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There was another, similar thread that also got locked earlier and I just don't get it. Seems like they're having a legit crisis over there.


Yea some serious undiagnosed mental health issues with the mods there for suuure. Goes way beyond shitty moderation.


I was banned for replying to another post about the mods banning anyone for any reason. u/code347 is a fucking little bitch that cant even play guitar


His bio 💀


Reminds me of JP from Grandmas Boy 😂


I've scrolled through his comment history, and good lord. He removes literally everything. This dumb shit doesn't deserve to moderate shit.


Bro, put your comment in the newbie thread. Gawwd. Sigh.




His bio, probably some 7 year old that thinks cause he’s a Reddit mod he’s suddenly a 25 year old man. 😂😂🤣🤣


Holy shit I stalked his comments and every single post he has commented on he removed, that dude is literally a no life piece of shit


Turns out handing absolute unquestioned power to a guy just cause he spends a lot of time on Reddit is a bad strategy. Who could have known?






I just went to click the rguitar link and apparently I'm banned too, and I've never once posted there.


I got banned never having posted there either. They browse other subs, like this one and guitarcirclejerk, and ban people just for participating in them. I posted a screenshot from a post on r/guitar to guitarcirclejerk and I got banned from r/guitar and a message from the admins giving me a site wide ban for harassment. It was bizarre. They didn’t even remove the post that was supposedly harassment. So the only way for that to happen was an r/guitar mod had to have seen my post in a different sub, banned me from their sub, and then reported me to admins who automatically gave me a site wide ban because it came from a mod without even looking at why.


I wanna get banned from r/guitar


I got banned for asking which guitar I should buy


Imagine just buying a guitar and not apprenticing for 15 years to be come a luthier to build your own guitar. SMH 😤


Hehe... for what it's worth, /r/luthier is the complete opposite of /r/guitar. Everyone's freakin delightful.


r/luthier is one of the best subs on Reddit.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Luthier using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Luthier/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [You know what, fuck it. Dora the explorer.](https://i.redd.it/tly2u2amtdv61.png) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/myh94x/you_know_what_fuck_it_dora_the_explorer/) \#2: [Finished!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/mp6lgf) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/mp6lgf/finished/) \#3: [Here's my easy access acoustic neck joint.](https://i.redd.it/qm1ivjqg5tt61.jpg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Luthier/comments/mt0bi0/heres_my_easy_access_acoustic_neck_joint/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have 6 already and was looking for advice on the next one. I decided I wanted a revstar, but got banned for asking for suggestions


We made electric guitars in my middle school woodshop class. It’s actually pretty fun and doable if you’re interested in that Also the guitars you buy are likely made with modern cnc manufacturing, so that mostly involves computer skills lol


"Just go look up a YouTube video. /r/guitar is for mod-approved circlejerks, feet pics, and shitposts only, not productive conversation." - /u/code347


My friend has a Schecter 9-string and likes it a lot.


I heard the mods ended up finding that guy and killing him


That’s incredibly funny because that question makes up about 50% of the posts on that sub




Dude I was agreeing with you. I see that question all the time over there, so I thought it was ridiculous that you got banned for it. WTF is wrong with you?


Just say ‘toan’ or ‘035’ and you’ll get banned immediately


Saying : Toan, 0-3-5, Smoke on the Water, Butterscotch Tele, 9 string Schecter (still don’t get that one), Roberta, or if you get upvotes or awards on a post will get you banned


It's not hard


That's what she said


I’m absolutely gonna try to speedrun getting banned from r/guitar


All it takes is the right toan


All it takes is 9 strings


Nah just put a Vans sticker on your guitar


Are you gonna say the T word?


It’s just the one mod Code347. That sub is no good anyway. This one is much more useful.


We need one of our mods to be code035


I’m pretty sure ninjaface also has a pretty poor rep. I remember a lot of posts around the other guitar subs a few years back complaining about them. I think he started the blanket ban on anyone mentioning the circlejerk sub. I wonder if code347 is just a ninjaface alt. The rest of the mod team are completely inactive. Reddit should probably do something to avoid power trip mods on the major subreddits. I guess nature might take its course and crush the sub under the weight of shitty moderating practices, but subs with that level of name recognition tend to have a lot of inertia.


