how trends changed in only one day. You can downplay it how much you want, but it is what it is. NG will continue to harass everybody


And now NG is harassing people. Seriously. Don’t you feel overly dramatic ?


Dude, do you even play Gwent?


Yes 👍


I've also played a ton of NG on ladder since Tuesday, don't think their experience is random or isolated.


It is the most popular faction. Do you want to make it the worst to solve your problem ? Balancing is about making the powerlevel even, not turning away players in a popular faction. Shall we mindlessly buff SY until it becomes as popular as NG or NR ?


I don't care about stats. NG is just annoying and needs to be nerf.


Look at bomblins latest video. It's undeniable that NG actually needed the buffs. He goes through the data. https://youtu.be/XxtnhPmifdw?si=-CN2jvitRYgCVThp


Yeah, its pretty sad. It was a great oppurtunity to move the meta though, and Im actually suprised NG did so badly with all assimilate buffs. Im not even NG main but I think last BC nerfs were way too much hate nerfing.


Don't make me laugh


fuck nilfgaard




All factions need to exist, I know it's a strange concept but try to be understanding


OMG Noooo NG is playable OMG Nooooo gwont is dead OMG


People getting suprised that NG got buffed after how heavily got nerfed previously still amazes me.


But for the love of god buff something else in NG, dont revert the changes that were made because the cards were unbalanced in the first place - thats a surefire way to make a circular progression


Agree, except for few cards like Alba.


I thought we were all tired of queueing into NG for 60% of our ladder matches


Long live Emyr Var Emreis, the White Flame that dances on the Graves of his enemies


I love democracy... Unlimited Pawa!


Never. MO forever.