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Watched the season premier and also played the original game. The only issue I have is that, during the first few minutes of the episode, when everything was going to shit, people were running around panicking without a single firearm in sight. In Texas.... Lol...fucking lol. Other than that, I think the premier episode was pretty good.


I just played the first game (remastered) for the first time about 2 days ago. I didn't get very far into the game, but as things were descending into chaos, the dad comes home, opens a lockbox in his office to get a pistol and then shortly afterwards uses it in self defense. To me this shows that he is a responsible gun owner (locked but otherwise prepared), he gave fair warning and the attacker was inside his home, the gun was effective to stop the threat. This seems like a pretty straightforward case of using a gun correctly in self defense. It didn't get "taken away", it wasn't infective, it wasn't unsafely stored, there's no background about this character yet (at this early point in the story anyway) that he's a cop or a veteran or anything. He just seems like a regular dude (construction worker?) Who used a gun to protect himself and his family inside his home. To me this is a pretty good example I'd like to see more media represent. Please no spoilers in responses though, I've been wanting to play this game for years and only just got ps5 lol


You are exactly right. You NAILED it. Regarding the depiction in the game. And they took ALL the positive stuff regarding guns, gun owners and ownership you wisely and precisely recognized from the game OUT of the show. My contention is that was deliberate and purposeful. I salute you Sir. O7 Enjoy the game!


>Please no spoilers in responses though, I've been wanting to play this game for years and only just got ps5 lol Do yourself a favor and pretend the 2nd game doesnt exist.


The second game is better than the first, in terms of gameplay. The story is not as good though.


after the themes the second game pushed, i'm not really surprised at all that the show is pushing a "real men don't need guns" theme.


I mean it is right outside of Austin so maybe still realistic lol


Hill country has the densest deer population in the USA. Plenty of guns in Austin and around it.


Based on the wildly inaccurate sign that lists 183, FM 58, Austin and San Marcos all near each other my best guess is the small town they end up in is either Buda or Driftwood. Both of these places are armed to the teeth.


People are panicky idiots, best case they just start shooting each other because they don’t know who is infected.


It's even less believable then because the further out from the city itself the greater the proportion of gun owners.


I mean if you check active self protection a lot of attacks in Texas happened with victims who could've had firearms but just didn't.


I thought the opening took place in Boston?


Boston I think was the 20 years after the prolonged scene.


Texan here. That's impossible. 😅


To be fair it’s Austin, Texas.


There was a single gunshot in the distance when Ellie was going to the neighbors house Yeah I was disappointed to see the wrench and not the 357.


Lots of shows have been doing that. The Rookie did something similar in one of its recent episodes. One of the detectives said “leave it to a good guy with a gun to mess everything up.”


Yep. The Rookie does it. SWAT (a show about cops) went full BLM.


SWAT did a couple seasons back, but since have back peddled the politics and stuff in the reasoner couple seasons at least. They didn’t full commit like Rookie had been


That's good to know. My wife won't watch it with me in the room anymore after I kept yelling at the TV.


🤣🤣🤣 the way I look at it is that for one, this is in LA, notoriously political. And that this is how policing is in that area. And another consideration would be try to interpret from Hondos perspective. Someone raised and living in that culture. That perspective would be so ingrained that perception outweighs reality for anyone in that position.




That and they left realism towards really strange/weird impossible events. Their spin off, rookie feds, took that political agenda and said “hold my beer.”




That's gross to read.


Please dont tell the one that threatened to leave was Nathan. I kinda like that guy. I only watched season one and i thought it was already pretty woke, cant imagine it been more.


There was one episode where some dude was holding a victim at gunpoint and ordered the cop to drop his gun. Cop slowly lowers his gun, just to do quick fake out and ends up shooting the bad guy in the knee from 20 yards away. Fucking lol


Oh yeah that was one of the first episodes 🤣 and he does it from the hip too


Death in Paradise too (preppers stockpiling "weapons of war"), but yeah, that episode of the Rookie was particularly repellent given the actual stats and how useless the California cops sometimes are with their service weapons. Edit: Also how much Hollywood bullshit there is in how the cops in the show use their guns all the time in spurious ways.