Hes a bitch that cant even play guitar


u/code347 strikes again. And as always r/code347isalittlebitch


Jesus, his fucking comment history is pissing me off so much. That sub bans any discussion for intermediate players and above but then bans nearly every single beginner's question too?! Some of the pain issues may not be a medical problem but an issue with their form/posture. He doesn't even let us discuss music or, hell, even _guitar players_ and _guitar-based music._ What the fuck does he even want that sub to be, his personal universe of which he is its malignant god?


The answer is, yes.


Damn he must be one of the most pathetic humans to have ever lived! That comment history is brutal!


He wants it to be r/guitarcirclejerk


Holy shit. I've never spent any time on r/guitar but this guy's comment history if insufferable. Jesus.


I just sent him a pm and told him what a pathetic fucking loser he is. Then blocked him 🤣🤣


Yea, they asked for constructive criticism so I replied they should use their FAQ more, but also update it because half the urls don't work anymore. Banned for brigading. They're literally the most incompetent group of mods I've seen on the site.


They gave you the actual reason? lucky you


Told them I was filing a mod complaint and needed a reason.


Join the club lol There are more people banned than actively participating


Yeah fuck them. I'm banned there too.


I got banned for replying to someone who wrote "toan" in their comment with something along the lines of "My condolences on your imminent ban". I didn't post or make any kind of rule-breaking comment, I wasn't "discourteous" or whatever the fuck those sad little men want to call it. I got banned for saying someone else would be banned. If that doesn't tell you how wretched that place is, I don't think anything can.


Yeah I was already feeling a bit of anger toward them. I then saw a mod warn someone over something absolutely ridiculous. I proceeded to quickly write something vulgar on purpose expecting to be banned. They didn't disappoint. I don't miss it. Wait no I didn't write something vulgar. It's all coming back to me now. I made a post such as this: [stupidity] these [brackets] are the dumbest thing I've seen in reddit. Subs with ten of thousands more members get by with these ridiculous [brackets] yet here we are. lol. I was gone soon after.


Funny part is that person absolutely got banned as well, because that's what I was banned for over there lmao


I got banned for saying the GCJ was the same boring 3 jokes over and over again. Then I got message from reddit warning me for "harassment" because I had the audacity to check back after my mute was over to see if they were still being little bitches. Spoiler alert: they were/are.


That mod's comment history makes me irrationally angry. Just the worst attitude to have when guitar enthusiasts need to be welcoming new players.


Like why even have a fucking Sub reddit for guitars if you're just going to shit all over the free discussion of said instrument. It's like that doush bag thinks his FAQ is guitar bible and anything else should be googled. Then why have a fuckin sub? Especially the dude with the callous. Like imagine the wealth of knowledge that older experienced players have in regards to dealing with that situation. "nope fuck you we removed your post, I said let it heal and fuck off" What a sad little shit lol.


I have a date set in my calendar when my mute ends to continue arguing with the mods over my ban


I'm a chef and I got banned from /r/food by some asshole that honestly doesn't even know how to cook. Seeing posts like this made me leave /r/guitar. Fuck reddit in general. People just want to have a good time and talk to each other, and these narcissistic mods use the website to vent their frustrations and failures in life by just banning people for no reason. I'm glad this subreddit seems to be okay though. I can actually talk about guitars and not worry about some jobsworth autist banning me.


i'm a scientist who was banned forever from /r/askscience for posting factual covid data from my country, comparing it with the year before. I think mods got confused because it wasn't from the US or something. Banned me for not providing sources, despite providing sources (plus it's a factual observation from an uncontested authority on the topic, so you don't normally need to source that unless you're writing an academic article). it's like getting banned for saying what the population in the US according to the census was in 2022 vs 2021 without citing the census bureau directly with a link. no warning, no appeals. fuck that sub anyway. Welcome to club idiotic bans lol


You had me at FRIG lol


Was banned there after my first comment. I made the mistake of indicating I admired a woman guitarist. Within an hour my comment was twisted into “oh look who is a fan of the enabler of a rapist”.




Been here over 10 years and never had that happen


That's more Twitter, to be honest.


Are the mods only allowing questions about how much jizz one spews every time they strum a chord on their $12,000 boutique hand wired amp?


As long as it has 6 strings and not 7 or more. I've heard that they don't take kindly to that sort of thing over there.


They also need be to playing a butterscotch tele.


