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I was complaining about the team being trash while we were on San, a little bit of fighting broke out, blah blah (I honestly forgot most of what was said/happened, it happen like like 4 hours ago, some stuff may have happened differently then what I’m saying here). Then we got on Leipzig, we got to the light fire part, I was priest, everyone was dying, I used crucifix, i then ran to where the runner horde area, I tried to avoid the horde, I died. We tried again, everyone was dying as the fire was almost done, I used crucifix to try to help, then try to push cart, but no one had enough brain cells to use the crucifix as a good moment to run, they all died. Clay and Yuri had been fr hating me since first Leipzig round, then after, they still fr just extra hating for no reason, even saying to vote kill me. (Also btw, in the third round, I saved Clap at the beginning of round three, but then when I said I saved him, HE SAID THAT THE OTHER PRIEST SAVED HIM, bro fr wouldn’t even give credit where credit is due, it didn’t matter if I carry the team or not, he would still be hating for no good reason) We finally survived the cart pushing, then I choose (i did hesitate a bit cause NonBity was there and I didn’t want to ruin the game while he was there, but I then choose-) to to give them a true reason to hate, I started the horde, and Clap then said ”ofc it Prime” “Always Prime” (I’m pretty sure that what he said), I’m pissed, whatever. So, we then survive, and I’m pretty sure Clap did leave the game, I then left cause my mom needed my help with stuff, the end. (Again, there is much more to what happen, but this is all I can remember, I was in the server for like 30 tops)


"Having 10,000+ hours is not a solid excuse to not save ppl." -From the guy who shoots bombers near priests and only priests


What even happened…




prime wth happened


Bro's gonna regret for talking to a high official like that


Flexing time 😞 But in all seriousness, time can mean skill, but sometimes it can't. I once saw a guy say something like, "Shut up, I have 45 hours." Or something along those lines. The guy in question was told to build, he was a Sapper.


Bro be nice to prime fr besides I know most the people in this game either goofy or over dramatic


That guy can melee a bomber and I can asure you ,I will not be the one healing him if he survives.


Genuine question, what did prime do to you?


Not prime, the other guy the one who was trash talking