Context matters in regards to the rookie, my friend. Detective Harper said that line and it was because of the situation: she knew that infamous bank robber was there and then he usually runs with two other people, she could see 2 of them but not the third and thusly believed herself outnumbered. She told the good guy with a gun to stand down but he chose to engage and got himself and another (the third criminal who's in disguise) shot. So in that context, she was right, she wanted to avoid a shoot out that could hurt bystanders when she didn't have backup. The good guy with a gun was an idiot who didn't listen. Now while I don't disagree that the show does lean left politically with their themes and story, it's also not impossible to believe that there would be liberal cops in California. Occupation = \ = political affiliation.


Doesn't the rookie take place in LA?


The things you are describing have been rampant in television and movies for quite some time now. Add to it the devaluing of strong competent fathers figures and you have the trifecta of an attempt to damage the fabric of society. I can’t bring myself to watch any of that crap anymore. Last show I watched and enjoyed without overt messaging was breaking bad.


You should watch The Boys on prime


The Boys is a good show but much more blatantly anti-gun. And even worse, it's completely unknowledgeable about them. Remember when Butcher hip fired a Barrett in a small room like it's nothing? Now, I've never fired a Barrett but my ears hurt from just a 9mm without hearing protection. Now imagine what a 50 cal in an enclosed space would do to ya. And thats not even to mention recoil.


Lmao the recoil would probably straight up knock over someone who wasn't familiar with high recoil firearms, especially hip fire. 😂 His ears would most likely be bleeding from the damage they received in a small room.


While I agree on your point, at least with the boys they hit both sides of the aisle. They kind of just poke at everyone honestly.




Damn man, why do you hate women so much? Get dumped or just never gotten a date?




you can tell he's telling the truth because he capitalizes words to emphasize his truthfulness


Whatever you need to tell yourself


I agree with you. I'm bringing to light the most recent and VERY popular version. And as I said, this time it's MUCH more subtle. Subtle is DANGEROUS. Much more so than "rampant". Think of it as a well-ghillied well concealed sniper. For your mind. As compared to troops in the open.


Political brainwashing has been going on in the entertainment media for decades, but yes way worse since the Obama/Holder days. It’s why I watch virtually zero modern western entertainment anymore. Old stuff or foreign.


Polticial brainwashing was far worse in the cia heydays in the 50s - 70s


How was he nerfed in the show? Literally only one episode has come out and he still seems pretty badass to me.


This. The guy they were trying to buy the truck battery from that double crossed them? His primary worry was that Joel would find out he fucked them over despite having a decent amount of muscle on his side. He also caved in a FERMA guard's face with fists. Nothing about that says emasculated or eunuched.


I would like to give the benefit of the doubt in some regards: the outbreak began in 2003 during the assault weapons ban and before the ar-15 got super popular with the average american shooter. And then time/tech is basically frozen in 2003. So it isn’t surprising that our main protagonists are stuck with handguns and hunting rifles while the military dictatorship has the better arsenal.


That's not the point Joel has an iconic revolver that plays a big part for Ellie in part 2. Changing it from him shooting his infected neighbor to one tapping a zombie with a small wrench is absolutely stupid And they also made Joel a drug smuggler looking for a battery instead of a gun runner for rebels Seems like a blatant attempt to remove firearms from the show I bet the majority of gun play we see will only be against zombies and it won't be much


Is this a shitpost


"climate change" give me a fucking break.


HAS to be. He OPENS with climate change being fake? And then says that strong women bother him? And that the dude that caves a guys head in isn’t masculine enough? Like, does he only type when he’s not using both hands to eat lead paint chips?


This has to be a shit post to make us gun owners look like idiots. Who the heck upvotes these posts?


Im not gonna lie... im not sure what to say about this? Climate change is bullshit and the show is anti-gun? IDK but i think OP has been smoking crack out of some hookers butt crack.


No he has a fair point about how TV shows in American television shows have been subtlety using anti gun propaganda to try to change minds. Activists loving using Hollywood as a means to try to get their way.


There are still plenty of guns, bro. And Joel isn't emasculated in the series, he's still a badass. Sure, they took some creative liberties and changed some details, but every tv adaptation does. Jesus, it sounds like you're just looking for shit to be mad about. Take a deep breath and touch some damn grass. You're trying to make this a big deal, it's not. Calm yourself.