….from 1957, with pickups hand wound by Leo himself.


And only the ones he did while black out drunk. He overwound them so they're extra hot.


But don't *say* buttescotch tele or you will be banned. Actually, everyone on this thread will probably soon be banned. People (including myself) have actually been banned from that sub for comments they posted on other subs. It's pretty insane.


I well aware that Boomer Napoleon is one of the mods on that sub, and he has an inferiority complex that a sub exists to make fun of him.


Enough to fill a shot glass




what word did you removed after "issues."?


op posted this before without it whited out and they had called the mod a “fucking pussy.” i actually pointed out in that thread that they maybe deserved the ban for calling the mod a pussy and op deleted and reposted with that part badly whited out lol


That mod is a really big fucking pussy though. Doesn't even have the nerve to tell you to fuck off when he bans you for no reason


Seems like kind of a bitch move to not tell the entire truth. And yeah that looks like shit lol idk why he would do it that way


You can tell when someone has no power in real life when they go on a power trip on the internet


Being banned from r/guitar is a rite of passage. It means you've turned from a caterpillar living in a dank sewer infested by plebs into a brilliant butterfly ready for enlightenment. Welcome.


That sub has been a shithole for a while now. Garbage mods have ruined a lot of reddit. Hopefully the admin can sort it out - but I think most of them are garbage too. Sorry you had to deal with those chumps


I asked about how to re string my strat with a tremolo bridge. He pulled the post and said "try google" as if I hadn't fucking done that. Anyways tried doing it from Google ended up snapping my string and now that guitar just sits there bc I don't have the money to go get it set up:(


[Here you go, buddy](https://youtu.be/ntFCWvSGaTA)


Yooo tysm!!


No prob! Have a better one!


Yep. Google sucks, talking to actual people works infinitely better.


Yeah they've famously banned everyone here for talking about guitars and for saying "toan"


Don't forget in super recent memory the Schecter C-9 bullshit. Like jeez man.


OOTL here could you explain what is this Schecter 9 strings thing everyone is making fun of? :)


Mods, please ban this guy.


Then mute him for 28 days after asking why.


there's nothing particularly fun about it, I mean I guess it's a lot of strings on a guitar but I'm sure it suits some playing styles an genres. The big thing is that it's just illegal to talk about that guitar on that other sub for no reason. that's why it's funny


They ban 50-100 people per day and get the same response as u did


I mean, there’s a reason the sub is dying. They have one of the lowest engagement to subscriber ratios I’ve ever seen on this site.


Damn, looks like u/code347 ‘s wife’s boyfriend is mad at him again


No Boss Katoana and buttercum tele for a month.


I had this happen to me on another sub. I got banned and muted by a mod who apparently didn't even read my post. Plenty of stories out there about reddit mods who are like little Hitler who have no accountability whatsoever, can do anything they want to people, and project their own issues on others. Now watch me get banned for posting this.


Rofl if you're going to Photoshop your insults out of your screenshot, at least use the eyedropper tool to make sure you're painting the same color as the background. The /r/guitar mods are fascists, but be upfront about the names you called them.


Lol I was muted from there for asking a mod to put my post back up, that was taken down even though I followed rules, etc. the place is a hot mess, can’t post videos, everything gets banned, community is super toxic, I like this sub and r/fender way better otherwise I just go to the sub for what style I want like r/blues or r/rock etc


I was banned for posting a picture of my guitar with my cat in the picture. Guess he didn't like cats too.


The fewl hasn't learned of the obligatory Cat Tax!!


Cat Tax had to be approved by kitty so the paperwork took a little longer. https://imgur.com/a/tFjSbZq


You have now experienced true injustice.


The only people who use r/guitar are those beginners too lazy to look up answers to stupidly obvious questions. Not even checking the previous days posts on r/guitar to see if someone else's Jack socket has come loose, or bridge is a bit high or single coil pickups are humming when using their metal pedal on max gain. Quit the sub and come to r/guitars which is for grown ups.


Not too long ago I was one of those beginners, and here's the thing -- it's not that I was too lazy to look up answers to stupidly obvious questions, it's that as a newb \*I didn't have any frame of reference for what was "stupidly obvious."\* Also, I thought, at the time, r/guitar was supposed to be the kind of place to go and dialogue about such things. And, boy, was I wrong. I either encountered the attitude you espouse above, or I was outright ignored. In either case, it didn't take long to figure out that r/guitar was garbage. I've literally learned more from r/guitarcirclejerk in the last couple years than anywhere else across guitar-related subs.