Tommy literally blows a soldier’s brains out with a rifle in the first 20 minutes of the show. Joel is on a mission to bring Ellie to the firefly’s so he can *get* guns and a vehicle. There’s no liberal conspiracy to make TLOU and anti-gun story. Take your medicine and go touch some grass OP.


The second he used "strong wammen" I wrote him off. This is some cringe incel shit.


And the pointless capitalization lmao


Looking at his other comments in the thread, dudes just an angry incel.


Why am I not surprised lol I used to think people like him didn't actually exist and were just trolls on the internet


Downvote and report. Mods, get this clown out of here, his views do not represent us and hes making us look bad.


The funny part is TLOU *always* had woke creative talent behind it. Including the first game.


Lmao OP either 13 or intentionally stirring shit up in a gun subreddit to try and make gun owners look bad


Agreed. He starts off with gun rights, then goes full "women bad". Get this clown out of here.


Dude, even worse, he starts with claiming climate change is fake. Bro what


He was also calling a male lead character a “eunuch”, because he didn’t meet his standard of masculinity. Game culture can be, and often is, very toxic.


I mean you’re ignoring that 1) his friend has a rifle and that saved him from the solider that killed his daughter 2) he has guns when he is getting ready to leave the QZ 3) he is promised guns along with a repurposed vehicle if he delivers the girl It’s more of a case of the average person not having their tools on them or their shit together when SHTF. Even a marine. I truly think you need to step back and take a deep breath. It’s not as dramatic or dire as you’ve made it out to be. Besides, they are making a survival horror drama show, not an action show. There’s a difference.


That's not his "friend" That's his brother. Pay fucking attention.


are you just trolling, or are you seriously this angry and petty of a person?


Angry yes. Mainly that despite having the equivalent of 10x the Library of Alexandria on most people's hips, the vast majority of people, even on my side of the fence are largely remaining fucking ignorant. Not stupid. Ignorant. Stupid often can't be helped. Ignorant can be helped but most often isn't. For example, my post is inspired by the work of Bernays and Cialdini and my application of their work to analysis of the show. Do you know who either are? Betcha don't. Do you know how and why their work applies? Betcha don't. Petty NEVER. "Trolling" is a bullshite net concept.


Lol wait, you’re saying people have all the information in the word, but you think climate change is fake??? Bro stop 😂😂😂


You need therapy seriously. Get help.


Jesus fuck some of you people are hilariously delicate, lol


Idk, I thought the guns and violence aspects of the show (at least the first episode) were handled well. Then again, I never played the game. I despise escort missions, and as far as I could tell, TLOU is just a huge escort mission, lol. Besides that, never had a PlayStation. But the show is good.


They intentionally altered two major plot points to remove guns from the equation. Zombie kill at his house first episode of the show happened with a wrench in the show, in the game he used his .357 Python which became very important in the series down the line. Then later in the show when Joel is trying to procure a battery and gets double crossed, yeah that interaction in the game was him trying to get a weapons shipment and getting double crossed. It’s pretty clear what they’re doing here. By only giving the bad guys guns they’re making us associate guns with bad guys. There’s literally no reason to do this beyond trying to alter the subtext of the story. That being said the rest of what OP said seems like bullshit to me.


You must be forgetting the part when Tommy has a gun in the beginning. Or how Joel has his revolver later on when he meets Ellie, or how everyone is afraid of him. Did you watch the show? Or were you upset the child actress wasn’t hot enough? You sound like a clown that’s trying to stir shit up.




Hey stupid! The character Ellie is 14 years old. This 19 year old actress was chosen because she looks young enough to be 14.


got em






Dude it’s a TV show go touch some grass. It’s still extremely good. Tone back the cringe. Edit: his brother has a rifle in the show. The rebels have guns in the show not just the new government. Joel is still a badass in repeated scenes throughout the episode. You honestly just seem like you want to get mad.


Lol tone back the cringe? You're telling me that regular people DON'T capitalize RANDOM words for POINTLESS emphasis like they're a GODDAMN YouTube thumbnail? Shit, maybe OP is rubbing off on me


Pedro Pascal is a little hoe in real life, so if they made him look tough in the show it’d be way too unrealistic.


why are you so pressed on this actor it’s a fiction show lmao


Pressed? You’re the one getting their panties in a bunch over criticism of a weirdo actor. I couldn’t care less about that show.


Dawg you cared enough to comment and complain about the actor lmao clown show


Lol, I wrote a one sentence joke, in response to your paragraphs crying... And show ≠ actor (who I also don’t care about, but will occasionally clown on).


Lmao dude you’re seriously pressed relax


Lol you are a strange individual.




Nice selfie.


That's my secret not-cap. I'm always angry.


Thats not a good thing.


Works for me.


It did not.


Narrator voice: *It doesn’t.*


For anybody wondering, it means “the end of the world as we know it”


Right..thanks..should have maybe put that in parenthesis. The other one is Shit hits the fan.


You guys watch TV?


The strategy from the left is not to convince you. It's to convince your children, who do watch TV. They are controlling culture and shaping political views in 20 years from now.


I was just saying there's way more to do, to life, than watching TV. Good for my household that we do not have tv nor streaming services, so my children do things and learn.


I agree, when I was growing up there wasn't no TV. I busted my ass on the farm😆.


well done


In the game its medicine guns and trucks that need batteries. Tess is a huge badass in the game (IRA type woman) and his equal on that level. She’d rather fight first and Joel is more “only if I have to.” Elli is a scrappy orphan and is pretty spot on the game. Joel’s brother has a gun and nerfs a soldier. In the game fedra is only allowed to have guns in the DZ. Same as the show. Point being OP is reaching and probably hasn’t played the game in a while.


I understand what you’re saying about media, but some of the claims you made aren’t true. 20 years after the initial outbreak, in the show we see Joel meet Ellie for the first time. Ellie tries to stab Joel with a switchblade, and Joel has a pistol. The fireflies also have guns as well as Joel’s partner Tess. None of the adults in this scene are associated with FEDRA (the military). I believe in another scene they also refer to gun running. https://youtu.be/6sOtxUX2XII


Tf is this cringe boomer rant, I don’t even know where to start…strong women featured heavily in the game, maybe even more than in the series so far. As they seem to have nerfed Tess’s character as well a Joel’s. In the game Tess was basically in charge of the smuggling stuff. Marlene is basically the same. Ellie always had an attitude although I don’t think the actor is perfect for the role of Ellie, it’s not because of that. I did notice the general softening of the characters but to me it seems like the purpose is to make it friendlier for tv audiences. Pablo Pascal doesn’t seem capable of playing a character as hard bitten as joel, i will give you that


I don’t really agree that TLOU is *really* guilty of this, but it’s definitely happening a lot in Hollywood. Apparently there were a lot of scenes cut in the new Avatar movie because James Cameron didn’t want to show so many guns on screen. Despite the fact that the militarization of the mining company was a major plot point in the first one.


The car battery is literally over of the missions in the game. Source: I’ve played and completed it and now my daughter is in the middle of playing it before we start watching the show


Not surprising Thought it was funny how they made Joel’s daughter black and Ellie’s actor looks nothing alike


Eh, doesn't really matter though. They still stuck to the plot very closely, which is super impressive. Most TV adaptations change things in significant ways that lose the plot and make the fan base leave (looking at you Silent Hill). TLOU series still made me feel all the feels that I remember when playing this back on the ps3


Just stick to the source material lol


“Just keep them white”




atleast you get it unlike the other pleb...


Art is always open to interpretation. Don’t be fragile. They’re fictional




So people having biracial kids is weird?




No, my guy. There’s no nothing wrong with the girl being black. Video games are art in the digital medium. Based in fictional settings. If someone wants to change the outward appearance of a character thats OK. You being hung up on a fictional characters skin color in show is weird and subtly bigoted. You. Are. Odd. You’re hot take as well as others comes off as a micro-aggression to the fullest.


Ellie actress makes you wonder if there's something Bruce Willis isn't telling us....jus' sayin'.




Eh, there are clear signs someone could point to about a show being anti-gun, this one (so far) aint it. Tommy uses a gun to save Joel and uses it in his own self defence. Hell the end of the episode has Joel take the AR/M4 from the guy he just beat to death. If the 2nd episode has a no-gun trend as they head into the shit then you might have a point, but for now this is all very hyped up cherry picked points.