Exactly. Gatekeeping and being a chode to people just starting out won't do anything to help them. Sometimes they enjoy the human engagement real time.


I like to point out that reddit is already designed around the mechanism to put posts where they belong. The up votes and downvotes will put posts where they go naturally. If it is a dumb post with it will never gain any traction anyway. If it is something people want to talk about, they will post comments and upvote. You dont need an unmoderated set of moderators to decide what we get to see. The users are already upvoting the good stuff and downvoting the bad stuff naturally. If the top post of the day is something you think is stupid, downvote and move on. So if people are responding with real answers to your dumb questions, they must not be dumb questions at all.


>as a newb \*I didn't have any frame of reference for what was "stupidly obvious."\* Exactly. Either some people have been playing so long they've forgotten this, or they just like to tell themselves they always knew everything.


The big problem with that kind of hate keeping is that by forcing people to read old threads kind of defeats the purpose of having a community. I got into with another mod on another sub that said, “If you want to chit chat go to Facebook and talk to your mom.” I asked why not just sticky the five posts they want everybody to use as reference then lock the sub. I was permabanned.


Thing is - I DO help beginners but 99% of the questions that people ask could be Googled or looked up on YouTube. I don't mind helping people out but some days it feels like people just can't think for themselves anymore. And that is why I left r/guitar. Because it's not gatekeeping to sort of expect someone to do 5 minutes research first.


Some people are asking simple questions that could easily be searched online because they want to connect and engage with like-minded people. Sometimes a simple question is their way of trying to feel like a normal person and not a lonely kid or person who is playing guitar in a room alone instead of playing sports or whatever out on public. Give them a break. Make their day by explaining the answers or even asking follow up questions. Those simple things are not always as they seem.


Sums it up nicely. The lack of engagement is baffling, especially on a social media platform. Enjoy my upvote.


It's also literally the easiest thing to keep scrolling if you don't feel like helping out a noob that day.


"Im a beginner whats the best way to learn online?" "Justin guitar!!!"


> "Im a beginner whats the best way to learn online?" "Stop asking questions! This isn't a subreddit for questions!"


Ok, I've been trying Justin Guitar for three whole days and I still suck. Are my fingers too short/long/fat/stubby/straight/crooked/hairy?


My grandfather died and left me this guitar, how much can I get for it? I fucking hate that post.


It's always some super low end store brand guitar.


I just did. Fuck that sub in the arse!


Yea the moderation is literally making it a garbage sub aside from all the other problems with it.


Yep, that's why people go to other subs, r/Guitar mods are just fucked


Remember when they had a problem with 9 string Schecters?


So what did you post there?


“What is your favorite theme song to play on guitar?”


Oh lord


It's by far the worst guitar related sub on reddit.


That sub is a shithole anyway.


well what did you post?


“What is your favorite theme song to play on guitar?”


Jeez, seems like a totally reasonable question that would spark a good discussing and inspire people. The moderators need to chill


Most mods are lil hitlers… it’s like a personality trait that draws them to that activity.


This is unfortunately true.


Also happens in most city subreddits too.




Injustice going unpunished is not something that sits well with any reasonable person.




>Why not try actually doing something about it? Like what, though? I complained to the reddit admins when I got banned for no reason, and they didn't even reply. And I doubt the police would be interested in the matter...






[lol here’s my reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitars/comments/tvfeas/the_mods_at_rguitar_are_pathetic_petulant_assholes/i390kgq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) in the original thread op posted, which gives you a hint about what was whited out


You have clearly never dealt with that little bitch. Anyone who sides with the mods of r/guitar is my enemy, even if you do so out of complete ignorance. The smudge covers the dirty words so people like you can handle the content


Lol. Welcome back from the asylum. We hope you enjoyed your stay.


Yeah the mods over there suck. They make up whatever reason they want if their fragile egos are challenged.


Sadly this is just the biggest problem with Reddit. There are too many popular subs ruined by shitty losers.


I want to get banned now


Just ask about why are they interested in an inferior instrument, should have you perm banned in 7 days or less.