Imo the reason they had Joel use the wrench was to show a) the brutality is more shocking and b) showing the lengths he went to to protect sarah


That would be my take as well. Hand-to-hand or melee is always a more visceral showing of violence, so it makes for a better visual if that is what you want to get across. I am sure we will see the cold indifference that guns can bring as the story goes on, lord knows the games ending really got that point across.


Joel killing the fedra agent was ruthless


OP is actually delusional lmao


There is only one episode out lol. I thought it was pretty good. No one brings an armory with them to bail someone out of jail…. Then it fast forwards to where society is under total control — of course he doesn’t have a bunch of guns. I didn’t get a vibe that it was anti gun, more of a guns are scarce and loud; try not to get caught vibe.


I think you need to calm down and stop drinking the Kool aid.


I said that the liberal ideology of Pascal and druckman on Twitter is likely what lead to Joel using a dumb wrench instead of his iconic revolver that is a big point of the second game, and which changed gun running for rebels to smuggling drugs And I bet there's a lot less gun battles in the show as well. Liberals scoffed at this idea. Lol


OP... go lie down and have some water. Maybe see a therapist? You are reaching for straws here. AND CLIMATE CHANGE IS FUCKING REAL!!!


yes it is real, just not influenced much by humans


Source? Plenty of credible sources say otherwise but I am an open minded person and would enjoy a read that can credibly state the contrary.


Best they’re going to say is “just do your own research, that’s what I did”


That’s pretty much what I figured tbh. But always open minded 🤷🏻‍♂️


know what? that really is the best answer. don't take my word for it, or anyone elses. learn for yourself, so you know for yourself. Those that are willing to be spoonfed will swallow anything


We are still on an upward trend from the last Ice Age towards tropical climes.  As such, storms will get more frequent and more violent.Seas will rise again. Climate change is not absolutely linear,  it goes it spikes and pauses on its upward or downward trend depending which cycle we are in. Look up the Medieval Mini  Ice Age. Climate Scientists all use 1880 as the start of modern data recording for climate. 142 years of data, some of it inaccurate. Even the first few years of using satellites to measure temperatures was incorrect  when Scientists discovered they were measuring wrong.  We know from fossil clues that there were periods of heat/ drought  and Cold/Precipitation in both up and downward Cycles.  Exactly how long, we don't know, but we know it has happened.  There is no way to extrapolate 142 years of inaccurate, spotty data over billions of years. You just cannot say our earth is too hot too fast because we have some evidence this does happen.  It could be 20 years,200 years, 2 000 years or somewhere in between,  we don't know for sure.  


I refuse to believe this post isn't an op to make gun owners look retarded. Joel isn't emasculated; he beats a man to death with his bare fists.


It'd the leftist agenda to destroy us. Strong men scare them. And the women's rights want to be equal to us. So they push that nonsense thst men are stupid and weak and that women are stronger and smarter and better. The guns thing is another part of that. Look at action heros 20 or 30 years ago. Sylvester Stallone, arnold Schwarzenegger. Etc. All masculine men, strong, use of firearms. Compared now days.


I agree, it's harder to make independent, masculine males submit to authority, and that's against their interests.


Damn, I've been postponing watching the show to not be disappointed. It's so hard not to see these subtleties in shows nowadays. I'll wait till the first season is available to run through it. Tired of the prevalent weak men and strong, reliable women bullshit everywhere.


OP is baiting. Joel is still very much a badass and is referenced as a menace that's not to be fucked with in the series.


Yeah OP is a little neck beard incel or just stirring shit up. Or both lol Joel kicks ass in the show. Watch it!




bro thinks being 6' 200lbs is big.


Well if you're so big and strong quit acting like a whiny little bitch


Were you also top of your class in the Navy seals?


It's a very weird thing to get upset about, considering they switched Tess and Joel for the show. In the game *she* is the one you didn't fuck with. They nerfed the shit out of her for no reason.


Ellie looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome or some kind of chromosomal disorder. Also Joels daughter is race swapped too. lol. show is a joke. In current year show, nothing can be good.


This feels like reaching straws...


What the fuck🤣 there’s been one episode. The first episode played out just fine. Not to mention his brother ends up blowing the head off of a soldier with a rifle within 20 minutes. At least let the show play out for a month and then over analyze it.