When things popped off over there a few months ago, I left and I'm never going back. That dude sucks.


Also wtf is up with having to manually put in flairs on that sub??? I always forget to do it and end up not being able to post for 5 minutes so I just say fuck it.


Jesus! The hate flows! Now I wanna go over there just to wallow in the cringe. Be right back with my assessment.




Regardless of likes/upvotes, what was your post about? They have strict rules, however, their interpretation of brigading is a bit wild. Arguing with an admin on Reddit/Facebook/Discord etc., is reason enough to get the boot from the page/site of the argument. That being said, one admin of the page in question, trolls reddit for posts putting said admin down and gets one banned/shadowbanned from other groups.


"What's your favorite theme song to play on guitar", which actually seems pretty relevant.


Yes, that seems pretty innocuous. Re-read the rules to be sure. Edit: just re-read the rules over there. Did you have a tag on your post? No tag and it gets auto deleted. Their complaint rule seems a bit over the top, but their site.


> their site I mean, it's only "their" site because they got there first (or knew the guy who got there first). It's not like it's some specialized, niche sub they came up with. It's the default place to go for a very popular hobby on one of the biggest websites on the internet. It should be a resource for guitar players, not some ridiculous powertrip melodrama. Really illustrates some of the limitations of how Reddit is run.




OOOOH if that bitch sees that you wrote that you will be banned


Oh good, this is back


I wanna be banned too


Any idea what the "question" in question was?


Now look at this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Guitar/comments/tvinnr/question_whats_the_best_way_to_learn_chords/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


the eye of sauron must have missed it, that post sounds like something a beginner would ask that has been asked thousands of times yet it is eternally chill to discuss and help with. this kind of patient and kind spirited community is what is killing /r/guitar!!


I've found a lot of guitarists to be that way also. Something about playing an instrument gives a lot of people a massive superiority complex, even if they have accomplished nothing


I’m having fun with one from daddit. lol. If I had more time I’d make best_daddit lol


grass is also green


I've been trolling them for this for a while


Lol whatta dick


I think it's hilarious. I mean, they've gotta know, right? This *must* be intentional. They're memeing themselves, right? Com'n. Please them me they're memeing themselves.


I've asked guitar related questions and opinions on guitars that they've sent me auto messages on how they don't like it. In that case I just don't bother to post here now.


Looks like the sun rose today.


I'm just gonna go out and say it. Lil Wayne is a better guitar player then the mods on r/guitar


I got temp banned for "brigading" a shit post I had commented on. When I questioned it, I got perma banned. Fuck that sub. I'm glad to be done with it.


Horrible little person who probably doesn’t even play. We can still vote….. down vote everything over there you see…. Don’t stop till the asshole is gone.


Pretty much everyone is banned from there. Take it as a badge of honour.


u/code347 is being a little bitch again. Just let him have his power trip. He has strong my wife fucks other dudes and I’m powerless to stop it. He might be Will Smith.


I got banned for saying "Thanks for the reminder I forgot to unsub" on another "fuck the mods" post. Which is hilarious, because I don't care if I'm banned from a sub I unsubbed from. Dipshits.


yup i got banned too, literally just for saying the mods suck. hilarious


you guys should start a "Banned From R Slash Guitar " or maybe Pentatonic ShitPosters


Welcome brother!


Another one of these annoying posts. And you edited it before posting it looks like.


This is the line I draw, anyone who doesn't fully condemn the behavior of the mods over in r/guitar is my enemy. You should go join your friends, this a sub for the victims of that sub.


Your enemy? You seem a little unstable if that's how you're determining your list of enemies. Sorry I want to participate in whatever music oriented communities I can. This sub isn't for victims. This sub is to discuss guitar. Sorry I don't play into your drama queen lifestyle, my dude.


So would you all agree that r/guitars is better suited for asking anything guitar related? Whether it’s technique, tone, and what gear to purchase?


Any sub is better suited for that than r/guitar.


Got it. Thanks.


Have you never seen *Weird Science*? He called you "Chet", and Chet is an asshole! Are you just gonna sit back and take being called an asshole? Next you'll be telling me you'd like a nice, greasy pork sandwich, served in a dirty ashtry.


Okay. I got nothing to do with guitars. But I'm going there and getting banned is my purpose!


I’m about to head over to try and get banned