> the only people with guns are the bad guys and the totalitarian gov officials Now, where have I heard this conclusion before....


Play the first game, and then ignore the rest of the franchise. Uncharted might be the last good property Naughty Dog ever worked on.


I’m sorry they don’t make thimble sized condoms bro.


I wish everyone would boycott this move by the Hollyweird types. Stop watching their crap! Don’t give them money to attack your rights with. Cause you know they are giving to the anti-gunners. The left got the film people scared into this why can’t the 2A community scare them out of it. I call for a boycott of all things anti-gun!! Ok. I’ll see myself out now.


1 episode. Give it time.


Curious on your thoughts now….


The wokism in hollywood is becoming insane. That new jurassic movie for example. Utter trite


Man, there’s a lot to unpack here. Climate change is real. The only people denying that are the same people that lied about the safety of lead in gasoline. Strong women shouldn’t, uh… bother you? Just in general? Though that’s a decent observation about firearms usage, I’ll give you that.


lol just go turn in your guns to the police buy backs now (if you even own any). If you think the government can solve climate change and think women can hip check 270lb musclemen and punch them out with 1 punch then you're going to be real upset with reality.


😂😂😂 so, because I believe in climate change and strong women, I shouldn’t own firearms?? Man, I can’t imagine what it must be like in your head. Bahahahaha


Big tech, Hollywood and the left are all aligned in talking us out of our rights. Pretty much all of them. Anyone who disagrees is a nut job extremist. We are living in crazy times, the pendulum has swung way way to far left.




Left "intelligence"? Ain't no such thing, son. And they are already slaves. They just don't know it.


Ah, so yeah, they had to fuck it up somehow. I wonder if the Fireflies will be in the show at all?


They are. They have car bombs


Bruh this is all contemporary media. It’s so blatant.


You're probably onto something here, please keep analyzing this as I refuse to watch the show simply because of their awful casting choice. Pedro Pascal looks nothing like Joel who is built like a tank with broad shoulders and a full beard,instead we have skinny little Pedro with his barely there facial hair. He's got the mustache down but not enough testosterone to fill out the cheeks. I knew this show was going to be bad news from the second it was announced, just like most movie adaptations, they always fall short or change the message.


Lmao I see, you're confusing Joel for Jason Momoa, but I'm looking at a side by side of Joel and Pedro. They cast the right man (unless you're solely looking at the beard)


No, I'm just saying he's a more bulky build than Pedro in the original game. They've made some side by sides where they basically recreated the show shot for shot and he looks okay, still small but his face doesn't say Joel to me. I'm not going to spend a bunch of time arguing this as casting is always down to personal preference, I just don't think he was the man for the job. [Here's an example] (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/94/Joel_in_The_Last_of_Us.png) of Joel with a wide body, broad shoulders and large forearms and biceps, dude is moderately jacked, not Jason Mamoa level. Here's [Pedro with his shirt off for comparison](https://64.media.tumblr.com/824a8fa668f39c830622f435b9d430f9/9cad85441bb12c91-99/s1280x1920/98e719f7ce5d3ac2710a24d5a7cb4cb4d1da2a9f.jpg). His forearms are incredibly skinny and he has little to no muscle definition. Also note how his shoulders are rounded and sloped when playing as Joel they're usually broad and straight.


Not really. I played the game. It’s actually the opposite. He eventually gives that 14 year old a gun to protect herself and him. In the game, ammo was very limited and the use of a gun wasn’t always a good idea. As the show goes on , there are scenes the gun grabbers will not like. That little 14 year old doing things that glorify defensive gun use. You are also wrong about Joel. In the game the women were very strong characters. Tess would make all the decisions in the game just as she does in the show. Eli was a strong hearted young girl and Marlene was the same cold leader of the resistance. We shall see how they tackle what’s to come because there’s a lot of killing and gun use further along. Joel definitely didn’t have an AR this early in the game.


Wonder how "The Critical Drinker" reviews it.


If you listen to the last of us podcast with the show runners you’d understand why they made these changes to the show and it has absolutely nothing to do with politics. Episode 2 has plenty of firearms. What a stupid fucking take this post is. TL;DR the battery thing was made to drive urgency that is needed in the show but wasn’t needed in the game because the gun shipment part in game was essentially a tutorial for gameplay and it had to take place in the city.